Chapter 58
Here, when the husband and wife meet again, how they embrace each other and cry bitterly is omitted.

On Quzhou Island, Zhang Shijie escorted Qi Shucai to see Zhao Dongting, was appreciated, and left satisfied.

Qi Shucai was crushed by a car and died.

All night, although the soldiers were exhausted from the battle, they were full of energy and cleaned the battlefield.Unable to bear the drowsiness, he ran back to the barracks and fell asleep in a hurry, but was tossed and tossed by the joy and excitement in his heart. He couldn't sleep well, and ran out of the barracks to continue cleaning the battlefield.

All the proceeds were handed over to the commander of the tenth, who in turn handed it over to the commander of the centurion, and the centurion personally escorted it to the gathering point where the loot was piled up.

Siege equipment, armor and weapons, scattered money, piled up into several hills.

Large and small grain carts shuttled non-stop in the streets and alleys, and even the alley chariots were temporarily used to transport spoils of war, as well as the bodies of fallen soldiers.

In the past two days, the battlefield was actually cleared.There are ruins in the palace, and there is no time to repair the destroyed houses.

After the corpses were burned, Zhao Dongting was afraid that the soldiers would be exhausted, so he ordered them to go back to the camp to rest, and to deal with anyone who was walking on the street with military law.The soldiers who were so excited went back to the camp to sleep.

That night, after waking up from a full sleep, the soldiers were hungry and ate up all the food in Quzhou Island.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Dongting announced that three days later, the three armies would be rewarded outside the south city gate.

Chen Jianghan, Minister of the Household Department, no longer counts carefully this time, and spends the money in stock to buy food.In two days, dozens of warships sailed to Leizhou Prefecture, and bought a lot of wine, vegetables, fruits, grain, livestock, etc., the warships were often piled up with things, and hundreds of cooks from the coastal counties were hired before returning.

In order to prevent pirates from robbing the ship, Wen Tianxiang personally led [-] soldiers to raid the formation, with flags flying and solemn military appearance.

Hundreds of craftsmen on the island rushed to make wine tables, working day and night.

Liu Hongyi was concerned about the soldiers of the Feitian Army. He spent two days with his wife in the Kangding Escort, and then returned to Quzhou Island by boat.

On the morning of the fourth day after the war, Zhao Dongting got up early, and Ying Er and Yue Wu carefully helped him dress up, which took about half an hour.Among them, most of the dancing girls are doing more harm than good and wasting time.

When they arrived at the Yizheng Hall, all the officials had arrived.

Lu Xiufu and Wen Tianxiang took the lead respectively, followed by Zhang Shijie, Su Liuyi and others.

As soon as Zhao Dongting sat on the dragon couch, he asked, "Lord Lu, how are you preparing for the reward?"

Lu Xiufu stepped forward and replied: "Your majesty, the wine table and banquet are ready. Just wait for the auspicious time, and the emperor can climb the tower to reward the three armies."

"it is good!"

Zhao Dongting said loudly, feeling excited in his heart.

After two fierce battles on Quzhou Island, they won successive victories and their morale was high.He is naturally happy to be the emperor.

The casualties have already been counted, 4000 Leizhou troops attacked the island, the three armies surrendered, and the remaining 360 were killed except for more than [-] people who knelt down. There are more than a thousand pieces, including hundreds of siege equipment, countless weapons and arrows, and [-] warships, not counting money treasures.

However, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army only lost more than [-] people, and the surrendered army killed more than [-] people.

Most of these soldiers were killed in bloody battles in the city, among which the Flying Army and the Mighty Army lost as many as 3000 people.

At this time, there were [-] Forbidden Army, [-] Flying Army, [-] Guardian Army, [-] Guardian Army, [-] Yuan Army, and [-] Leizhou Army. More than a hundred people.The court of the Southern Song Dynasty went through two major battles, but the number of soldiers increased from [-] to nearly [-]. Naturally, it was a big victory.Although Zhao Dongting felt sorry for those fallen soldiers, he was also happy for such a great victory.

