The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 270: A Big Show

Chapter 270

Yang Fan seemed to be poked in the sore spot.

Although he was truly rebellious, he was absolutely unwilling to be scolded as a shameless thief.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Bu first voted for Ding Yuan, then killed Ding Yuan and voted for Dong Zhuo, and recognized Dong Zhuo as his foster father.Then, Wang Yun used Diao Chan as a trick to kill Dong Zhuo, and then joined Wang Yun's family, so he was naturally a villain.However, he was scolded by Zhang Fei as a "family slave with three surnames" before Hulao Pass, isn't he furious?
A thief doesn't like being called a thief, and an adulterer doesn't like being called an adulterer, that's the reason.

Yang Fan was originally a gloomy person with a deep city, but he was blown away by Qi Tianlang's words.

He roared, swung his gun and rushed towards Qi Tianlang.

And no matter what his personality is, he still has abilities.Those who can be the leader of the rebel army are seldom those who are not outstanding in martial arts.

The rebel army is not like the regular army of the imperial court. It must use its strength to convince the crowd and stand out.

"Good come!"

Qi Tianlang laughed loudly, waved the triangular fork in his hand and rushed forward.

Well, his weapon is a triangular fork.It seems that it is no different from the triangular fork that ordinary people use to spear turtles, but it is only made of pure steel.

The soldiers of the two armies fought against each other and killed the opposing generals.

The firecrackers are the top priority of the Song army, and all the generals in command of the firecrackers were parachuted by Zhao Dongting. Yang Fan failed to instigate the firecracker generals in the Tianwei army.At this time, the firecrackers of Qi Tianlang Tianshang's army were all in the front to resist the Yuan army, so there were no Shenlong blunderbuss in the two armies, and they just slashed and killed with weapons in their hands.

Yang Fan and Qi Tianlang's eyes were burning, they rushed to each other, and immediately exchanged hands.

Qi Tianlang's triangular fork stabbed directly at Yang Fan's chest with the sound of piercing through the air.

Yang Fan held the spear with both hands and placed it across his chest.Unexpectedly, Qi Tianlang was born with supernatural power, so he was pushed back slightly by the force of the fork.

This startled him slightly.

But his reaction was also extremely fast, as soon as he leaned back, he swung the spear up, and the barrel of the gun fell heavily on the ground.

Qi Tianlang's triangular fork was brought to change the angle, he immediately withdrew his hand and retracted the fork, and then thrust forward with another fork.

And Yang Fan straightened up again in this instant, and headed towards the triangular fork with his long spear.

Qi Tianlang's force is undoubtedly higher than that of Yang Fan, but it is also limited.It seems that the fight between the two will not be decided in a short time, unless there is an accident.

At the northeast corner of the city head.

At this time Zhang Jue was still standing here, frowning tightly, thinking about countermeasures.

The Yuan army hadn't been able to fully break through to the city at this time, and was blocked by the Tianshang army and the Tianyong army, which made him feel lucky.

If he could repel the Yuan army's offensive, he would have the energy to wipe out the Tianwei rebels in the city.Then, gather all the artillery shells in the city, maybe they can block the Yuan army for a while.

He probably still can't defend Wuzhou City, but if he delays for a while, maybe there will be a turning point.

You know, apart from the Tianman, Tianying, and Tianxiong armies stationed in Pingnan at this time, there were [-] soldiers led by Zhao Dongting in the Song Dynasty.

Yue Peng, Su Quandang and others were stationed in Cenxi in the south of Wuzhou, and it is still possible to lead troops to rush to help.

But just when his luck was getting stronger and stronger, Wen Tianxiang had rushed over.

He looked extremely anxious, and said as soon as he arrived in front of Zhang Jue: "The Tianwei army has mutinied, more than half of the artillery shell storage in the city has been blown up, and Wuzhou is in danger!"

Zhang Jue nodded angrily and weakly, "I already know about this."

Wen Tianxiang said: "Then how do you plan to deal with it?"

Zhang Jue looked deeply at Wen Tianxiang, "If we can hold off the Yuan army's offensive, we might be able to last until General Yue and the others arrive. They still have enough ammunition to defend Wuzhou City... and if we can't stop Yuan If the army is attacking this wave, please ask the military plane to order you to leave Wuzhou with your soldiers!"

"I led the army to leave Wuzhou?"

Wen Tianxiang asked suspiciously, "What about you?"

Zhang Jue said: "I will cut off the queen for you."

