The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 55 The Traitor's End

Chapter 55 The Traitor's End ([-])


Zhao Dongting knew that he must have shot the arrow just now, nodded approvingly, raised his sword and shouted.

Li Yuanxiu was relieved seeing Zhao Dongting turning the corner, but at the same time he was furious, his sword was like plum blossoms, and he kept stabbing the opponent next to him.

The soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty also became more and more brave as they fought.

Many martial arts masters saw that there was nothing to do, and they also followed Sha Tongtian's example and sneaked out of the wall.

Although the city wall is high, but there are ladders, it is not difficult at all to get down with their skills.

The Yuan army and Leizhou army on this section of the city wall were killed one after another and gradually decreased.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood were mixed, congealing and dissipating in the air.

The cold arrows sounded repeatedly, and martial arts masters fell to the ground with arrows.It was all the work of the one-eyed archer.

Zhao Dongting couldn't help but glanced at him again, remembering the appearance of this soldier firmly in his heart, he couldn't stop saying: "Sure enough, the master is among the people..."

Soon, Li Yuanxiu, Le Chan, and Yue Wu all rushed back.

Those martial arts masters died, were injured, and fled, it is difficult to become a climate.They are not interested in ordinary soldiers.

Seeing the blood on Le Chan's arm, Zhao Dongting felt his heart twitch. He grabbed Le Chan's hand and asked, "Are you injured?"

Seeing the look in Zhao Dongting's eyes, Le Chan froze slightly, and then said unnaturally, "It's just a small injury, nothing serious."

She felt that Zhao Dongting's eyes at this time were like the eyes that her father looked at her when she fell down when she was young, and her father hurried over to ask.

This look touched her heart slightly.But Zhao Dongting was a child, which made her feel strange again.

In fact, Le Chan was not so cold in the past.It was only after her father fell ill that she saw too many ruthless faces that she gradually became like this.

Zhao Dongting heard her say that it was a minor injury, but he was still worried, and said repeatedly: "Go back to the palace, go back to the palace, I will let the imperial doctor bandage you."

He came out to target those martial arts masters. Now that the crisis is over and Le Chan is injured again, he naturally doesn't want to stay here anymore.

Hundreds of guards guarded Zhao Dongting and went to the bedroom.

Zhao Dongting still grabbed Le Chan's hand and didn't let go.

Le Chan lowered her head to look at him with a strange expression, and finally, the corners of her mouth formed a faint outline.

Arriving in the bedroom, Zhao Dongting hurriedly announced that the imperial physician An would come to bandage Le Chan.

Looking at Le Chan's bloody arm, let alone how much pain he felt in his heart.

The shouting and killing outside still did not stop.

In this way, it was actually fighting from dark to dawn.

The walls and gates of the city changed hands several times, corpses were piled up all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

The palace in Quzhou was reduced to a meat grinder, a hell on earth.

Ge Lijun had already lost his temper, and Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng also looked ugly.

They didn't expect that the Leizhou army who surrendered would go all out to help the Southern Song emperor resist them.If it weren't for these loyal Leizhou troops, it would have been impossible for the Quezhou Palace to hold on until now. After all, there were only so many soldiers in the Imperial Army in the Southern Song Dynasty, and they lacked equipment.

Along the seashore, the Flying Army and the Mighty Army were still fighting.

There were corpses everywhere on the beach and on the stone piles.

Liu Hongyi's tiger's eyes were red, and the big knife in his hand had already been cut to the edge.Every time he was exhausted, he would rest for a while, and then fight with a knife. He did not know how many times he repeated this.

The Mighty Army was dispatched by Ge Lijun to send [-] soldiers, and the loss was even heavier than that of the Feitian Army.Qi Shucai kept complaining in his heart, and retreated while fighting.

If this continues, his mighty army will be swallowed up by Liu Hongyi's flying army sooner or later.

The sun rose to about two shots.

Zhao Dongting had just rested in his bedroom, when a soldier suddenly reported outside the door: "Your Majesty, there are more than a hundred warships coming from the sea!"

Zhao Dongting sat up, ran to the door, and hurriedly asked: "Is the ship under the banner of Prime Minister Wen?"

Although the Leizhou army and the Yuan army did not have the upper hand, there are many soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty who are hoping for it all the time, and he is equally urgent in his heart.

The soldier replied: "Master Zhang didn't say what banner the army is coming from, but he just asked me to report to the emperor in a hurry."

"That must be Prime Minister Wen's army horse!"

Zhao Dongting clapped his hands excitedly, "Quickly report to Master Zhang, let him pass the order, shrink the defense, and let the enemy enter the city!"

After finishing speaking, he said again: "Forget it, I'll go by myself!"

As he spoke, he took Li Yuanxiu and hurried out of the palace.

As for Ying Er, Le Chan, and Le Wu, they had just rested, and Zhao Dongting didn't want to disturb them any more.

