The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 519 2 Conditions

Chapter 519 Two Conditions
The emergence of this idea made Pu Shougeng more determined to vote for Song.Of course, the premise is that Song and Yuan can reach a peace agreement.

Therefore, he hoped even more fervently that the peace talks could be reached.

Lifting his neck to drink the wine in the cup, Pu Shougeng said to Zhao Dongting: "Dare to ask the emperor, what do you want me to do to the emperor?"

Zhao Dongting chuckled again, as if the unhappiness just now hadn't happened at all, and said: "I have sent envoys to Dadu before, and your emperor should know what I want. Except for this condition, your Yuan Dynasty Princess Pearl , I don’t want to marry either. As long as these two points can reach a consensus, it’s okay for me to cease my military service for five years.”

Although Zhao Dongting was eager to regain the old land of Lin'an, he also understood that the current Song court was overwhelmed.

I also need time to develop the economy and people's livelihood, otherwise, even if the Yuan Dynasty can be defeated, in the end, the whole world will only be full of holes.

More importantly, if the fight continues like this, it is really unlikely that it will persist until the Yuan Dynasty is destroyed.

Soldiers fighting on the front line need a steady stream of food and money.

Pu Shougeng was slightly taken aback.

He didn't know that Zhao Dongting sent envoys to Dadu to ask Kublai Khan to release Li Xiushu.

And since Zhao Dongting didn't say anything clearly at the moment, he naturally didn't want to ask more questions.

After the silence, Pu Shougeng said: "Then when I go back to Fuzhou, I will send a letter to Dadu to ask the emperor, it's just..."

He hesitated.

Zhao Dongting said: "It's okay for Mr. Pu to speak up if he has something to say."

Pu Shougeng nodded, and then said: "Just before I make a decision to the emperor, I wonder if our two armies can maintain a truce?"

The last thing he wants to see is Fujian being tormented by war.

"of course."

Zhao Dongting knew what Pu Shougeng was thinking, and said with a smile: "Sooner or later, this Fujian Road will be my land in the Song Dynasty, and I don't want to see the common people being affected by the war."

Pu Shougeng was overjoyed, "So, thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "Master Pu, don't forget to tell your emperor that I will not back down on these two conditions. Of course, Fujian Road must also be given up to us."

"I definitely remember."

Pu Shougeng nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, there was no talk of peace negotiations in the lobby, just drinking.

Pu Shougeng was an outsider, so he bid farewell knowingly and left after staying for a short time.Before leaving, the tall and thin man and the short and fat man still couldn't help casting fearful eyes at Hong Wutian and the others.

And after they left, the banquet in the lobby didn't last long.

The crowd was full of wine and food, satisfied, and left in groups after resigning from Zhao Dongting, shoulder to shoulder.

In the lobby, only Wen Tianxiang, Ren Wei, Zhao Da, Zhao Hu and Hong Wutian were left.

Compared with the generals of the She people, they are of course Zhao Dongting's cronies.

"Your Majesty, have you sent an envoy to Dadu?"

When the generals of the She people left the hall, Wen Tianxiang couldn't help asking Zhao Dongting.

Because this matter was a secret letter sent by Zhao Dongting in Liuxian Town under Longhu Mountain, so even he didn't know about it.In the court, I am afraid that only a few people know about it.


Of course Zhao Dongting would not lie to Wen Tianxiang, saying: "I sent an envoy to Dadu to exchange Princess Mingzhu for Li Xiushu, who is Li Wangyuan's younger sister."

Wen Tianxiang was slightly taken aback, "Then why didn't Emperor Yuan mention this matter during the peace talks?"

He did know about the agreement between Zhao Dongting and Li Wangyuan.Zhao Dongting told him about this.

Zhao Dongting laughed, "Why else? Naturally, he is reluctant to part with the land of Xixia. Li Wangyuan attaches great importance to this sister. If Li Xiushu is kept in Dadu, the Yuan Dynasty will always be able to restrain Li Wangyuan and prevent him from going too far. But if he is released Li Xiushu, the Yuan Dynasty may not have much control over the land of Xixia. This Kublai Khan is really a courageous person, and he would rather abandon Fujian than let go of Xixia. However, he can't help thinking about it It's too good, if he wants to let Li Xiushu go, and if he wants to be clean for five years, he can really figure it out in this mere Fujian."

Zhao Dongting didn't care whether the Yuan Dynasty let Fujian go or not, what he cared about was whether he let Li Xiushu go or not.This is his original intention and his purpose.

Fujian is located in the old land of the Southern Song Dynasty and borders the current Song Dynasty. If you want to take it, you can take it at any time.Xixia, however, is located within the current territory of the Yuan Dynasty.

