Chapter 386
After waiting for 10 minutes, Wen Tianxiang arrived.

Zhao Dongting told him about Huang Huahe's happiness, and a loyal minister like Wen Tianxiang who was full of heart for the Song Dynasty naturally took orders immediately.

It's just that he also had some doubts, and after taking the order, he said: "Your Majesty, I am a little worried. It is not difficult for me to go to Fujian and take the Toutuo army and She people's righteous men to fight Gao Xing. However, I am worried that the Yuan army on the Jiangnan West Road will have There is a change, more than [-] soldiers of Boyan and Ye Su'er occupy Jiangnan West Road, if they march eastward at that time, it may be difficult to resist with the equipment of the Tutuo army and the She people's righteous soldiers."


Zhao Dongting pondered slightly and nodded, "The military commander thinks that Boyan and Ye Su'er might send troops eastward?"

In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about this possibility, but he just thinks it's unlikely.

Boyan and Ye Su'er had just suffered a big defeat, they were afraid they would face Kublai Khan's censure, they were too busy to take care of themselves, why would they go to Fujian?

Wen Tianxiang said: "Bo Yan and Ye Su'er were defeated by our army just now. It stands to reason that most of them should plead guilty, but the two of them are stationed on Jiangnan West Road. I think there may be some reasons for this. Either the two People don't want to go back to Dadu to be punished, they would rather offend Kublai Khan than lose their military power, or Kublai Khan acquiesced to the two troops stationed on Jiangnan West Road to save the precarious situation in the south. And they have surplus food in the army, Regardless of the reasons, it is possible to send troops into Fujian. Because if they win in Fujian, not only can they save the Yuan Dynasty from danger, but also show the prosperity of the Yuan army, and the two of them can also atone for their sins. As for being punished too severely."

Zhao Dongting was silent.

He didn't think too deeply about the matter, he just thought that Boyan and Ye Su'er were temporarily stationed on Jiangnan West Road.

As courtiers, do they have the guts to disobey Kublai Khan's orders?
But thinking about it now, it's not impossible.Hundreds of thousands of Yuan troops in Guangxi were wiped out. It is uncertain whether they will survive if they go back twice.

Furthermore, who knows what Kublai Khan thought?
If it was true as Wen Tianxiang thought, Kublai Khan asked the two of them to stabilize the situation in the south, and let's not pursue their defeat for the time being?

More than [-] soldiers and horses are not too many, but if they all gather in Fujian and join forces, it will be a disaster for both the Toutuo army and the She people.

After the silence, Zhao Dongting said solemnly: "Then I will send the Feitian Army and Feilong Army to Fujian following the military order."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will not disgrace my life." Wen Tianxiang cupped his hands.

He also knew that this was the greatest help Zhao Dongting could do.

The rest of the armies are still recuperating and recruiting soldiers, so it is obvious that they will not be able to go out to fight in a short time.Even if there are soldiers, there is no food.

After the Song Dynasty finished the battle of Guangxi, it was considered that it had run out of ammunition and food.

The Feitian Army and Feilong Army are the two most elite troops in the Song Dynasty, and it is no exaggeration to say that they can reach tens of thousands of troops.

With these two armies, Wen Tianxiang certainly had some confidence.

This matter was settled like this.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Dongting announced in front of all his ministers that Wen Tianxiang was named Marshal of Zhengbei University, and he went to Fujian to deal with Gao Xing.For the rest of the Song Dynasty soldiers, Zhang Jue, the deputy commander of the army, is in full charge for the time being.As for Su Liuyi, he was originally a civil servant. Although he was the deputy commander of the army, in the Great Song Army, he was more handover with the Ministry of War, responsible for recruiting soldiers, logistics and other matters in the army.Of course, he is also fully responsible for the formation of the garrison in various places.

If the country is to be stable, the garrison is indispensable.There are some things that the police from the Ministry of Social Security alone will not be able to do.

On the same day, Wen Tianxiang took Mrs. Xu's token and took Ren Wei, Zhao Da, and Zhao Hu from the coast of Haikang to Quanzhou, Fujian by sea warship.

Over the next month or so, more and more people from all over Leizhou left Leizhou to return to their homeland.

After the flames of war burned, Guangnan West Road finally showed some vitality again.

Zhao Dongting's various policies were promulgated one after another. Every day, notices were posted everywhere in Haikang County.

After the common people go back, they can still ask for the old house from the government with the title deed.The vacant houses in the various cities are all owned by the government, and Zhao Dongting assigned them to the Housing Management Department under the Ministry of Finance of the State Council for overall management.People who want to move to the city can buy them from the Housing Management Department at a very low price. Of course, the quantity is limited.

