The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 277 Dramatic Changes in the Battle Situation

Chapter 277 Dramatic Changes in the Battle Situation ([-])

The fall of Wuzhou City means that the entire layout of the Song Army will be disrupted.

Pingnan and Cenxi are just small towns, what can they do to resist the pace of the Yuan army?
He pondered for tens of seconds, looked at Zhao Dongting, and asked, "What is the emperor planning to do?"

Zhao Dongting rubbed his head and said, "To tell you the truth, I have no idea at this time. I called you here just to ask what you mean."

He didn't intend to listen to Qin Han's advice, but Qin Han was familiar with military books, and his art of war was unpredictable.It's hard to say that he will have any good ideas.

When Qin Han heard Zhao Dongting's words, he pondered again.

He spread out the map of Guangnan West Road on the table by himself, looking at each city city by city.

Although the map is quite simple, when he saw the name of each city, the appearance of that city would pop up in his mind.Two and a half years ago, he went to Suixi County to look for Zhao Dongting, and offered Zhao Dongting the phalanx on how to defend Qiongzhou.And in the previous few years and ten years, his footprints were almost every city in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a living map.

Using soldiers like gods is not something that can be seen just by reading books.

However, until his eyes scanned all the cities on the map, he couldn't find any place he liked.

He wanted to find a city strong enough to withstand the Yuan army, but besides Wuzhou, how many cities like this are there in West Guangnan Road?
The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Jingjiang Mansion, is considered a great city, but its location is too far to the north.If the Song army passes by, it will only become a lone army, and the logistical supplies cannot be guaranteed at all.

Could it be that it is not possible to transfer to Chongqing Mansion?
What about Leizhou?
With Qin Han's abilities, Rao couldn't think of a countermeasure in a short period of time.

Zhao Dongting didn't make a sound to disturb his meditation, and slowly got off the bed, and went to the table to look at the map.

He was also thinking about how to rearrange his troops.

Wuzhou has undergone drastic changes, and he has to deal with it as quickly as possible.Otherwise, the Yuan army will definitely be invincible.

Pin your hopes on the Dali Army?
Dali had always had an ambiguous attitude, and there was no sign of sending troops.Now that Wuzhou was lost, Duan Xingzhi, who only wanted to defend the city, would be even more frightened and dare not have anything to do with the Song Dynasty, right?

In this way, a full 10 minutes have passed.None of the three people in the room spoke.

The oil lamp burned quietly.

Suddenly, Qin Han said: "Your Majesty, there is no natural barrier in Guangxi anymore. We can no longer resist the Yuan army head-on."

Zhao Dongting was slightly stunned, "You mean..."

Qin Han said again: "At this time, it's better to be whole than zero. I think it's better to disperse all the troops. If the Yuan army wants to destroy us, it will be exhausted, just like the Leizhou army dealt with the pirates back then. We can only delay. Only then will it be possible to regroup enough troops to match the Yuan army. Moreover, it is still possible for Dali to send troops to assist."

Zhao Dongting shook his head and sneered, "Duan Xingzhi is timid, the Dali Army don't have to think about it. We can only rely on ourselves for this battle."

But when it came to this, he suddenly remembered something, and asked Qin Han meaningfully: "Do you think it is possible for Shuzhong to come to help?"

Qin Han's eyes changed slightly, "I'm afraid I can't. When the court was on the verge of peril, all the people in Sichuan watched from the sidelines, and they probably wouldn't send troops to help at this time."

His words did not sound particularly certain, but his tone was very certain.

Zhao Dongting felt a little cold in his heart, and said: "Then what if you persuade yourself?"

But Qin Han knew: "If Qin can be persuaded, he won't rush to the army alone to help the emperor."

Zhao Dongting shrugged, noncommittal.

He still couldn't figure out what the relationship between Qin Han and the forces in Shuzhong was.This is mainly because he has no idea who the main messenger behind the scenes in Shuzhong is.

The place in the middle of Shu is too mysterious.

Deliberately sighing a few times, Zhao Dongting said: "Then break it into pieces!"

Qin Han's phalanx reminded him of guerrilla warfare in modern warfare.Divided into pieces, sparks of fire.

At the beginning, he integrated the sparks scattered all over the Song Dynasty, but he didn't expect that in a short period of time, he would disperse these troops again.

Things are unpredictable, that's how it is.

However, even if all these troops are scattered, they are only in Guangxi. Compared with the original, the strength is still much concentrated.

