The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 301: Experts Raid the Camp

Chapter 301 Master Attacks the Camp ([-])

The river water was glowing with a whitish light in the hazy moonlight.

On the rocky beach beside the river, the white ones are water, the yellow ones are mud, and the black ones are stones.

Le Wuwei and hundreds of them quietly approached the Yuan army camp on the beach at a fairly fast speed.

It's just because of the distance, when the Yuan army came out of the camp, although the torches were stretching, they didn't see it.

Huang Liangce took dozens of green forest battalion masters to stop behind a hillside about a kilometer away from Xiujiang Town.Crouch down and wait for the army to arrive.

The Song army had powerful firearms, and they didn't have the confidence that Le Wuwei had. They needed to use a large army to attract the Song army's attention first.

In the night, the scouts of the two armies staggered back and forth.

When the Yuan army was about ten miles away from Xiujiang Town, Wen Tianxiang and others in Xiujiang Town got the news and began to deploy defenses at the town's earthen walls.

Time passed slowly.

Because the Yuan army marched slower and set off late, it was Le Wuwei who arrived outside the Yuan army camp first.

The tents of the Yuan army are all set up on the hillside, surrounded by open spaces.They had to prostrate themselves on the ground.

Looking up, you can see braziers on the towering wooden fences around the Yuan army barracks.Under the light of the fire, the soldiers of the Yuan army could be vaguely seen.

There were reinforcements wandering past on galloping horses, very close to Le Wuwei and them.The sound of hooves and shouts can be heard clearly.

Le Wuwei pressed his hand to the back, signaling to all the martial arts masters not to act rashly.

There are hundreds of people, hiding in the grass, silently.

Even with the Thunderbolt and the Dragon Gun, it is obviously not easy to attack the Yuan army's camp secretly.As long as you startle the snake a little bit, you will fall short.

This is a matter of life and death, and no one dares to be hasty.

In just a few 10 minutes, several waves of Yuan army wandering and galloping passed by Le Wuwei and them.

Fortunately, the ground where they hid was uneven and rocky, so these scouts never found them.

In this way, at about the end of the time of Haishi, there were fast horses galloping past the wooden fence.The soldiers of the Yuan army were ordered to change defenses.

In the barracks, soldiers from the Yuan army ran out in line.And the soldiers outside walked towards the main gate of the barracks in groups as if they were receiving an amnesty.

Seeing this scene, Le Wuhui no longer hesitated, waved his hands, and led all the priests of the Wuding Hall to crawl forward, secretly approaching the Yuan army barracks.


When the soldiers of the Yuan army who changed defense had just rushed to the line of defense, he roared and took the lead in plundering the soldiers of the Yuan army who were closest to him.

Hundreds of figures in black suddenly jumped out of the grass and approached the soldiers of the Yuan army at a very fast speed.

When the soldiers of the Yuan army saw these figures in the firelight, they were shocked and opened their mouths to shout.

However, while the voice was still in his throat, many cold arrows shot past, knocking them to the ground one after another.Some arrows even shot through the necks of these Yuan soldiers, and with a thumping sound, they shot into the wooden fence behind them.

The small god arm crossbow remade by Zhao Dongting is also very powerful.

Before the Yuan army was completely alarmed, Le Wuhui was obviously not stupid enough to wake up all the Yuan troops in the camp with guns.

In just a few moments, more than ten Yuan soldiers fell under the arrows.

On the watchtower on the wooden fence, soldiers of the Yuan army were just about to blow their horns, but their heads were pierced by arrows and fell to the ground.

However, this still alarmed the Yuan soldiers around.

Outside the entire barracks, soldiers of the Yuan army were patrolling everywhere.Don't say that they assassinated so many people for nothing, even if there was a little trouble, it was impossible to hide the senses of so many soldiers.

Shouts suddenly sounded in the dark night, "The enemy attacked the camp! The enemy attacked the camp!"

There was no surprise on Le Wuhui's face, as he expected this.He hurriedly said: "Old Huang, you lead 50 people to the east to attract the Yuan army with guns and guns. If the opportunity is not good, immediately lead the people to retreat. The rest of the people will continue to lurk with the hall master and wait for the opportunity."

Old Huang, named Huang Liujia.About fifty years old, he is second only to Le Wuhui and Yue Yue in the Wuding Hall, almost at the level of the Great Yuan Realm.

However, at Lao Huang's age, unless there is some chance, otherwise, it would be impossible to break through the Great Yuan Realm.

Hearing Le Wuwei's words, the emaciated old Huang immediately took the order, "Follow me without fear of death."

Immediately, dozens of Wu Dingtang followed behind him, just at the edge of the fire, and swept towards the east side.

