Chapter 382

The wind blew, and the curtains of the dragon chariot fluttered.

The military flag in the army whistled, and the golden dragon on it was lifelike, as if it was about to fly into the sky at any moment.

But when they reached the east gate, the army suddenly stopped.

Yue Peng suddenly shouted: "Who will stop Sheng Jia!"

At the entrance of the corridor outside the city gate, there was an old monk in a tattered cassock standing in the middle, like an ascetic monk.

The gray monk robe was covered with patches almost everywhere, but the old monk exuded an unusually peaceful aura.

There is a kind of person who looks extraordinary even if he returns to the basics.

However, this is probably due to the strange beast sitting cross-legged by the old monk.

An old turtle the size of a millstone.

The old turtle was even older than the old monk, with drooping eyelids, as if infinitely tired.

The old monk clasped his hands together, but when he opened his mouth, his tongue was shining like thunder, and his voice was like thunder, "A poor monk can't ask to see His Majesty."

The war horses in front of the army were startled by the sound, raised their front hooves uneasily, and neighed.

The murderous aura naturally condensed in the army seemed to disappear a few feet away from the old monk.

Yue Peng's face was slightly solemn.

Facing this old monk, he suddenly had the feeling of facing an unshakable mountain.Not moving like a mountain.

"A living Buddha has nothing to gain."

Beside the dragon chariot, Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu showed surprise at the same time.

Immediately, Hong Wutian stepped forward, approaching the front of the army, and said with a loud smile: "Hong Wutian has seen Wude Living Buddha."

He actually held the ceremony of juniors.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Xu also rushed to the front of the army, and she did the same.

The wrinkles on Wude's face stretched out, "So it's the leader of the beggar gang, the poor monk is polite."

As for Mrs. Xu, he didn't know her, but nodded slightly as a courtesy.

Yue Peng asked in surprise: "The two seniors know this senior?"

Hong Wutian said with a smile: "I had the honor to visit the living Buddha in my early years."

Taoism has celestial masters, and Buddhism has living Buddhas.It is conceivable how high the status of the old monk is in Buddhism.

Yue Peng didn't dare to be negligent, he cupped his hands and said, "Leave me a while with the living Buddha, and I'll report to the Holy One right away."

At this time, Zhao Dongting had already stepped off the dragon chariot and walked forward.

Yue Peng just got off his horse, and he has already arrived in front of the army.Surprised to see nothing.

Just by this appearance, one can know that he is a master of the world.

Zhao Dongting has seen riders on horses, cows, and donkeys, but he has never seen anyone riding turtles.

Can ordinary people have such an aura?
He also heard Hong Wutian's loud greeting just now, and smiled slightly at Wude: "It turns out that the living Buddha has arrived."

He has been in the Southern Song Dynasty for so long, and he also knows what the living Buddha represents.If there is no such existence, they are all at the level of Tianshi Zhao in Longhu Mountain.

The living Buddha has the supreme status in Buddhism.

Buddhism pays attention to the equality of all beings, but in reality, Buddhism is strictly hierarchical.

Of course, even if it is a living Buddha, it is impossible for Zhao Dongting to salute.

This is mainly because Zhao Dongting does not believe in heaven.

In the previous generation, many emperors regarded Buddha and Taoism as bright lights, and set off their status extremely high, but Zhao Dongting would not do this.

He doesn't ask for heaven, he doesn't ask for longevity.Just believe that what you want, you need to fight for it yourself.

Therefore, he was just being polite to Wude.

After all, the Song Dynasty was still dominated by secular emperors, not as good as Dali. Buddhism has the status of being able to dominate the royal family.

Wude clasped his palms together again, saluting: "The poor monk will never see the Holy One."

Zhao Dongting said: "Just now I heard that the living Buddha wants to see me, I don't know what it is?"

He's not really enthusiastic.

Taoism entered the world, and Buddhism was born.When the Song Dynasty was in danger, why didn't this Wude come?
On the other side of Longhu Mountain, although they couldn't help much, they made a promise anyway, didn't they?

Furthermore, in Zhao Dongting's view, Buddhism is imported from abroad after all, while Taoism is native.

So Zhao Dongting still leaned slightly towards Taoism in his heart.

Wude didn't know if he noticed that Zhao Dongting's attitude towards him was not very enthusiastic, and the old turtle under his seat suddenly raised his head and snorted.

Wu De said: "The poor monk asks Tong Sheng to go to Dingjun Mountain to save the souls of the dead."


This was indeed beyond Zhao Dongting's expectation.

