The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 406 Liu Ziqi's Death

Chapter 406 Liu Ziqi's Death
Soon, Zhu Zongyao left home.

With his skills, it is easy to avoid the eyes and ears of the defenders in the town.

Dark night.

However, the Zhu family was in full swing, and the family members and servants were busy packing their things.

Some people want to leave, and some people want to go back to their own homes, but no matter what, they have to pack their things.

Mrs. Zhu stood in the courtyard, looking at the family courtyard with flickering oil lamps, and sighed softly.

The Zhu family has been here for many years, and she has lived here since she got married.Now, it is about to leave.

There are many familiar faces, and the maids and servants who are very favorite will also be torn apart.

This is a disaster.

Mrs. Zhu was silent for a long time, and finally went to the old housekeeper and asked him to give all the things that he couldn't take away from the house to the servants who wanted to go back.

Keeping these things is also cheaper for others.

As for this house, I wanted to give it away, but I couldn't.When Zhu Zongyao kills Liu Ziqi, whoever accepts this mansion will be set on fire.

After more than an hour, everyone in the Zhu family was almost ready.

All kinds of objects were piled up in carts and carts, and more than a dozen carriages were neatly arranged in the large yard.

After Mrs. Zhu and the two young masters of the Zhu family looked around, they made sure that there was nothing missing, so they went to the lobby.

Zhao Dongting, Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu were still drinking tea here.

Mrs. Xu saluted and said, "Young Master Zhao, we are ready."

Zhao Dongting stood up, "Okay, let's leave the house now!"

He also wanted to see how much the defenders of Qingshan Town weighed.

Dayu City.

Zhu Zongyao stepped up the towering city wall from a remote corner of the city wall, as if walking on flat ground, and then went straight to the government office.

Although he lives in Qingshan Town, he often comes to Dayu City, so he is quite familiar with the city.

At night, there were no soldiers patrolling the city.

Zhu Zongyao didn't hide his figure anymore, and walked directly from the city wall to the outside of the government office without being stopped by anyone.

Even the soldiers patrolling the city might not recognize his identity.

But Liu Ziqi is an old ghost who is afraid of death, even if it is Zhu Zongyao, it is not easy to kill him in the government office.

Just outside the government office, you can see that the lights inside are brightly lit, I don't know how many torches are lit, and the sky is slightly brightened.

Most of the night watchmen in Dayu City are probably gathered in Liu Ziqi's mansion.

Zhu Zongyao went around the government office twice, but he couldn't find a good place to sneak in.There is fire everywhere, and where there is fire, there are guards.

He was not worried that these guards could stop him, but that if he alarmed the people in the government office, it would inevitably be the result of a massacre.

The guards were innocent, Zhu Zongyao was chivalrous in his heart, he only wanted to take Liu Ziqi's life, but he didn't want to involve these guards.

After going around a few times, he simply went straight to the main gate of the mansion, and said to the guard: "I am Zhu Zongyao, and I want to see Mr. Liu."

The guards were stunned for a moment, and then showed flattering smiles, "Patriarch Zhu, wait a moment, the little one will go in and report to the adults."

It's just that their smiling faces are quite complicated, some are playful, and some are regretful.

Zhu Zongyao's name is now resounding throughout Dayu City, the young lady on the street, the common people, everyone knows what happened to the Zhu family.

Zhu Zongyao stood with his sword behind his back, his back straight.

Not long after, Liu Ziqi actually came out to meet her in person, "My father-in-law..."

It seems that this old guy has started to be very embarrassing.

He has never met the two young ladies of the Zhu family, but he has heard of Qi Yanming. As a county magistrate, he has never tasted such a beautiful blessing before.

As for this old man, he also made some jokes.

However, before he finished speaking, he noticed the hilt of the sword behind Zhu Zongyao, and immediately changed his face.

This is obviously not a good comer.

Liu Ziqi was really terrified to death, she stepped back again and again, and shouted: "Stop him!"

Seeing the sword, he realized that Zhu Zongyao's cultivation might have recovered.

But how could this be?
It is true that Zhu Zongyao has gone mad. He has been investigated by others.

At this moment, Liu Ziqi's head was full of doubts.He wasn't sure whether Zhu Zongyao's cultivation had recovered, but he was afraid of death, so of course he chose to stop Zhu Zongyao first.

However, it was too late.

"Old man, die!"