"The enemy is there!"

"The enemy is there!"

A soldier of the Yuan Army pointed at Lao Huang and his figures and shouted, and then several groups of soldiers with spears chased after Lao Huang and his group.

Gunshots sounded.

Lao Huang and the others ran while shooting at the Yuan army where they could see.

Le Wuwei led the people back to the grass quietly, prostrated themselves on the ground, and stared at Lao Huang and the others.

The sudden sound of gunfire undoubtedly moved the Yuan army in the camp.

Apart from the fact that Yuan troops were chasing Lao Huang and the others all around, many soldiers also ran out from the tents in the camp.

Lao Huang and the others had no horses, so they were quickly approached by Yuan army cavalry.The sound of the cannon also rang.

All the flames burst into flames.

"Come with me!"

Seeing that there was no Yuan army around the wooden fence ahead, Le Wuhui made a decisive decision and ran towards the Yuan army camp.

All the priests of Wudingtang raised their crossbows horizontally, as if they were special soldiers with machine guns.

They rushed to the outside of the wooden fence at an extremely fast speed, jumped into the camp one by one, shot and killed many Yuan soldiers who ran out of the camp in a hurry, and followed Le Wuwei's pace closely.

The divine arm crossbow in Le Wuhui's hand kept releasing arrows, with a dignified expression, he went straight to the depths of the Yuan army's camp.

Most of the handsome camps in this era are located in the middle of the camp, which is the norm.Although his task was to capture Princess Mingzhu alive, thinking about it, with the honor of Princess Mingzhu, Monto would not dare to place her too far away from his camp.Undoubtedly, there are more soldiers guarding Princess Pearl's tent than his handsome camp.

In the faint light of the flames, the soldiers of the Yuan army who hurried out of the tent obviously couldn't resist Le Wuwei and their masters.

After most of the guards inside and outside the camp were lured away by Lao Huang and the others, Le Wuwei and the others could be said to be gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

Cold arrows were continuously fired from the god arm crossbow in their hands, but their pace did not stop at all.

With the internal strength of the Zhongyuan Realm, he marched with all his strength, almost like a ghost, and when the speed exploded, he was even several minutes faster than a war horse.

Outside the camp, the sound of cannons gradually became denser and farther away.

Le Wuwei led his men to keep marching against the tent, and some veterans in Wu Ding Hall knocked over the brazier next to the tent and ignited the tent, instantly making the Yuan army camp even more chaotic.

Flames burst through the night sky.

And in the depths of the camp, Monto, who learned that there was an enemy attacking the camp in the commander's tent, stood up, and his first sentence was, "Protect the princess!"

His face was ugly, with some dark hatred.

He didn't expect that the Song army would also sneak attack on their camp.And almost all the masters in his army followed Huang Liangce to assassinate Emperor Song.

He groaned in the commander's tent, put on his armor and went out of the tent, leading hundreds of personal guards to go to Princess Mingzhu's tent.

Outside the camp, he shouted into the tent, "Princess, there are enemy troops attacking the camp. Please don't pay the princess."

Princess Mingzhu's impatient voice came from inside, "For disturbing my sleep, be sure to kill them all."

Monto had no expression on his face, and took orders indifferently, "Yes!"

At this time, how would he kill the enemy troops who attacked the camp?
Most of the generals in the army have already fallen asleep, and so have the soldiers. It is impossible for him to organize a siege in a short time.Now, to deal with the enemy troops who attacked the camp, they could only rely on the soldiers in the army who were in charge of night watch.

He knew that Princess Pearl's words were just angry words, so he didn't take them too seriously.

Just now the soldiers reported that only dozens of enemy troops attacked the camp.He didn't worry about any big troubles these Song troops could cause, as long as he could protect the princess.

How can a camp of tens of thousands of people be dismantled by dozens of people?

Not long after, I heard the sound of chaos getting closer and closer.Monto's face gradually became serious, and he shouted, "Be alert!"

He realized that these Song soldiers were all masters, and they must be people from Wu Dingtang next to Emperor Song.Otherwise, it would be impossible to get close to Shuai Zhang so quickly.

Monto still has some confidence in the soldiers under his command.Even if the camp was attacked suddenly, if Song Jun was not a master, it would be impossible to break through to the depths of the camp in such a short period of time.

Another tent was ignited, and the flames suddenly burst into flames.

The soldiers of the Yuan army in the tent ran out of the camp in a state of embarrassment, some with little clothes on.

Le Wuhui led dozens of people and rushed out from behind the flames.


Monto drinks coldly.

Immediately, hundreds of arrows shot towards Le Wuwei's group with the sound of piercing through the air.

(End of this chapter)

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