Chapter 598
Zhang Guangyao said that Zhangjia Village had been his private land for decades, so whether he had honestly divided the land according to the imperial court's land distribution system, there was no need to think about it.

Compared with those aristocrats who clamored that they would rather die than divide their fields and refuse to restore their status as untouchables before they suffered a lot, Zhao Dongting hated Zhang Guangyao's obedience and transgression even more.

And the anger at Zhang Guangyao for not implementing the land distribution system with repeated orders and five applications is even greater than his oppression of the people in Zhangjia Village.

Bullying the common people by those who are rich and unkind is nothing new in this era, it is not uncommon.But daring not to take the imperial court system seriously can only show that the imperial court is actually not majestic enough for the aristocratic class.This is the key to making Zhao Dongting angry.

"of course……"

Zhang Guangyao was unscrupulous, and believed that Yu Quandong would not dare to interfere in this matter, and he did not pay attention to the young man who just walked to the door.

Brocade clothes and jade robes are nothing special. Although Haikang County is not a big county, there are quite a few young masters who can wear brocade clothes and jade robes.

Until he saw Zhao Dongting's face clearly, his voice stopped abruptly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

As the person with the most prestigious title of noble in Leizhou, he once met Zhao Dongting when Zhao Dongting was carrying out the Tweet Order.Later, all the nobles in Leizhou conspired to assassinate Zhao Dongting, and Zhao Dongting simply killed him. Zhang Guangyao was lucky, and Zhao Dongting deliberately left his life as a scapegoat, so he was able to continue to survive.Although the spine has been poked in the back in the past few years, life is still nourishing.

Only this time, Zhang Guangyao understood that there was absolutely no possibility for him to survive.

The moment he had a clear look at Zhao Dongting's face, his pride and confidence in being the only noble in Leizhou disappeared.

Zhang Guangyao, who was plump and luxuriously dressed, suddenly fell off his horse.

This Leizhou aristocrat whose ancestors were ranked second-rank officials in the Song Dynasty, has delicacies from mountains and seas all the year round, and is afraid that he will be blinded by lard, so he will be frightened to death like this.

"Master! Master!"

dusty.Next to him, the members of the Zhang family rushed to the master's side, sniffed, and found that the master had just gone, crying and shouting.

Even the green official robes looked ugly.

Zhang Guangyao died here, regardless of the fact that he will lose a benefactor in the future, this matter will inevitably become a big problem, and even he will have some troubles in handling it from beginning to end.

As the only remaining aristocrat in Leizhou, Zhang Guangyao's death did not end as well as the death of ordinary people.

Those with beards looked up at Zhao Dongting.

He had never seen this handsome young man in a jade robe.Thinking about it carefully, I still don't have the slightest impression.

And since the imperial court moved to Changsha, there were not many young masters left in the city, and he had an impression of them all.In other words, this son is either not from Haikang County, or he is not the kind of son who can stand on the stage.The two are actually about the same.

Qianglong is confident that he will not overwhelm the top snake, even if this son has some status in Xuwen or Suixi counties, he will still be overwhelmed by him in Haikang, the capital of Leizhou.

Thinking of this, Dutou's eyes became a little cold, and he directly ordered in a stern voice: "Catch this murderer who killed Master Zhang!"

He knew that Zhang Guangyao's death had nothing to do with the young man, it was a sudden death.However, he urgently needs to catch someone who hastily committed the crime.Because if this matter is brought to court, and there are many people in Zhangjia Village who testify, Zhang Guangyao's occupation of the land and the matter in Yurou Township will definitely be exposed.

The top of the imperial court has always strictly controlled the land distribution system, and he can't handle this kind of thing.

Only by taking this young man in brocade clothes first, closing the case hastily and avoiding the process of going to court, can he protect himself wisely.

As for why Zhao Dongting was singled out for the crime, there is naturally something strange about it.

Because everyone is uncertain about the depth of Zhao Dongting's origin.

If you just find any Zhang family villager to take the blame, what will this young master do when the time comes?
And if he wins this young master in brocade clothes, even if this young master uses his connections to successfully get rid of the crime, he will have enough time to deal with the first and last, so that the matter of occupying the property will not go to court.Compared with this, offending Zhao Dongting is not a big deal.

As the capital of Dongcheng, he still has some confidence.

A group of arresters drew their knives and rushed to the front.

However, Young Master Jin Yi didn't catch him without a fight as they thought.

Yu Quandong had already offended Fu Dutou, so he gritted his teeth and simply stopped wandering around to stand in front of the arresters.

The old brothers who followed him for some years just followed the gang leader.

