The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 51 Resurrection

Chapter 51

So the past two days.

Outside the Xinggong City, Gelijun and Zhang Hongfan's troops were as immovable as a mountain, they just drilled every day to intimidate the Xinggong.

In Xinggong City, Zhao Dongting didn't care about it.The soldiers also defended as usual, but because Lu Xiufu kept it a secret, no one knew about the shortage of food and grass.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were anxious, they just wanted Ge Lijun to launch an attack, and they planned to make those Yuan troops turn their backs and earn credit.However, Mr. Ge Li suffered from the mutiny of the three armies, but he refused to send troops to attack the city no matter what, and only made up his mind to stay until the palace ran out of food.

At sea, Qi Shucai led the warship to press hundreds of meters away from the Flying Army, keeping an eye on it all the time.

Liu Hongyi led the soldiers to practice on the ship, but ignored them.He always remembered Zhao Dongting's order to keep him still.

However, he is also slightly anxious now.Because they only had three days of food and grass when they set off, and they were about to run out of food at this time.

Mr. Geli could have a continuous fleet of ships to deliver food from Leizhou Mansion, but he didn't. He even thought about leading his army to a bloody battle with Qi Shucai, and then went to rob Mr. Geli's grain fleet.

But I don't know what's going on, until the sunset, I still haven't seen Mr. Ge Li's fleet appearing on the sea.

Liu Hongyi was secretly puzzled, logically speaking, the rest of Ge Lijun's troops should also be close to running out of food.

He didn't know, in fact, in Leizhou's army commander's tent, Ge Lijun was more anxious than him at this time.

Mr. Ge Li stood in the tent, kneeling in front of him was the money and food officer.

He kept asking, "Where's the food? Why hasn't the food arrived yet?"

Several money and food officials were unable to answer, they were only responsible for distributing food in the army, and they didn't know why the Leizhou government hadn't sent food and grass yet.

The military adviser whispered beside him: "Your Excellency, calm down, I have sent several waves of scouts, and they should arrive soon."

Just as he was talking, a voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Report!"

A scout rushed to the tent in a panic, and fell to the ground with a thump because of anxiety.

Seeing this, Mr. Ge Li's face changed slightly, and he asked: "Is there any news about the inquiry? Why is the food so late?"

The scout gasped and said, "My lord, things are not good. Xiliu Ferry was captured by the enemy, and all the food and grass were robbed."

Sweat broke out on Ge Lijun's forehead for a moment, his face turned pale, and he forced himself to breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Why do you dare to falsely report the military situation? The enemy army is besieged by our army in the palace. Where can the enemy come from Xiliu Ferry?" military?"

The scout replied: "Yes, it is the banner of the Song Army. There are words on the flag."


Ge Lijun suddenly slumped on the ground, his face became even paler, he closed his eyes slightly and said: "I, Leizhou... I'm done..."

The military adviser exclaimed beside him, "Could it be the soldiers and horses of the right prime minister Wen Tianxiang!"

Instantly, cold sweat broke out on his face.

Immediately, he just kept thinking, "Isn't Prime Minister Wen in Huizhou? How could he suddenly lead an army to Leizhou?"

But the scout saw the word "Wen" on the flag with his own eyes, and he knew that it was absolutely true.

There are only a few stragglers left in Leizhou Mansion to guard the city, I am afraid it is really dangerous.

At this moment, the military teacher almost had the intention to surrender, but he knew his identity, and he was afraid that he would die if he surrendered.

He tilted his head to look at Mr. Ge Li who was slumped on the ground.

Mr. Ge Li can be regarded as a traitor. Under such a big change, although he was paralyzed, he got up quickly, and then said with a gloomy face: "Order, let all the soldiers and horses prepare for battle. As soon as the time of Xu comes, attack the city immediately!"

The military master looked at the sky outside and said in a low voice: "My lord, is it too hasty to attack the city at Xushi? It's almost Xushi now."

Ge Lijun said bitterly: "If we don't attack the city again, and when Wen Tianxiang comes to help, do you think we still have a way out?"

The military division didn't dare to say any more, so he hurriedly informed the generals of the armies.

Mr. Ge Li looked at the scouts in the tent and said, "Come forward."

The scout didn't know why, so he stepped forward.

Mr. Ge Li suddenly drew his sword and pierced the scout's stomach.The scout stared, his eyes full of puzzlement before he died.


Lord Ge Li pulled out his sword and shouted coldly: "Damn it for disturbing the morale of the army!"

Then he looked at the pro-armies guarding the commander's tent, and said: "You must not publicize this matter, otherwise you will definitely be executed!"

All the relatives were dead men who had followed Ge Lijun for many years, they were extremely loyal to him and immediately agreed.

