The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 2093 2 stacks of information

Chapter 2093 Two stacks of information

After leaving the Four Seas Inn, Zhao Dongting suddenly sighed softly, barely audible.

But Zhang Polu, who was right next to him, still heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you suddenly sigh, young master?"

Zhao Dongting said: "I thought I would meet an old friend, but now it seems... not."

He suddenly saw this little monk named "Vajra", and he was wondering if the master of this little monk would know that there is no gain in the living Buddha.If this is the case, then maybe it will also be the character in Yanyu Hall back then.

So far, there are still many masters of the Yanyu Hall who did not know their whereabouts, and they do not know whether they are dead or alive.

It's a pity that the master of this little monk should not be.Although we haven't met each other, it's almost certain.

Because if it is an old friend who knows nothing, and knows the meaning of the name "King Kong", which is used to commemorate Wude, then he will not agree to change the name of the little monk so easily.And changing it to Ksitigarbha really has nothing to do with Wude.

After wandering around Changsha City again, Zhao Dongting took Zhang Polu back to the palace.

Changsha City is more prosperous than before, but nothing special happened.


As soon as he returned to the entrance of the Imperial Study, Eunuch Liu walked up to Zhao Dongting and reported, "Just now, the Supervisory Order has sent all the information about the Royal Family Disaster Relief Foundation investigated by the Supervisory Department to the Imperial Study."


Zhao Dongting nodded and walked into the imperial study.

On the long wooden table on his bed, there were already two thick stacks of materials.There is a memorial on it.

Zhao Dongting took off his shoes and went to the couch. First, he picked up the memorial and opened it. On it was Zhao Yuluo's handwriting, "After investigation, there are a total of 160 people suspected of embezzling and misappropriating the property of the Royal Family Disaster Relief Foundation. The evidence is solid. It can be sent to the Ministry of Law for trial. Please review the emperor."

"160 seven people..."

Zhao Dongting snorted lightly, frowned slightly and threw the memorial aside, then began to look through the books.

Of course, these materials belong to the 160 people involved in the case.These include people like Yin Hanjiu and Chunjiao who work in the foundation, as well as court officials like He Chunzuo, and those who specialize in collecting antique calligraphy and paintings in folk markets, etc.

Some of their identities and status are very different, but without exception, they are all involved in the affairs of the foundation.

160 seven people, definitely a big case.As far as this is concerned, there must be a lot of people involved, but because those who were not deeply involved were not held accountable, they were not counted.

The Royal Disaster Relief Foundation still only has branches in the main and sub-prefectures of each state. How many states are there in the entire Song Dynasty?

Zhao Dongting silently memorized the place names in his heart.After reading the last material, I know what I'm doing.There are as many as 29 foundation branches involved in the case.

This is more than half.And all the branch presidents were involved in the case.

Although it is said that the foundation has been corrupted from top to bottom starting from Li Guozhang, the pillar, so many branch presidents of the foundation choose to succumb to him, and then join forces, which only shows that their determination and ideas are not firm.

Even if there is no Li Guozhang, there will be Wang Guozhang, Zhu Guozhang, etc. in the future to corrupt them.

These people were all disaster relief activists in the early days, and they were the role models Zhao Dongting set up among the people!

It would be a lie to say that Zhao Dongting was not distressed.

At this moment, he was so angry that he wished he could kill Li Guozhang.These people disappointed him too much and chilled him too much.


He is not a sage after all, unable to contain the anger in his heart, he smashed the documents in his hand to the ground heavily, "Send it to the Ministry of Law! Sentence should be determined as it should be, and no tolerance will be given!"


Zhang Polu couldn't help shaking beside him, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked cautiously: "Then Li Guozhang has meritorious service..."


Zhao Dongting stared and said: "It is true that he confessed on his own initiative, which made the case come to light so quickly. But take a look, what has happened to my foundation because of him?"

He had read the materials confessed by Li Guozhang before, and knew that many branch presidents had been corrupted, but he never thought that a large number of people under those branch presidents had also been corrupted.

The root cause is that it was all caused by Li Guozhang.

"Let's equalize the merits and demerits!"

Zhao Dongting said: "Go and tell the punishment order that everyone, including the head of state, will be sentenced according to the law."


Seeing that Zhao Dongting was furious, Zhang Polu didn't dare to persuade him, he quickly picked up the materials on the ground, hugged them with those on the table, and walked outside.

Zhao Dongting was still furious in the room.

In the past, he promoted the pioneers of disaster relief, which had a great beneficial influence among the people for a while.Especially at the beginning, helping others became a very hot topic.

Especially in those rich business circles, if you don't arrange people to go out to give alms or something, you will be embarrassed to talk to your colleagues.It's like a donation now.

But now that something like this happened to the Foundation, I don't know if the previous efforts were in vain.

If such a thing spreads out, the impact will definitely be extremely bad.

Zhao Dongting even wanted to have a secret trial, but this year, it quickly passed in his mind.

If it is a cancerous tumor, it must be cut.Moreover, it must be cut for everyone to see.Only in this way can we serve as a warning to others, and only in this way can we reflect the determination of the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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