Chapter 291
The next day.

The genius is Wei Weiliang, at the entrance of Baicao Valley, Le Chan took Xiao Wu and left the cave with a straw basket on his back.

Up to now, the owner of the valley and the elders no longer hold her so tightly.

The two went down the mountain road and walked a long way.Le Chan suddenly stopped.

The little girl Wu didn't know what she was thinking at the back, bumped into Le Chan, exclaimed, and said, "Sister Saint, why don't you leave?"

Le Chan looked at Xiao Wu eagerly, and said, "Xiao Wu, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Wu said: "Sister Saint, tell me, as long as Xiao Wu can do it, I will definitely help you."

As he spoke, he patted his underdeveloped chest, his face full of vigor.

Le Chan couldn't help chuckling, and said, "Can you wait here until evening before going back to the mountain?"

Xiao Wu was a little dazed, "Go back to the mountain in the evening? How about you, sister?"

Le Chan said: "My sister is going down the mountain and will come back later."

Xiao Wu's little head finally recovered, and said in surprise: "Sister, you are not going to find the emperor, are you? The owner of the valley said that you can't leave here."

"Little girl..."

Le Chan rubbed Xiao Wu's head and smiled, "When you grow up, you will understand."

Some things are more important than promises.

After saying this sentence, Le Chan said again: "When you go back, tell the valley owner that as long as Le Chan is not dead, she will come back to Baicao Valley again."

Xiao Wu's face was full of confusion, she didn't know whether to agree or not.

Le Chan pursed her lips deliberately and said, "Xiao Nizi, don't you want to help my sister? If you are a girl named Le Wu, you will definitely be willing to help me."

Le Wu is Xiao Wu, and this girl is also Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu used to ask Le Chan what kind of person Miss Le Wu was, and she would inevitably compare herself with Le Wu.Hearing Le Chan's words at this time, she seemed to be provoked in an instant, and said: "Alright then, but sister, you should come back earlier."

Le Chan smiled and rubbed her head again, and took out a letter from her sleeve, "You give this letter to the owner of the valley, she should not punish you after reading it."

"All right!"

Xiao Wu took the letter, looking a little pitiful.

Le Chan sighed softly, squatted down and straightened her skirt again, then got up and walked down the mountain.

The little girl Wu looked at Le Chan drifting away, her face was a little puzzled, "Could this be the power of love?"

She had just seen the happy and expectant face of the holy lady, and she really didn't understand why the valley master forbade the disciples in the valley to fall in love.

The dawn is getting brighter.

Xiao Wu on the mountain could no longer see Le Chan, so she crouched on the spot, dazed.

Her little head obviously still can't figure out what kind of power love is.

Is it like when I was brought to Baicao Valley, I was reluctant to part with those brothers and sisters in the city who were also as poor as me?

When it was nearly dusk, she turned back and went up the mountain.

Not long after arriving in the cave, the owner of the valley hurried to find Xiao Wu in Le Chan's room, and said aggressively, "Xiao Wu, where is the saint?"

Xiao Wu lowered her head and handed the letter that Le Chan gave her to Gu Zhu, "Sister Saint has gone down the mountain."


Gu Zhu was so angry that he stretched out his hand, as if he was about to hit Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu hurriedly shrank behind the table, and said pitifully, "Sister Saint said that you would not punish Xiao Wu if you read her letter."

Gu Zhu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but he had no choice but to put down his hand angrily, and then opened Le Chan's letter to read.

She was trembling with anger.

She also heard about the incident on Guangnan West Road. Le Chan left Baicao Valley at this time, so she naturally knew why.

Looking at the letter in her hand, she trembled more and more.

But at the end, the trembling all over her body suddenly stopped, her eyes were a little red, "This silly girl..."

She sat down on the chair and closed her eyes slightly.

Xiao Wu looked at Gu Zhu who was about to cry, a little puzzled, and asked timidly, "Gu Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

The owner of the valley waved his hand, but did not speak.

Thinking of what happened to her back then, she opened her eyes with a very complicated look on her face.

Back then, why wasn't she like Le Chan?But what happened?
It is strictly forbidden for disciples to fall in love in Baicao Valley, but the prohibition continues repeatedly.I don't know how many disciples committed crimes knowingly, but in the end, who got a good result?
In Guzhu's eyes, men are unreliable, they like the new and dislike the old.But women are often stupid.

