The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 396 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Chapter 396 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

"Qin... imperial envoy?"

The two old men instantly changed their colors.

Although imperial envoys are divided into grades, even the lowest imperial envoys are definitely not something a small county magistrate can afford.

A third-rank imperial envoy with a gold medal has the right to dismiss officials below the third rank.

What kind of real power is this?
Zhao Dongting took out his token again.

The two old men could clearly see the words Dai Zhen inspecting on the gold medal, as well as the gold characters on it, and they almost fell to the ground.

At that moment, the two hurriedly pushed away the woman on their bodies, and knelt down on the ground, "The next official kowtows to the imperial envoy."

There are three ranks of imperial envoys, gold is the highest, silver is the second, and copper is the lowest.

Those who hold a first-rank imperial envoy gold medal can dismiss officials below the first rank.For the county magistrate, he is simply a high-ranking official who dare not even think about it.

Zhao Dongting walked to the main seat in the middle of the hall, Dama Jindao sat down, and did not let the two of them get up, and asked calmly, "What official positions are you two?"

The old man with a goatee on the right said: "The next official is He Xiangsi, the inspector of Cenxi County."

The old man on the left followed closely and said, "Your Majesty, Mo Xitong, Magistrate of Cenxi County."

"He Xiangsi, Mo Xitong."

Zhao Dongting chanted these two names, but he was a little impressed.

According to Lu Xiufu's recommendation letter, these two people are both very famous old masters in Xuwen County, Leizhou.

Zhao Dongting really didn't expect that two people with such prestige would behave like this when they became officials in Cenxi.

He was not in a hurry to punish the two, but said: "Both of you are well-known and knowledgeable people in Xuwen. They read sage books. The emperor asked you to come to Cenxi to be parents' officials. Why did you come to Cenxi? But let the petty officials go out to gamble? How about drinking and having fun here?"

As he spoke, he looked at He Xiangsi, "Master He came to Lord Mo's mansion, so there is no errand to be done in the supervisory office?"

Supervise the duties of the official and supervise the functions of the officials. Now, He Xiangsi and Moxi are colluding.This already made Zhao Dongting extremely angry.

It's just that he suppressed his anger for the time being.

He Xiangsi and Mo Xitong kowtowed quickly, "The imperial envoy spares my life, the imperial envoy spares my life."

Zhao Dongting waved his hand, "Although this imperial envoy is ordered by the emperor, he is not here to inspect the officials, but just passing by Cenxi. You two don't need to do this. This imperial envoy is just curious, and has no intention of punishing you."

It was a fluke that He Xiangsi and Mo Xitong exchanged glances.

Naturally, they would not doubt Zhao Dongting's words. If the imperial envoy really came to inspect them, he would be able to kill them on the spot just as they were drinking and having fun.

Comrade Mo Xi said, "I'm an official... I'm an official..."

But he didn't know what to say.

Zhao Dongting smiled lightly and said, "But it's okay to say."

But in fact, the anger in my heart has climbed to the top.

Mo Xitong hesitated a few times, but said: "Master Imperial Envoy, please wait a moment."

Then he got up and walked towards the back hall.

When he came out again, he was holding a plate of silver ingots in his hand, and he put them on the table obsequiously, "Please accept it, Your Excellency the Imperial Envoy."

He listened to Zhao Dongting's words, and only thought that Zhao Dongting was asking for benefits from them.

Zhao Dongting was slightly stunned, then nodded to Hong Wutian next to him.Hong Wutian put the two ends of the silver onto his hands without any trace.

Zhao Dongting said: "Your Majesty Mo has been an official for a short time, and this family is quite well off!"

Mo Xitong heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "This is all the savings of the lower officials."

Of course Zhao Dongting would not believe his nonsense, and looked at He Xiangsi again, "Master He, what about you?"

He Xiangsi said repeatedly: "The next official will send someone to send the silver to honor the imperial envoy."


Zhao Dongting nodded with a laugh, as if he was really happy.

He Xiangsi also climbed up the pole and stood up, then winked at the two women.

The two beautiful women were trembling, and when they saw him wink, they walked to Zhao Dongting's side hesitantly.

Zhao Dongting unceremoniously hugged the two women into his arms and laughed loudly, "The two adults are so beautiful..."

He Xiangsi and Mo Xi laughed coyly.

It was only at this time that they finally calmed down a little.

Zhao Dongting took the initiative to ask He Xiangsi for benefits, which made the two of them think that Zhao Dongting was also a "fellow man".

It's just that I still muttered in my heart, not knowing who Zhao Dongting is.