If it weren't for the mutiny of the Yuan army and the lack of arrows, with the convenience of defending the city, the losses of the imperial army and those who surrendered would be even less.

Zhao Dongting feels guilty for those soldiers who followed from Lin'an but died in this foreign land, but he also knows that this is war.

If it is a war, casualties are inevitable.

At this time, Zhang Shijie suddenly walked out and said, "Your Majesty, how can I reward the commander-in-chief of the three armies?"

In the past, when the emperor had any rewards, he would discuss it with his close ministers as soon as possible, but now that the rewards are imminent, Zhao Dongting never mentioned it.Not only him, but the rest of His Highness's officials were equally puzzled.

"I've already made up my mind about this."

Zhao Dongting waved his hands, and said slowly: "I first won Leizhou in the Song Dynasty, and there is a lot of waste waiting to be revived. I decided to implement a new policy."

new deal?

All the officials in the hall, including Lu Xiufu, Wen Tianxiang and others, were all surprised.Because Zhao Dongting didn't even reveal the slightest bit of news before.

Zhao Dongting's eyes glanced at their faces, and he continued, "I have decided to abolish the ancient law and re-establish the official system. Abolish the left and right prime ministers, three provinces and six ministries, and 24 divisions..."

Following his words, the complexions of His Highness's officials became even more serious.

Abolishing the ancient law is a major event related to their interests.

At this time, Zhao Dongting went on to say: "In the future, under me, the Ministry of State Affairs, the Ministry of Military Aircraft, the Ministry of Supervision, and the Ministry of Law will be established. The four provinces are parallel, and they are responsible for the functions of state affairs, military affairs, supervision of officials, and case resolution. Below the Ministry of State Then set up the ministries of national defense, foreign affairs, education, finance, justice, personnel, construction, agriculture, science and technology, each performing its own duties."

All the officials in the palace were dumbfounded.

They heard Zhao Dongting talk about implementing the New Deal, but they didn't expect it to be implemented so thoroughly, it was almost completely different from before.

They naturally didn't know that Zhao Dongting had thought it through carefully.

According to the old law of the Southern Song Dynasty, most officials held positions with high authority and low rank, but he, Zhao Dongting, came from across the country, so he didn't care about these.

According to his thinking, useful official positions should be retained, and useless official positions should be removed.

In the past, the bureaucracy of the Southern Song Dynasty was huge, and it was a huge burden on the country's finances just to support those idle jobs.At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty was in peril, almost starting all over again. Of course, Zhao Dongting would not let go of such a good opportunity to implement the New Deal.He traveled with modern ideas, so naturally he wanted to promote the modern official system in the Southern Song Dynasty.

In any case, the modern official system is always much more mature than that of the Southern Song Dynasty.

His system is completely a reference to the modern social system.

Someone in His Highness wanted to ask Zhao Dongting to think twice, but then he thought again, the emperor has not announced the heads of the provinces and ministries at this time, what if he can be the chief of the provinces and ministries?

Therefore, all the officials held back and did not speak.

Zhao Dongting knew what they were thinking, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Lu Xiufu stepped forward to listen."

"Chen is here!"

Lu Xiufu stepped out of the ranks.

Zhao Dongting said: "This great victory, all the pillars of the army and the soldiers of our army have all contributed. As I said before, once this battle is over, you will be rewarded together. Mr. Lu has contributed to assisting the government and governing the government. I will make you the Ministry of State The state affairs decree is in charge of the government affairs of the court and the central government, and is in charge of all ministries."

Lu Xiufu was overjoyed, and hastily bowed down: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

In fact, there was still a lengthy set of procedures for the appointment of high officials in the Southern Song Dynasty, but at this critical moment, everything should be kept simple.

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, and said again: "Wen Tianxiang stepped forward to listen to the seal."

Wen Tianxiang stepped forward.

Zhao Dongting said: "Prime Minister Wen has made great contributions in fighting against the Yuan Dynasty, and has great prestige among the people. I have promoted you to be a military commander of the provincial military commander, and command the soldiers and horses of the whole country."