Until now, the Leizhou Army and the Yuan Army were still blocked at the city gate and the city wall, and failed to enter the city.

Zhao Dongting led Li Yuanxiu and many guards to the cliff to find Zhang Shijie who is now in control of the situation.

Zhang Shijie also stayed up all night, and he couldn't rest well in the past few days, his eyes were bloodshot, but he was still excited.

Seeing Zhao Dongting said, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is a fleet of ships sailing towards my Quzhou Island."

Zhao Dongting nodded, smiling all over his face, and said, "Immediately send an order to order the soldiers to shrink the defensive circle and let the enemy troops enter the city."

Zhang Shijie was stunned immediately, "Your Majesty, why did you let the enemy army into the city?"

They still don't know that Wen Tianxiang has led the army to arrive, and they are still worried about whether this fleet is an enemy or a friend.

Zhao Dongting said: "Could it be that Mr. Zhang didn't see the flag of the fleet clearly?"

Zhang Shijie wondered: "The flag is embroidered with the word 'wen', but the nearby prefectures and prefectures should not have such flags. The emperor knows their origins?"

"That's Prime Minister Wen's fleet."

Zhao Dongting smiled and said, "I wrote to Prime Minister Wen when Zhang Hongfan came to commit the crime, asking him to lead the army to help."

Zhang Shijie was overjoyed, "Prime Minister Wen is really like a heavenly soldier, haha! I will pass on the order."

He is also a veteran, so he naturally knows what Zhao Dongting thinks about letting the enemy into the city.

Please enter the urn.

As long as the enemy troops penetrated deep into the city, and when Wen Tianxiang led his troops to land on the island, they would not be able to escape even if they wanted to.

But at this time, Ge Lijun and Zhang Hongfan didn't even know that Wen Tianxiang had arrived. After all, they didn't have binoculars, so they could only rely on scouts to find out.

Soon, there was a sound of gold ringing in the army of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Although the soldiers were puzzled, they also retreated slowly.

Yue Peng was still fighting bloody battles at the gate of the city, and he was fighting vigorously, but seeing Jin Ming not stopping, he thought it was Zhao Dongting who was in danger, so he quickly led his army to abandon the gate of the city and retreated.

Countless yuan troops and Leizhou troops rushed into the palace immediately.

They have long wanted to rush in, but they have been encountering stubborn resistance and have not been able to rush in.

Not long after, both Zhang Hongfan and Ge Lijun learned from the scouts that the army had rushed into the city.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Hengwu were overjoyed, thinking that the Song Dynasty would surely perish this time.

Ge Lijun's complexion was pale.

He is not stupid, he knows that the army cannot suddenly break through the defense line of the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty.This sudden change, it could only be that Song Jun knew Wen Tianxiang had arrived and deliberately let them enter the city.

He knew the news that Wen Tianxiang led the army to Leizhou, so he would naturally think about it.

At that moment, Mr. Ge Li sighed and said, "Retreat..."

The military division knew the whole situation and kept silent.

Ge Jun next to him said, "Father, our army finally broke through the city, why are we retreating at this time?"


Mr. Ge Li really couldn't suppress the resentment in his heart, he suddenly burst into tears, his face full of ferociousness.

Ge Jun was frightened by him, "Then, that kid, let the soldiers Ming Jin withdraw."

"Fuck you!"

Mr. Ge Li was still furious, "They can't come back, let's retreat first!"

However, even he himself didn't know where to retreat.

The defeat has been decided, he knows that Leizhou is over, and his Leizhou army will also be over.At this moment, I was disheartened, and I just wanted to find a place to hide first.

How could he care about those soldiers?
When Wen Tianxiang arrived, if he retreated with a large group of soldiers, he would only be followed by Wen Tianxiang's army, and he would not be able to run even if he wanted to.

At that moment, Mr. Ge Li ordered dozens of relative troops, and in the name of supervising the war, he left the barracks with Ge Jun and the military division.

The rest of the soldiers were all abandoned by him.

Without knowing it, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng were still drinking in the military tent, waiting for the good news from the scouts.

In the past two quarters of an hour or so, the Yuan army and Leizhou army from outside the city had poured into the city, fighting with the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty in the city.

In the street fighting, countless street chariots rushed back and forth, and the soldiers on both sides fought bloody with red eyes.

And Wen Tianxiang's army has also landed on the south side of Quzhou Island.

Zhao Dongting saw this scene on the edge of the cliff, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He knew that the victory was sealed.

Speaking of it, it should be Ge Lijun's bad luck.

He knew that Wen Tianxiang would land on the island where their warships docked on the south side, so he led his people down the mountain from the east, but they just ran into the defeated Mighty Army and the Flying Army in pursuit.

Liu Hongyi happened to see him, his eyes were red like blood in an instant, and he roared and killed him.

"Ge Lijun, give me my life!"

Ge Lijun hurriedly ran to the scattered mighty army, and fled with the mighty army.

(End of this chapter)

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