Chapter 2116 First day of May
It's almost May in a blink of an eye.

The time for awarding honors is set on the first day of May.

The Ministry of Military Aircraft and Zhao Dongting have spent a lot of effort and made various trade-offs just to award who and what honors.

In the end, it was decided to set up eight generalissimos, 36 commanders at the top, 120 commanders at the top, 890 at the middle and [-] at the time.

So far, the honor list has been officially issued.

In fact, before the list of honors was announced, the generals in the army already had a rough idea of ​​what honors they would award.Of course, some people were dissatisfied with the honors they received, but generally no one made trouble.

They all worked hard with Zhao Dongting, from the most difficult era of the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Dongting has been improving and testing his political awareness in the army over the years. The overall awareness of the generals of the Song Dynasty can be said to be quite high.Those who take personal honor and disgrace very seriously are only a very small number, even if many of them come from ordinary backgrounds.

Speaking of which, the number of people who offered to lower their honors was no less than those who wanted to promote them.

This really made Zhao Dongting feel a little bit in his heart.

From this matter, it can be clearly seen which generals can still be used in the future.And some, you need to knock and knock.

No matter what, since you are a general in the army, you should put the country first and put personal honor and disgrace behind.

Everyone wants to be Guangzong Yaozu, but there must be a limit.

Up to now, generals from all walks of life who are going to Changsha to participate in the award are already on their way.Civil servants in the DPRK and China did not participate in this award.

This kind of general honor is specially set up for generals, and it has been like this since its inception.As for civil servants, those who have meritorious service will of course be promoted and rewarded, but the honors conferred are still those of Duke and Bozinan.

This kind of title can be said to be much rarer than martial arts.Zhao Dongting has always maintained a very strict standard in this regard.

Changde Mansion, King Jian Mansion and Bauhinia Villa, I don’t know if it’s because Zhao Dongting was about to award an honor. They realized that it’s not appropriate to cause trouble at this time, but they were much calmer than before.

According to the information from the spies of the Military Intelligence Department, King Jian's Mansion has not made any trouble with Bauhinia Villa recently.There was no problem with the construction of the new pharmacy.

As for the grassland, several tribes are still fighting.On the surface, it looks like there is a grievance between the various tribes, but in fact, it is divided into two factions, one is secretly surrendered to Tie Mur, and the other has never been to the ancestral land, making up its mind to separated from the ancestral land.

May is here.

Generals from all over the country who want to participate in the award ceremony have arrived in Changsha as scheduled, and there are hundreds of them.

Only partly because of the need to run daily affairs in the army or have other tasks are they not included in the invitation.

And these generals will also participate in award ceremonies in various places.

The first day of May is destined to be a day that will be recorded in history.

On this day, Zhao Dongting got up early and dressed in costumes.Then he took Eunuch Liu and others to the biggest mirror hall in the palace.

Der Spiegel Hall is the place where the Der Spiegel Congress is held.

When he arrived, the senior officials of the second rank and above in the court, as well as the generals of the Military Aircraft Province, the Ministry of War, and the military regions who participated in the awarding of honors, had already taken their seats.

"The ministers are waiting to kowtow to the emperor, my emperor..."

Only after Zhao Dongting appeared, nearly a thousand people saluted in unison.

Every face was filled with excitement.

These people are very prestigious, and they should be unsmiling in the eyes of most people, but here, they are no different from ordinary people.

Zhao Dongting walked to the middle of the stage with a smile and pressed his hand, "All my lovers, please sit down!"

Then sit down.

Looking at the people in the front row, they were all familiar faces.There are also many familiar ones behind.

As the emperor, Song Dynasty was also the supreme ruler in essence in name. Zhao Dongting first delivered a speech.

This process took half an hour.

The manuscript was written by himself.

On it, it is written the experience of Da Song's growth and prosperity step by step over the years.In particular, it focuses on the changes in the army.

At the end, he also wrote his plans for the future of the Song Dynasty army.The Tiangang 36th Army has been fully established, and now that it has conquered the entire Yuan Dynasty, it is time for the 72nd Disha Army to make up.

There must be so many troops in order to ensure the longevity of the Song Dynasty and its dominance in the world.

After he finished his speech, Wen Tianxiang, the representative of the army, spoke again.

There is no doubt that he is the representative of the army.Regardless of seniority, status, or military merit, Wen Tianxiang did his part to be the second only to Zhao Dongting in the Song Dynasty.

Wen Tianxiang's speech was more nostalgic, talking about how he, Zhang Shijie and others led the small court to resist the Yuan Dynasty.The whole thing I want to express is how the current prosperity of the Song Dynasty has not come easily.

Many people in the hall wiped their tears silently.

During those days, it was really the darkest time in Song Dynasty.At that moment, no one thought that in just over ten years, Song Dynasty would usher in the prosperous age it is today.


Wen Tianxiang finished reading his manuscript in front of him, then looked back at Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting nodded with a smile, and said inwardly: "Then let's start awarding honors..."

The sound spread throughout the Hall of Mirrors.

(End of this chapter)

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