The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 319 The Battle of Guangxi

Chapter 319 The Decisive Battle in Guangxi ([-])

And in the north of Xiujiang Town, Monto was also in trouble at this time.

At this time, there are more than 5 people hoarding in Xiujiang Town of the Song Army, plus thousands of children from the Beggar Gang, it is a full [-].This is twice the number under his command. Now it is not a question of whether to delay the Song army, but a question of whether he can protect himself in front of the Song army.

Seeing Song Jun rushing out of the city, he knew that it was time to make a decision.If they wait until the two armies are completely at war, they will be unable to withdraw even if they want to, and will only be eaten away by the Song army step by step.With the firearms of the Song Army, it has twice the strength of the Song Army, and Monto has no idea that he can defeat the Song Army. What's more, the situation is exactly the opposite now, and the Song Army has twice the strength of them.

"General Meng!"

While Monto was still hesitating, the lieutenant next to him couldn't hold back, "Whether it's fighting or withdrawing, we should make a conclusion."


Monto sighed softly, "What's your idea?"

Without any hesitation, the lieutenant general obviously made up his mind and said: "The Song army is powerful. If our army wants to continue to hold them back, it is very likely that they will be wiped out here by their entire army. It's not that we don't want to do it, but Nothing can be done. If there is no firewood left in the green hills, the final general thinks that we should retreat immediately. Even if the boss Boyan blames me for not being able to wait, we still have reasons to say that we really can't deal with it. So many Song soldiers."

He pondered for a while, "And if all the soldiers are dead, then we really don't have any right to speak."

Monto let out a breath, "You are right, send the order, the whole army retreat!"

His eyes are a little complicated.

In fact, what he was worried about was not just the defeat in the battle of Xiujiang Town, whether Boyan would blame him.

Boyan understands him, and he also understands Boyan.

Boyan has always been thoughtful and thoughtful, and Meng Tuo knew very well that even though he put all the blame on Huang Liangce in the letter, Boyan might not believe his words.With Boyan's city mansion, one can definitely find something in it.Whether he should be punished or not depends on Boyan's personal intention.

Right now, he is stationed on the side of Xiujiang Town, with a large army in hand, which is still useful to Boyan.But what about after this trip?
Who knows if Boyan will continue to be willing to take care of Princess Pearl for him?

Moreover, Huang Liangce and Li Wangyuan are still alive, which is always a hidden danger.

Although Boyan has always valued him, who in the officialdom has never abandoned a pawn to save a car?

This small river and lake that countless people flock to actually has no friendship to talk about. In the final analysis, it depends on whether you have any use value.

Meng Tuo felt vaguely in his heart that if Huang Liangce returned to Dadu and reported the matter of Princess Mingzhu to the emperor, as long as the emperor ordered a strict investigation, then Boyan would definitely not keep himself, at most he would just wait and see .It is impossible for him to get involved in this matter because of himself, after all, Princess Mingzhu is the emperor's favorite princess.

For the great cause of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan could sacrifice the Pearl.But wouldn't he be angry?
When the fighting ceases, it may be time for His Majesty the Emperor to vent his anger.At that time, it will be difficult for anyone who has something to do with Mingzhu to protect himself wisely.

Therefore, Monto was in a dilemma before.

He wanted Boyan to see his role in the army and help him protect him, but he was afraid that all his soldiers would be lost here.

However, when the lieutenant general said that the green hills are still there, and he is not afraid of running out of firewood, suddenly there is a light in his heart, and Mao Sai is enlightened.

There was the sound of gold ringing in the Yuan army's formation.

Monto looked at the Song army rushing out of the city from a distance, and sighed in his heart, "I hope we don't go that far..."

He steered his horse and hurried eastward with the retreating soldiers.

As for the cavalry of the 2000 yuan army who was fighting with the children of the beggar gang, it seemed to be forgotten. From Monto down, none of the generals of the yuan army who retreated with the soldiers did not mention it.

It is impossible for those 2000 people to withdraw.

In the Song army, Wen Tianxiang personally led the army out of the city. He was really surprised to see the Yuan army suddenly retreating with the sound of gold ringing before the battle started.

He knew that Monto led the army to attack Xiujiang Town simply because he wanted to hold them back who were stationed in Xiujiang Town, but what was going on?

Could it be that Monto felt that the delay was enough?

