Chapter 362

Zhao Dongting suddenly reined in the reins, the BMW neighed, raised its front hooves and lowered them steadily, and stopped safely.

Hong Wutian reined in his horse closely.

The dragon chariot stopped.

The soldiers of the Song Army surrounding the dragon chariot also stopped.

Now that the Dali army has already called for gold, there is naturally no need to continue to advance eastward.

Military orders are not child's play. If it is not a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to just beat the drum, then suddenly sound the gold, and then beat the drum again.

In the sky, the commander-in-chief of the Dali Zhentian Army was even more panicked when he heard the sound of gold clanging in the army.However, they still could not get rid of the pursuit of the Flying Army.

More and more hot air balloons are falling towards the ground.

This made the commander of the Zhentian Army heartbroken. He knew how difficult it was to make these hot air balloons.

After a few minutes, he finally reached the side of the mountain range, and immediately shouted: "Go down! Go down!"

The soldiers of the Zhentian Army hurriedly turned off the small flame and fell down.

And this created a good shooting angle for the Flying Army.

Ren Wei and Yue Yue led the Flying Army to the sky above the Zhentian Army, and the priests of Wuding Hall shot down.

The sound of chi chi continued.

The holes in Zhentian Army's hot air balloon are getting denser and denser.

More hot air balloon canvases could not withstand the strong air pressure, shattered, wobbled or simply tumbled to the ground.

In this short period of time, more than half of Zhentian Army's hot air balloons have crashed.

The commander-in-chief was not very lucky. He was only 300 meters above the ground, and the hot air balloon he was riding in was making a rattling sound.

He suddenly raised his head and looked up, his face was terrified and bloodless.

He actually saw the blue sky.

The canvas was completely torn down the middle.

Immediately, he felt himself falling down at an extremely fast speed.

Even if his martial arts are not bad, he can reach the Zhongyuan state, but at this time, he can only close his eyes and wait for death.

When there was a tremor on the ground and dust was raised, it announced the commander's death.Before winning the first battle, he died.

Ren Wei didn't continue to lead the Flying Army to chase down until the Zhentian Army's hot air balloon was less than 200 meters from the ground.

At this time, the remaining hot air balloons of Zhentian Army are probably only a hundred or so.

There is no need to pursue the risk of going down, because at a height of less than 200 meters, the crossbow can already shoot.

Now the people on the hot air balloon are not ordinary people, but enshrined in the highest military hall of the Song Dynasty.These people are all babies.

On the ground, many Dali troops had withdrawn to the side of the mountain and were looking up.

Ren Wei looked at the ground, roughly estimated the height from the ground, and shouted: "Get out!"

The flag soldiers heard the order and raised the green flag in their hands.

The hot air balloon of the Flying Army rose again and headed towards the sky above the Song Army.

On the ground, Zhao Dongting looked back at the direction where the Dali army was retreating, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He tilted his head and said to Hong Wutian: "Senior, can you go to the Dali formation and give me a message?"

Hong Wutian asked directly: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Dongting chuckled twice, "Tell Qin Han, I will save his dog's life today, and I will take it again in the future!"


Hong Wutian flew up, stepped on the horse's back, jumped onto the deserted horse, and headed towards the Dali army.

Some soldiers of the Dali Army were unable to retreat. When they saw Hong Wutian, who was not in uniform, approaching, they shot arrows to stop them.

Hong Wutian laughed loudly, showing a heroic spirit, the sword in his hand danced like a waterfall, and all the arrows were thrown away.

He flew straight past many formations of the Dali Army, where the corpses of Dali soldiers fell in a straight line.

With his absolute strength in the true martial arts realm, no one can stop him at all, and the soldiers of Dali are like ants under his hands.

He passed by with the yellow dust, like a yellow dragon sitting on the ground, and soon arrived at the side of the Dena mountain range.

In front, there are endless Dali soldiers and flags, and behind, there are also countless Dali soldiers coming in a hurry.

Hong Wutian just sat on the horse so arrogantly, as if he didn't care about these people at all.

However, he did not go to the front of the Dali army again. He reined in his horse, mustered his inner strength and shouted: "Child Qin Han, I have something to say to Your Majesty, let me spare your dog's life today, and take it again in the future." !"

The sound was like thunder, and it spread to the surroundings in a mighty way.

Within a range of more than ten meters around Hong Wutian, the weeds were bowed because of this.

After shouting, he reined in the reins and galloped towards the Song army.Wherever he went, no Dali soldiers could stop him.

