The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 2153 Zhong Jian's Foresight

Chapter 2153 Zhong Jian's Foresight

"If he surrenders, we will all hand over our military power with peace of mind. If Song Dynasty does not let go of the grind and kill the donkey, we can still be an idle Khan in the future. Perhaps, there is still the possibility of managing our own tribes."

Seeing that no one spoke, he said again: "If we don't surrender, then we will have to fight these Song people."

"How to spell..."

Finally, Khan said, "Even if we can defeat these Song people, the Song Kingdom has a million troops, can we beat them?"

This khan is clearly inclined to surrender.

After all, it is better to die than live.

In recent years, Song Bingfeng has been invincible, so they can't see any hope at all.No one has the confidence to say something that can defeat the Song Dynasty army.

They had seen the strength of the Song army in the previous confrontation between Song and Yuan.Rao said that the mysterious army under Tie Muer's command caused the Song army to suffer, but it was not enough to turn the tide of the battle.

What's more, Tie Moore has already run away with those elites.

"Then everyone's intention is still lowered?" He Butai said.

You Khan nodded with a sigh.

In Miao Cheng's tent just now, they didn't make a statement. In fact, most of them were just because they couldn't bear face. Miao Cheng's attitude was too tough.

They knew very well in their hearts that they had no other choice.If you want to maintain the stability of the tribe, if you want people like yourself to live safely, the only way to go is surrender.

Hebutai saw that everyone was like this, and said: "Then send an envoy to surrender tomorrow!"

He was really embarrassed to see Miao Cheng again.

The next day.

The envoys jointly recommended by all the tribes arrived at Miao Cheng's military camp.

Miao Cheng was not surprised by this. To put it bluntly, he knew that he was determined to eat these grassland tribes.

What he, Zhao Da and others are worried about now is whether they can catch the culprit Tie Muer back.

In the barracks, Miao Cheng and others frankly accepted the surrender letters of the tribes.Afterwards, those messengers were asked to send messages back, and the khans of various tribes were asked to lead their troops back to wait for the reception.

And they obviously won't retreat before those priests come back.

Miao Cheng just sent a letter to Changsha again, asking the central cabinet to send people over to take over the military power of the various tribes and arrange matters concerning the acceptance and surrender of the various tribes.

Another ten days passed.

The urgent letter from eight hundred miles was finally submitted to the central cabinet.

By this time, Zhong Jian and others had gradually adapted to coordinating affairs across the country. They were no longer in meetings almost all day long like when Zhao Dongting had just left.

Zhong Jian's personal abilities were gradually revealed, and after making up his mind on many things, Lu Xiufu and the others had nothing to criticize.

The Great Song Dynasty without Zhao Dongting is still developing methodically and at a very fast speed.

Although the economy and people's livelihood are restricted by social conditions and are no longer growing as fast as before, the Ministry of Science and Technology led by Li Zhaoen has recently released new inventions.

There is even a slight breakthrough in energy.

If it is said that most of the various technologies of the Song Dynasty were structural improvements before, then today, it is definitely a fundamental change.

The breakthrough in energy utilization is the biggest feature of scientific and technological progress.If Zhao Dongting stayed in Changsha, he would definitely be shocked by the achievements made by Li Zhaoen and others.

After all, he only gave a general direction before. In terms of research, he did not have much involvement after graduating from the history department.

For example, steam engines, electric energy, etc., he only knows that there are such things, and at most knows how to use them in the most superficial way.

No one is omnipotent, the real research, and people like Li Zhaoen have to explore it by themselves.

This urgent report that came suddenly from the grassland was a bad news among many good news.

"How could it be like this!"

With Zhong Jian's temper, Rao's face became ugly after seeing the emergency report.

Tie Mo'er led the army to run away, which he still understands.After all, if Tie Moore had already made up his mind to run, he still had enough time to arrange it.

What made it hard for him to accept was that the dignified Tubo military region actually suffered a disadvantage on the front line and was beaten in the face.

Under such circumstances, Tie Moore still ran away, but the meaning was different.

If it was said that Tie Moore was just an insignificant role before, now he can definitely be regarded as a hidden danger of Da Song.

Zhong Jian couldn't help thinking, if Timur was given enough time, he would develop tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of elite troops like the men in black in the future, how would Da Song take him?

Is it possible to let the situation of the Song and Yuan disputes reappear?
Even, Tie Moore, who owns the man in black, will definitely be stronger than Da Yuan before when he comes back.

At that time, to what extent will the military power of Song Dynasty develop?Can he still maintain a crushing advantage like he did against Da Yuan?
Zhong Jian didn't know what to do.

He has served in the Ministry of War, and he has long realized that the development of the Song Dynasty's army has reached a bottleneck.

Before the Song Dynasty's army was stronger than any army in the world, this bottleneck was not so important.But now, the sudden appearance of such an army that is better at special operations than the Great Song Army may cause a devastating blow to the Great Song.Although this situation is unlikely to happen in a short period of time, it is impossible to say for a long time.

After thinking about it, Zhong Jian even had the idea of ​​sending someone to send an urgent message to invite Zhao Dongting to return to the court as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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