The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 32 Where Are the Warriors?

Chapter 32 Where Are the Warriors?
At this time, somewhere in Leizhou Mansion.

Several pirate leaders were standing in front of a white-haired, but extremely energetic old man with sharp eyes looming.

"Senior, we have plundered two treasure ships from the imperial court one after another. Did we send all the gold and silver?"

The old man stood with his back to the pirate leaders, without turning his head, he waved his hands and said, "No hurry, no hurry. When the Yuan army comes to attack Qizhou Island and the Song army is completely defeated or escapes, it will not be too late for you to bring the treasure. Now Send it here, if Song Jun finds out, it will inevitably be very troublesome."

"Senior is wise!"

The pirate leaders complimented him again and again. It seemed that they looked like students in front of the old man, very well-behaved.

However, the old man was indifferent to their compliments, and waved his hand again: "If there is nothing wrong, you can go back! If there is nothing wrong, don't come to me."

The pirate leaders nodded and left the house one after another.

The old man muttered to himself, "My Murong family has come so far, relying on being cautious. How can you idiots understand such a truth..."


A few days passed by.

Lu Xiufu sent several military ships and nearly a thousand imperial guards to escort the treasure ship, and finally sent the treasure to Leizhou.

In fact, they didn't pay much attention to those two ships of treasure.Compared with the treasures brought out from Lin'an, those are nothing at all.

Except that Li Yuanxiu arranged for two masters to keep watching the pirates, Zhao Dongting did not send anyone to investigate this matter.

He has never cared about money, but he also knows how much gold, silver and jewelry are on Quzhou Island now, so he doesn't particularly care about it either.Compared with this matter, he obviously cared a lot about those black-clothed assassins.

They just sent several groups of people to inquire one after another, and even bribed the people who sell news in the rivers and lakes, but they failed to get any clues.

Those assassins in black seemed to have disappeared out of thin air in Leizhou Mansion.

This also made Zhao Dongting secretly suspect whether it was really done by the people in Geli Junzhi's prefecture.He has this ability.

But gradually, Zhao Dongting didn't have much thought to pursue this matter.Because the Yuan army is getting closer and closer to Quzhou Island.

The troops led by Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng really came for Quichou Island, and they went straight there.

Zhao Dongting had no choice but to devote all his body and mind to preparing for the battle.Every time he saw the silent music and dance that no longer had the same laughter and laughter as before, he always felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.Le Wu Le Wu, she was supposed to be a happy girl dancing like a butterfly, but now, she can't be seen smiling anymore.

The last batch of porcelain pots was finally delivered to Quzhou Island, two days earlier than the deadline set by Zhao Dongting.

The atmosphere on Quzhou Island was unprecedentedly tense, with [-] sergeants practicing day and night, shouting loudly.The craftsmen and infantrymen in the weapons shop were busy.

Most of the newly enlisted sergeants were sent to do some logistical work.

Zhao Dongting has been climbing mountains to survey the terrain these days. He felt that the climbing was too tiring, so on a whim, he used the colored colored glaze already in the Song Dynasty to temper colorless colored glaze and polished more than ten pairs of binoculars.

These binoculars were awarded by him to the commanders of the various armies, and the commanders were so amazed that they were so happy that they wanted to sleep with them.

Zhang Shijie said: "With this sharp weapon, our army will be able to see the slightest change of the Yuan thief thousands of miles away."

Thousands of miles away is naturally an exaggeration, but there is really no problem when looking at thousands of meters away.For them, this is already unimaginable.

As soon as July arrived, Tanzhou in Guangxi took the lead in igniting the flames of war. Ali Haiya led an army to attack the civil rebels Zhou Long, He Shier and others.

The ruling and opposition parties on Quzhou Island were shaken.

This incident made the atmosphere on Dequzhou Island more and more tense, as if thick dark clouds were always pressing on the top.

All divisions and ministries have repeatedly supervised and stepped up their preparations.

In the weapons workshop, more and more landmines were made.

The troops of Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were getting closer and closer to Quzhou Island, and new reports arrived almost every day.

With luck, Lu Xiufu went to Leizhou Mansion to ask Ge Lijun to send troops to reinforce Quzhou Island, but he came back angrily.

Mr. Ge Li actually rejected him with the hypocritical excuse of guarding against the Yuan army.

Everyone knew that Ge Lijun's heart was no longer in Song Dynasty, and they no longer had any hope for him.

Zhao Dongting had expected it a long time ago, but he was not surprised.Just began to arrange for the infantry guards to plant mines on Quzhou Island.

