Chapter 2181
Zhao Dongting patted him on the shoulder and said, "You only need to master Western languages, and you can go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be an interpreter."

Wang Wu nodded vigorously.

On the other side, just as Li Yannan walked to the door of the inn, the general also brought his soldiers to the door.

As soon as he arrived, he waved his hand to signal the soldiers to surround the inn.

The white-robed monk stood beside him.

When Li Yannan walked out the door, the white-robed monk pointed at him, and hurriedly said to the general: "It's him, he's the one who captured our Metropolitan."

The general's eyes instantly turned sharp, and he commanded his soldiers to rush in front of Li Yannan.

Li Yannan shouted in a low voice: "Is there anyone who can understand me?"

The general was obviously well prepared.

A soldier came out from behind him and shouted: "We are the Xinjia Guardian Army. If you commit crimes in my city, you will be captured quickly, or you will be killed immediately!"

"Are you sure you want to kill me?"

With a cold face, Li Yannan took out the gold medal from his bosom, and said, "We are the envoys of the Great Song Dynasty! If you dare to do something, believe it or not, my Imperial Guards from the Great Song Dynasty will kill your Malay country in a few days?"

The soldier didn't have the right to make a decision, his face changed slightly, and he quickly translated the words to the generals around him.

The general's expression also changed instantly.

At this moment, he felt like he was riding a tiger.

Kicked the iron plate.

He knew that these Westerners were envoys from the West to Malay, and they had to go to the capital to talk with the king.Guaranteed, it must be guaranteed.

But I didn't expect that the origin of these Song people would be so great.

If it was just a martial artist, he would not be afraid.Although he heard that these Song people were powerful, he believed that no matter how powerful they were, they would not be able to stop the siege of the army.

The bad thing is that these Song people are the envoys of the Song Dynasty.

He did not doubt that Song Dynasty had the strength to send troops to attack Malays, and the "ally" of Song Dynasty was also extremely important to Malays.He really didn't dare to be rude to Song's envoy.

It doesn't matter whether these envoys passed by from Malay, or they were ordered to come to Malay for business.

Sitting on the horse, the general felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

After a while, he got off his horse with a bitter face, and had to ask politely: "May I ask the envoy of the Song Dynasty what is the important matter in Singapore?"

Li Yannan put on a paralyzed face, and said directly: "No comment."

The general didn't dare to do anything, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Then... I wonder if the envoy can release Lord Metropolitan Babus? Metropolitan Babus is the envoy of the West to our Malay country. If an accident happened to us in Xinjia, we...we really can't explain it to the lord. Please also ask the envoy to give us Xinjia this thin noodle, and we will be grateful to Xinjia."

The white-robed monk's face immediately collapsed.

Although he does not understand Chinese, he understands the Malay language.Because he is the translator next to Brabus.

He heard everything the general said just now.

Turn hostility into friendship?

Their crusaders were bullied so badly, and even the Metropolitan Babos was captured, so they just turned it into a jade?
Where is their face?Where will the face of Metropolitan Barbus be put?Where is the face of the Holy See?

You know, the Holy See is high in the West.

He hastily said to the general: "How can we let it go like this? Where will we put the face of the Holy See?"

But the general was not as polite to him as before, and said indifferently: "Don't you want to watch our Malay country be suppressed by the Song army?"

The white-robed monk said: "Then you Malay country will sacrifice the face of our Holy See for this?"

He didn't feel anything in his heart.

First of all, he thinks the West is the most powerful.Secondly, Da Song would not attack their Holy See anyway.

He just wants to save his own face, and he doesn't care about the outcome of the Malay Congress.

The general felt uncomfortable when he heard this, and said, "Then, you can go and rescue the Metropolitan Barbus by yourself. I can't control this matter."

He had heard that Da Song was powerful.In the surrounding waters, who doesn't know that Song Dynasty is invincible?
The white-robed monk blushed and his neck was thick at this sentence, he was panting like a cow, and couldn't speak.Had he been able to do that, Metropolitan Barbus would not have been taken captive.

Seeing that he shut up, the general cupped his hands again and said to Li Yannan: "Please also ask the envoy of the Song Dynasty to give us the thin noodles of the Malay Kingdom."

The Holy See also has a lot of contacts with Malays, and he really didn't dare to stand on the sidelines.

Li Yannan's eyes drooped slightly, and he said, "Then I'll go up and ask for instructions."

Then he went straight upstairs.

The general gathered all the soldiers back in a hurry, and then arranged for someone to report to the city lord's mansion, so that all the soldiers of the brigade went back.

The potato was too hot to handle, so he thought it would be better for the city lord to handle it.This is no longer something he can settle.

Li Yannan returned to the room, and told Zhao Dongting what the general meant, "My lord, they want us to let this guy go, and turn hostility into friendship."

"Let go?"

Zhao Dongting said with a low laugh: "They have a good plan. After they are released, they will be able to make friends with each other, and at the same time make good friends with the West and our Song Dynasty?"

Backed by a big tree, you can enjoy the shade. For a small country like Malay, it has many benefits to communicate with the Holy See and the Great Song Dynasty.

But now, Zhao Dongting doesn't want to benefit them any more.Although this will also have a slight impact on Da Song.

(End of this chapter)

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