Chapter 415
All the Taoist priests played Wu Qinxi on the edge of the cliff accompanied by the breeze.

All of them looked indifferent, their clothes fluttered, and they really had an aura of being detached from the world.

The young Dongting Master Patriarch looked a little "outstanding" here, holding the stone pier with both hands to let him run along the cliff, but he couldn't use his inner energy, and soon he was sweating profusely.

The incomprehensible celestial master Yuan Zhenzi didn't know where to conjure up a wine gourd, sitting on the ground in a very disfigured manner, drinking leisurely, gloating at other people's misfortunes.

This made Zhao Dongting not know how many times he secretly slandered him.

The calm state of mind of the Taoist priests was not broken, and they couldn't help but glance at Zhao Dongting from time to time.

Some of them are curious, some have smiles in their eyes, but some of them have complicated eyes.

When Zhao Dongting first arrived, he became Yuan Zhenzi's direct disciple. This is the great luck that many people dream of.At least in the eyes of the Taoists.

Liu Piaoxu was still sitting on the edge of the cliff, with her eyes slightly closed all the time, as if she had settled down, even when Yuan Zhenzi came, she didn't turn her head.

This is a very moral woman.

The flowing water is gurgling, and the birds and cranes are auspicious.Gradually, the sun became brighter.

Zhao Dongting was as tired as a dead dog. He didn't know how many times he sat on the ground because of exhaustion, but Yuan Zhenzi picked up a small stone and bounced it on his body, "Keep running."

"Depend on!"

Zhao Dongting cursed inwardly.

Yuan Zhenzi really didn't keep his hand, the small stone hit his body with burning pain.But he had to keep running.

It has already been agreed not to reveal the identity of the emperor, so he is here only as a disciple of Yuan Zhenzi.At least, in front of people.

After all the Taoist priests finished their body training, Zhao Dongting collapsed on the ground several times because of loss of strength.

This made some Taoist priests smile more intensely, and Yuan Zhenzi's embarrassment became more obvious.

And after body training, it is the practice of internal strength.

The Taoist priests sat cross-legged facing the green pines and waterfalls on the other side of the cliff, closed their eyes, and fell into meditation quickly.

Zhao Dongting was lying on the ground panting heavily, his chest became violent, but there was some playfulness in his eyes.He still noticed that some eyes were not very friendly.

Will the wood show be destroyed by the forest wind?

Probably not.

I haven't shown any majesty in Longhu Mountain.

That is, everyone is innocent and guilty.

As the city of Zhao Dongting, he naturally imagined that his status as a direct disciple of the celestial master made people jealous.

Taoists are close to nature, but they are not saints, and it is normal to have jealousy.

Seeing that nearly a hundred old and young Taoist priests had settled down, Zhao Dongting looked at Yuan Zhenzi, "Master, should I also practice inner qi?"

He didn't have time to practice inner qi this morning, and the practice of inner qi is like sailing against the current.

However, Yuan Zhenzi said: "No, continue to train your body."


Zhao Dongting was both surprised and troubled.

Without using internal energy, he has really reached the limit now, and his whole body is sore.

But as soon as the voice fell, he felt another severe pain in his thigh.


He groaned in pain, and had to try his best to get up again, holding the stone pier and continuing to run.And because the speed was too slow, Yuan Zhenzi was hit with two stones.

"Mother Xipi, I will remember this Qiu Laozi."

Zhao Dongting gritted his teeth, staggered on his feet, and kept cursing in his heart.

He knew that Yuan Zhenzi was doing it for his own good, but the old man must also be deliberately torturing himself to satisfy his evil taste.

Since when did he, Zhao Dongting, get used to losing money?
By the time the Taoist priests finished their internal energy training, Zhao Dongting was completely limp and unable to get up on the ground.

He really didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Liu Piaoxu, who was sitting closest to the edge of the cliff, came out of the state of concentration first, and after bowing to Yuan Zhenzi, she left alone like a quietly open orchid.

But before leaving, her eyes still glanced over Zhao Dongting seemingly inadvertently.But there is something meaningful in the eyes.

Zhao Dongting was as tired as a dead dog, so he didn't notice Liu Piaoxu's eyes.

Yuan Zhenzi also wobbled away.

After Guan Haizi and the others got up, they walked to Zhao Dongting.

Guan Haizi murmured, "I never thought that Master Yuan Zhenzi taught his disciples so seriously."

Zhao Dongting couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his muttering.