He originally thought that Wude came here to seek luck for Buddhism.Now in Leizhou, the Taoist sect has completely suppressed the Buddhist sect.

To save the souls of the dead?

Is this a good sale?
Zhao Dongting would never reject Wu De's kindness, and said: "If so, then there will be Lao Living Buddha."

He would not worship such a detached sect, but he would not offend either.

There are many Buddhist believers, and it is not a good thing to be offended.

Moreover, Zhao Dongting still agrees with the view that Buddhism has the virtue of good life.Teaching people to be kind is beneficial to the people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

There is no longer any way to bow to Buddhism, "Amitabha."

After all, the old turtle turned his head and seemed to be staggering towards the sea.But the speed is not slow.

Zhao Dongting took a few glances at the backs of Wude and Old Gui, then turned and went into the dragon chariot.

The army moved on, and soon left the city.

Zhao Dongting murmured in the dragon carriage, "Riding a turtle, um, it's cool..."

He opened the curtain and looked out of the car, and asked Hong Wutian, "Senior, which temple does this senior Wude belong to?"

Hong Wutian replied: "Wu De Living Buddha is a traveling monk who travels all year round and has not been listed in any monastery."


Zhao Dongting was surprised again.

There is no temple, but for the souls of the dead.From this point of view, this Wude living Buddha is really a kind person who is compassionate to the world.

Then Zhao Dongting asked again: "He travels all year round, just riding that old turtle?"

Hong Wutian looked at Zhao Dongting's eyes, knew that Zhao Dongting was curious, and said with a light smile: "Speaking of this old turtle, there is a story. It was also since then that Wude Living Buddha became famous among Buddhists. After several debates on Buddhism, he was regarded as a living Buddha by Buddhist eminent monks."

"what story?"

Zhao Dongting was even more curious.

There are only six living Buddhas in the whole world, and because of Lao Gui, he became a living Buddha very quickly?
Hong Wutian said: "It is rumored that this old tortoise was a demon tortoise that caused disasters in Dongting Lake back then. It would always choose to eat people, especially children. Over the past few decades, hundreds of people in the lake and surrounding areas have died because of it. Coincidentally, there was a flood in that year, and senior Wude traveled to the bank of Dongting Lake. He saw the demonic turtle hiding its back in the muddy yellow lake, and he heard the demonic tortoise as a disaster. The big water was on top of his head until the demon turtle approached. The waves were rough for two consecutive days. After that, the flood suddenly receded. All the seniors came out of the lake, and the old tortoise followed. One person and one turtle sat cross-legged by the lake. Eat or not drink, recite Buddha's gatha for six days, save the souls of the dead, and then leave. After that, the old turtle has become a divine beast under his seat."

Zhao Dongting was stunned when he heard this.

After a long while, he nodded and retracted his head back into the dragon chariot.

In his previous life, he would definitely not have believed such a story.This is definitely fabricated, but what he has seen, heard and experienced in this life really made him feel a little bit guilty.

For those peerless masters, it is really not impossible to go on a hunger strike for six days.It is not impossible to stay underwater for two days.

Fetal breath technique, this kind of technique, Zhao Dongting also knows.

However, after being able to fight the old turtle in the water for two days and subdue the old turtle, the flood will recede.This is a bit miraculous.

Although the old tortoise is indeed miraculous, Zhao Dongting still doesn't think it has the ability to stir up floods.

Capable man, capable man.

Inside the dragon chariot, Zhao Dongting nodded vigorously with emotion.

He is undoubtedly still far away from the realm of no gain.

In front of the army, the old turtle staggered every step, but he always walked in front of the army.

By the sea, more than ten warships had already parked side by side on the sea.

Zhao Dongting got off the dragon chariot and boarded the boat. Looking at the sea, he found that the old turtle was already heading for the sea with Wude on his back.

The sea is not calm, but the old turtle is always calm.

This is the living master.

Undoubtedly, in terms of appearance, Wude surpassed Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu by several chips.

Zhao Dongting thought, maybe Jun Tian put a dragonfly on the lake, and the chicness of the cloth shoes that the water does not stick can be compared with this.

At this moment, he really envied this living Buddha in his heart.

He also wants to have a mount like Lao Gui, but such a strange beast is destined to be rare in the world.Even the emperor, don't even think about getting it at your fingertips.

More than a dozen warships braved the wind and waves and headed for Quzhou Island.

The sun was shining golden, and scattered on the old monk in front, making the old monk bathe in golden light.

Some soldiers in the army knelt down on the ground, facing the old monk, chanting words.

This is the power of faith.

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly when he saw that some of his personal guards were kneeling.

(End of this chapter)

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