Qin Han heard his words.

At that moment, Rao Yiqin Han's city mansion couldn't help snorting heavily, with an ugly expression on his face.

Zhao Dongting was really too arrogant, as if taking Qin Han's head was as easy as picking something out of a pocket.

How can a person as arrogant as Qin Han not be angry?

And beside him, Yu Linglong's beautiful face was showing a little smile, and her eyes were a little playful.

Afterwards, the soldiers of both sides gathered separately, and they seemed to agree to a truce.

Qin Han was rich and powerful, and he led the army away first, regardless of the armor and scattered weapons on the fallen soldiers.

Zhao Dongting wanted to hurry back to Haikang, but Yue Yue and the others fell to the ground, naturally telling him the good news that Haikang was out of danger.

Zhang Hongfan and nearly a thousand yuan army were captured, and the 15 yuan army was completely damaged, leaving less than ten thousand people fleeing in a panic.

Zhao Dongting was overjoyed when he heard the news, "Good! Good!"

Then he couldn't help wondering: "The Yuan army is so powerful, how did Deputy Zhang's order defeat it?"

Now he is not in a hurry to go back to Haikang again.

When Wen Tianxiang and the others heard the good news, they were also full of joy, and then they shouted at the soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

Among the people who just arrived, Ren Wei was undoubtedly the one who knew the most about the battle with the Yuan army at that time.

He told Zhao Dongting all the ins and outs of the battle between the two armies after Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng led their troops to the coastal waters of Haikang.

Zhao Dongting was even more delighted to hear that Mrs. Xu led tens of thousands of She people's soldiers to Leizhou, and said, "Mrs. Xu is really a woman!"

Immediately, he was stunned again, "Mrs. Xu? But that Mrs. Xu who is No.13 on the master list?"

"It's her."

Ren Wei sighed: "I heard that Mrs. Xu captured Zhang Hongfan without any effort among the thousands of Yuan Dynasty's defeated army at the seaside. Her strength is really beyond my reach..."

Ren Wei is also a master of Zhongyuan Realm, but he asked himself, he would definitely not be able to easily capture Zhang Hongfan in the midst of the chaotic army, even beheading Zhang Hongfan was difficult.

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "If Mrs. Xu can stay in Haikang, then Da Song will have no worries today."

The fight with the Dali army just now didn't last long. Although his subordinates lost more than [-] yuan, and many soldiers from the Yuan army fled, there should be about [-] soldiers left.Adding in the Leizhou Army and Mrs. Xu's tens of thousands of She people, there will be more than a hundred thousand soldiers.

The Yuan Dynasty suffered a disastrous defeat in Guangxi, and its vitality was seriously injured. With more than [-] soldiers, Zhao Dongting thought that defending Guangxi was safe.

As for Dali and Shuzhong, their attempt to reap the benefits has been defeated, and they probably won't invade Guangxi again in a short time, right?

Zhao Dongting realized that the opportunity for the real development of the Southern Song Dynasty had come.

As long as he develops his national strength during this blank time, he will surely have the confidence to compete with Yuan, Dali, and Shuzhong in the future.

However, Ren Wei said: "There are still many She people in Fujian. Mrs. Xu has said that she will lead the army back."


Zhao Dongting was slightly taken aback.

Ren Wei continued: "However, she also said that Huang Hua, the former chief of Fujian's army in the Great Yuan Dynasty, is going to lead hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians into our dynasty."


Zhao Dongting murmured, and then hurriedly ran into the dragon chariot.

Turandot was shrinking inside, the tears on her pretty face were still wet.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dongting smiled and said, "Are you crying?"

Then, without waiting for Turandot to answer, he picked up the map and walked out.

Guangnan West Road, Guangnan East Road, Fujian.From south to north along the coast, these three roads are connected.

Zhao Dongting pointed to the Guangnan East Road on the map and said: "If Huang Hua really belongs to our Great Song Dynasty, then I will first settle in Guangxi, and then take Guangdong. Then I can combine these three roads, and then occupy the sea line and open up sea transportation. Excited!"

He saw great hope.

Although the Southern Song Dynasty is still huddled in the tiny land of Leizhou, looking at the situation across the country, there are already opportunities to grow and develop.

However, Zhao Dongting is also very clear in his heart that this still needs a lot of time and hard work.

It is easy to destroy a country, but difficult to rejuvenate a country.

(End of this chapter)

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