This made the green robe furious, and shouted: "Yu Quandong, how dare you stop the official from handling the case?"

The two sides confronted.

After Zhao Dongting thought about it for a while, he roughly guessed about his plan for the green robe, and sneered in his heart.

He also knew that Yu Quandong wouldn't really dare to fight with these officials, but he was already very satisfied with Yu Quandong's performance at this time.

Although there must be such a strong sense of utilitarianism in it, but he dared to stand up at this time, which shows that Yu Quandong still has some blood in his roots.

Naturally, Zhao Dongting would not make things difficult for Yu Quandong, and turned his head to speak softly to Hong Wutian who was walking behind him.

Hong Wutian took out the token from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Dongting.

This is not the order of the dragon and the phoenix, the iron is plated with gold, it is in the shape of a sword, and there are two large characters of Wu Ding written on it.On the side is a bunch of small characters, bestowed on a certain month in a certain year.

Zhao Dongting held the order and raised his hand, and sneered softly at the green robe: "You dare to arrest me?"

It's just that Dutou, a mere ninth rank, actually doesn't recognize the Holy Sword Token of the Hall of Glory in Wuding Hall, but the words "imperial bestowal" on it are scary enough.

Those who were sitting upright on the horse couldn't help shaking their heads a little.

Forging tokens is a serious crime that implicates the nine clans, let alone forging imperial tokens.He didn't think that the brother in brocade clothes was holding a fake token.

This time, he kicked the iron plate without any room for maneuver.

All the arresting officers were also extremely shocked, and someone quietly put the knife back into its sheath.

The token with the word "Yuci" was already much heavier than the tokens carried by all of them.

At any rate, Dutou didn't fall off the horse, and the murderous aura rose and fell several times in just a few tens of seconds.In the end, choose to draw the knife.

He knew that he had no possibility of reconciling with this Young Master Jin Yi.

"How dare you forge the court token and take down this official!"

He knew that the arresters under his command were already fearful, so he jumped off his horse, swung his knife and slashed at Zhao Dongting.

There is nothing left of this knife.

Everyone was determined to kill Zhao Dongting, because only if Zhao Dongting died would he have enough room to make amends.

However, what he never thought of, when he got close to the saber, it was the young man in brocade clothes who gently grasped it with two fingers.

Dutou pulled out his saber vigorously, but Young Master Jinyi remained motionless.The blade did not shake at all.

They all had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Zhao Dongting's robe bulged, and he exerted a sudden force.The quality of the steel knife issued by the court can be regarded as good, and it broke into two pieces with a crisp sound at this moment.


The head of the green robe fell to the ground with a loud bang, "The lower official has no eyes and no eyes, and bumped into the superior, please forgive me!"

He didn't even dare to say the word forgiveness, he only dared to beg for mercy.

"You are really a man who can bend and stretch."

Zhao Dongting sneered, and his tone was full of sarcasm, "If you can't take me down, just admit that I'm a superior. If you can take me down, I'll be beheaded by you?"

The policemen around who were about to swing their knives were dumbfounded, and then they all fell to one knee on the ground.

The people of Zhangjia Village and the thugs of the Hailong Gang who were still watching were even more surprised.

Even Yu Quandong was surprised by Zhao Dongting's force.Breaking a standard steel knife with two fingers, he asked himself that he couldn't do it.

Zhao Dongting threw the broken knife to the ground, and said quickly to the kneeling policeman next to him in a cold voice, "Take this order and let Leizhou Zhizhou Xiyi come and see me."

Seeing that the top bosses had already confessed, the arresters did not dare to neglect, the person at the front quickly received the order, got on Dutou's horse, and galloped out of the village.

"You are all kneeling here, and no one is allowed to leave."

Zhao Dongting pointed to the policeman who was kneeling on the ground and the servants of the Zhang family, then turned around and walked back into the house.

The tone of his voice made everyone's face paler.How amazing is it that this young master who is holding the imperial gift token directly asked Zhizhou to come to see him?

After Zhang Chenglin and the others came back to their senses, they were overwhelmed with surprise, followed into the room and knelt down on the ground, "Zhang Chenglin, thank you, my lord."

Zhao Dongting just waved his hands, "As I said, I am also responsible for this matter."

He said and looked at Hong Wutian, "Senior Hong, just stay here and watch these people first, I'll go back first."

After all, he still didn't want to get too deeply involved with the Sea Dragon Gang, and stayed here until Xiyi came to reveal his identity, and it would be unreasonable not to reward the Sea Dragon Gang.

But as the emperor, how can he appreciate Hailong Gang, a gang that does gray business?
This kind of thing can only make Xiyi stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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