Chapter 344
Off the coast of Leizhou.

There is still mist on the sea surface, and the light of the morning light reflects yellow and orange in the small half of the sky at the end of the sea, and the sun slightly reveals half of its head.

Hundreds of naval warships of the Yuan Army split into two groups, broke through the waves, and invaded Haikang County.

The waves patted the side of the boat, making a swishing sound.

On the naval battleship, there are many soldiers of the Yuan army, and the flags are flying.

Zhang Hongfan's boat was still approaching the west coast of Haikang County. After a few hundred meters from the coast, the scouts went ashore with a small boat and found that the Song army on the shore was empty.

However, Li Heng led the army to land in the inner bay of Leizhou, just like last night, the army landed and directly attacked Haikang County.

Outside the city, there was no trace of the Song Army's army anymore.There are only dozens of scouts riding fast horses everywhere.

The two sides scouted you and me, constantly spying on each other.

Afterwards, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng led the army and drove straight in, reaching outside Haikang County.

In addition to the more than [-] Yuan soldiers guarding Donghai Island, there are also [-] soldiers gathered in Haikang County.

Li Heng and Zhang Hongfan led the army to Haikang County to meet again. The army was stationed at the west gate of Haikang County, and there was a tendency of dark clouds to overwhelm the city.

Above the city of Haikang County, the flag of the Song Army was flying high, and there were row upon row of artillery-throwing vehicles, but there was no scene of soldiers rubbing shoulders.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng immediately stood in front of the army, overlooking Haikang County.Although it has not yet attacked, the army is already majestic.

The Song army abandoned the coast, which completely convinced the two that Zhao Dongting did not lead his army back to Haikang. It is natural to win Haikang County.

Even though the Song Army had grenade launchers and hot air balloons, they also had countless cannon-throwing vehicles at this time, but neither of them felt that the Song Army still had the capital to stop their [-] troops.

Not long after, drums sounded in the Yuan army.



A loud roar broke out in the Yuan army's formation.

The soldiers of the Yuan army marched towards the west gate of Haikang County, shouting loudly, quite neatly.

Zhang Hongfan stared at the top of the city, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I want to see how the Song army stops my [-] troops!"

Li Heng also sneered beside him, but his eyes were a bit colder than Zhang Hongfan's.

Being teased by Su Liuyi like that last night had already caused his anger to soar to the sky.

The tidy steps made a booming sound, and the Yuan army's sword and shield soldiers kept tapping on the shield with their knives, making a shocking sound, which made the Yuan army a bit majestic.

When they were about 700 meters away from the city wall, the drums in the Yuan army's middle army suddenly became louder.

Some generals shouted: "Charge!"

The front shield soldier roared loudly, suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards the city wall.

Behind them, there are countless Yuan troops pushing cannon-throwing carts, layer upon layer, and there are countless cannon-throwing carts.


On the top of the city, Zhao Da and Zhao Hu led the Flying Dragon Army to guard directly above the city gate. Seeing the Yuan army attacking, they glared angrily and shouted loudly at the same time.

The sound of boom boom sounded one after another.

Eight hundred grenade launchers poured firepower into the Yuan army formation at the same time.

This immediately caused the soldiers in front of the Deyuan Army to receive a strong impact, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the sky was filled with dust.

However, there were still many yuan troops rushing out of the smoke and dust all over the sky, and continued to rush towards the city gate.

The Yuan army pushing the artillery cart at the back was able to catch up with the shield soldiers in front and meandered on the battlefield to avoid the artillery fire, only more than [-] meters away from the city gate.

There was another cannon at the city gate.

Hundreds of shells shot through the sky and fell into the formation of the Yuan army, making the densely packed siege army of the Yuan army a bit sparser.

Before the Yuan army approached the city wall, thousands of soldiers were probably killed by the grenade bombs.

However, in the large formation of the Chinese army, the sound of drums was still stirring.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng vowed to take down Haikang, obviously they didn't take this loss to heart.After confirming that Zhao Dongting didn't rush back to Haikang, they didn't need to make any more tests. At this time, they had already launched a general attack, not to mention thousands, and they might lose tens of thousands, and they might not withdraw their troops back.

But under such circumstances, the grenadier at the top of the city suddenly misfired.

All the shells in Haikang County have been used up.

Zhao Da and Zhao Hu stamped their feet angrily and kept cursing at the Yuan army, but they had no choice but to lead the Feilong army to the city.

Without the obstruction of the grenade, the Yuan army's offensive was even more mighty, and it was likely to annihilate the Haikang city wall directly.

Just in this short period of tens of seconds, soldiers have already approached more than [-] meters from the city wall of Haikang County.

On the top of the city wall, the Song army's cannon-throwing chariots finally projected thunderbolts into the Yuan army's formation, but it was sparse, and the Yuan army's offensive was basically unimpeded.