Of course, if they were not so loyal, Mr. Ge Li might not let them live.He also knew that once the news got out, the already unstable Leizhou army would definitely mutiny.

Just as the soldiers dragged the scout's body out, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng came together again.

The two of them had nothing to do in the past two days and always ran to Mr. Ge Li's tent, urging him to attack the city.

Seeing the two of them, Mr. Ge Li thought of surrendering soldiers in the city, and finally had some hope in his heart, and said with a smile: "Zhang Shuai and Li Shuai are here to urge our government to attack the city again?"

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were slightly stunned, and then Zhang Hongfan said: "The meaning of Ge Zhizhou's words is that you plan to attack the city?"

Mr. Ge Li nodded, and said with a light smile, "I have sent an order to attack the city at Xushi, and I am about to send someone to inform you two."

He didn't dare to show any panic, for fear that Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng would notice something was wrong.If the two of them escaped, it would be really difficult to break through the city.

Mr. Ge Li thought, "If they run away, they can still go back to the Yuan Dynasty. If I run away, where can I go?"

Wen Tianxiang was well-known in the Southern Song Dynasty. He knew that it was impossible to stop him with the strength of Leizhou Mansion alone.

Now Lord Ge Li only wants to fight with his back. If he can capture Emperor Song, he will flee to Lin'an with Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng. Although Leizhou is gone, with Emperor Song in hand, he will be appreciated by Emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, and he will definitely be able to make a comeback .

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng didn't doubt that there was him, they were pleasantly surprised.

Li Henglian said: "Then the two of us will go back to prepare. When Ge Zhizhou is attacking the city, I will wait and beat drums to cheer."

However, Mr. Ge Li smiled and said: "Are you two just beating the drums to cheer? The soldiers in the city..."

Li Heng smiled like a Maitreya Buddha again, "Don't worry about this, Zhang Shuai and I still have some prestige in the army."

After saying that, the two of them didn't even enter the handsome account, and walked back directly.

Because they didn't know about Wen Tianxiang's soldiers coming to Leizhou, they really planned to help Ge Lijun attack the city.

When the military division returned to the tent, Mr. Ge Li was sitting behind the desk, squinting his eyes in a daze.

The military adviser walked over and asked, "My lord, do you want to send someone to summon General Qi to lead the army up the mountain?"

"Need not."

Ge Lijun shook his head and said: "He still needs to contain the traitor Liu Hongyi. If he leads the army up, and Liu Hongyi also leads the army to attack the rear of our army, the situation will be even worse."

Hearing this, the military adviser wanted to flatter him, but considering the current situation, he decided to give up.He was afraid of flattering the horse's legs.

As Xu time approached, the Leizhou army Dinghai and Defeat the two armies of the enemy, as well as the army led by Mr. Geli, and Zhang Hongfan's 5000 yuan army all came out of the tent to assemble.

Su Liuyi, uncle and nephew Su Quandang, who were guarding the southern wall, hurriedly put the soldiers on alert and sent someone to report the situation to Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting was having fun and dancing in the bedroom, when he heard that the imperial guards had come to report to Lord Li and prepared to attack the city, he was overjoyed, "It's finally here!"

Le Chan wondered beside him, "Your Majesty, why are you so happy that the enemy is preparing to attack?"

Zhao Dongting smiled triumphantly: "What I said is not that the enemy army is coming, but that our reinforcements have arrived in Leizhou!"

Now even Li Yuanxiu was puzzled, "Your Majesty, where did our army get reinforcements from?"

Zhao Dongting said: "I have already sent Wen Tianxiang to lead the army to Qin Wang."

Li Yuanxiu was slightly stunned, and then said pleasantly, "Is that the superstitious letter you wrote to Prime Minister Wen in mid-July?"

He was watching what Zhao Dongting wrote, but he didn't know the content.Zhao Dongting couldn't write some characters, so he asked him.


Zhao Dongting said: "Ge Li's heart of not being a minister is clearly revealed, how can I guard against him?"

After saying these words, Zhao Dongting couldn't help secretly rejoicing that Lord Ge Li didn't invest his yuan immediately and followed Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng to attack Quzhou Island. Can't live.

Li Yuanxiu's eyes were full of shock, "Your Majesty is young, but he is very clever..."

Zhao Dongting was noncommittal, and said: "Mr. Ge Li hastily attacked the city, he must have known that Wen Tianxiang's army had arrived. Hmph, as long as our army sustains his offensive for a few waves, when Wen Tianxiang leads his army to arrive, his Leizhou army will be in chaos! Time, I will take the life of this traitor!"

What he said was in high spirits.

Li Yuanxiu was just admiring, but he didn't know that Zhao Dongting actually had the intention of showing Le Chan to be handsome on purpose.

Men, they always like to show off in front of the woman they love.Although... now Zhao Dongting still looks like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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