Chapter 352
Mrs. Xu put her snake stick in front of Zhang Hongfan's head, with a smile on her face, "General Zhang, I meet you again."

Zhang Hongfan smiled wryly.

At this time, outside the woods, the soldiers of the She people finally rushed into the woods.

Some Yuan soldiers fled in despair, while others knelt on the ground and begged for surrender.There were also those who were resisting, and died one after another at the hands of the Shemin masters.

Zhang Hongfan saw that his soldiers were being massacred completely, and with a look of despair on his face, he shouted with all his strength: "Surrender!"

Then he collapsed on the ground, as if at this moment, all the strength in his body was exhausted.

This time he was completely defeated.

Mrs. Xu's sudden arrival unintentionally cut off his retreat, leaving him with no chance to make a comeback.If you don't surrender, you will only die.

The soldiers who were still fighting in the Yuan army were stunned and turned their heads when they heard Zhang Hongfan shouting with all his strength.

The big banner fell down.

The main general was captured.

Failure came so quickly, so unexpectedly.

Most of the more than ten thousand troops have already run away, and the corpses and wounded soldiers are removed from the surroundings, only a thousand or so of them are left.

The She people also stopped their hands, but they kept walking and quickly surrounded them.

Some soldiers dropped their weapons and sat down on the ground.Then, there was the sound of clanging weapons falling to the ground.

This fight came suddenly and ended suddenly.

Many people are still in a state of confusion.

Mrs. Xu touched Zhang Hongfan's chest with her snake stick, and said, "General Zhang, please get up!"

Zhang Hongfan stood up holding his chest, feeling extremely bitter.Just a few clicks by Mrs. Xu, the inner energy in his body was completely sealed.

Mrs. Xu is really strong.

She people cheered.

Mrs. Xu stood beside Zhang Hongfan, and shouted coquettishly, "Masters, clean up the battlefield and go to Haikang!"

Then, she sat on the belly of Zhang Hongfan's dejected horse and asked, "Did General Zhang fail to attack Haikang?"

Zhang Hongfan's face was even more bitter, "The defeat, these soldiers are the only ones left."

He has already surrendered, and he has no intention of hiding any more, and he doesn't feel ashamed anymore.

It's all in this situation now, and the face undoubtedly looks a little ridiculous.

Mrs. Xu was quite surprised, "Aren't you with an army of 15? Why didn't you capture Haikang, but suffered a big defeat instead?"

Zhang Hongfan only said: "It's a long story..."

Mrs. Xu seemed to be muttering to herself, "If I had known this, I wouldn't have rushed to Haikang in such a hurry."

Zhang Hongfan was even more bitter when he heard the words.

Isn't Mrs. Xu saying that he is incompetent in disguise, but what else can he say now?

After a few seconds of silence, Zhang Hongfan sighed and said, "Madam Xu, how did you get rid of Manager Huang's army and come to Leizhou?"

The manager Huang he was talking about was Huang Hua, the former leader of the rebel army.After Huang Hua was defeated, he descended to the Yuan Dynasty and became the general manager of the Jianning Road in the Yuan Dynasty.

The Jianning Road in the Yuan Dynasty was the Fujian Road in the Song Dynasty, but it was named differently.

Mrs. Xu chuckled when she heard this, "Although Huang Hua's will to resist the Yuan Dynasty is not firm, he still has his heart towards the Song Dynasty."

Zhang Hongfan turned pale with shock, "Huang Hua has rebelled again?"

Mrs. Xu said: "Didn't you also surrender Song now?"

Zhang Hongfan smiled wryly again and remained silent.

Mrs. Xu laughed again: "Ali Haiya, Boyan, and Ye Su'er defeated Guangxi one after another. Your old enemies from the Yuan Dynasty to the Song Dynasty are gone."

Zhang Hongfan was in a daze.

Yeah, it's really all over.

He led an army of 15 people to Leizhou, intending to draw on the bottom line, but he was defeated.It seems that now the Yuan Dynasty is really powerless to stop the rise of the Song Dynasty.

Although there are still countless large armies of the Yuan army in the north, the court is not as stable as it appears on the surface. Will the emperor still have the strength to destroy the Song Dynasty?

Furthermore, even if we send another large army, will we really be able to destroy Song Dynasty?
Zhang Hongfan murmured: "The new emperor of the Song Dynasty is really a talent from heaven. In this battle, our Dayuan was not unjustly defeated."

Mrs. Xu said meaningfully, "Is it still us Dayuan?"

Zhang Hongfan knew he had made a slip of the tongue, bowed his head and smiled wryly.Regardless of whether Emperor Song accepted him far or not, he could no longer be regarded as a general of the Yuan Dynasty.

Two consecutive defeats cost countless soldiers, and a military order had been issued before coming to Leizhou on this trip. Now, it is impossible for Kublai Khan to accept him again.

Not long after, the She people had cleaned up the battlefield.

In the woods, only the corpses of Yuan soldiers whose armor had been stripped remained.