Le Chan's mother was blessed with no regrets until she died, but in the end, she still died at the hands of the Nine Ghosts?

As for herself, she never even got that happiness.

Gu Zhu muttered in his heart, "Girl, I hope you can get what you want."

After reading Le Chan's letter, she suddenly felt as if she didn't know whether the rules she had set up were right or wrong.

Le Chan said that dying vigorously for love is better than suffering in this valley.Love cannot escape.

The owner of the valley has been unsmiling and indifferent to others these years. Isn't it because he is suffering in his heart all the time?

If I had been as brave as Le Chan at that time, maybe the result would not have been like that?

She was dazed for a long time, clutching Le Chan's letter, and left the room a little lonely.Only Xiao Wu girl was left in place with a puzzled face.

Nearly ten days passed quickly.

The Yuan army in Wuzhou City finally moved.

Ye Su'er led 12 soldiers under his command out of the city and rushed to Tanjin in a mighty way.It seems that there is an idea of ​​​​annihilating the Song army based on Tanjin.

At this time, Tanjin was already an empty city.Yesuer's army naturally entered the city without hindrance.

And on the night when she arrived at Tanjin, more than ten thousand yuan troops from Tanjin County left the city and headed south of Tanjin.

In the south of Tanjin, there are many villages and towns scattered.The Song Army under Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue was stationed in these villages and towns.

As soon as Ye Su'er arrived in Tanjin, he ordered the soldiers to leave the city, no doubt because he wanted to catch the Song army by surprise.

In the dark night, the Yuan army rode iron torches like a long dragon, galloping towards Su'e Town within the jurisdiction of Tanjin.However, here, they were in vain.

The Song Army originally stationed in Su'e Town was headed by Tianfu Army Commander Jin Hao. After the scouts found out the information, they were already more than [-] miles away from Su'e Town.He has only a thousand soldiers under his command, so he is naturally following Zhao Dongting's guerrilla tactics.

The Yuan army cavalry arrived in the town and found that the town was empty, and the general who led the army was naturally furious.

Then, he sent a quick horse to report back to Ye Suer, and asked Ye Suer to make a decision.

In Tanjin County, Ye Su'er learned of the scout's report in the government office, and couldn't help showing anger, "Why is the Song Army so cunning!"

Princess Mingzhu was beside her at this moment, seeing her anger, she blinked and asked, "Grandma, is the little emperor of the Song Dynasty really difficult to deal with?"

Ye Su'er rubbed her head and sighed: "Grandma hasn't formally confronted the little emperor of the Song Dynasty, but he is not easy to come by. Since he took charge of the government affairs of the Song Dynasty, the Song Army is indeed much more difficult to deal with than before. Haha , these years, grandma has marched and fought, but she has never suffered such a big loss like in Guangxi. I also heard that the firearms in the Song army were all invented by the little emperor. Do you think he is difficult to deal with? Even if you two Grandpa Huang, at his age, I'm afraid he doesn't have such abilities..."

At this time, Ye Su'er's face actually had a look of disappointment, as if the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

Princess Mingzhu pouted, but she muttered in her heart: "Is he so powerful? But that day, I didn't think he was so powerful!"

On the night of Ziqi's day, she almost captured the little emperor of the Song Dynasty alive.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little puffed up again, it was that damned maid holding the Shenlong gun.

But she hated Ying Er.

If it wasn't for Yinger holding the seemingly different Shenlong gun that day, it would obviously not be able to stop Huang Liangce and the two swordsmen.

Ye Su'er and even Mingzhu's nature, seeing her lost in thought, couldn't help but worry a little: "Little girl, don't you have any bad ideas?"

"No way!"

Princess Mingzhu said angrily, "Mingzhu is very obedient, okay?"

But no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.Anyway, he failed to capture Zhao Dongting alive that night, which always made this pampered princess of the Yuan Dynasty very sad.

Ye Su'er didn't think that Princess Ming Zhu would be so disrespectful, so she nodded with a smile, "Okay, okay."

With the pistachio of Mingzhu, it made her feel less disturbed.

She pondered for a while, and said to the scout kneeling in front of her, "Let Chang Ge lead the army to guard Su'e Town for now!"


The scouts led the way.

Ye Su'er narrowed her eyes slightly, "Do you want to use this to delay time? Let's see where you can hide."

(End of this chapter)

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