Before several guards had time to react, Zhu Zongyao's figure floated forward.

The long sword was pulled out of its sheath by him, and the cold light skipped over the four characters "Da Yu Fu Ya" on the door sign of the government office, flashing a faint golden color.

A person's head rose into the sky.

When Zhu Zongyao stopped walking, his right hand was still raised, but Liu Ziqi's head had been separated from his body.

The sword is sheathed again.

Zhu Zongyao flitted down the steps again with a murderous aura, and then drifted away.

It wasn't until this time that the guards reacted, "My lord! My lord!"

The entire government office was in a panic.

Liu Ziqi's headless body fell to the ground.

Some guards rushed forward to look, while others hurriedly chased after Zhu Zongyao.

But with Zhu Zongyao's foot strength, how can they keep up?

He walked like a cloud, quickly disappeared around the corner of the street, and was never found again.

Liu Ziqi was so embarrassing that she came out to meet Zhu Zongyao in person, which created a great opportunity for Zhu Zongyao to assassinate.

There are hundreds of guards in the government office, all of which have been reduced to decorations.

Qingshan Town.

Zhao Dongting took more than ten carriages of the Zhu family from the gate of the Zhu family to the government office.

He also had Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu riding in front, so he was not in a hurry.

Not long after, soldiers suddenly rushed out from the side street and blocked their way.

Some of the people watching the excitement left hastily at this time.

There are about two hundred soldiers in the army, all in military uniform, with sabers and swords.

The leader is a man in his 30s, relatively thin, but his face looks capable.

He stood in front of the army on horseback, with his spear in front, and shouted: "The county magistrate has an order that no one from the Zhu family is allowed to leave the mansion, everyone please go back!"

Liu Ziqi is an old fox, so of course she would not give the Zhu family a chance to escape.

But the chief soldier probably didn't know that Liu Ziqi was decapitated now.

Zhao Dongting put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and said: "The matter of the Zhu family and Liu Ziqi has nothing to do with you, lead the army out of the way, and spare your life."

He didn't want to kill casually.

Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief shouted: "Zhuzi's tone is so loud! Let the arrows go!"

He can be regarded as a decisive person in killing and killing, and even let the soldiers shoot arrows if they disagreed.

The soldiers behind him were all ready, upon hearing this, they all loosened their bowstrings and shot dozens of arrows towards Zhao Dongting.


Zhao Dongting snorted softly, and Zhanlu got out of the sheath instantly.

Seeing Wuying, Zhao Dongting seemed to have nothing in his hand, but all those arrows were pushed away by him.

He kicked off his stirrups vigorously with both legs, and his whole body swept up like an eagle, facing the arrow and charged straight at the general soldier.

This kind of skill made the chief soldier stunned.

He is just the chief soldier of a small town, how come he has seen a master in the Middle Yuan Realm like Zhao Dongting?
Hastily, he raised his gun and stabbed Zhao Dongting in the chest.

As the chief soldier, he still has some skills.However, this ability is still far behind Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting waved his right arm lightly, and then the spear in the general soldier's hand disappeared.

He froze on the spot, not daring to make any further moves, because in the next moment, Zhao Dongting's sword was already on his throat.

All the soldiers behind were also dumbfounded.

Is that human being?
It was like a miracle that Zhao Dongting dropped so many arrows, and now, he subdued their commander-in-chief again in an instant.

The chief soldier quietly swallowed.

Zhao Dongting said: "Let your people make way, stop entanglement, I can let you live."

At this time, everyone knows how to choose.The county magistrate's order is not as important as his own life.

The unknown chief soldier shouted in a sharp voice: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

In this case, any aggrieved and angry feelings in my heart are farts!
All the soldiers moved to the sides.

Zhao Dongting waved his hands to the back, "You go out of the city first!"

Mrs. Xu took the Zhu family's carriage and horses and went out of the city through the road that was given up.

The wheels of the car rolled on the Qingshi street, making a rumbling sound.

Hong Wutian stood on the spot on his horse.

Although it is difficult for these Qingshan guards to pose any threat to Zhao Dongting, he is still worried that something will happen to Zhao Dongting.

Capsizing a boat in the gutter is something that every experienced veteran of the rivers and lakes is guarded against.

Time passed slowly.

Zhao Dongting's sword was pressed against the chief soldier, and he only felt itchy throat, and sweat was already dripping on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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