Chapter 219
Of the two lanterns in front of the store opposite, the one on the right went out.

There were whispers in the street.

Zhao Dongting fired another shot, and the only remaining lantern was also extinguished.

The already extremely dark street suddenly became a little darker.

Jun Tianfang, Le Wuhui, and Yun Jin were also in Zhao Dongting's room, and Jun Tian jumped down from the window holding a sword under such circumstances.

Soon there were screams.

In the night, Jun Tianfang's figure can occasionally be seen passing by the street at an extremely fast speed.

And his sword light is even faster.

Zhao Dongting watched, knowing that these killers should be from the Green Forest Camp again.If it is Tingyu Pavilion, the overall level is higher than these green forest camp offerings.

At this moment, the sound of arrows piercing the air was suddenly heard.

Zhao Dongting hurriedly ran behind the wall next to the window.

Several arrows almost grazed his scalp, shot in from the window, and shot directly into the top beam of the room, making a thumping sound.

Le Wuwei extinguished the oil lamp in the room with a flick of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, several people rushed in from the window.

Their strength is obviously not limited to the small yuan realm, if they were in the small yuan realm, they would not have such light skills, and it would only take a few breaths to climb up to the second floor.

Zhao Dongting drew his sword and stabbed at the first person.

Zhanlu's pure black sword body seemed to be nothing in the night, and it was difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

But this person was able to identify his position by listening to the sound, before the person landed, the shadow of the sword brushed past, blocking Zhan Lu of Zhao Dongting.

An extremely strong force spread along Zhanlu to Zhao Dongting's arm, which actually made his entire right arm slightly numb.


Zhao Dongting instantly realized that he was no match for this man, and rolled back.Holding the gun in his left hand, he fired towards the window without aiming at a single shot.

Sparks flickered from the barrel of the gun.

Someone fell out of the window.

But there were five or six people who jumped into the window, and the rest of them saw Mars and rushed towards Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting was in a trance, feeling that he was instantly covered by the sword intent.

Some of these killers have comprehended sword intent.

He just pushed away the sword that was stabbing close to him, but he couldn't hold back, Zhanlu let go.

Fortunately, at this moment, Le Wuhui came to kill him, and raised his sword upwards, pushing away all the swords that had stabbed in front of Zhao Dongting.

There was a series of tinkling sounds.

The hair on Zhao Dongting's back stood on end, the swords just now seemed to be only a few inches away from his head.

If it weren't for these people who thought that they were determined to win, and didn't release their inner energy out of their bodies, it would be impossible to say that he had died at this time.

Is this someone from the Green Forest Camp?
He stepped back hastily, doubts flashing through his mind.

There are too many people in the Green Forest Camp in terms of strength, and they don't look like people from the Green Forest Camp.

What surprised Zhao Dongting was yet to come.

Le Wuhui fought several moves with these people in the blink of an eye, but with his true martial arts strength, he was unable to kill any of them.

Not only that, he was even fighting and retreating.There was a person in front of him, with sword light like a waterfall, and the shadow was almost invisible.

He was probably the one who had just released his sword intent, and his strength was even stronger than that of the true martial artist Le Wuwei.

The men in black next to him were all reduced to a foil.

There was sword energy occasionally passing by Zhao Dongting's side, which made him tremble with fear.

These people are definitely not from the Green Forest Camp, he exclaimed, "Beishanqiu?"

But no one answered him.

Sword energy raged in the room, and the tables and chairs were broken and toppled.

Yunjing stood by the bed holding Zhao Dongting's original sword, her hand trembling slightly.

Le Wuwei's face was solemn, his eyes were surprised, and after resisting dozens of tricks with difficulty, he couldn't stand it after all, and shouted out the window: "Brother Jun!"

The person in front of him is about to surpass him in strength, and there are four masters whose strength has also reached the Dayuan realm to help him. He is really beyond his strength.

A master whose internal strength is at the Great Yuan Realm, no matter how weak his strength is, he will not be much worse.Compared with Murongchuan and his ilk, they are not far away.

Fortunately, Le broke through to the Real Martial Realm for free, otherwise, he would have already been hated.

Zhao Dongting released the sword intent, concentrated on guarding against the sword energy, picked up the Zhanlu sword to resist, and didn't even have a chance to shoot.

Just blocking the two sword qis already caused him to be severely injured, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

How can the sword energy of a true martial artist be so easily blocked?

If it hadn't been for Le Wuhui to neutralize most of the power of the sword energy in front, with the strength of the man in black, a single wave of sword energy would be enough to kill Zhao Dongting.

It was as simple as trampling an ant to death for a real martial arts expert to kill Zhao Dongting of Xiaoyuan realm.

