The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 2408 Capture Simpson

Chapter 2408 Capture Simpson
Suddenly, the thunder, fire, and wind all dispersed.

The scene seemed to suddenly quiet down.

Simpson was approached by Qingshan, Jianshishi and Wuming.

He looked devastated.

He had exhausted all his strength just now, but he was still severely suppressed in front of the three people in Qingshan.From beginning to end, there was no upper hand.

In a short time, his mental power was exhausted.

Qingshan's sword stopped in front of his neck.

Wuming and Jianshisi stood on his left side and behind him respectively, and the tip of the sword was only a hair's breadth away from him.

If they hadn't withdrawn their hands, Simpson would have gone to see Hades right now.No, I went to see their god master.

"I lost."

Staring blankly at the green shirt in front of him, Simpson said with a sense of frustration on his face.


Qingshan chuckled lightly.

Simpson was about to say something more, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and his eyes went dark.Then passed out.

Jian Shishi grinned and said: "Don't talk nonsense with this guy, I'm afraid he will commit suicide."

Wuming and Qingshan raised their eyebrows and laughed.

Then Qingshan lifted Simpson up and headed towards Lin'an Mansion.

Return to Huo Yutang's residence.

Qingshan, Jianshishi and Wuming landed on the ground.

Huo Yutang, who was still standing in the front yard with Wen Qi, saw Simpson with the green shirt slipped in his hand, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Let go of Master!"

When these words were uttered, Qing Shan, Wen Qi and the people around were stunned.


This is the title that the servants used to use.

It's been a few years since Da Song had such a title, at least not on the surface.

Wen Qi narrowed his eyes and said to Huo Yutang, "What do you call him?"

Huo Yutang was in a daze, and only shouted: "Take them down! Save the master!"

But the yamen servants he brought didn't do anything.

They are not dazed.

Wouldn't it be courting death to fight in front of Wen Shuai and so many personal soldiers and priests of Wu Dingtang?
Is Master Huo crazy?
And in this instant, Huo Yutang has already rushed towards the green shirt by himself.


Mrs. Huo hurriedly shouted.

But Huo Yutang seemed to have never heard of it.

He is just a civil servant, wearing an official robe and rushing towards the green shirt, this look is really funny.

Wuming frowned, and slapped Huo Yutang on the forehead, knocking him unconscious.

He also saw that something was wrong with Huo Yutang.

But anyone with any sense should not be like this right now.

And Huo Yutang, as the transshipment envoy of Liangzhe West Road, how could he be a person without brains?

Seeing Huo Yutang fell to the ground, Wuming said to Wen Qi: "Shuai Wen, something is wrong. I will take both of them to Changsha, and you can only stabilize the situation here for the time being. "

Wen started to nod, "Senior, don't worry, with our Jiankang military region here, there will be no chaos in Lin'an Mansion."


Wuming nodded, then turned to Qingshan and Jianshishi and said, "Let's go back now."

Huo Yutang's state made him feel very strange.

Unless it's crazy.

But Huo Yutang didn't look like he was insane.

After finishing speaking, the three of them walked towards the outside of Huo's mansion.

Mrs. Huo opened her mouth, but she just sighed after all.

She knew she couldn't stop it.

This matter is already to the extent that she can't get involved.As Huo Yutang's mother, she is only honored in Lin'an Mansion.

After a while, Wen Qi also took his soldiers back to the barracks.

Naturally, the garrison outside the mansion also dispersed.

The Huo Mansion returned to tranquility.

But thinking about it, there will definitely be countless people in Lin'an Mansion who can't sleep all night.

After all, Tangtang's transfer envoy was arrested as soon as he said he would be arrested.Although I heard that it was because a fugitive from Changsha was hiding in the Huo Mansion.

But God knows if they will be implicated after Huo Yutang is taken to Changsha.

On this night, some officials in Lin'an Mansion actually wanted to escape from Lin'an Mansion by taking advantage of the darkness.

However, it was the soldiers of the Jiankang Military Region who faced them.

After Wen Qi returned to the barracks, he ordered soldiers to temporarily take over the city defense of Lin'an Mansion.

Not only Lin'an Mansion, but also several other big cities in Liangzhe West Road.

It's just that the order must have not been conveyed to those places at this moment.

These officials who wanted to escape were caught, but they were taken to the Jiankang Military Region and put under control.

The investigation of Liangzhe West Road official circles also made a breakthrough.

It's just that the two officials who have been saved from the supervision and inspection are suffering, but they are too busy.Just these arrested officials are enough for their interrogation.

And these people involved many people.

The two had no choice but to take advantage of Wen Qi's [-] miles in the army to expedite and send a letter to Changsha to ask the Ministry of Supervision to send more people down.


Two days have passed.

Qingshan, Wuming and Jianshishi returned to Changsha.

Directly brought Simpson and Huo Yutang to Wudingtang.Afterwards, Wuming went to the imperial study to see Zhao Dongting.

(End of this chapter)

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