Xixia mutiny, it will become a cancer in the territory of the Yuan Dynasty.Its value is so great, how can it be compared with Fujian?

Wen Tianxiang nodded lightly, and asked again: "Does the emperor think that Kublai Khan can agree to your peace terms this time?"

"Hard to say."

Zhao Dongting just spit out two words.

Wen Tianxiang said again: "Then if Kublai Khan agrees, do you really negotiate peace with the Yuan Dynasty, Your Majesty?"

Zhao Dongting nodded, "You are not joking, if he agrees to my conditions, of course we will negotiate a peace. Now our Song Dynasty also needs time to recuperate..."

He also sighed quietly in his heart.

It can only be said that it was too late for him to travel to the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty was at the end of its rope.If the time could have been earlier, when the Yuan Dynasty had just attacked the Song Dynasty and traveled to the Southern Song Dynasty to be the emperor, he, Zhao Dongting, had absolute confidence, and he would have ruled the world by this time.

In that way, I don't know how many people can be saved from fire and water.

Ren Wei, Zhao Da, Zhao Hu and others were all listening.

Hearing Zhao Dongting's words, Zhao Da couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, after a five-year truce, can we win Lin'an then? Disabled veterans in Xianglong County..."

Zhao Dongting cared about those old soldiers, so Zhao Da always took those old soldiers to heart.

Before Zhao Da followed Zhao Dongting, they fought against the Yuan army in Leizhou, that is, Xianglong County, and they were disabled, but they kept Naozhou. This is still admirable to Zhao Da.

Zhao Dongting sighed, "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry! If the fighting continues, some people in our country will starve to death. The people are not as important as the war."

Wen Tianxiang and the others stopped talking.

They knew that the emperor had never backed down on the issue of the people.


Pu Shougeng returned to the government office.

In the end, they were still not willing to drive the tall thin man and the short fat man away.

He was not Zhao Dongting, it took a lot of thought before he was able to recruit these two Great Yuan Realm brothers.

In the early morning of the next day, he left with a group of offerings and rushed to Fuzhou.

In the middle of the night, he rushed back to Fuzhou, and not long after, pigeons jumped into the sky in the government office, heading towards Dadu.

Three days have passed.

The carrier pigeon landed in the Imperial Palace of Dadu.

Immediately, a eunuch took off the secret letter tied to the pigeon's leg, and treated it as an emergency military situation. After reporting layer by layer, it was transmitted to the imperial study at an extremely fast speed.

Kublai Khan was lying lazily on the dragon couch in the imperial study, flipping through the memorial seemingly carelessly.There are a group of eunuchs and maids waiting on the side.

Huang Liangce stood beside him.

The eunuch's report sounded outside the door, "Report to the emperor, Pu Shougeng, the Zuo Cheng of Fuzhou Zhongshu, has a secret letter."

Kublai Khan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he sat up.

Huang Liangce walked out of the house naturally, and when he came in again, he was holding the letter in his hand.

Kublai Khan took the letter, but didn't open it, but asked Huang Liangce as if talking to himself, "Eunuch Huang, do you think the Song Dynasty agreed, or didn't?"

Huang Liangce only said: "This old slave dare not speak nonsense."

Kublai Khan didn't say anything anymore, he just opened the letter and looked at it.


Then within a few seconds, a cold snort came out of his mouth.

A few seconds later, he slapped the letter heavily on the desk, "Trash! They're all trash!"

All the eunuchs and maids in the imperial study knelt down, as still as a cicada, only Huang Liangce remained standing.

After waiting for tens of seconds, seeing Kublai Khan's chest heaving and not speaking anymore, Huang Liangce said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the Song Dynasty won't agree to a peace negotiation?"

Kublai Khan's eyes were full of anger, "If it were me, I would not agree! That group of waste, tens of thousands of people attacked Shaowu, and they were burned by the Song army, and they were forced to die."

Huang Liangce's expression also changed slightly.

He was always by Kublai Khan's side, and he was trusted by Kublai Khan, so he naturally understood the military affairs.

The tens of thousands of Yuan troops on Jiangnan West Road were actually defeated by the Toutuo Army, which was only a few thousand strong?
If this is the case, then they really deserve the word "trash".

But Kublai Khan snorted coldly, and said: "The Song Emperor also doesn't know what to do. I want to promise him the most beloved pearl as the queen, but he refuses to accept it! He also said that he will not make any concessions on this condition." .”

At this time, Kublai Khan undoubtedly lost his temper as a child.

When he thinks about it, if you Emperor Song doesn't agree, then you just don't agree, so why make it so serious?

Could it be that my most beloved Princess Pearl is so unbearable that she doesn't catch your attention?

(End of this chapter)

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