The screams on the street outside the window became more urgent, and within ten breaths, Jun Tianfang's figure suddenly appeared outside the window, flying in like a wild goose returning to its nest.


The leader of the man in black cursed in a low voice, and at this moment, the sword's power suddenly changed, and it was as violent as a gust of wind and rain.

The attack of the four men in black robes beside them also suddenly became more violent.


Le Wuwei swayed endlessly in his coarse cloth, but he couldn't resist after all. He was stabbed on the left shoulder with a sword from the leading man in black, and he took a few steps back with a muffled grunt.


Jun Tianfang was furious when he saw this, he stabbed the leader in black with his sword.

The black-robed man, however, flitted to the window eaves, "Just by you, you dare to say that I am presumptuous!"

From this sentence, his identity is ready to be revealed.

Excluding the top few people on the master list, who would dare to speak to Jun Tianfang in such a tone?
Kitayama autumn!
He came after all.

And the timing of the pick was so good that people from the Green Forest Camp were used as cannon fodder and stones for throwing stones to ask for directions.

Le Wuwei forcibly pumped up his energy, and then blocked four Tingyu Pavilion killers in the Great Origin Realm.

Jun Tianfang's expression was slightly terrified, his figure flashed towards Bei Shanqiu in the blink of an eye, and started to fight with Bei Shanqiu.

Sword light filled the room.


Zhao Dongting cursed angrily, at this time there was no threat from the sword energy, so he put the Zhanlu sword aside, raised his gun and shot.

This is a big killer.


Another man in black groaned and retreated, then sat down on the ground.

The other three men in black robes were shocked, "What is this?"

When they came in through the window before, although they saw a companion being shot to death by Zhao Dongting, they didn't know it was a gun, they just thought Zhao Dongting was holding a crossbow or something.The moment Zhao Dongting fired the shot just now, the black-robed man who was hit by the shot blocked it with a sword.

They all had great confidence in their own strength and thought that their swords could block any crossbow, but how could they have imagined that Zhao Dongting's spear was countless times more powerful than a crossbow.The speed of bullets alone is far from comparable to the speed of arrows.

So, he missed.

The sword light flashed across, unable to block the bullet.

Not to mention the Great Yuan Realm, even a master of the True Martial Realm, it is not easy to block bullets.

Le gratuitous pressure is slightly reduced.

But he was still severely injured by Bei Shanqiu, and his strength was greatly reduced.The remaining three men in black robes were also a bit overwhelmed.

One of the men in black robes was able to pass him and kill Zhao Dongting.


Yun Jin, who was always in a state of extreme tension, shouted at this moment, bursting out with great courage, and ran towards Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting shot again.

However, the man in black robe who was on guard suddenly turned around when he fired the gun, avoiding it.

Holding the sword, he approached Zhao Dongting with two steps, and the tip of the sword pierced straight down.

Zhao Dongting was shrouded in a thick death crisis.

But at this moment, there was a sword flashing slightly cold from outside the window, bursting in.

The sword passes silently.

Even Jun Tianfang and Bei Shanqiu, who were fighting against each other, were completely unexpected.

The black-robed man who had killed Zhao Dongting was stunned in place, the tip of his sword was only two inches away from Zhao Dongting, but he couldn't move an inch further.

A sword pierced the throat.

Another person rushed in from the window, dressed in coarse cloth, like a farmer, but his figure was extremely fast.

As soon as the sword penetrated the wall of the room, his body was already skimmed to the wall, he pulled out the sword in an instant, and then slashed at the two black-robed men Hele was fighting for free.

Before the people arrive, the sword energy arrives first.

A man in a black robe fell to the ground with bleeding flowers on his chest.

Le Wuwei's face turned pale, and he got a chance to breathe. Although he didn't know who this person was, he still withdrew and walked in front of Zhao Dongting.

As soon as this person came in a few steps, he was in front of the only black-robed man left, the sword was cold, and there were more than ten swords in an instant.

The black-robed man who was in the Great Origin Realm didn't even have the strength to parry, he just blocked a few sword lights before his body and head were separated.

A head rolled and was thrown into the sky, and then the body fell.

Bei Shanqiu, who originally thought that the event could be accomplished, turned pale with shock, and flew out of the window, with endless sullenness, "Who is it?"

He didn't dare to stay in the room any longer, because this person was obviously also a real martial arts master.

Jun Tianfang chased out of the window, and the sword light continued to envelope Xiang Beishanqiu.

The real martial arts master who had just beheaded two black-robed men in a row stood on the spot, looking out the window, "Pojun Xuegong... Long Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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