He stayed by the side to direct this matter personally.

When it comes to marching and fighting, Zhao Dongting is naturally not particularly good at it, but there are people like Su Liuyi, Zhang Shijie, Yue Peng, and many civil and military ministers in the court. Everyone studied carefully according to the topographic map drawn by Zhao Dongting. Speculate on the landing site and attack direction that the Yuan army might choose.

To Zhao Dongting's surprise, Su Quandang turned out to be an expert in tactics.Every time he speaks, his insights are unique and amazing.

It seems that when he made a plan for the pirates, it was not a whim, but a real skill.

Even Yue Peng couldn't help casting shocking glances at Su Quandang during the discussion.

Ministers like Lu Xiufu and Zhang Shijie were also generous and praised him so much that Su Quandang was overjoyed.

Su Liuyi was also rather frightened, whenever someone praised Su Quandang, he would twitch his beard and smile.

In mid-July, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng's army was not far from Quichou Island, and they temporarily stationed in Chaozhou, Guangnan East Road.

It is only about half a month's sea journey from here to Quzhou Island.

The hateful thing is that Ge Lijun, the magistrate of Leizhou, still doesn't care about this.

Everyone on Quzhou Island scolded him endlessly.

Zhao Dongting didn't bother to scold, but sent someone to send a secret letter to Wen Tianxiang in Huizhou, but no one knew what was written in the letter.

end of July.

The troops led by Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng had arrived in Leizhou, and they were stationed along the coast of Leizhou to rest and prepare for an attack.

But even so, Mr. Ge Li still didn't care.Some gossip said that he seemed to have met the Yuan Army coach Zhang Hongfan in private.

This made Zhao Dongting feel a little nervous, worried that Mr. Ge Li would drop his Yuan at this time.In that way, Quzhou Island will face more pressure.

It's just that he thinks this possibility is not high.

Lord Geli's surrender at this time will inevitably be sent as cannon fodder to attack Quzhou Island. As a man, Lord Geli should choose to deal with him.

When August came, all [-] mines were finally buried.

Lalei, stepping mines, tripping mines, mother-child mines, and all kinds of mines that drained Zhao Dongting's brain were densely scattered all over Quzhou Island.

The atmosphere on Quzhou Island was so solemn that it almost froze.

On this day, Zhao Dongting personally led more than [-] forbidden troops to hold a swearing-in meeting on the cliff of Quzhou Island.

He was wearing a royal robe and standing on the highest point of the cliff, which is where he jumped off. Below, there are endless soldiers of the Song Dynasty.

The straight spears and halberds reflected the sunlight, making them look so sharp.

Ying Er, Le Wu, Concubine Yang Shu and others stood beside Zhao Dongting.In the front are the civil servants of the Southern Song Dynasty court, and the military generals are all listed.

The sea breeze blew past, blowing the military flags inlaid with dragons of various colors whistling.

Zhao Dongting watched it intently for a while, then suddenly raised the long sword in his hand high and shouted loudly, "Where are my soldiers of the Song Dynasty?"




The extremely loud shouts centered on Zhao Dongting, rippling down the mountain circle after circle, deafening.

Countless spears and halberds were raised high, as if they wanted to pierce the sky.Countless military flags are shining and waving, as if they want to lift the whole place.

Before Zhao Dongting's long sword fell, the shouts did not stop.

It took several minutes before he slammed down the long sword.The shouting stopped abruptly.

But within a few seconds, Zhao Dongting raised his long sword again and shouted, "Where is my great Song warrior?"




The shouts rang out again.

"Are the warriors afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Are the warriors afraid of yuan thieves?"

"The Immortal Yuan Thief, sleep with the sea!"

"The Immortal Yuan Thief, sleep with the sea!"


The last cry lasted for nearly 2 minutes.

The fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty was aroused to the peak.

Holding a sharp sword, Zhao Dongting stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the vast sea. At this moment, his heart finally completely merged into Da Song.

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, he told himself, you are no longer the former Zhao Dongting, but the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty.

He bid farewell to his previous life completely, and decided to forget all the grievances and hatreds in the previous life.

The swearing-in meeting is over.

Immediately afterwards, more than [-] forbidden troops were deployed separately.

Except for the thousands who were arranged to explode mines everywhere, the rest were all temporarily deployed in the palace on the mountainside.

Zhao Dongting returned to the Yizheng Hall, and made the final battle deployment with the civil servants and generals of the Manchu Dynasty.

Yuan Jun is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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