Wen Tianxiang didn't think that Monto would withdraw because he was afraid that all the soldiers would be wiped out, because even though the Song army was powerful, it would take time to swallow up more than [-] Yuan troops.Furthermore, Monto must be aware of the importance of this battle. It can be said that it is the final battle of the Yuan army's attack on the Song Dynasty. If necessary, he would never dare to withdraw even if it is the last soldier.

Therefore, Wen Tianxiang was more inclined to the previous guess.

This made his heart beat suddenly.

Could it be that the Yuan army has other arrangements on the riverside, so that they have the confidence to eat up those dozens of divisions in a short period of time?
Until this time, there was no news from Delta to Xiujiang Town.

Thinking of this, Wen Tianxiang's face was serious, he didn't care about chasing Mengto any more, and said to Zhang Hongwei next to him: "General Zhang, you lead the army to help the children of the beggar gang. The rest of the soldiers, follow me back to the city!"

Zhang Hongwei took the order, and waved his soldiers away from the main force.

Liu Hongyi was on the right side of Wen Tianxiang, and said in surprise, "Marshal, don't we continue to chase the Yuan army?"

Although the Yuan army has strong soldiers and horses, chasing them now may still cause great damage to the Yuan army.Liu Hongyi hadn't fought on the battlefield for a long time, so he was inevitably a little excited at this time, and he was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity.

Wen Tianxiang didn't say much, just nodded slightly, "Go back to the city!"

His commander-in-chief ran towards the city, and the army of Song Jun who had just left the city naturally followed suit.

Liu Hongyi felt it was a pity in his heart, but he could only sigh lightly.

He is just a general and cannot change Wen Tianxiang's mind.Moreover, maybe Wen Tianxiang, as a marshal, may see farther than him.

After the army returned to Xiujiang Town, Wen Tianxiang galloped straight to the government office.

Zhao Dongting had already returned to the government office at this time, Le Chan and Qin Han were standing beside him, seeing Wen Tianxiang hurried into the hall, Zhao Dongting was slightly surprised: "Why did the military order come back? Could it be so soon?" Is Monto defeated?"

This is of course a joke.Zhao Dongting is not a white man on the battlefield, and he knows that it is impossible to destroy the Yuan army so quickly.

Wen Tianxiang's expression did not relax at all because of Zhao Dongting's joke, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the Monto army hastily retreated when they saw our army leaving the city, even ignoring the soldiers who were fighting with the beggars. There may be some clues in this, has he achieved his goal?"

Zhao Dongting's expression was also slightly stern.

Wen Tianxiang didn't speak clearly, but he could still hear what he meant.

Monto came here to restrain them. If the goal was achieved, it could only be that the battle in the delta has already been won or lost.

However, even if the winner is decided, Monto has no reason to get the news so quickly.

Now even Zhao Dongting couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said: "The military order means that the Yuan army has other methods over there that we don't know about?"

Wen Tianxiang nodded, "This is exactly what I am worried about. Your Majesty, should we lead the army out of the city to support now?"

"Do not."

Zhao Dongting pondered for a few minutes, and finally shook his head, "If that side loses, it is useless for us to rush to support now. There are more than [-] troops there. If the war is over, we people running over will be like sending sheep into the country." Hukou, if Monto turns back at that time, our army will also be surrounded. Eh... You said that Monto withdrew, did you mean to lure our army out of the city to help?"

Wen Tianxiang showed surprise, "Perhaps there is such a possibility."

He really didn't think of this just now.

At this time, Qin Han said: "Your Majesty, no matter what Mengto's intentions are, we will stick to Xiujiang Town now. If something really happens there, I think the two generals Yue Peng and Su Quandang will come soon Hurry back and report. Even if Monto wants to preserve his strength, it’s okay to let him run away, but he only has about [-] soldiers left, and it won’t have a big impact on the entire battle.”

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "Well, let's do it this way!"

Wen Tianxiang cupped his hands and left the hall again.

Qin Han asked Zhao Dongting, "It's just the emperor, if our army over there is really wiped out by the whole army, what should we do?"

Zhao Dongting said: "To tell you the truth, I never thought about it. If this is the case, then our dynasty is really over. At that time, the whole army will have to rush to the middle of Sichuan, and even Leizhou, which is the foundation, will have to be abandoned. Oh, Qin Han, what do you think will happen to those people in Shuzhong if I lead my army to Shuzhong?"

Qin Han chose to keep silent again, as if he didn't hear Zhao Dongting's words, but the gleam in his eyes was enough to show that he was thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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