Chapter 282
"Deputy Marshal, there are about 3 yuan of cavalry about [-] miles ahead, and they are rushing towards our army."

On the official road, Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue led the infantry and marched towards Cenxi overnight.But at this time, there was a scout ahead to report.

Zhang Jue was sitting at the front of the team, his energy was still a little sluggish, he couldn't stop gnashing his teeth when he heard the scout's report.

He knew that Ye Su'er was not easy to deal with.

Although he still doesn't know the inside story of why Yang Fan rebelled, he guesses that Ye Su'er is most likely to do it.

Boyan is better at fighting with yang schemes, but Ye Su'er is very good at such schemes.

Zhang Jue swept his eyes around, then patted his horse and hurried to the end of the army.

Wen Tianxiang died at the end.

When Wen Tianxiang approached, Zhang Jue said, "There are 3 yuan army cavalry coming to intercept us. Should our army take refuge in the nearby valley?"

In the hazy night, he just saw a valley on the north side of the official road.The two mountains are connected there, and the narrow valley mouth can well block the cavalry.

However, Zhang Jue hesitated when he said this.Because, if they withdrew to the valley, the Yuan army in front would most likely skip them, and then rush straight to the cavalry troops who were still fighting behind.At that time, Ge Lichun, Ge Xiuhong, Yan Mingling, and Liu Yong are bound to be in danger.

Wen Tianxiang pondered for a while, and said, "No way. We must block this Yuan army."

Zhang Jue also had the same thought, so he nodded.

Wen Tianxiang yelled: "Decree, the three armies form a circular formation, put food, grass, and wounded soldiers in the middle, and block the Yuan army's iron cavalry!"

"Form a circular array!"

"Form a circular array!"

Shouts quickly spread in this large army temporarily composed of infantry from various troops.

The commanders of each army issued orders layer by layer, and the entire army gathered in the middle to form a circular formation.

The [-] soldiers of the Tianwei Army have not been cleared of their suspicions, and they are surrounded in the middle for guarding, and there are still many wounded soldiers.Less than [-] Tianyong soldiers were watching.

For the rest, the infantry of Tongtian, Tiangui, Tiangu, Tianxuan, and Tianmeng armies surrounded them.

Ge Xiuhong and Ge Lichun each dispatched 2 cavalry to go out. Now, there are only more than [-] infantry left.

And there are less than 2 people forming the circle.

This made the circular formation not look very huge. It can be said that there is little hope of blocking the [-] cavalry of the Yuan army.

Both Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue looked heavy, but right now, there was nothing they could do.

They also already knew that Yue Peng and his troops came from Cenxi and were fighting with the Yuan army's pursuers.If they avoided the edge of the Yuan army's cavalry at this time, it would be tantamount to sending Yue Peng and the others to death.

Da Song couldn't afford such a price.

Although forming a circular formation to resist the Yuan army's cavalry, it is possible that in the end the infantry and cavalry will all be wiped out by the Yuan army.But what can be done?

The strength of the Song army is far weaker than that of the Yuan army, which is destined to hinder them everywhere.

Wen Tianxiang is just looking forward to it now, that Yue Peng, Su Quandang and the others in the back can help Ge Xiuhong and others destroy the iron cavalry of the Yuan army.

So, they still have hope.

"Marshal and Deputy Marshal, there are more than ten thousand cavalry from Tianying and Tianman coming towards us by the bank of the Yu River ten miles ahead."

And just as the infantry were in full swing, another scout rushed to the army to report.

Wen Tianxiang was a little happy when he heard the report.

Even though Lu Yu led more than [-] cavalry to arrive, they still didn't seem to have the upper hand, but speaking of it, it was not inevitable that they would lose.

As long as their infantry can block the charge of this wave of Yuan army cavalry, it is hard to say the outcome.

He didn't let the scouts send orders to Lu Yu, but continued to shout: "Set up the formation quickly! Set up the formation quickly!"

After more than ten minutes like this, the Song Army's circular formation finally took shape.

At the outermost part of the circle are shield soldiers.

Behind the shield soldiers, the pike soldiers penetrated through the gaps in the shield, propping their spears on the ground, with the tip of the spear sticking out of the shield.

Behind them are ordinary infantry with knives or guns.

There are not many cavalry and gunfire soldiers left, and they are all behind to stop the Yuan army from pursuing.

Zhao Da and Zhao Hu led the flying dragon soldiers in the open space in the middle of the circle, and [-] grenade launchers were set up again, with shells piled up beside them.

In less than 2 minutes, the sound of horseshoes could be faintly heard.

Immediately afterwards, the ground seemed to vibrate slightly.

