The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 49 Resurrection

Chapter 49

In the south sea, Mr. Ge Li received the news from the scouts, his face was flushed red, he gritted his teeth, furious.

He didn't expect that when he attacked the city with 5 troops, he would end up with such a result.Before the battle, the Flying Army turned their backs first, and then the guarding army mutinied again. The Guarding Army hesitated to move forward.

The military division looked at his face from the side, not daring to ask questions.

After a long time, Mr. Ge Li pinched his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Order all the troops to set up camp on the spot and surround the palace."

After speaking, he looked at the military adviser next to him, "Order Qi Shucai to send two thousand mighty troops to follow me up the mountain."


The military master hesitated slightly, looked at the Yuan Army's ship not far away, and asked, "My lord, where is the Yuan Army..."

Mr. Ge Li ignored this matter, glanced at the sergeant appreciatively, and suddenly showed joy again, and said: "You go to meet Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng in person, and let them lead the army to follow me up the mountain and surround the palace to death. Food and grass are limited, but our army has a steady stream of logistical supplies from Leizhou Mansion, I want to see how long they can last."

He also knew that it was not easy to forcibly break through the city, so he even thought of a way to siege the city.

But the military adviser said again: "My lord, if that's the case, why not let all the mighty army go up the mountain?"

Ge Lijun couldn't help but gritted his teeth again, "That bastard Liu Hongyi has defected, and I left Qi Shu to sit here to guard against him."

The military adviser couldn't help swallowing, he didn't expect that the Feitian Army would actually turn against them.But he knew that Ge Lijun must be in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to say more, so he asked the soldiers to put down the boat and went to the Yuan army's boat formation.

Ge Lijun sent someone to inform Qi Shucai.

The military division hurriedly got under Zhang Hongfan's main boat, and was dragged up by the Yuan army to put down the boat.

As soon as he saw Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng, he fell to his knees and said, "I've met Zhang Shuai and Li Heng!"

Li Heng saw him in Zhizhou's mansion, and asked slightly puzzled: "Aren't you a military advisor in Gezhizhou? Why did you come to us?"

The military adviser said a little embarrassedly: "Our army was defeated in attacking the city and planned to besiege the palace. Lord Zhizhou invites two adults to sit in the town."

With 6 people against more than 1 people, it's a situation like this. Even if he has a thick skin, he still feels hot now.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng's expressions changed slightly when they heard the words, and they looked at each other.Then Li Heng said: "Ge Zhizhou no longer intends to attack by force?"

The military adviser knew that Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng would not move the army easily if they did not tell the truth, so they had no choice but to tell what had happened to the Leizhou Army.

Zhang Hongfan and Zhang Hongfan were almost not dumbfounded.

They originally thought that the snipe and the clam would fight each other, and the fisherman would benefit, but now, the Leizhou army failed to fight the Song army at all.

The two of them felt regretful at the moment, knowing that the chance to capture Emperor Song and destroy Lord Geli was no longer possible.

Zhang Hongfan looked at Li Heng and asked, "My dear brother, what do you think we should do?"

It was Li Heng who came up with the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.He didn't care about the presence of the military division either.

Li Heng lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said to the military adviser: "In that case, then you go back and report that we will go up the mountain with Ge Zhizhou to raid the formation."

The military division was overjoyed and thanked again and again.Then let the Yuan army put him down the boat and drive to the Geli monarch ship.

As soon as he left, Zhang Hongfan asked Li Heng, "What's your plan?"

Li Heng sighed: "It is impossible for us to reap the benefits. Song Emperor is still more important than Ge Lijun after all. Brother, in this situation, we can only help Ge Lijun destroy Song Dynasty, in order to hope for the future." The Emperor of Japan can forgive me for the crime of destroying the army of the two of us."


Zhang Hongfan also couldn't help sighing.

Known as the ever-victorious general, he marched southward with great momentum and ambition, but he was defeated miserably by the weak Song army in the end.

Moreover, I don't even know how to lose.

To him, this is naturally a great humiliation.

Li Heng said again at this time: "My brothers go, if they can attract the soldiers to mutiny and resist the Song army, it will be considered a great achievement..."

Naturally, Zhang Hongfan could also imagine this, and sighed helplessly: "This is the only way to go at this time."

After a while, the ten warships of Ge Lijun and the twenty warships of Zhang Hongfan slowly approached the shore of Quzhou Island.Only Qi Shucai was left at sea with [-] mighty soldiers to guard against Liu Hongyi.

When they reached the shore, the Leizhou Army and the Yuan Army landed one after another. Mr. Ge Li had to exchange greetings with Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng.

Zhao Dongting saw this scene on the edge of the cliff, looking towards Leizhou, his eyes could not help but feel a little worried.

He is not afraid of Ge Lijun, but Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng are very likely to cause the Yuan army to surrender and mutiny.

How can this be good?

Frowning and pondering for a while, he suddenly stood up and said to Li Yuanxiu: "Eunuch follow me to the top of the city!"

Then he hurriedly walked towards the palace.

Li Yuanxiu hurriedly followed.

