The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 525 Xia Shu Confrontation

Chapter 525 Xia Shu Confrontation
Yuan Chao promised to exchange his sister-in-law for Princess Mingzhu to return to the palace, and he is now on his way.I hope you will send troops to Kuizhou as soon as possible to resist the White Horse Army in Central Shu.

Signature: Zhao Shi.

What Li Wangyuan cares most about is this younger sister who depends on each other for life in Dadu. Now, it is finally time to meet each other.

He fixed his eyes on the letter, and the more he read it, the more ecstatic and joyful he looked.

Inside the house, all the old officials of Xixia showed doubts.

"What's your name?"

When he looked away from the letter, Li Wangyuan looked at the centurion delivering the letter, his eyes still full of excitement.

The centurion seemed to have foreseen that a happy event was about to come, and there was joy flashing across his eyes, and he cupped his hands and said, "The last general Zhuo Luo and Liu Gang, the centurion commander of the Southern Army Division Xuzi Battalion."


Li Wangyuan nodded, waved his hand and said: "You have made great contributions to this matter, and go down first, the commander will definitely reward you later."

The centurion's face was full of joy, "The last general thanked the commander."

Then he smiled and walked outside.This credit is simply picked up.Moreover, the coach even asked his name, which is undoubtedly a kind of vanity for a mere centurion like him.

Centurions are just the lowest-ranking generals, how many of them can be remembered by the coach?

But Li Wangyuan looked at an old man in the room who was very old but had extremely deep eyes, and said, "Master Zhongsun, reward Liu Gang with a hundred taels later, and promote him as appropriate."

I am afraid that there will be no one over eighty years old, the old man whose surname is Zhongsun hastily agreed, "The old minister takes orders."

He is considered to be the highest seniority among this group of Xixia former ministers.Xixia surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty more than 50 years ago. At that time, he was already a very important minister in the Xixia Dynasty.

After receiving the order, he couldn't help but asked Li Wangyuan in doubt, "Why is Your Highness so surprised?"

Only veteran officials like them insisted on calling Li Wangyuan His Highness.

Everyone in the room looked at Li Wangyuan, waiting for his reply.All of them are indeed curious about this.

Li Wangyuan undoubtedly trusted these old ministers very much, handed the letter in his hand to Zhongsun Qifu, and said happily: "My sister will soon be able to return to our Xixia."

However, some of the people in the room were happy, while others were rather dull.

Li Wangyuan cared about Li Xiushu, but it didn't mean that all the former Western Xia officials cared.After all, Li Xiushu is just the princess of Xixia.

And the princess, why is it important for the prince?

These old Xixia ministers will be loyal to Li Wangyuan because of their deadly loyalty to Xixia, but they will never be loyal to Li Xiushu.

Since ancient times, only Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty was the only one who proclaimed the emperor to a woman.

Zhongsun Qifu was not too excited, and handed the letter to the others, but frowned slightly, and said, "Your Highness, do you really plan to confront the White Horse Army in Central Shu?"

If they just go to Lizhou East Road to deter the White Horse Army, they don't care.But if there is a real fight, Xixia's power will also be damaged, so we have to be cautious.

In Li Wangyuan's eyes, there was a look of satisfaction for everyone in the room, the joy disappeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you all planning to disregard my sister's life or death?"

This is a bit too serious.

This frightened the loyal ministers in the house so much that they didn't even dare to speak.

Li Xiushu is still a princess after all.

Not caring much and not caring at all are two different things.

If they say they don't care about Li Xiushu's death, doesn't that mean they don't care about the Western Xia royal family?

It's just that these people can't help but sigh in their hearts. Li Wangyuan values ​​this younger sister too much. For this reason, he would rather go to war with Shuzhong, which is really not a decision that an emperor should make.

Your majesty, how can you not put the overall situation first?

But it is a pity that apart from him, there is no more authentic direct descendant of the Western Xia royal family in this world.They have no choice at all.

Speaking of this, Xixia is worse than the Song Dynasty.At least, apart from Zhao Shi in the Song Dynasty, there was also Zhao Bing.

Zhongsun Qifu pondered for a while, and said: "His Royal Highness cares about Princess Xiushu, he is indeed a role model for the world. It's just... Will Da Song really send the princess back as agreed?"

Li Wangyuan pondered.

He really didn't know much about Zhao Dongting, so he really didn't dare to make such a guarantee.

But he still said afterwards: "No matter what, stop the White Horse Army first. I believe that the emperor of the Song Dynasty would never want to turn against us Xixia."

Although he stays in Dadu all the year round, he still has a sense of the big picture.

