Chapter 2102


Before the start of the eye-catching annual imperial examination, there is the more eye-catching Der Spiegel Fair.

This meeting can be said to be the meeting with the highest standard and the largest number of participants in the Song Dynasty, and it will inevitably determine the development policy of the Song Dynasty in the new year.

Mingjing from all over the world gathered in Changsha within a few days, and most of them arrived before Li Guozhang's trial.

It is conceivable that when these bright mirrors return to various places, the matter of Li Guozhang will be fermented in various places.After all, Li Guozhang is the most honorable among the foreign relatives today, even if he is not as capable as the rest of the country's fathers.

I don't know if his end was the emperor's beating on the rest of his relatives.The emperor was quite "unkind" to the royal family members, let alone these foreign relatives.

It is estimated that the brothers and sisters of the ladies in the palace, as well as the uncles, brothers and sisters who are more distant, will be much more honest after hearing about Li Guozhang.

The streets of Changsha are full of lively scenes, even the mansions and courtyards on the street or double-storey or even several-story high-rise buildings seem to be full of lively atmosphere.

Of course, there were a lot more patrolling soldiers and catchers on the street than usual.It is inevitable that there are masters of Wudingtang hidden in the crowd.

Today's Mingjingtaihui is not only a matter of the Song Dynasty, but also those vassal states that surrendered to the Song Dynasty actively or passively, and they also pay full attention to it.Because Da Song's Mingjingtai meeting is also related to their development this year and the next two years.

If under such circumstances, what happens to the law and order in Changsha City, it will really deal a blow to the majesty of Song Dynasty.

Zhao Dongting is naturally not easy these days.

He had to go through all the speeches required for the meeting of the Mingjingtai. For nearly half a month, he spent almost every day in the imperial study discussing state affairs with the officials from the three provinces and six ministries. Even Yue Yue's fishing rod Never touched it again.

Up to now, although the technology of Song Dynasty is not saying that it is changing with each passing day, it has also developed to the point where it has greatly changed people's livelihood.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Dongting did not expend a lot of energy to let people study weapons, but he has always spared no effort in benefiting the people.From rickshaws, to bicycles, bicycles, and simple printing presses, washing machines, etc., they are now appearing in the homes of many ordinary people.

Bicycles that used to be very rare on the streets of Changsha can be found everywhere now, and the bustling scene has become a beautiful landscape.

According to Zhao Dongting's understanding, Li Goudan's science and technology department is not far away from developing a steam engine.I don't know how this era will change if the steam engine comes out.

Zhao Dongting didn't try to push the seedlings to encourage their growth, but he didn't deliberately hinder this natural development either, it was all up to Li Goudan and the others to fiddle with it.More energy is only focused on how to make the people of Song Dynasty more prosperous.

The Der Spiegel meeting has passed, and it is early February.The bright mirrors from all over the country returned home.

All of them had smiles on their faces.

It is a very honorable thing to be able to be a bright mirror in Song Dynasty.The emperor said that they are the mirror of the Great Song Dynasty. What are the shortcomings of the Great Song Dynasty? They still need to find out and see them, and then we can discuss how to improve it.

They don't have any real power, but their sweat and painstaking efforts have been involved in the development of Song Dynasty.

This sense of satisfaction and pride is not humane.

Then came the imperial examination.

This year's imperial examination is also particularly eye-catching.Because the Der Spiegel meeting had just ended, there was news that the imperial examinations would be reformed next year.After the imperial examination is over this year, the imperial court will officially issue an order.

Of course, there is no news about how to change it, but it is said that the imperial examination will be much easier.That is to say, the gold content of Jinshi in the future may not be so high.

Those students who just want to study hard in exchange for honoring their ancestors know this news, of course they want to use their best efforts to get a good term in this year's imperial examination.If you want to do it, do it the best.

Because the imperial examination is already a matter of familiarity, Zhao Dongting has become the shopkeeper without any accident, and doesn't care about anything.It's just that the position of chief examiner was unexpectedly handed over to Li Goudan, who was still very young, and he was given full responsibility, which really made people puzzled.

It is true that Li Shangshu is capable, but he is from the Ministry of Science and Technology.In Baiguan's mind, to put it bluntly, the Ministry of Science and Technology are all idiots who can only do research and development.

Li Goudan is no exception in their hearts.

After all, I didn't see that Li Goudan was superior in human sophistication.

What does that mean, Your Majesty?
Could it be to exercise Li Shangshu?

But Li Shangshu is still too young, so what's the plan to train him?
Some people couldn't figure it out, but some people vaguely knew that Li Shangshu might not stay in the Ministry of Science and Technology forever.The emperor's action is not much different from when Zhong Jian was assigned to six departments to serve in rotation in order to train him.

Of course, no one discussed this matter in private.After all, Li Goudan is still too young, even if the emperor wants to reuse him, it must not be now.

(End of this chapter)

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