Chapter 378
The end of the year is approaching.

The territory of Leizhou is in full swing again.

Although some people have already returned to their homeland, some still choose to stay in Leizhou, or plan to leave after the Chinese New Year.

Those who left resold the property to the government for what they had bought it from, raising some money for the court.And these funds were quickly invested in various Huaxia Banks throughout Guangnan West Road.

People who are short of money, as long as they have something to mortgage, they can get a loan from Huaxia Bank.

Those who have spare money at home can deposit the surplus money in Huaxia Bank and collect interest.

Private gold and silver shops closed one after another.

Those who made a lot of noise and refused to close the door were all closed down by the government with coercive measures.

In Haikang, Suixi, Xuwen and other counties, people lined up in front of Huaxia Bank, often from sunrise to sunset, without dispersing.

Some officials from Huaxia Bank beat gongs and drums and patrolled the streets, calling on people to deposit money in Huaxia Bank and giving small gifts.

The idea of ​​giving small gifts was naturally thought up by Zhao Dongting. This kind of marketing method is really effective in this era.

Just sending some snacks for the Chinese New Year, but it allowed Huaxia Bank to raise a lot of funds.

Da Song was still short of money, but not as short of money as before, so short of money that he couldn't even pay his salary.

Just five days before the Chinese New Year, the army's military salary, court salary, and military pensions were all distributed at the same time.

The small officials in the finance departments in various places are very busy, but they are working in full swing.

On the official road, the soldiers carrying money were all sweating and smiling.

Among these salaries and military salaries, they have their share.

At last, there were no troubles in the DPRK and the army.

And just after the payment of the military salary, Zhao Dongting's appointment of the general in the army was announced at night.

Wen Tianxiang is still in the military aircraft order, and Zhang Jue and Su Liuyi are still the deputy military aircraft orders.It's just that there are many new faces among the commanders-in-chief of the various armies.

The Song Dynasty officially established the Tianjie Army and the Feitian Army, and Xiao Yulin and Ren Wei were formally appointed as the commanders of the Tianjie Army and the Feitian Army respectively.

Yue Peng was still the commander of the Tiankui Army, and Su Quandang, Zhang Hongwei, Du Hu, Jiang Xiu, Jin Hao, and Liu Zijun, the generals who survived the Battle of Guangxi, were still in their original positions.Miao Youli was officially promoted from the deputy capital commander of the Tianshang Army to the capital commander, and He Fang Songye was promoted to the deputy capital commander at the same time. In addition, the military commanders were mostly promoted from the former deputy capital commander or Du Yuhou.

Zhao Dongting planned to let Mrs. Xu also serve as the commander of the capital, but Mrs. Xu declined.

Now Mrs. Xu is completely immersed in the sunset love with Hong Wutian.

Zhao Dongting had no choice but to accept the reality with a wry smile.

Meng Tuo and Zhang Hongfan, two former generals of the Yuan Dynasty, also held positions in the Song army.

Monto, the deputy commander of the Tiangang Army.Zhang Hongfan, Marquis of Yu, the capital of Tiankui Army.

After the original Yuan Dynasty soldiers underwent political transformation, they were all incorporated into various armies.Except for Meng Tuo and Zhang Hongfan, none of the other generals was awarded the post of Marquis of Du Yu.From this point of view, Zhao Dongting is far less grand than Kublai Khan.

However, Monto, Zhang Hongfan and their generals dared not say anything.

Saving one's life is not bad, who would dare to ask for so much?

The military strength of the Song Dynasty was still weaker than that of the Yuan Dynasty, so it was only natural that the Emperor Song did not give them important positions in the army.

What's more, some generals still hold full-time positions.This is already considered extremely good.

One must know that Deng Yezhou, the deputy vanguard general who surrendered at the same time as Song Bitao, was only named the commander of the Tianman army.

No, it should be said to be the leader now.

While promoting the generals, Zhao Dongting also carried out a thorough rectification of the official positions in the army.

In the army, officials are no longer judged by grades, but the current military rank system has been copied in the past.Marshal is the highest military rank, after that, generals are generals, lieutenant generals, and major generals, school officers are senior colonels, colonels, lieutenant colonels, and majors, and lieutenants are captains, lieutenants, and second lieutenants.

Zhao Dongting is already preparing for the future military rectification.

Since it is planned to implement the compulsory military system, it is inevitable that the non-commissioned officer system will also be implemented in the future.

In the entire Great Song Dynasty, only Zhao Dongting himself served as the General Marshal of the Army and Horses of the World, with the rank of Marshal.