As for the task of repairing houses in various cities, Zhao Dongting assigned them to the Housing Construction Bureau.

This also solved the work problems of many people.

Zhao Dongting understood very well that a country cannot prosper by farming alone.However, he intends to develop all-round development of scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce.

Perhaps as far as the current situation is concerned, this seems a bit impatient.But as long as time passes, all aspects will always work normally.

If you don't take advantage of the time when everything is waiting to be done to set the general tone, it will be a lot of trouble if you want to change it when the time comes.

And only after solving the housing problem, Zhao Dongting issued a decree to expand the ferry again and encourage sea transportation.

For this reason, he even drew a map of the world and made it public.

A brand-new world view emerged in the eyes of the people of Song Dynasty, which caused an uproar among the people.

Countless people suddenly realized at this time that the world is like this.For Zhao Dongting, I admire him like a heavenly man.

God knows how the emperor knows this?
Many young men who were unwilling to be lonely went to sea one after another under the temptation of profit, and soon shipyards were established around the ferry.

This solved the work problems of many people, and also increased taxes for the Song court.

Regarding this, Chen Jianghan was undoubtedly the happiest.

Zhao Dongting's various new ideas seemed to let him see the scene of money rolling into the treasury.

These days, various documents for applying for the establishment of spices, cloth, and porcelain workshops have been handed over to the Finance Department like snow.

There was a boom in business in Leizhou.

Among them, there is naturally the shadow of Zhao Dongting.

He deliberately let people build momentum among the people, telling how to make money by doing business overseas.

This is how the tide rises suddenly.

This made Zhao Dongting seem to see that era in his previous life.

If you want to get rich, you have to go to sea.

However, it is still only the land of Leizhou, which is undoubtedly far from enough for Da Song.

But Zhao Dongting also understands that people's livelihood in other places has not been solved, and food is a problem, and it is difficult to take other measures.

Any development of a country is based on having enough food first.

However, the yield of crops in this era is still too low.

to the end of February.

After many people ventured out to sea, the imperial court's official caravan finally launched a large ship and was ready to sail.

Zhao Dongting set up a maritime department for this purpose, and even sent dozens of Wu Dingtang masters to go to sea with the ship.Its task is naturally not just as simple as making money.Zhao Dongting's order to the Maritime Merchant Officer Ship was to open up a route to the Americas and introduce American potatoes and sweet potatoes into the Song Dynasty.To this end, he also deliberately drew drawings of crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

As for how the ministers and the people would guess how he knew these things, he couldn't care.

Your Majesty, Son of Heaven!

Anyway, there are already many folks who say that the emperor is the descendant of a dragon, and there are many things that Zhao Dongting doesn't need to explain.

It has to be said that the superstition of the sky in this era really brought a lot of convenience to Zhao Dongting, so that he would not be restrained.

On the day when the official and merchant fleet went to sea, Zhao Dongting personally led his ministers to pray for blessings at the seaside, which has shown that he attaches great importance to it.

Amidst the sound of gongs and drums, more than a dozen large ships headed for the sea.

So far, the general layout of Zhao Dongting has been laid.

Banks, housing construction, schools, government offices, etc., just wait for time, and they will inevitably operate normally in various places.

The Song Dynasty has more than [-] soldiers, and it is still increasing. Guangxi, the foundational place, is completely under control.

The Yuan Dynasty was unable to fight again for a short time, but with the strength of Dali's troops, it would be difficult for them to invade the Song Dynasty.

Furthermore, as long as Duan Xingzhi is not stupid, he will never send troops to attack Song Dynasty at this time.

The Yuan Dynasty is the fierce tiger. At this time, the two wolves are fighting, isn't it giving the tiger a chance?

The general development situation of the imperial court has been laid out, and Zhao Dongting also plans to go to Longhu Mountain.

Restoring the Song Dynasty is not what he wants most. To be honest, what he wants to pursue most in his heart is to be as peerless as Kong Dangzi, walking in the rivers and lakes.

If he hadn't crossed over to Zhao Shi, he would have been the emperor when he first came, maybe he wouldn't care about these things of conquering the world at all.

How tired!

On the day when the official merchant fleet went to sea, Zhao Dongting returned to the palace and immediately went to Concubine Yang Shu's bedroom.

Concubine Yang Shu is his mother, and if she wants to leave the palace, she always has to say hello to Concubine Yang Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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