Chapter 2402 Windfall
There is no wind in the hole...

So many people and things were all involved in Huo Yutang's head in the end.If it was said that he had no problems at all, even the two officials from the Supervision Province would not believe him.

Now, all that is lacking is hard evidence.

"Catch the thief and catch the dirty, what shall we do next?"

The official on the left said suddenly.

The official on the right thought for a while, "Just ransack the house?"

"The person who really borrows Wen Shuai's name will cause an uproar, and... the lessons learned from Lizhou West Road, if nothing is found in the house raid..."

There are too many people involved in this case, and many of them are high-ranking and powerful, so they cannot help being careless.

And if there is no hard evidence in hand, let alone them, even the Ministry of Supervision cannot easily convict these officials.

You know, when we were on Lizhou West Road, Rao was the emperor who made such a fuss.Later, the Ministry of Supervision took a lot of effort to obtain evidence and convict.

"Then find someone to keep an eye on Huo Yutang and the others. As long as they are still corrupt, they will always show their feet."

"Well... let's try..."

That night, the secrets of the Tianwang dark hall in Lin'an Prefecture were leaked out.

Up to now, the Military Intelligence Department in the Song Dynasty has been regarded as a yamen on the bright side, more similar to the Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty.Such a case is no longer suitable for them to be transferred.

Or Skynet has always maintained its previous purity.

Only two days have passed.

Skynet has already gained something.

As an organization that monitors the entire Jianghu, almost all of their spies possess special skills, so it is no problem to follow these Lin'an officials who do not know martial arts.

There are officials who go to the place of fireworks to have fun.

There are also those who keep a foreign house outside their home, and even more than one.

There are even more close contacts with merchants.

Although no evidence has been obtained, the behavior of these officials is already very telling.

This Lin'an mansion, I'm afraid there are so many dark things.If you really want to investigate it, it will definitely be shocking.

As for the information collected by Skynet in the past two days, the two officials from the Ministry of Supervision were most concerned about a piece of news about Huo Yutang.

Huo Yutang went to the yamen normally for the past two days, and stayed in his own mansion after the yamen, and did not go out for a walk.Can't see anything wrong.

However, just the night before, a western face entered his mansion.Then it never came out again.


Although there are many Westerners in Lin'an Mansion nowadays, it is not normal for these Westerners to stay in Huo Yutang Mansion for such a long time.

Huo Yutang can't have Western relatives, can he?

What made the two supervisory officials even more suspicious was that no one in the entire Skynet Dark Hall in Lin'an Mansion knew the identity of this Westerner.

The spies who saw his face drew his likeness.

However, it is impossible for Skynet to not be able to investigate the identity of anyone who is a little dignified in Lin'an Prefecture.To a large extent, this Westerner came from elsewhere.

Two officials from the Ministry of Supervision brought the portraits to Wen Qi for help.

Wenqi's way of helping is quite simple and rude.

Directly dispatch the envoys in the army to the Yamen of the Household Department of Lin'an Province to peek at the information of Westerners.

Since Zhao Dongting's order, foreigners from all over the Song Dynasty are now registered.

The result was not beyond the expectations of the two supervisory provincial officials.

This Westerner did not live in Lin'an Prefecture for a long time.

Although a Westerner can't explain anything, the two still feel that this matter is not that simple.

So, after discussion, the two decided to send the portrait to Changsha.Let the Ministry of Households verify your identity.

They probably never imagined that this move made them great achievements.

Of course, this is something.

During the expedited delivery of the letter to Changsha by Tianwang [-] miles, the investigation and tracking on the side of Lin'an Mansion are still in full swing.

Except for the spies from Skynet, even the people from the yamen of the Military Intelligence Department of Lin'an Prefecture were not mobilized.

But everyone knows that this matter will always be noticed.At that time, the officials of Lin'an Prefecture will definitely respond.

Before that, all that needs to be done is to have enough evidence.

Only two days.

The portrait of the Westerner was then sent to the Tianwang headquarters in Changsha.

Then, it was presented to the nameless hands.

According to the meaning of the Skynet spy who was sent to Lin'an Mansion, he wanted to ask Wuming to go to the Ministry of Households to extract information about this Westerner.However, Wuming was stunned the moment he saw this portrait.

The butler in Oran.

In his investigation of Oran before, he sorted out those people in Oran's mansion.Of course, he had seen the portrait of the butler.

Also from the Violet Empire, it is said that Oran has been with Oran to take care of him since he was a child.

Later, Olan came to Da Song to study, and he followed him.

Unexpectedly, Changsha cast a net and couldn't find this guy. It turned out that this guy went to Lin'an Mansion.

What did he go to Lin'an Mansion for?
(End of this chapter)

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