Wen Tianxiang, Zhang Jue, and Su Liuyi were the generals.

Yue Peng, Su Quandang, Zhang Hongwei and a few others were lieutenant generals.

Afterwards, most of the commanders and deputy commanders of each army were major generals.As for Du Yuhou, most of them are senior colonels.

Zhao Dongting didn't want to raise the ranks of the generals too high, because then they would have nothing to do.Being an emperor is actually the same as being a boss. It is to let the people below have a vision and a goal.Without a head and a goal, their minds will go elsewhere.

The military rank has changed, but the actual power has not changed.Therefore, the military readily accepts this kind of restructuring.

In the short period of two months since the beginning of the Great Song Dynasty, Zhao Dongting used thunderous means to initially sort out the government, the people and the army.

Since then, the state of the two systems of military and government in the Song Dynasty has become more obvious.Civil servants are not generals, but military commanders never interfere with local management.

Of course, except for the chiefs of the garrison everywhere.The chiefs of the garrison in various places still have the right to vote when encountering major events in the local area.

This is probably the prototype of the modern Standing Committee.

However, there are not many garrison troops in Guangnan West Road that have been formally established yet.

Insufficient troops, there is no way.

Zhao Dongting cut down the Leizhou Army, except for the garrison troops in the three counties of Haikang, Xuwen, and Suixi, and the rest of the Leizhou Army was either disarmed and returned to the field, or assigned to other armies, which was far from filling the vacancies of the Seventeenth Army. .Where else can someone be transferred to the garrison in various places?

From the moment Wen Tianxiang and others were ordered to establish the garrison, Zhao Dongting said that the conscription can only rely on the efforts of everyone.

Now, even the Ministry of War, which is in charge of conscription, can't help much.Because the various yamen have not yet fully functioned.

There are too many things to do in Song Dynasty, who is waiting to be promoted.This made even the emperor Zhao Dongting very busy.

Another new Leizhou Oiran Conference.

Zhao Dongting didn't have time to watch it.

But according to Xi Yi, there are not many outstanding women in this oiran conference.

In the whole world, women with Yunjin's beauty are rare after all, and they don't appear every year.

After hearing Xiyi's report, Zhao Dongting couldn't help thinking of Yunjin.I don't know how she is doing with Jun Tianfang now.

Are they still in Shuzhong?

Where is Wu Amiao, the guy who aspires to become the best swordsman in the world?
Has he found a good teacher now?Wouldn't he still be dangling around with his "hilt only" sword on his back?

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Dongting thought about it, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

If he could, he really hoped that Wu Amiao, who was out of tune, could become the most powerful swordsman in the world one day!
The inconspicuous No. [-] in the world must be much more interesting than that old man, the sword god, empty-handed, right?
A few days later, finally ushered in the New Year's Eve.

This is the fourth year that Zhao Dongting will spend in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Before he knew it, it had been nearly four years since he traveled here.

Le Wuhui and Le Wu haven't come back yet, without Le Wu girl's bedroom, I always feel that there is a lack of vitality.

Zhao Dongting has not had the nerve to tell Xiao Yulin about this matter.

On New Year's Eve, Zhao Dongting entertained important ministers and generals of the court and their families to the palace for the banquet according to the usual practice.

When the civil and military officials arrived at the main hall, the hall immediately became lively.

Compared with two years ago, the scene was much more lively.

The Great Song Dynasty was thriving despite the difficulties, and many signs can already be seen from the court.

Civil servants above two ranks in the court and generals above Yuhou and above from all armies gathered here, and there were as many as hundreds of people.

In addition, Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu were also specially invited to the banquet.

Zhao Dongting in a dragon robe, Ying Er in a beaming red dress, and Concubine Yang Shu arrived, and everyone hurriedly paid their respects.

Zhao Dongting smiled and asked everyone to excuse himself, looking at the crowded hall, he also felt a lot of emotion.

There are many old faces gone forever, but there are many more new faces here.

After everyone sat down, there was a long line of palace maids to bring in the meals.

With the sound of silk and bamboo, a dancing girl enters the hall.

The leading dancer was covered with a mask, her figure was extremely slim and graceful, as if she was the most beautiful in this world.

Clothes are fluttering, long sleeves are good at dancing, the monarch and his ministers are having fun together, and the hall is full of laughter.

Monarchs and ministers welcome the New Year of the Song Dynasty together.

Outside the palace, the firecrackers are continuous, and the fireworks are flying into the sky, which is also very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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