The She people on the boat at sea have already disembarked, tens of thousands of people, in different costumes, headed for Haikang County under the leadership of Mrs. Xu.

When they arrived at Haikang, the sky was already bright.

The Song army at the top of the city saw another large army coming, and all kinds of flags were unfurled, so they blew their horns quickly.

The sudden and loud sound of the horn resounded in Haikang County again.

Most of the Song soldiers in the city were still resting at this time, awakened by the sound of the horn, sat up and looked around blankly.

Is there another Yuan army coming?Where did the Yuan army come from?

Then a general yelled at the soldiers to line up, and hurriedly ran towards the west gate.

Su Liuyi, Zhang Jue and others counted the dead soldiers at the gate of the palace, and they all changed their colors when they heard the sound of the horn.

Zhang Jue said: "Who is going to attack Haikang again?"

Before he finished speaking, he got on his horse and ran towards the west city gate.

Su Liuyi and others hurriedly followed.

There are always many surprises in wars, and he doesn't dare to conclude that there will be no Yuan army coming from the sea again.

Mrs. Xu, with tens of thousands of people, stopped hundreds of meters outside Haikang County.

She was only on foot, not on horseback.But her aura made her the focus of thousands of people.

A strong person of her level, unless he intentionally restrained his aura, would always be extraordinarily eye-catching.This has nothing to do with faces.

The general of the Song army guarding the city at the top of the city ordered the soldiers to close the city gate in a hurry, and shouted to the bottom of the city, "Who is here?"

Mrs. Xu's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly above the city gate, "She people's rebels came to see the emperor."

The generals of the Song army on the city gate were overjoyed when they heard the words.

Naturally, he could tell that Mrs. Xu's tens of thousands of people were not soldiers of the Yuan army.Because they were not playing the banner of the Yuan army, and their costumes were not uniform.

The regular army can't do that.

However, this could also be a scam.

Of course he wouldn't let Mrs. Xu enter the city so easily, he just shouted: "I'm going to report this, wait a moment!"

Then he said to the soldiers next to him: "Go quickly to the palace and invite Su Fujun Jiling and Zhang Fujun Jiling here."

The sun was scorching inside and outside the city gate, but the scene suddenly quieted down.

But before the soldiers who passed on the message arrived at the palace, they met Zhang Jue and Su Liuyi who hurried over on the street.

He may not know the faces of Zhang Jue and Su Liuyi, but he can always recognize their armor.

Immediately, he got off his horse and knelt down in the tunnel, saying, "According to the orders of the two lieutenants, tens of thousands of self-proclaimed rebels have arrived outside the city!"

Zhang Jue and Su Liuyi looked at each other in surprise.

Since Zhao Dongting issued the King Qin Order, many rebels came to vote.Those who didn't come to King Qin, they don't report any hope.

Could it be... because of the emperor's great victory in Guangxi, there are rebels coming to vote?
But no matter how these rebels are, this is a good thing after all.

The two nodded to the soldiers and continued to gallop towards the west gate.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, everyone got off their horses and ran up to the top of the city, looking out of the city.

Zhang Jue was still in a daze, but Su Liuyi and Zhang Shijie were overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "It turns out that Mrs. Xu has arrived! Open the city gate quickly!"

At the beginning, the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty were led by the two of them, and Zhang Shijie was the chief general. When he was in Fujian, he met Mrs. Xu several times.

Seeing the supervisory order and the deputy military order speaking at the same time, General Song who guarded the city did not dare to neglect, and quickly ordered the soldiers to open the city gate.

Amidst the creaking sound, the West City Gate was slowly opened.

Mrs. Xu walked towards the gate of the city holding the snake stick.

As soon as they arrived outside the corridor of the city gate, Zhang Shijie, Su Liuyi and others hurried up to greet him.Facing Mrs. Xu, they did not put on any official airs.

Even more than ten meters away, Zhang Shijie and Su Liuyi quickened their pace, cupped their hands and said, "Mrs. Xu, it's been a long time."

Mrs. Xu also arched her hands, "I have seen the two generals."

Then she waved her hand to the back, and a Shemin master brought Zhang Hongfan up.

Mrs. Xu said: "The old man happened to bump into General Zhang on the beach. General Zhang has already surrendered. Now I will hand it over to the two generals."

Su Liuyi hurriedly waved his hand to let the soldiers behind him step up to take Zhang Hongfan.

When he got closer, Zhang Shijie said to Madam Xu again: "Why did Madam come to Haikang suddenly?"

Mrs. Xu said with a smile: "When I was in Quanzhou, I heard that General Zhang sent an army of 15 troops to the south. I knew that he was going to Leizhou. I was worried that the court would lose, so I hurried here. It's just that General Huang's army is overwhelmed by Zhangzhou and Quanzhou. Fortunately, the two generals defeated General Zhang, otherwise, I would have died without redemption."

"Ma'am, don't say that."

Zhang Shijie said repeatedly: "Madam can lead the army here, I am extremely grateful."

Immediately, he, Su Liuyi and others hurriedly greeted Mrs. Xu into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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