Chapter 550
If he and Takiyu continue to fight, it is entirely possible to use Takiyu's pressure to break through to the late stage of the True Martial Realm.

But now, Takiyu retreated after being injured, and the opportunity for him to break through also disappeared.Although the strength has improved a lot compared to before, it is undoubtedly no longer possible to break through the late stage of Zhenwu.

At least not in a short period of time.

If there is a loose bottleneck, it will take a lot of hard work to completely break through.

And at Huang Liangce's current age, how many years can he spend working hard?
So how can he not be angry?
But Hong Wutian had a playful smile on his face, "Eunuch Huang, the old beggar helped you fight back your lust, why don't you thank me and turn angry?"

"Our family!"

Huang Liang Ce spat out two more mouthfuls of blood, and almost had a myocardial infarction.

Damn it!
How could Hong Wutian fail to see that it was his breakthrough just now?

This old beggar actually behaved badly after doing something bad.

Huang Liangce wanted to tear Hong Wutian in half immediately, just like the blind bear who tore apart when he was hunting with the emperor.

But he also knew that with his current state, it would not be easy to defeat Hong Wutian.He had already exhausted too much energy just now in order to pursue a breakthrough opportunity.

Not to mention, as far as he knows, there are still many real martial arts masters in Minqing City.

The little emperor of the Song Dynasty really had the skill and courage to despise the young people in the world.

In just a few years, although the masters of the rivers and lakes gathered around him are naturally not as good as the decades of accumulation of the green forest camp of the imperial court, it can be said that they are not far behind.On the banks of the Ta River, the two Marshals Boyan and Ye Su'er were assassinated, along with the two real martial arts elders surnamed Ding and Chu from Lvlinying, which narrowed the gap even more.

How many real martial arts masters are there in the entire green forest camp?

Glad that the soldiers under his command were watching, a little at a loss.

They don't know about the peace talks yet, so of course they regard Hong Wutian as an enemy.However, with the force of Hong Wutian's palm just now, they really didn't dare to move rashly.

These masters of the rivers and lakes are not like those born by their fathers and adoptive mothers, but more like gods who fell from the sky.

Seeing that Taki was about to retreat, Le Wuwei also slid down from the tree at this time, until he reached Hong Wutian's side, and cupped his hands at Huang Liangce: "Eunuch Huang, it's been a long time."

Huang Liangce narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not answer.

Ten masters of the Great Yuan Realm of the Green Forest Camp led Li Xiushu to his side quietly.

There are two real martial arts realms in the Song Dynasty, and it is possible to fight the eagle claws.Although the Song Dynasty didn't have much reason to kill Big Eagle Claw, it still had to guard against it.

Seeing this, Hong Wutian and Le Wuhui chuckled lightly.

Le Wuhui said again: "Eunuch Huang, the emperor said that you were frightening him a lot when you were in Ziqi before. After Gangzhu Hong's slap, the grievances between the emperor and you are settled."

Huang Liangce snorted softly, his eyes were extremely dark.

Clean up?

Although Princess Mingzhu used a hidden weapon to stun the little emperor of Song Dynasty, they still failed to do anything to the little emperor in the end, right?
But now?

Although Hong Wutian's palm didn't hurt him, it made him lose the opportunity to break through.This simply made him feel more hatred than severely wounding Huang Liang Ce.

It's just that the old man with big eagle claws who has served the emperor for decades in the palace understands the truth of being under the roof, so no matter how angry he is, he will not open his mouth and engage in useless verbal disputes.

Hong Wutian and Le Wuwei probably also felt that it was boring. Seeing that Huang Liangce didn't agree with each other, they smiled again, then cupped their hands and walked towards the city gate.

The two quickly disappeared into the night.

I was happy to watch the two leave, although I was a little embarrassed, I was secretly smiling.

It can be said that the emperor's move was well played, and it actually made both Long Yu and Huang Liangce suffer at the same time.

After that, the army made some adjustments and packed up the remains of the soldiers before moving on.

In the inn in the city, Zhao Dongting and Wu Amiao were both slightly drunk.No one used the inner qi to force out the alcohol in the body.

