The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 506 Talking about peace

Chapter 506 Discussion of Peace ([-])

Kublai Khan took Yeluzhu, Ashu, Sang Ge and Huang Liangce to the imperial study.

He sat on the soft bed, Huang Liangce stood in front of him with his hands down, Yeluzhu and the other three found their own seats to sit down.There are no other people present at the moment, so they are more casual.

Regardless of the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, Kublai Khan had a good personal relationship with these three humerus ministers, after all, they had shared adversity.

It's just that it is difficult to have pure friendship between monarchs and ministers.

A maid comes in with tea.

Kublai Khan said: "The White Horse Army in Central Shu has arrived in Kuizhou, and our army has been defeated and lost. What do you think of this matter?"

"The White Horse Army has left Shu?"

Yeluzhu and the others all showed surprise, "Isn't Shuzhong always just watching from the sidelines?"

Kublai Khan sneered, "The Song Dynasty re-emerged, presumably the person behind the scenes in Shuzhong also realized the opportunity and was unwilling to be lonely. It's just that Dali has been dishonest recently. I speculate that the behind-the-scenes in Shuzhong may be related to Dali. If this is the case, then The general trend of the world is really intriguing. The combined power of Dali and Shuzhong is enough to compete for world hegemony."

But A Shu showed a sneer, and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, how can Dali and Shuzhong block the direction of our Great Yuan iron cavalry?"

"Where are the soldiers headed?"

Kublai Khan smiled wryly, his eyes became serious, "Ashu, if you have such thoughts again, then you will not be able to be the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses. There has never been a so-called invincible army in this world. In the past, the Song army was weak. Unbearable, what about now? Since they have thunderbolts and hot air balloons, can our army win again? Ah Shu, self-confidence is a good thing, but arrogance is not good."

Ashu's expression was slightly chilled, "The minister is guilty."

Kublai Khan waved his hand: "Let Alao Wading and others quickly develop the Song Army's Shenlong gun and hot air balloon, so that our Dayuan can continue to be invincible."

"The old minister takes orders."

Ah Shu bent down slightly.

Kublai Khan looked at Yeluzhu and Sangge again, "Yeluzhu, Sangge, do you two have an idea?"

Yeluzhu raised his head, "The emperor wants to ask us, is it peace or war?"


Kublai nodded slightly.

Yelu Zhu then continued: "The old minister suggested that we should negotiate peace with Song State first. If it is true as the emperor expected, Shuzhong and Dali are one family, then we will continue to fight with Song Dynasty, and I am afraid that in the end we will have to let Dali sit back. The old minister heard that Dali has now mastered the thunder and hot air balloons of the Song Dynasty, and is ahead of our dynasty in terms of armaments. The soldiers of our Dayuan army are by no means weaker than Song and Li. We are weak in armaments. At the time of discussion, we can seize the time to develop hot air balloons and Shenlong guns. At that time, our Chaoxiong army of one million will march south again, and Song and Li will be unstoppable without the advantage of ordnance."

Brother Sang interjected beside him, "But I'm accumulating strength in the dark here, won't Song and Li also develop their strength?"

Yeluzhu said: "My Great Yuan has a vast territory, no matter how fast they develop, can they still accumulate strength as fast as our Great Yuan?"

Kublai nodded secretly.

Brother Sang didn't notice this detail, and said again: "But if we negotiate peace with Song, what is the majesty of my dynasty?"

Yeluzhu stopped talking, but looked at Kublai Khan.

It doesn't make sense for him to continue arguing with Sang Ge, he has already said what he should say.Right now, we can only wait for Kublai Khan's decision.

As for Ah Shu, she didn't speak again.Yeluzhu's words really moved him.

In recent years, the Yuan army has lost consecutive battles, and it was really lost in ordnance, which made him very unconvinced.And if there are hot air balloons and dragon guns...

Ah Shu was already yearning for that day to come.

Seeing Yeluzhu looking at him, Kublai Khan coughed lightly, and said, "In terms of national power, even Song and Li combined are not as good as me. Brother Sang, your worries are unnecessary. As long as you can develop a hot air balloon And Shenlong Gun, even if Song and Li are given a few years to survive, it will only take more effort to destroy them at that time. But if we want to forcefully destroy Song now, I, Dayuan, will use my muscles and bones at every turn. It may be an opportunity for the Dali Kingdom, and that Li Wangyuan is also restless."

As he spoke, he suddenly chuckled, "Majesty, what's the use of majesty. Only the final victor can have majesty."

