The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 212 Smallpox in Ba County

Chapter 212 Smallpox in Ba County
A few days later, the group finally arrived at Kuizhou Road.

Zhao Dongting experienced the magnificence of ancient mountains and rivers on the way, and Jun Tianfang's injury gradually improved.

It's just because neither Yunjin nor Wu Amiao had practiced internal skills, Jun Tianfang was injured, and his speed on the road became slower and slower.

After a month of this, I finally arrived at Ba County, which is close to Chongqing Prefecture.

At this time, although the fighting in Chongqing government has ceased, it is still full of desolation.Outside the city of Ba County, the mountain villages are deserted, and even the city walls have collapsed a lot.

Jun Tian let the four lead the horses, Zhao Dongting walked in front, and walked into Ba County.

Most of the people I saw along the way had dull expressions and bitter expressions on their faces.What's more, in the whole city of Ba County, walking hundreds of meters, only a dozen or so people were seen.

On both sides of the road, most of the inns and shops are closed, and even the rangers can't see a few.

Occasionally someone glanced at Zhao Dongting and the others, all with strange expressions.

This made Zhao Dongting lament the cruelty of the war, but also couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.The same is obviously true of Jun Tianfang and the others.

It wasn't until I walked deep into the city that I finally encountered the inn that opened the door.

Leaning at the door is a tea doctor with a rag on his shoulder.

Seeing Zhao Dongting and the others walking by, he didn't ask if they were on the tip or staying in the hotel, but hurried back a few steps.He looked straight at Zhao Dongting and the others.

After more than ten seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How many guest officials are staying at the hotel?"

Zhao Dongting and the others tied the horses in the stables outside the inn, and when they walked to the door of the inn, Zhao Dongting asked, "Dr. Tea, why is there something strange in the whole Ba County?"

Dr. Cha was terrified, "To tell you the truth, the surrounding counties are suffering from smallpox!"


Jun Tianfang, Le Wuhui and others all changed their expressions slightly.

In this day and age, there is no cure for the infectious disease smallpox.As long as you get infected, it doesn't matter if you are a peerless master of the rivers and lakes.

Although smallpox may not be fatal, even if it is cured by chance, it will leave a face full of pimples.

Wu Amiao was not afraid, and said carefreely, "Whatever he wants, the good wine and food will be served first."

As he said that, he turned to look at Zhao Dongting with a smile, "Brother Dongting, do you know how to treat guests?"

Zhao Dongting laughed, and also walked into the shop, saying: "I know you are poor, so I won't invite you, so why would you?"

Wu Amiao giggled.

That night, several people stayed in the inn.

However, when she was about to leave the next day, Wu Amiao, who had woken up very early, did not get up for a long time.

Zhao Dongting went to Wu Amiao's room to look for him, only to find Wu Amiao moaning on the bed with a pool of vomit on the floor.

Seeing him, Wu Amiao immediately said, "Don't come here, I might be infected with smallpox."

His face was full of bitterness, but he still managed to show a smile to Zhao Dongting.

Wu Amiao, who was not afraid of smallpox, contracted smallpox.

Zhao Dongting didn't expect this to happen. He didn't know where Wu Amiao got the infection, but he still walked towards him after being dazed.

Wu Amiao said: "Brother Dongting, do you consider me a friend?"

Zhao Dongting stopped more than two meters in front of his bed, "Of course I take you as a friend."

For more than a month, the two went down the river to fish, and went up the mountain to chase rabbits.Although Wu Amiao doesn't know Zhao Dongting's identity, and Zhao Dongting doesn't know Wu Amiao's past, but the two are truly friends.People who have the right eye are always easy to talk to each other.

Wu Amiao smiled wryly, "Then if I die, can you help me take my ashes back to Wujia Village?"

Zhao Dongting was silent, then suddenly said: "You wait for me here."

After finishing speaking, he ran downstairs to the inn again.

Jun Tianfang, Le Wuhui and Yunjin were already waiting for Zhao Dongting, seeing him coming down, Yunjin asked, "Where's Wu Amiao?"

Zhao Dongting looked a little dignified, "He has smallpox."


Yun Jin covered her mouth, her face paled.

When the tea doctor nearby heard it, his face turned pale, and he shouted, "God, smallpox? Is your companion suffering from smallpox?"

He scratched his head anxiously, "How can this happen? How can this happen?"

Said and ran to the back of the inn.

Soon, the disheveled owner of the inn ran out, still muttering: "It's a shame, it's better not to open the door if I knew it earlier."

When he got in front of Zhao Dongting and the others, he said very bluntly: "Guys, you have to take your companions away."

Zhao Dongting said coldly: "Who said we have to leave?"

With cold eyes, the shopkeeper took a few steps back.

He collapsed on the ground and cried, "You left people with smallpox in my shop, didn't you hurt our whole family?"

Zhao Dongting ignored him, and said to Jun Tianfang and Yun Jin: "Senior Jun, Yun Jin, you two stay here and don't let anything happen to Wu Amiao."

He was worried that if they all left, the shopkeeper would just drive Wu Amiao out.

"Need not."

At this time, Wu Amiao's weak voice came from the stairs, "You guys go, when I die, come and collect my body."

He was originally an extremely optimistic person, but he couldn't be optimistic at this time.