Wen Tianxiang heard the words and said anxiously: "This is absolutely impossible! Now that there is chaos in the city and the morale of the army is shaken, Wuzhou City can no longer be defended, otherwise it will be difficult for the soldiers to withdraw from the city. I will not allow you to continue to lead the army to defend Wuzhou, you immediately order Let the soldiers abandon Wuzhou! Hurry up from the west gate of the city and rush to Pingnan for further discussion!"

At this time, he naturally didn't care about what he said to let Zhang Jue take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Jue is good at guarding and takes the city as the most important thing.And Wen Tianxiang is good at swimming, in his opinion, retaining troops is much more important.

As long as the army and soldiers are still there, there is still hope for the Great Song Dynasty.

However, Zhang Jue just said softly: "Zhang has sworn to live and die with Wuzhou."

Wen Tianxiang was a little angry, and said: "No matter what you posted, this commander, at this moment, you should put the overall situation first."

Zhang Jue cupped his hands, "Since this is the case, please ask the military commander to take the brothers out of the city immediately. I will lead the Tianshang and Tianyong armies to buy time for you."

Now the two armies of Tianshang and Tianyong have become entangled with the Yuan army, even if they want to withdraw, they may not be able to withdraw.

Zhang Jue obviously intended to be a strong man.It's just that he left himself in Wuzhou.


Wen Tianxiang shook his head, "I have ordered Tianfu soldiers to collect the remaining shells in the city and rush to the west gate of the city. You tell the whole army to withdraw, and we will leave the city from the west gate. When the Yuan army pursues, I will let people blow down the city gate. At that time, it will not be easy for them to catch up with us."


Zhang Jue didn't expect Wen Tianxiang to come up with such a method, so he was slightly startled.

Wen Tianxiang didn't bother to discuss with him anymore, and immediately said to the messenger next to Zhang Jue: "Quickly send an order to the commanders of the armies and tell them to withdraw to the west gate of the city. No matter what, don't love to fight!"

Now the Tiger Talismans are all in Zhang Jue's hands, even if Wen Tianxiang wants to order, he has to go through his hands.

The messenger looked at Zhang Jue and ran away when he saw that he hadn't moved.

Wen Tianxiang heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Jue: "Master Zhang, let's go! Without Wuzhou, we still have hope, but if all the soldiers are buried here, we really don't have much hope in Song Dynasty."

At this time, the Yuan army had not completely broken through the city, and they still had a chance to evacuate.


Zhang Jue sighed suddenly, "I didn't expect that the Chongqing government would fall because of a traitor, and now it's happening in Wuzhou."

The fall of the Chongqing government was mainly due to the lack of food.But the city was really broken because of the mutiny of the soldiers after the food was cut off.

He turned his head and looked outside the city where the torches lit up the sky, and said: "The military aircraft ordered you to go, Zhang... See you again with no face, the emperor."

Wen Tianxiang said with a sullen face: "This battle was not your fault, why should you blame yourself? Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and he will never blame you."

"But I blame myself."

Zhang Jue's tiger eyes turned red, "Wuzhou fell, our Great Song in danger..."

He couldn't extricate himself from the deep self-blame, absolutely ashamed of his trust in Zhao Dongting.

Wen Tianxiang looked at Zhang Jue a few times, and laughed, "I didn't expect Zhang Jue, the tiger general, to be such a coward, and he couldn't even afford to fail. Do you think that if we die in Wuzhou City, our Great Song Dynasty will not be in danger? Now is the time When the imperial court is in peril, you want to escape with death, it seems that Wen Mou really looked up to you before, and the emperor also looked up to you."

He arched his hands, "Farewell!"

After saying that, Wen Tianxiang turned his head and walked down the wall.

There was a slight wave in Zhang Jue's eyes, but then, it fell silent again.

Wen Tianxiang walked a few steps, but he still didn't hear Zhang Jue behind him, stopped his feet again, and looked at Zhang Jue.

He originally thought that his words could wake up Zhang Jue, but now when he saw Zhang Jue's eyes, he knew that what he said was in vain.

Now Zhang Jue is simply bewildered.

Wen Tianxiang is also a general himself, so he can understand Zhang Jue's frustration at this time.

What he just said was just intentional. How could he really look down on Zhang Jue?How could it be possible to ignore Zhang Jue?

How could Zhang Jue be a coward if he dared to stay in Wuzhou City to resist an army of 10 yuan, and to cut off the queen for them?
He gritted his teeth and walked back to Zhang Jue. When Zhang Jue was puzzled, he slashed on the back of Zhang Jue's neck.

Zhang Jue's eyes widened, but his body shook twice and passed out.

Wen Tianxiang is a poet and a civil servant, but he also has martial arts.It's just that not many people know about it.

If he really didn't have a little bit of martial arts, he would have collapsed a long time ago if he had been running around with his soldiers for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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