Sang Ge bowed immediately, "The old minister understands."

Kublai Khan nodded, "Then send envoys to discuss peace with the Song Dynasty for now!"

In fact, when he received the military report, Kublai Khan had such thoughts in his heart.It's just that hearing Yeluzhu's words now makes him more sure of this idea.

Yeluzhu's eyes did not leave Kublai Khan, and he said: "Your Majesty, how should we discuss the peace?"

War does not mean that fighting can be fought, nor can peace be negotiated.If you want to negotiate a peace, one party must be willing to suffer.

But the Yuan Dynasty has been in power for a long time, so they naturally don't want to be the one who suffers.

However, now that the Song Dynasty has the absolute upper hand on the battlefield, how could they be willing to suffer?
How to negotiate a peace is also a difficult problem.

Kublai Khan asked back, "What do you think should be done?"

Ashu was the first to speak again, "The Song Dynasty is only returning to the light, and the national power is extremely weak. We sent envoys to say that we want to stop the war. Don't they dare to do so?"

His character is somewhat impulsive and irritable.These years of invincibility have also made his character more prominent.

Yeluzhu frowned slightly, "Marshal Ashu's words are wrong. The national power of the Song Dynasty was indeed weak, but their emperor was somewhat capable. They fought for several years. They have conquered Guangxi, Guangdong, and Jiangnan from mere Naozhou Island. West Road and other roads, and troops sent to Fujian, did not show any signs of distress. If I just said that I wanted to stop the war, they would not agree. The current Song Dynasty has a breath, and this breath will Their rulers and people are all twisted together. If the fight continues, the Song Dynasty may not be a problem for a few years."


Ashu snorted coldly, but didn't know how to speak.

He was also very strange in his heart, he didn't understand why the Song Dynasty was able to fight stronger and stronger in a short period of time from the mere land of Naozhou.

In the past, their Mongolian army also fought stronger and stronger, but that was because of the plundering policy, wherever they fought, they robbed.But the Song Dynasty did not plunder any place!
When he said this just now, he was also out of resentment.

The Song Dynasty could still hold on, but their Great Yuan Dynasty couldn't hold on.Hundreds of thousands of troops were wiped out in the south, which can already be regarded as traumatic.

Now the domestic army is spread out very widely, conquering Europe in the west, Korea and Japan in the east, and so on.It is impossible to draw out a lot of troops to destroy the Song Dynasty with numerical superiority.

More importantly, there are many generals in the Yuan Dynasty who are in command of the army, but they are actually not very peaceful.

At the beginning, Kublai Khan killed Ali Buge to seize power, which was always criticized in the court, and it also made the rest of the Mongolian kings completely relieved of the psychological pressure to rebel.

Can you, Kublai Khan, kill his brother and seize the throne?Why can't we kill you and seize the throne?
Kublai Khan could also see that Ashu was out of anger, so he didn't reprimand Ashu for not talking through his brain.

He said: "Then Yeluzhu you mean to let me back down a little?"

Yeluzhu didn't answer, but looked at Sang Ge.

The three think tanks, he didn't want to show off too much, so as not to cause Ah Shu and Sang Ge to join forces against him.So, I want to hear what Sang Ge means first.

In war, we must unite vertically and horizontally. In fact, the same is true for officials.

Sang Ge was full of beards, he didn't look like a civil servant, but his eyes were extremely wise, and said: "Your Majesty, I think what Yeluzhu Lord said is right. We can't take the initiative to ask for a peace, so we can no longer hold the position of not willing to suffer." Thinking about it. But this is a loss, but we can’t eat too much, so that the group of Song Dynasty people think that we dare not continue to fight with them. According to the veteran, anyway, Guangnan West Road, Guangnan East Road, and Jiangnan West Road Road, Jinghu South Road and other places are no longer under our control, so it is better to take advantage of the trend and return these roads to them in name, at most add Fujian Road. In this way, the Song Dynasty should accept it when they meet, And I will not have too much loss."

"Give up Fujian Road to them too?"

Before Kublai Khan could speak, Ashu stared, "Now I am happy to be fighting Song Junmi on Fujian Road. The victory is not yet decided. How can I just let it go?"

Sang Ge said softly: "It's just to give in while the victory is not yet divided. If the victory is already divided and the Song army wins, the appetite will be even greater. If you don't bite off my two bones, you will never negotiate a peace. And if our army wins, their group of desperadoes may continue to attack Fujian with a large army, and at that time, they will not be able to negotiate peace. The benefits will be taken by Dali."

Kublai Khan's eyes moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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