The shopkeeper and Dr. Cha seemed to see a ghost, and hurriedly hid away, and waved to Wu Amiao, "Don't come here, don't come here."

Zhao Dongting's cold eyes pierced the two of them again, and then said to Wu Amiao: "Go to the room and lie down, smallpox is not inevitable. You still owe me a big meal, so you can't die so easily."

Then he asked Dr. Cha, "Is there anyone raising cattle around here?"

Dr. Cha saw that several of them were swordsmen, and he didn't want to provoke them but dared not to. He replied, "Yes, yes. Why do you ask this?"

Zhao Dongting said, "Take me there."

Smallpox has long since been completely eradicated in modern society, but he remembered reading online that vaccinia can prevent smallpox.Wu Amiao had just fallen ill at this time, and she might still be saved.Whether smallpox will kill or not depends on the body's immunity. Many people are still alive after suffering from smallpox.

Dr. Cha looked at the sword on Le Wuwei's back, and stood up reluctantly.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Dr. Cha, Zhao Dongting and Le Wuhui went to various places in the city to knock on doors.

Jun Tianfang and Yunjin stayed in the inn to watch the shopkeeper, preventing him from throwing Wu Amiao out.

It's just that they didn't know what Zhao Dongting was going to do with Niu.

In the empty streets of Ba County, Dr. Cha's face was slumped.They just knocked on a few doors, but the people inside didn't even open the door.

Smallpox is rampant, and everyone is in danger.

Finally someone opened the door to see the cows inside, but Zhao Dongting just shook his head and sighed.

This made Dr. Cha very annoyed. If he knew martial arts, he would definitely chop this eccentric guy to pieces.

Fortunately, there are many people raising cattle these days, and Dr. Cha is familiar with this area.After visiting more than ten houses, Zhao Dongting finally found the cow he wanted.

At this time, they were standing in front of the cowshed with two cows inside.Among them, the genitals of one cow had festered.

Zhao Dongting showed joy, and said: "This is the cow. Master, can I buy this cow?"

The owner of the household thought for a while and offered a price slightly higher than the market price.

Zhao Dongting didn't say anything, gave the money, and asked Dr. Cha to lead the bull away.

Outside, Dr. Cha couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Guest officer, what do you want this cow for?"

Zhao Dongting said: "Cure smallpox."

Dr. Cha and Le Wuwei were both surprised, "Can cows cure smallpox?"

Zhao Dongting didn't say much, went back to the inn, scraped off some festering pus from the festering part of the cow's breast with his sword, and ran upstairs.

Wu Amiao was lying on the bed, her face was full of melancholy, and she was still muttering, "It seems that I will never be the number one swordsman in my life."

Seeing Zhao Dongting open the door and come in again, he was surprised and said, "Little brother, why are you here again? Get out quickly, smallpox can infect people!"

Zhao Dongting didn't speak, but walked up to him with a sword in hand.

Wu Amiao turned pale with shock, "Brother, are you going to kill me right now?"

"piss off."

Zhao Dongting said angrily, "I'm risking my life to treat your illness."

As he spoke, he grabbed Wu Amiao's hand, and then slashed his arm with a sword.

Wu Amiao cried out in pain.

Zhao Dongting then wiped the pus from the sword onto his wound.

Wu Amiao shrugged her nose, "What the hell? It stinks."

Zhao Dongting said: "Don't worry about it, your smallpox symptoms should get worse in the past few days. You can just rest here."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the house again. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and sighed: "If it doesn't get cured, don't blame me."

He was sure that vaccinia could prevent smallpox, but he didn't know whether vaccinia could cure Wu Amiao who had already contracted smallpox.

Downstairs, Dr. Tea and the shopkeeper quietly moved away from Zhao Dongting.He had obviously gone upstairs to meet the person who contracted smallpox just now, and they were also afraid of being infected.

Zhao Dongting ignored it, and scraped some festering pus from the cow, cut his own arm, and wiped it on his head.

Jun Tianfang said: "My lord, what are you doing?"

"Prevention against smallpox."

Zhao Dongting said: "You all come here too."

He said it easily, but even Jun Tianfang couldn't believe it, "Can this prevent smallpox?"

Zhao Dongting nodded heavily: "Yes."

Jun Tianfang, Le Wuhui, and Yunjin walked to the side of the cow. Zhao Dongting cut their arms one by one and smeared them with pus.

Then I asked Dr. Tea and the shopkeeper if they wanted to try it, and they shook their heads desperately.Zhao Dongting didn't force it either.

Two days later, Zhao Dongting, Jun Tianfang, Le Wuhui, and Yunjin all had some uncomfortable symptoms.As for Wu Amiao, who was suffering from smallpox, as Zhao Dongting expected, her whole body was covered with pustules, and her condition was so serious that she couldn't even get out of bed.

The shopkeeper and Dr. Cha did not chase them away, but they dared not go upstairs no matter what.

Zhao Dongting knew that Jun Tianfang and the others were also afraid of smallpox, so he went upstairs to deliver food to Wu Amiao himself every meal.

Wu Amiao didn't say anything, but she was very grateful to Zhao Dongting in her heart.

In his opinion, he is a pariah, but Zhao Dongting is willing to take risks for him.Moreover, after all, the two did not know each other for long.

Smallpox in this day and age, not to mention ordinary friends, even relatives may not take good care of them, most of them are locked up and left to fend for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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