Concubine Yang Shu shouted: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Zhao Dongting just shook his head without answering.The Leizhou army besieged but did not attack, and Ge Lijun suddenly went up the mountain, which made him realize that the situation was critical.

Ying'er looked at Zhao Dongting's immature back and was a little worried, and said: "Empress Dowager, servants and servants will also go up with the emperor."

After saying that, he trotted towards Zhao Dongting.

Le Chan and Le Wu sisters looked at each other, and also ran after her.

Concubine Yang Shu frowned slightly, but she couldn't understand why Zhao Dongting was so solemn all of a sudden.But the ministers are still here, so she has no choice but to stay.

In less than two quarters of an hour, five people from Zhao Dongting arrived at the south wall.

Zhang Shijie, Yue Peng and other generals guarding the south saw the emperor's presence and hurried over to salute.

Zhao Dongting waved his hands and walked straight to the top of the city.

He was about to climb to the top of the city, but was held back by Yue Peng, who said: "Your Majesty, the top of the city is dangerous."

Although the guards outside the city and the state guards were still hundreds of meters away from the city wall, he was still worried about what might happen.Zhao Dongting is now the backbone of the Southern Song court both in name and in reality.


Zhao Dongting broke Yue Peng's hand and said, "With my father-in-law by my side, I'm fine."

After all, he climbed to the top of the city.Standing on the wall stack, looking at the guarding army and the generals of the guarding army below the city.

Zhang Shijie asked, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Dongting saw that the soldiers of Leizhou were still hundreds of meters away from the city wall, knew that the sound could not be heard so far, frowned slightly, and then suddenly said in a deep voice: "General Yue, lead five hundred elite soldiers and follow me out of the city!"

Yue Peng was very surprised, "Your Majesty, are you going out of the city?"

Zhao Dongting just nodded and didn't answer.

Zhang Shijie didn't understand why Zhao Dongting wanted to go out of the city, so he knelt down on the ground, "Your Majesty, it's dangerous outside the city, you can't get out of the city..."

Zhao Dongting finally said, "If I don't leave the city, the real danger is inside the city."

As he spoke, he looked at Yue Peng again, and said in a heavy tone, "Go down and get ready."

Yue Peng admired Zhao Dongting from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that he was so dignified, he didn't dare to neglect him, so he hurried down to the city to select elite soldiers.

Zhang Shijie just kept staring at the Leizhou Army outside the city, and didn't notice Ge Lijun's movements, so he couldn't help but ask, "Your Majesty, why do you insist on leaving the city?"

Zhao Dongting sighed: "We missed Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng. At this moment, they have followed Ge Lijun up the mountain."

Zhang Shijie was able to command the three armies, so he naturally had a good mind. Hearing this, he quickly thought of the pros and cons, and his expression changed drastically.

The surrender of the Yuan army is a hidden danger after all.

After ten or so seconds, Zhang Shijie said: "Your Majesty, why don't you let the ministers act on behalf of the Emperor to recruit soldiers from outside the city?"

At this moment, of course he can imagine Zhao Dongting's plan.

There were only 5000 imperial troops in the city, but there were more than 1 soldiers.If these Leizhou troops were not recruited, it would be enough for the imperial army to drink a pot when Zhang Hongfan and others went up the mountain and mutinied. When the Leizhou army outside the city attacked again, the palace would be destroyed.

Zhao Dongting waved his hands and said, "It is most appropriate for me to go."

As he spoke, he sighed softly, "If something happens to me when I go out of the city, you can lead the army to surrender..."

He also had no confidence in the outcome of his trip out of the city, but he knew very well that he had to gamble at this time.

There is no room for negligence in war.Because Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were missed, the situation of the Song army became precarious in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Shijie heard the words, but stared and said: "Your Majesty, I will live and die with Song Dynasty!"

Zhao Dongting shook his head slightly, "I don't want the Queen Mother, you, and my soldiers to lose their lives in vain. Surrender, maybe there is still a way to survive."

Just as he was talking, Yue Peng had already returned, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the last general has summoned five hundred elite soldiers, and they can leave the city at any time."

Zhao Dongting stopped talking, jumped off the wall and walked towards Yue Peng.

A few minutes later, the south city gate suspension bridge was slowly lowered, making creaking noises.

Five hundred shield-bearing cavalry regiments guarded Zhao Dongting and galloped out of the city.

Yue Peng took the lead, holding a silver gun, majestic and majestic.

Zhao Dongting was protected in the middle, but was lying in Le Chan's arms.

Le Chan, Le Wu, and Ying Er all followed out of the city, but he failed to stop them.Riding with Le Chan was his insistence.

It is uncertain whether this trip out of the city will make it back alive.He only thought that if he died, he would be able to enjoy Le Chan's embrace before he died, and his trip to the Southern Song Dynasty would not be in vain.

Seeing the little emperor huddled in her arms with a few smiles on her lips, Le Chan felt weird.

She couldn't understand why this little emperor seemed to be so close to her, and that feeling seemed to be a kind of dependence.

(End of this chapter)

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