Wen Tianxiang burst into tears with gratitude, his eyes flushed, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

He just felt that he could finally fully display his ambitions.

His Highness and the officials were stunned, and Zhang Shijie was even sweating on his forehead.

The Ministry of State Affairs and the Ministry of Military Aircraft divide the military administration, which means that all the powers of the court and the central government are in their hands, just like the Ministry of Zhongshu and the Ministry of Privy Council before.

Chen Yizhong fled. Zhang Shijie used to be the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, which is equivalent to being an envoy of the Privy Council. But now, the title of the military order does not fall on his head.Doesn't this mean that his military rank has been stripped?
Even though he knew clearly that Zhao Dongting would be displeased if he took the lead at this time, he still couldn't hold back and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the implementation of the new policy is of great importance, should we consider it in the long run?"

Of course, apart from him, there are not many people in His Royal Highness who are qualified to raise objections.

Seeing him in the early stage, some officials who were close to him hurriedly followed and stepped out, "Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

If Zhang Shijie were to take power in the army, it would be a huge blow to their entire faction.

Moreover, many of them are officials from the Six Ministries, and they were quite alienated from Lu Xiufu because of their closeness to Zhang Shijie. If Lu Xiufu was in charge of the various ministries, they would have to change their sects, and the interests involved would be incalculable.

The atmosphere in the Palace of Political Affairs suddenly became solemn, yet subtle.

Zhao Dongting was not surprised when he saw this scene.Since ancient times, there have been many obstacles in the reform of officials.

He knows that these courtiers are divided into factions, and he will not easily allow himself to touch their interests, but this also strengthens his determination to reform.

At this time, there were three or two big birds and two small birds in the court of the Southern Song Dynasty. If it is still impossible to reform, when it grows stronger in the future, the reform will only be more difficult.

At that moment, his face became indifferent, and he said heavily: "My heart has been made up, if anyone has any objections, you can resign and retire!"

He is determined, even if he loses a lot of talents, he will completely get rid of the big cancer of the official system.

Zhang Shijie and the others were shocked when they heard what Zhao Dongting said.No one expected that the little emperor's courage was so powerful.

All the officials from Zhang Shijie's faction didn't dare to say any more, they all looked secretly at Zhang Shijie in front.

At this moment, Zhang Shijie only felt that he was in a dilemma. If he retreated, his military power would be lost, but if he insisted on admonishing...

He was wondering if Zhao Dongting would really let him resign and retire, but then he suddenly realized that he had no idea.

Since Zhao Dongting took charge of the government, he has been baffled by many actions. Although he is the Minister of Humerus and holds power, he is not sure whether Zhao Dongting will really abandon him. The officials are pressing each other, and I am afraid that there will be no big waves.

More importantly, Zhang Shijie never thought of resigning from office.

Although he likes to win over factions and play with power, his heart is still towards Da Song and towards Zhao Dongting.

"Emperor Shengming..."

In the end, Zhang Shijie sighed in his heart and slowly backed away.

Although he was reluctant to bear power, he also wanted to save Song Dynasty from peril.At this moment, the emperor is wise, so what else is there to argue about?
Seeing him retreating, the ministers who followed his direction also retreated to the ranks one after another.

Even if Zhang Shijie compromised, they would naturally not remonstrate beyond their means.

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly, approving Zhang Shijie's actions.If Zhang Shijie dared to say more just now, he really had the idea of ​​dismissing Zhang Shijie from office.

At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty could no longer stand the toss of hundreds of officials. If it wanted to prosper, all officials must be of one mind.

Zhao Dongting wanted to revitalize the Southern Song Dynasty, and his idea of ​​implementing the New Deal would not waver.No matter how loud the opposition is, he will insist on it.

For a moment, the eyes of the ministers in the hall were in a trance, and they all became thoughtful.

At this time, Zhao Dongting said again: "Zhang Shijie stepped forward to accept the seal."

There was almost no hope in Zhang Shijie's heart, and he moved numbly into the hall, "The minister is here."

His voice was no longer full of energy.