They seemed to be deliberately letting the Yuan army approach the city wall.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng naturally sensed that something was wrong. Li Heng said, "What kind of trick is Song Junzhu playing? Could it be that he wants to bluff again?"

It stands to reason that since the Song Army is now stationed in Haikang, it should try its best to resist them with all its firepower.Why can't you send out your strength?
Zhang Hongfan pondered for a while, and said: "I'm afraid I want to make a picture to lure our army to approach the city again, so don't worry about it."

Li Heng nodded.

During the conversation between the two, the Yuan army's army of cannon-throwing vehicles finally approached to about 400 meters from the city wall.

The generals who led the artillery carts reined in their horses one after another, ordered the soldiers to stop, and launched a bombardment towards the city wall on the spot.

The range of the catapult is about 500 meters, but it is a flat shot.At this time, when attacking the city, the distance must be closer, otherwise the Thunderbolt would not be able to hit the top of the city at all.

Nearly a thousand Thunderbolts were thrown into the air almost at the same time. Although it was far from overwhelming, it was still extremely astonishing.

Afterwards, these Thunderbolts exploded either at the head of the city or on the wall of the city.

At this moment, the city wall seemed to be shaking, and broken stones were flying.There are countless gaps in the city wall full of mottled traces of time.

Artillery fire exploded at the head of the city and in the formation of the Yuan army.

When the two armies shot at each other, it seemed that even the infantry of the Yuan army who were attacking the city were forgotten.

Countless yuan troops rushed out of the smoke and dust on the ground where the artillery was flying, and rushed out of the moat under the city wall at an extremely fast speed.

Some soldiers jumped into the water with a plop and built a pontoon bridge.

The Song army on the city wall seemed to be overwhelmed by the Yuan army's catapults, and there were only sporadic crossbows and arrows shooting down the city.

The damage caused by this obstacle to the densely packed Yuan army is naturally negligible.

Even the soldiers of the Yuan army seemed to see the hope of breaking the city, and their shouts were even louder, and the soldiers from behind kept approaching the city.

Li Heng saw that Song Jun's catapult was "lazy", so he couldn't help hesitating: "Brother, Song Jun is already planning to leave Haikang, right?"

In his view, Song Jun was simply resisting symbolically.

If this was not a bluff, it could only be that the Song Army's army was already preparing to leave Haikang through other city gates.

Zhang Hongfan was also a little uncertain at this time, he turned his head and said to the general next to him, "Explore!"

Soon, dozens of cavalry left the formation of the Yuan army's central army and went around the other three city gates in Haikang County.

Amidst the sound of artillery fire, more and more Yuan troops approached the city wall.

Looking around from the top of the city, within a few hundred meters below the city, the Yuan army was densely packed like ants.

And the pontoon bridge is about to be built.The soldiers of the Yuan army were the first to run up the pontoon bridge, trying to take down the city gate first.

This is an elite city-breaking team, extremely fast, and everyone is carrying thunder.

Zhang Jue and Wen Tianxiang stood at the corner of the city wall, watching the situation on the battlefield with binoculars.

Seeing that the Yuan Army's pontoon bridge was almost completed, Zhang Jue put down his binoculars and said, "Military order, it's time."

Wen Tianxiang nodded, and shouted to the orderly who was watching beside him, "Send the order, put fire oil."

The messenger passed the order to the flag soldier on the carriage, who spread his arms and waved the flag.

Immediately afterwards, a voice shouted on the city wall, "Put fire oil! Put fire oil!"

The unused cannon throwing carts on the city wall finally started to be used at this time, but instead of blasting thunder, they fired kerosene sealed in porcelain jars.

There were also soldiers carrying wooden barrels and pouring all kinds of fuel down.

In the city, hot air balloons are also slowly rising into the sky.

Countless yuan soldiers under the city were drenched in blood.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were naturally surprised when they saw that the porcelain pots launched from the city wall suddenly gathered together.

Isn't Song Jun planning to retreat?

Later, when I saw that these porcelain jars did not explode, I was even more puzzled.

Li Hengdao: "What exactly is Song Jun trying to do?"

Zhang Hongfan just shook his head slightly, "Brother Yu can't figure it out, let's wait and see what happens!"

Now that their army has arrived at the city, they have a great advantage, so naturally he won't withdraw his troops because of this unexpected situation.

Soon, the hot air balloon flew high into the sky, pouring kerosene down continuously.

A soldier of the Yuan army who was drenched in kerosene was affected by the flames from the explosion, and immediately burned himself, turning into a man of fire, and uttered a tragic cry.

When there were more and more soldiers like this, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng finally realized what the Song Army was up to.

Fire attack!

With the density of their army now, if the Song army attacked with fire, their army might be covered by a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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