Serious shit!

Yuan Zhenzi wanted to play with him purely because of his status as the emperor, just like a man wants to play with Yujie as his mother.

Later, Zhao Dongting was carried back by Guan Haizi.

This great apprentice of Qingsongzi is honest and generous, this behavior naturally made Zhao Dongting's favor towards him increase dramatically.

When he returned to the courtyard, Zhao Dongting also regained some strength.

He slowly moved to his room, endured the pain and lay down on the bed, still not forgetting to grit his teeth, "Yuan Zhenzi, please remember this for me."

Within a few minutes, someone knocked on the door outside, "Master Zu, Heavenly Master asked me to bring you a pill."


Zhao Dongting was slightly stunned, Yuan Zhenzi found out his conscience?

"come in!"

A middle-aged Taoist priest came in with a bottle of elixir outside, looked at Zhao Dongting who was lying on the bed humming, with a strange expression on his face, "Master, this is the Rejuvenation Pill I saw."


Zhao Dongting also accepts these strange medicines now, "What is this for?"

The middle-aged Taoist said: "Recover energy and relieve fatigue. The heavenly master said, you can't use your inner qi these days, and you can't cultivate your inner qi."

Zhao Dongting was even more stunned, couldn't he even practice internal energy?Sharpening a knife is not a woodcutter by mistake?
But he knew that Yuan Zhenzi was still very reliable in this kind of thing, so he didn't have much to say, he knew: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, let it go!"

The middle-aged Taoist put down the elixir, saluted again, and left again.

Zhao Dongting endured the pain and poured out a elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, a kind of astringent taste bloomed on his taste buds.The taste of this recovery pill is definitely not good, it is much worse than the snack "Ji Gongwei Dan" that he ate when he was a child in his previous life.

However, when the medicinal power of this recovery pill gradually spread, the soreness all over his body really receded at a very fast speed.

After a few ten minutes, Zhao Dongting regained his strength and felt much more comfortable, and even felt quite refreshed.

He couldn't help sighing, "Taoist elixir is indeed outstanding, but I don't know who is better than Baicao Valley's medical skills..."


Just as he was sighing, soft shouts and knocks suddenly sounded outside the door.

Zhao Dongting smiled, walked to the door and opened it, "Little guy, why are you here?"

He was very impressed with this little Taoist priest who was about five or six years old and had a rather dark complexion.Because, this little Taoist priest is more courageous than other little Taoist priests.

"I want Brother Dongting to tell you stories again? Hey, why are you alone?"

Zhao Dongting was slightly surprised to see that there was only the little Taoist priest, and there were no other partners beside him.

The little Taoist was mysterious, "I didn't bring them here. Master, there is a fairy in the mountain behind us, do you want to go and see it?"


Zhao Dongting couldn't help laughing, "You little guy is fascinated by the stories, right? Where do fairies come from in this world?"


The little Taoist was very confident, "I have seen it many times, and it is exactly the same as the fairy in the story you told, Master."

After speaking, he took Zhao Dongting's hand and walked outside.

This little Taoist priest was indeed much bolder than the other little Taoist priests, even though he knew that Zhao Dongting was the master, he didn't appear to have much status.

Zhao Dongting was really a little strange.

Could there really be any fairies in Longhu Mountain?
Driven by this curiosity, he followed the little Taoist priest to the back mountain.

For about twenty minutes on the road, the little Taoist kept talking about how beautiful the fairies he saw were.

Zhao Dongting asked strangely: "Why are you running to the back mountain when you have nothing to do?"

The little Taoist said: "Because... because there are many small animals in the back mountain..."

Zhao Dongting suddenly felt something was wrong, but naturally he would not doubt what the little Taoist said.

Unknowingly, a cold pond was visible in front of them, only ten meters away from them.

The little Taoist suddenly grabbed Zhao Dongting's hand, "Master, here we come. Fairies often appear here!"

Zhao Dongting looked around, "Here? I didn't see it!"

The little Taoist was also a little puzzled, scratched his head and said, "Maybe...maybe we have to wait a little longer!"

Without any explanation, he dragged Zhao Dongting to hide behind the stone.

Not long after, a fairy appeared in the pool.

A clean and beautiful figure suddenly swam out from behind the jagged rocks in the deep pool and emerged from the water, with his hair thrown back suddenly as his head was raised.

Water droplets splashed everywhere.

But that whiteness is even more touching.


Zhao Dongting froze on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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