Zhongsun Qifu and the others were silent. At this moment, everyone could see that Li Wangyuan had made up his mind.

And Li Wangyuan's decision may cause countless Xixia soldiers to die in battle.This, however, is the result of the hard work of these veterans.

Li Wangyuan didn't make any effort, maybe he doesn't care too much, but those of them who have put in a lot of effort for this undoubtedly care deeply.

Many people looked at the leader, Zhongsun Qifu.

After all, Zhongsun Qifu said, "Your Highness, it may not be easy to stop the White Horse Army with our strength! The old minister has heard that the White Horse Army has mastered the technology of hot air balloons and thunderbolts from the Song Dynasty. With our armaments, the soldiers may be defeated by then." It will be tense.”

Li Wangyuan glanced at everyone, "Could it be that all the generals here have read the art of war for nothing?"

Zhongsun Qifu sighed softly, and did not speak again.

In order to save Li Xiushu back, Li Wangyuan can be said to be "terminally ill".

He understood that even if he said anything else at this moment, it was impossible for Li Wangyuan to change his mind.

As a diehard loyalist, he finally obeyed Li Wangyuan's idea.

And Zhongsun Qifu didn't speak anymore, and the rest of the people below naturally wouldn't speak again.

Soon, the Xixia barracks became busy.A lot of food and grass were loaded into the carts, and the soldiers prepared the army, only waiting to go to Kuizhou.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Li Wangyuan led tens of thousands of Xixia troops to leave Bazhou and arrive at Liangshan in Kuizhou.Further south is Zhongzhou, which has been captured by the White Horse Army.

At this time, the Yuan army, which was defeated one after another under the offensive of the White Horse Army, had already headed towards Southwest Beijing Road.In Kuizhou, there are almost no Yuan troops stationed in the city.

The arrival of Li Wangyuan also made the White Horse Army in Central Shu continue to gather towards Zhongzhou.It seems that the two sides are afraid of going to war in Zhongzhou.


Guangnan East Road Chaozhou Coast - Haimen Village.

Haimenzhai used to be a fishing village. Later, due to naval battles, watchtowers were built in the village, guarded by soldiers, and gradually developed.

Up to now, Haimen Village has become a well-known port in Chaozhou.Every day, fishing boats, merchant ships, and passenger ships come and go.

It is not far from Zhangzhou, Fujian Luquan.

Song Jun has also guarded here.

After the Song Dynasty took over, the New Deal was quickly implemented in Guangnan East Road. Although there must be moths, it can generally be regarded as thriving.

On this day, an ordinary passenger ship entered the port.After boarding the port, a woman who got off the ship made the surrounding soldiers and common people look dumbfounded.

They rarely see such a beautiful woman in normal times.

With big eyes and exquisite appearance, her face is peerless.Looking at her braids, she should be an extremely clever girl, but for some reason, her eyebrows are slightly frowned, implying sadness and sadness.

And around her, there are dozens of Jianghu people with weapons on their backs guarding her.

This only made the people who saw it couldn't help thinking, "Could it be that this beautiful girl was kidnapped?"

But looking at these dozens of Jianghu people with introverted eyes, naturally no one dared to rush forward to meddle in their own affairs.

Undoubtedly, this group of people is the Pearl Princess Turandot and Wu Dingtang Huang Liujia and his party.

They set off from Leizhou and traveled along the coast for more than [-] days, and now they are finally approaching Fujian Road.

The sea journey is hard, and when encountering a port, it is always necessary to stop and take a rest.Few people can withstand the turmoil of living on a boat day and night.

As for the eyes of the people around, Huang Liujia and the others were already used to it, so they just took Turandot and walked straight into the port.

Turandot lowered his eyes slightly, no longer lively and arrogant in the past.

Over the past few days, her heart has been tugging all the time.Even the thought of returning to Dadu soon did not make her happy at all.She knew about the peace talks, but she also heard that before the peace talks, the emperor's grandfather had a proposal to let him marry the Song emperor as his queen.She just felt desolate, how could the grandfather who doted on her so much treat her like this?

But this matter will never come out of nowhere.And this was said to her by a certain minister in the Song Dynasty.

What's even more hateful is that the little emperor of the Song Dynasty actually refused!
Every time he thought of this, the miserable Turandot couldn't help but grit his teeth bitterly.

This princess is extremely talented, but why is she not worthy of a despicable and shameless villain like you?

Women's minds are always so strange.

That hated and hated figure flickered in Turandot's head from time to time, making her unable to eat well or sleep well.

(End of this chapter)

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