There are no ministers in the court who are so young. When did the emperor appoint such a young imperial envoy?
Could it be Mr. Xi Yixi who is the current magistrate of Leizhou?

Only Xiyi is the youngest in the court.

However, Xiyi, as the magistrate of the state, how could he be appointed as an imperial envoy and leave Leizhou to do business?

In history, no emperor has appointed a state governor as an imperial envoy.

Could it be the emperor?
This year suddenly flashed in Mo Xitong's mind, and his old face changed color.But then I thought, this should be impossible.

The emperor is in the palace, how could he leave the palace for no reason?And there are two attendants, a man and a woman, beside him.

At this time, Zhao Dongting opened his mouth again, and said with a smile: "The two adults haven't answered the imperial envoy's words yet!"

This interrupted the thoughts of Mo Xitong and He Xiangsi.

Mo Xitong was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Dongting said: "The imperial envoy asked why the two adults just arrived in Cenxi, why did they start enjoying themselves instead of benefiting the common people? And how did they get the money?"

He looked at the gold in Hong Wutian's hand, "I was appreciated by the emperor at the beginning, and in the future, I also want to be an official somewhere."

His words happened to dispel a lot of doubts in the hearts of Mo Xitong and He Xiangsi.

It turned out that he was an imperial envoy who had just been appreciated by the emperor, so he was a new official. Didn't he hear any rumors from the court?

Mo Xitong leaned closer to Zhao Dongting's ear, "Master Imperial Envoy really wants to know?"

Zhao Dongting smiled sinisterly, "If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy it!"

Mo Xitong deeply agreed, "The imperial envoy's words are really incisive and reasonable. But the two officials also have the same thoughts in the hearts of the imperial envoy."

There was a mysterious look on his face, and he continued: "Master Imperial Envoy, have you ever thought about how long I can wait to be an official?"

Zhao Dongting was really stunned this time, "What does Master Mo mean by that?"

Mo Xitong said in a low voice: "Although my dynasty has just won a great victory, in the eyes of the officials, it is just a flashback. The emperor is young, how can he fight against the old and spicy Emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty? There are more than [-] soldiers in my dynasty , how could it be the opponent of the Yuan Dynasty's millions of cavalry? Besides, there is Dali on the west side, and the Yueli Dynasty on the south side, how long can we last?"

He really believed Zhao Dongting's words, and he even said such outrageous but heartfelt words.

Zhao Dongting showed a very interested look, "You are right, so it seems that the imperial envoy has to find another way out."

After saying this, he did not forget to smile wryly at Hong Wutian next to him, "I knew that I shouldn't have accepted the emperor's order to become an imperial envoy, what if I was recorded in the book by the people of the Yuan Dynasty?" ?”

Mo Xitong looked back at He Xiangsi with a deep smile, and said: "Master Imperial Envoy, the two officials are plotting a way out!"

Zhao Dongting understood, and smiled wickedly, "Let's take advantage of being an official to make more money. After the Song Dynasty dies, we can live a happy life, right?"

Mo Xitong nodded with a smile, "That's exactly the reason."

Zhao Dongting smiled happily on his face, but in his heart, he smiled coldly.

He really never thought that the officials below would have such an idea.

He asked them to benefit the people, but they took this as a good opportunity to make money.Moreover, I never thought that Da Song would be revived.

Seeing him laugh, Mo Xitong and He Xiangsi laughed along with him, and even the two women in their arms leaned on Zhao Dongting and smiled softly.

They don't understand anything, but they only know that when the guests laugh, they just laugh along with them.

Suddenly, Zhao Dongting slammed the table.

The laughter of Mo Xitong and He Xiangsi stopped abruptly, and they looked at Zhao Dongting suspiciously, "Master Imperial Envoy..."

Zhao Dongting laughed out loud again, "The imperial envoy has decided to make more money before the end of the Song Dynasty. Do you two know that there are people like us in Cenxi County? All the officials in the county were called, and this imperial envoy has something to say to them."

Mo Xitong was puzzled and said, "What does the Imperial Envoy mean..."

Zhao Dongting rubbed his hands, like a street boy, "Tell them, if you want to continue to be an official to make money, first let this imperial envoy see their sincerity."

As he spoke, he leaned over slightly, and said: "The emperor told this imperial envoy that this token has great authority!"

"That is, that is."

Mo Xitong smiled shyly, "I'll go and give orders now, I'll go and give orders now."

He and He Xiangsi couldn't help muttering in their hearts at this moment, "This imperial envoy is not very old, but he is more greedy than us."

They are taking food from the hands of the people, but it is better for the imperial envoy to take food directly from them.

This is still true to the saying, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps...

(End of this chapter)

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