He pondered for a few more minutes, and then said to Qin Han: "Then let Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue's soldiers and horses, with thousands of people, scatter across the four states of Xunzhou, Rongzhou, Yulin Prefecture, and Guizhou, and rely on each other. If the Yuan army is strong, it will go away, and if the Yuan army is weak, it will join forces. How about it? Wen Junjiling is best at this kind of guerrilla warfare, which should give the Yuan army quite a headache."

Qin Han nodded slightly, "That's very good."

Then he asked with some doubts: "What about the three armies of Tiankui, Tiangang, and Tianji in Cenxi?"

"Grain supply line."

Zhao Dongting said solemnly: "The three armies of Tiankui, Tianji, and Tiangang must protect our army's food and grass supply lines. There are many empty cities in Guangxi. The supply of food and grass will not last long."


Dong Heli couldn't help but ask, "With the three armies of Tiankui, Tiangang, and Tianji alone, can we guarantee the supply line of food and grass?"

Zhao Dongting said: "Then there are still Zhao and Luo's [-] Qiongzhou Army, let him also lead the army to Rong County, Rongzhou! At this time, Boyan's army is all in Wuzhou, and the Yuan army should be in Guangnan. If there is no more troops, we will dispatch troops to attack Leizhou."

"What about us?"

Qin Han asked again.

Zhao Dongting said: "Yuan army won Wuzhou, we may not be able to stay here in Duanxi City. What good ideas do you have?"

Qin Han said: "Rush to Gaozhou to be safe."

Gaozhou is in the south of Rongzhou. According to their thinking just now, if Zhao Dongting and Tianxian army withdraw to Gaozhou, they should be able to get out of the battle circle.

And if something happens to Rongzhou, reinforcements will be available in time.

Zhao Dongting couldn't think of any good idea at this time, so he made a decisive decision, nodded and said: "Then let's do it this way!"

As he spoke, he spread his pen and ink on the desk and began to write by himself.

There are three letters in total, one is to be sent to Cenxi, one is to be sent to Pingnan, and one is to be sent to Xinyi.

"and many more!"

When Zhao Dongting had just finished writing the letter, and was about to let the guard outside the door come in to get it, Qin Han suddenly called to him again.

Zhao Dongting looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Han said: "Your Majesty, we had some omissions just now. Do you remember that Ye Su'er is beside Wuzhou, but there are still tens of thousands of soldiers!"

Zhao Dongting really forgot about this just now, and when he heard this, his face changed slightly again.

Those tens of thousands of people, Ye Suer must have planned to use them against the Pingnan Song army.But now, it's hard to say.

He said: "You mean that Ye Su'er might let those tens of thousands of soldiers stop Wen Jun's plan to leave the city?"

Qin Han said deeply: "It's not a possibility, but a certainty. I have heard about Ye Su'er. Although she is a girl, she is extremely talented and decisive. With the defeat of Wuzhou City, Pingnan City is no longer so important. Pingnan City is no longer so important. She doesn't need to stop the army in Nancheng anymore. Under such circumstances, she will definitely come down to the tens of thousands of soldiers who blocked the military order, and when the time comes, they will attack back and forth with the Yuan army chasing from Wuzhou City, and the military order will definitely be defeated .”

Zhao Dongting frowned, "Then let Yue Peng, Su Quandang and the others lead the army to help the military order."

If something happened to Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue's tens of thousands of troops, then their layout would be meaningless.

At that moment, he walked back to the desk, spread out the letter to be sent to Cenxi, and added some content to it.

The letter is full of numbers, but the meaning is, first go to the north to help Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue get rid of the Yuan army, and then deploy a defense line along the border between Rongzhou and Tengzhou, so as to prevent the Yuan army from cutting off our army's food road.

Zhao Dongting glanced at the letter, making sure it was correct, and then called the soldiers outside again, saying: "These three orders are all sent out with the highest emergency military order." On the red ribbons binding the letters, he wrote Cen Xi respectively. , Pingnan, Xinyi three place names.

The guard respectfully took the letter and went out.

Zhao Dongting looked back at Qin Han and Dong Heli, and said, "Tomorrow morning, we will set off with a large army and rush to Gaozhou."

He really didn't have the courage to continue to stay in Duanxi City, because it was very likely that Boyan would ignore Wen Tianxiang and the others and turn around to attack Duanxi.Zhao Dongting didn't know whether the Yuan army already knew the news about him in Duanxi City.If he knew, Boyan would most likely lead an army to come, and if he came, he would definitely find a way to make them in Duanxi City have nowhere to escape.

With Boyan's strength, there are really many ways to deal with the Tianxian Army, which has less than [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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