The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 391 Encountering Bandits

Chapter 391 Encountering Bandits
Since Murongchuan slaughtered Suixi County more than three years ago, Suixi County has not recovered its vitality until now.

In the gaps between the bluestone slabs paved on the street, the dark dirt always looks like a deep red.

Is it the afterglow of the setting sun?Or the blood that has dried up?
Zhao Dongting couldn't figure it out, and couldn't pursue it further.

Murong Chuan was dead, and the massacre of Suixi had long since come to an end, even among the people, few people mentioned it again.

Joy and pain are actually short-lived and will gradually disappear with the passage of time.

Fortunately, the bluestone slabs in Shilong County do not have that deep color, which makes Zhao Dongting's steps lighter than when he was in Suixi.

Although Shilong County is close to Suixi, but fortunately, it has not been affected by the flames of war since the Yuan Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, the people on the streets here have a rare sense of tranquility and indifference.

However, being poor is still being poor.

The people in the villages and towns outside the county can only farm some fields, and the people in the county town can only do small business at most. How can they make a lot of money?
Had it not been for the implementation of Zhao Dongting's land division system in the past two years, there would still be a lot of starvation in Shilong County every year.

This is rarely seen in modern times, but in this day and age, it is extremely common.Starving to death is a very common way of dying.

Zhao Dongting walked towards the city step by step, and at the same time did not forget to observe the situation in the city.

How the people are living can probably be known by looking at the situation in the city.

It wasn't until he walked all over the main street and arrived at the gate of the government office that Zhao Dongting turned around again and took Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu to find an inn to stay.

The Supervision Department, Criminal Prosecution Department, Huaxia Bank, etc. in the city have already signed up their cards individually.

Other departments of the State Council, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Family Planning, and the Ministry of Housing Management, are all listed at the gate of the government office.

This makes the current government office of the Song Dynasty extremely large, and it is afraid that it will be expanded several times compared to the previous government office.

Seeing that Zhao Dongting said he was looking for an inn, Hong Wutian was slightly stunned and said, "Master, don't you want to see Mr. Song?"

Master Song, Song Bitao.

Song Bitao is now the magistrate of Huazhou, and Shilong is the main county of Huazhou.It can be expected that Song Bitao must be in the government office.

The emperor has always taken care of Mr. Song a lot.

Zhao Dongting shook his head, "It seems that he is doing well now, there is no need to see him, lest he is still thinking about it."

He thought of the shopkeeper in Suixi, and the wealthy businessman in the carriage, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Big people also have big people's troubles, that is, any random action may make others think for a long time and feel uneasy.

That night, Zhao Dongting, Hong Wutian, and Mrs. Xu stayed in an inn casually, without disturbing Song Bitao.

On the next day, after Zhao Dongting had practiced martial arts, the three of them bought three more horses in the city before heading out of the city.

The horse team of the wealthy businessman has just left for a short time, and it is just at the end of the official road.

The three of Zhao Dongting followed behind.

He intends to observe the people's livelihood in various places on the way to Longhu Mountain, so he is not particularly anxious.

Although there are only more than two years left before the agreed deadline with the owner of the valley, he doesn't care about delaying the time for a few days.

But the cavalry did not notice the three Zhao Dongting who followed behind.

It takes three days to go from Huazhou to Maoming.It was the route that Zhao Dongting led his army to Cenxi.

The official road is not too lively, but it is not deserted either.There are often migrating people and rangers passing by on fast horses.

There are some villages and towns on the way. At night, the horse team will spend the night in the villages or towns.

So did the three of Zhao Dongting.

In this way, for the past two days, by noon on the third day, it was not very far from Maoming County, Gaozhou.

But when the horse team was resting beside the official road, nearly a hundred horsemen suddenly rushed out from the forest on the side.

After nearly a hundred riders, there are still more than a hundred people holding weapons on foot.

These people yelled loudly, and as soon as they rushed out of the forest, they scattered and wanted to surround the entire horse team.

It's bandits.

The leader of the horse team changed his face drastically, and shouted loudly, "There are bandits! There are bandits!"

