The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 2184 Time Traveling Conjecture

Chapter 2184 Time Traveling Conjecture
Kong Qiangu was very surprised by this, "There is actually someone with such supernatural powers?"

Even he couldn't imagine how Monk Kongshan could do this.

Zhao Dongting pondered for a while, and expressed his conjecture, "I have thought to myself, Master Kongshan can let my soul travel through the past life, and it is not much different from the soul traveling through space. Since he has the ability to allow me to travel through the past life Supernatural power, does that mean that he can use his soul to travel to the previous life at any time?"

Kong Qiangu was moved suddenly, his eyes flashed brightly, "Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

Zhao Dongting continued: "Since the soul can travel through the previous life, isn't it true that, as Kong Yuanzhou speculated, when martial arts can reach the level of breaking through this space, the body can also go to the previous life?"

He said it was the previous life, but of course it was a different world.

Because when he was in Nanmusi Temple, he really dreamed back to that era in his previous life.

To be more precise, it is the world of the previous life.

Zhao Dongting knew very well that this world was definitely not the Song Dynasty in his previous life.Although, the historical trajectory is quite similar.

In the history books left over from previous lives, there has never been any mention of martial arts monks.If there are monks, this is absolutely impossible.

Unless it is a fault in the inheritance of civilization.

But how could this be happening?

If faults were discovered in the inheritance, how could the history of the Southern Song Dynasty be so clearly recorded and passed down?
"The soul travels...the body travels..."

Kong Qiangu muttered to himself, and after a while, said: "The soul is extremely strong, and it can pass through the past life. The body is extremely strong, and the soul can pass through the past life..."

His pupils condensed suddenly, "What if the body is strong to the extreme, but the soul is not tempered to the extreme?"

Zhao Dongting shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't know. In terms of artistic conception, I am far inferior to you, senior. My body is still far from tempered to the extreme that Kong Yuanzhou thought."

But at this moment, he also felt a slight chill in his heart.

Kong Qiangu's words made him think of a certain possibility.

Assuming that Kong Yuanzhou really absorbed his own skills, so that his body can break through space, but can he really travel to another world?
Can his soul bear it?
Traveling through time and space must bear unimaginable tearing force, there is no doubt about it.

Master Kongshan should have not tempered his body to the extreme, so he didn't have a body to travel to the previous life.Of course, Zhao Dongting was not sure about this.

Perhaps, Master Kongshan has traveled through time, but no one knows about it.He is now exhausted, and this is destined to be a secret that will never be solved.

If you can temper your body and artistic conception to the extreme, will you be able to travel freely between the two worlds?
Thinking of this, Zhao Dongting couldn't help looking towards the cabin.The girls are in the cabin, and they are all his expectations.

He can never be isolated from this world.

However, deep down in his heart, he still wanted to go back and see if his old friend was still there and if he was living a happy life.

The only premise is that he can still travel back, if not, he would rather not go.He couldn't do it, and it was impossible for him to leave the girls and leave alone.

At this time, Kong Qiangu said quietly: "How difficult it is to temper both the artistic conception and the physical body to the extreme... It stands to reason that our extreme state is already at the extreme."

Zhao Dongting remained silent.


The reason why the extreme state is the extreme state is because it has become perfect in common sense.Since it is perfect, how can it be improved?

Where is the limit of soul and body?

It seems to be only slowly honed.

But Kong Yuanzhou has lived for so many years, and he can only choose to use the sword to take a slant and use the method of absorbing energy.It may not be feasible to sharpen this road.

The two extremely strong men in this world are undoubtedly novices in this respect.Even in ancient books, there is no record.

The discussion between the two failed to make any breakthrough in the end.As for how to break through the realm above the extreme realm, the two still have no idea.

Unknowingly, the fleet was getting closer and closer to Baozhou.

Along the way, there will be no unsightly pirates coming to trouble the Great Song Merchant Fleet.I don't know whether it is the luck of the fleet or the luck of the pirates.

Wang Wu learned of his identity from Metropolitan Barbos.

He is indeed just a metropolitan, and only belongs to the middle-level personnel in the Holy See.There are other reasons why he was able to serve as the ambassador to Malaysia.

His daughter is the saint of the contemporary Holy See.

The saint does not have much power in the Holy See, but she is a symbol of holiness and the belief of countless people.Her nominal status in the Holy See is second only to the Pope.

This also made Babosi's identity rise with the tide.

Babos yelled, Zhao Dongting and the others took him to the Holy See, and they wanted to trouble the Holy See, that was their own death.

The masters of the Holy See will inevitably let them die without a place to bury them.

Zhao Dongting just smiled at this.

From Lin Chong, he still has some understanding of the West.

This kind of mage system in the West is definitely far from being as powerful as the martial arts system in the Central Plains.

A metropolitan like Babos is only equivalent to a strong middle-yuan realm, but in terms of his status level, if he is in the Song Dynasty, he may need the strength of the upper-yuan realm if he wants to reach this level.

(End of this chapter)

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