Zhao Dongting said: "I specially set up a supervisory department, and now I promote you as a supervisory order to supervise all officials!"

Zhang Shijie was dumbfounded, as were all the ministers in the Palace of Deliberations.

I thought that Zhang Shijie would lose power, but unexpectedly, he was appointed as a supervisory order.This is equivalent to holding the life and death card of Baiguan!
Although the supervision order does not have military power in its hands, its authority is no longer even under the state affairs order and military aircraft order.

Being so trusted by the emperor, who would dare to underestimate Zhang Shijie in the future?
Zhang Shijie came back to his senses, and fell to his knees in surprise: "I thank the emperor for his grace!"

He was not surprised that he still held great power, but was surprised by Zhao Dongting's trust in him.

At this moment, he only felt that the sacrifices and efforts he had made for Da Song over the years were not in vain.The emperor knew everything in his heart.

But at the same time, he also understood that it would be impossible to win over the faction in the future if he served as a supervisory order.

The supervision order supervises all officials, who among those officials dare to get too close to him?
Thinking of this, Zhang Shijie couldn't help feeling a little more complicated.

Afterwards, Zhao Dongting appointed Su Liuyi as the Deputy Military Commander to assist Wen Tianxiang in commanding the country's troops and horses and sitting in the court.

Chen Wenlong and Liu Fu, former political advisers, were named deputy state affairs orders to assist Lu Xiufu in managing government affairs.

Su Quandang took over Su Liuyi's original position and was in charge of the official affairs of the Dianqian, which was equivalent to being the commander of the Xujing Military Region.

Yue Peng was appointed to be in charge of the official affairs of the guards and the army, which is equivalent to being the commander of the garrison department of the capital.Although, the current Southern Song Dynasty no longer has a capital.

All the rest of the civil servants and military generals have more rewards, no matter whether the real power changes or not, the official rank is always higher.

It's just because of the restructuring, these ministers are all thoughtful, and they don't show much joy.

Only the iron rooster Chen Jianghan was appointed as the Minister of Finance, and he was still in charge of the country's money, and he was very happy.

When the rewards were completed, Zhao Dongting said again: "Because the country is in peril, the laws and decrees will not be established for the time being, and the laws of the country will not change. I hope that all my lovers can work together with me to fight against the Yuan thieves and the people of Zeli, and restore our university as soon as possible." Song's vast territory!"

All the ministers shouted long live.

After that, Zhang Shijie walked out of the queue with doubts, "Your Majesty, many generals have made meritorious service in this battle, such as Liu Hongyi, can't they be rewarded?"

Zhao Dongting said: "I have thought about it myself, Liu Hongyi and others, I need to confer titles in front of the soldiers of the three armies, so as to boost the morale of the soldiers of the three armies."

"Emperor Shengming."

Zhang Shijie no longer had any doubts, and retreated.

He was just thinking about why Zhao Dongting didn't announce Liu Hongyi and others into the palace as rewards, so it was like this.I only know that the emperor really found another way to do things.

But he had to admit that rewarding Liu Hongyi and others in front of the three armies was indeed much more useful than rewarding them in the Palace of Political Affairs.

Although in the final analysis, the court of the Southern Song Dynasty now has only tens of thousands of soldiers.

Soon, Zhao Dongting announced the disbandment of the court, and all the officials left with heavy hearts.

In the past, when Zhang Shijie left the hall, many courtiers would come to join in the fun, but today, no one dared to approach him at all.

He looked back at the Yizheng Hall, showing a wry smile, but then, the wry smile gradually became more relaxed.

He thought, as long as he is serving the emperor, what position does it matter?Why do you have to be in charge of the military?

He knew that Zhao Dongting made him a supervisory order deliberately to disintegrate his faction, but at this moment he had no complaints in his heart, only admiration for Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting's move is a warning to him, and at the same time, it is also a great favor.Otherwise, it is entirely possible for him to resign and retire.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shijie knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times towards the Palace of Political Affairs, and then strode away.

His back is no longer as heavy as before, but relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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