The guards of the horse team hurriedly picked up their knives and surrounded the horse team.

But those people, they couldn't care less.Maybe, I'm not so willing to take care of it.

Everyone knows that the target of these bandits is the convoy of a wealthy businessman.These carriages obviously carried a lot of money and jewels.

Li Goudan was originally sitting in the carriage, but when he heard the exclamation outside, he opened the curtain to see, his little face also panicked instantly.

He shouted loudly: "Father, mother!"

He saw himself surrounded by guards, but his parents were still outside.

Li Goudan's parents heard his call and rushed over here.However, the guards had no intention of giving way.

Fortunately, the wealthy businessman was also in the carriage. For Zhao Dongting's sake, he said to the guards, "Let them both in."

The guard gave way.

Li Goudan's parents were able to run to the carriage.

Li Goudan was about to run out of the car immediately.

His father hurriedly shouted: "Don't come out, there are bandits!"

This honest farmer's face was full of fear.He has taken a hoe and a sickle, but he has never fought anyone.

The people outside were even more panicked, moving closer to the convoy.

And this made it easy for the bandits to surround the entire convoy.

They rode their horses around the convoy, constantly waving their weapons, fierce and unscrupulous.

The guards all looked solemn.

With so many bandits, it was obviously difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, these bandits were quite particular. Although they surrounded the convoy and many of them held bows and arrows, they did not release the arrows.


After the bandits stopped, a rather burly man with a mace and a ferocious face whipped his horse to the front and shouted, "Where is the master of the convoy? Why don't you come out and meet the old men?"

The face of the wealthy businessman in the carriage turned pale in an instant, but he could only get out of the carriage honestly and tremblingly.

His guards were only about twenty people, and it was simply impossible to stop so many bandits.

A few meters in front of the bandit leader, the wealthy businessman cupped his hands and said, "Please forgive me, the strong man."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The bandit leader grinned wide, revealing two rows of scorched teeth, "I only want money, not life."

The wealthy businessman tremblingly took out a few Huaxia coins from his sleeve, "The good guy accepts it with a smile."

The denominations of these Huaxia coins are not large, but they add up to a full 50 taels.This is no longer a small amount of money.

However, the bandit leader just glanced contemptuously, "Do you think I'm a beggar?"

He smashed the mace to the ground, "My rule is to keep half of the passerby!"

The rich merchant's complexion turned even paler.

The people who followed in the convoy, who were already extremely frightened, changed their colors even more.

They didn't have much money. If half of them were robbed, it would be hard to say whether they could go back alive. They might starve to death on the way.

However, no one dared to speak back.Because backtalk means possible death.

Enduring the intense heartache, the wealthy businessman almost didn't have a heart attack, and sighed, "Everyone put together the money?"

He also had no choice.

This place is already beyond the scope of Leizhou, and the government offices have just been established not long ago. These bandits have caused disasters, and the government is temporarily unable to suppress the bandits.

As a wealthy businessman, his vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.Knowing that if you don't pay the money, these bandits can really kill the killer.

However, at this moment, a childish and angry voice suddenly sounded in the carriage, "You are all big villains!"

Everyone changed color.

The bandit leader's face darkened suddenly, and he looked at the carriage from which the voice came from.

Li Goudan's childish head was exposed, and he was staring at him angrily.

"Dog eggs!"

Li Goudan's father's originally dark face turned pale with fright, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Then he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, kowtowed to the bandit leader and said, "Don't blame the good man, don't blame the good man, the child is ignorant."

But this made the bandits even more domineering.

The softer the shrimp, the more willing they are to bully.

The bandit leader narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "I have changed my mind, I will keep [-]% of your money."

I'm afraid this guy knows the truth of water flowing forever, and he hasn't said that he wants to kill them all.

Rich merchants and ordinary people were even more pale.

Someone looked at Li Goudan, and there was anger in his eyes.

They didn't dare to do this to the bandits, but they did to Li Goudan.Perhaps this is a poor person, and there must be something hateful about it.

Li Goudan was still shouting; "Father! They are big villains in the first place!"

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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