Wu Amiao and Zhao Dongting hooked their shoulders together, already a little tongue-tied, "In this life, you are the only one who treats me as a brother and doesn't ask about my birth. This love is more important than his mother's life-saving grace. Are you a concubine? I don't know, but I'm a concubine. You, don't believe it, if you really want to talk about pomp, my so-called half-brothers are not inferior. But, I can only give them horses It’s just that I have to be whipped by them. After realizing the sword intent, I dare not stay in that family anymore. When you come out to walk the world, you are the first and only one who begs me because of the same smell. , even if my master accepts me as an apprentice, it is inevitable that I have some talent in the way of sword intent, and I don't want his sword skills to be lost."

"Go to your uncle."

Zhao Dongting scolded with a smile: "You are smelly, but I am a serious son, my body smells very good!"

"Yes! Fuck my uncle!"

Wu Amiao laughed loudly, "Go to hell with that uncle of mine!"

It's just that there were tears in his eyes.

He probably never said these words to anyone.

Zhao Dongting patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, don't be a bitch. When you become the number one swordsman in the world, let your brothers lead and feed your horses."

He looked outside, "The beef is all eaten, and the wine is gone. Your master is probably coming back soon, and I should go too. We brothers, we will meet again at the end of the world."

Wu Amiao muttered to herself, "I'm too lazy to argue with them. I just pity my kind-hearted mother, who died in depression at the end, and didn't wait for my uncle to visit her, and told me not to hate him! Damn it! uncle!"

Zhao Dongting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he patted Wu Amiao's shoulder again, and walked out of the inn.

Walking to the inn, he murmured: "Believe your mother's words, it's not easy to trouble them. As a brother, since I know, I can't pretend that nothing happened."

He took Mrs. Xu, Kumano and Tie Liduan away and went straight to the top of the city.

At the head of the east city of Minqing, the lights are bright and there are countless torches.

Zhao Dongting went straight to the top of the city.

Wen Tianxiang, Ren Wei and others were already on the top of the city, and Turandot was also brought.When he saw Zhao Dongting, his eyes wanted to burst into flames.

Just after a while, a black shadow swept up the city wall from the official road in front, and then went into the city amidst the exclamation of everyone.

It's Takiyu.

Mrs. Xu and the three immediately looked at Zhao Dongting, "Your Majesty."

Zhao Dongting just waved his hand, "Let him go."

Just for Wu Amiao's sake, he doesn't want to do anything to Long Yu now.Moreover, since Takiyu dared to be so blatant, he obviously had something to rely on.

Afterwards, Hong Wutian and Le Wuhui also rushed back to the top of the city.As soon as he swept up the wall, Hong Wutian smiled at Zhao Dongting and said, "Your Majesty, it's done."


Zhao Dongting's eyes revealed an interesting look.

Hong Wutian then slowly talked about what he had just done in the fight between Long Yu and Huang Liangce.

Wen Tianxiang and the others couldn't help laughing out loud.

Long Yu and Huang Liangce were probably very angry at this boring loss.

The night wind blows.

The national flag of the Song Dynasty at the head of the city was rattling and fluttering in the wind.

After another 10 minutes, on the official road, the torches of Gao Xing's army gradually reached the city under the eyes of everyone.

Gao Xing drove his horse forward and yelled at the top of the city: "Huang Liangce, the envoy of the Yuan Dynasty and the head of the servants, has arrived."

Zhao Dongting turned his head to look at Wen Tianxiang beside him.

Wen Tianxiang ordered the soldiers to open the city gate.

The city gate was opened, revealing the dark corridor inside.

Inexplicably, there seemed to be gusts of wind blowing inside.

Huang Liangce stared at the corridor, raised a step, but put it down gently.

Although it is a peace negotiation, will the Emperor of the Song Dynasty go back on his word?
If he entered the city and was besieged by those real martial arts masters of the Great Song Dynasty, no matter how conceited Huang Liangce was, he didn't think he would be able to retreat safely.

When Li Xiushu falls into the hands of the Song Dynasty, will the Song Dynasty still meet?

After all, neither Kublai Khan nor Huang Liangce knew the current situation of the Song Dynasty well.

It stands to reason that the Song Dynasty should also be overwhelmed and need to recuperate.But until now, the Song Dynasty has not shown signs of lack of strength.

After much hesitation, Huang Liangce still did not intend to enter the city, and said to the top of the city: "Our family is here to negotiate a peace by the emperor's order, and the peace agreement has been prepared. Please let the emperor of the Song Dynasty let Princess Mingzhu out of the city."

After saying this, he took out a golden imperial decree from his sleeve robe and read it aloud.

The content of the imperial decree is, of course, nothing more than God's commitment. The Yuan and Song dynasties were sympathetic to the people and stopped fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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