Although the iron cavalry of the Yuan army could not be seen in the night, everyone knew that the iron cavalry of the Yuan army was very close.From the commander-in-chief to the soldiers in the Song army, almost all of them had solemn expressions.

Fighting against cavalry in an open area is a very disadvantageous thing.

The momentum of the iron cavalry charge can often make people timid.


In just 2 minutes, the torches of the Yuan army's iron cavalry became very clear.


Many generals in the Song army shouted.

The soldiers all shouted loudly, holding their shields and spears tightly with both hands, their faces tense.

Seeing the continuous torches in the dark night, it is obvious that the iron cavalry of the Yuan army has a very large number of people.

As the Yuan army got closer, the ground trembled more violently, and some soldiers' hands were already covered with fine sweat.

But when the Yuan army was thousands of meters away, they suddenly diverted.Many people stopped their horses suddenly and stopped in place.

The soldiers of the Song army were puzzled, but Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue knew it very well.These Yuan troops who reined in their horses were to resist Tianying and Tianman's cavalry.

The Yuan Army, Tianying, and Tianman's reinforcements rushed over from Cenxi at the same time, so it was impossible for them to be unaware of each other's movements.

General Yuan couldn't be a fool, there was no reason to give Tianying and Tianman's reinforcements a chance to rush to their rear.

And Yuan Jiang Simu Tuo really thought so.

He galloped at the forefront of the cavalry formation, and saw the torches surrounded by the Song army in front of him, and instantly saw that the Song army was forming a circular formation.

At the moment he issued two orders.

First, 1 horses were assigned to the left wing to resist the Song Army cavalry rushing here from the Yujiang River.

Second, the middle and right armies directly attacked the Song army's formation from the official road.

To break the face.

Maybe he doesn't know this word, but, as a veteran, he knows how to break the circle as quickly as possible.

The circular array is like an egg. If you hold it with your palm, it is difficult to break the egg, but if you poke it hard with your fingers, you can break the egg immediately.

"One to ten groups, get ready!"

In the Song army's circle, brothers Zhao Da and Zhao Hu shouted at the same time.

These two brothers are very fierce, even if they run around all night, they can't see much tiredness on their faces.

The four hundred soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army were divided into four rows and forty groups by them.Undoubtedly intending to take turns firing.

Simu Tuo led the cavalry closer.

At the speed of cavalry charging, the distance of hundreds of meters can be said to be just a few breaths.


Zhao Da and Zhao Hu stared at the torches in the Yuan army, roughly estimated the distance, and ordered suddenly.

Cannons rang out one after another.

In the darkness of night, countless flames suddenly exploded in the Yuan army's iron cavalry formation.

However, the cavalry of the Yuan army did not pay attention to any formation.Rao was blown upside down, but the rest were still charging forward.

"Eleven to twenty groups, let's go!"

"Groups 21 to [-], let's go!"

Zhao Da and Zhao Hu gave orders one after another.The soldiers of the Feilong Army and the ordinary soldiers who were responsible for reloading bombs beside them were extremely busy.

Hundreds of shells poured into the Yuan army cavalry formation one after another in just tens of seconds.

Such power is undoubtedly somewhat impressive.

The about [-] iron cavalry charged by the Yuan army eventually became chaotic.Some war horses were frightened, ran to the side, and then trampled each other.

Simu Tuo probably didn't expect the defeated Song army to go out of the city with so many grenades, and was stunned for a while.

Turning his head and seeing the chaotic soldiers behind him, this made him furious.

Cannonballs are simply the nemesis of cavalry.


But he continued to charge forward with his cavalry.

He knew that as long as he rushed into the Song Army's formation, it would be impossible for the Song Army's shells to make any more contributions.

Right now, Song Army's shells can only hit the middle of their army.The iron cavalry in front was safe and sound.

In more than ten seconds, the iron cavalry of the Yuan army came into contact with the circular formation of the Song army.

The shield soldiers on the periphery of the Song army's circle hid their bodies under the shields, and several of them supported a shield at the same time.

However, even so, it was still instantly broken through by the iron cavalry of the Yuan army.

The Yuan army's iron cavalry charging forward was so strong that some soldiers were knocked several meters away even with their shields.

The spears were poked at the horses of the Yuan army, and just after the fight, the scene became a bit tragic.

Simuto sees hope.

As soon as the iron cavalry came into contact, they directly broke through the defense of the shield soldiers of the Song army. This is undoubtedly a good sign.Judging from this trend, it is entirely possible for them to drive straight in and penetrate the circle of the Song army. At that time, the Song army without horses will only be slaughtered.

However, at this moment, there were suddenly dense explosions.

(End of this chapter)

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