Chapter 65
Zhao Dongting had just gotten up, Le Wu and Ying Er were combing his hair when Concubine Yang Shu broke in, "Yes, are you dissatisfied with those maids?"

Judging by her expression, it was obvious that she was blaming Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "Mother, the child is too young now, isn't it too early?"

Concubine Yang Shu said: "What's so early? Among our ancestor emperors in the Song Dynasty, it wasn't that they conceived children before they were more than ten years old."

Le Wu and Ying Er showed slight surprise.They didn't know what happened last night.

Zhao Dongting explained earnestly: "Mother, we have just moved to Leizhou Mansion, and everything is waiting to be done. My son still has a lot of things to do. In addition, the Yuan thief is watching from the north, so my son is really not in the mood to think about it now. Don't be impatient, okay?"

Concubine Yang Shu was still a little reluctant, "National affairs are important, so isn't the blood inheritance of our Great Song royal family not important?"

As she said that, her eyes turned slightly red, "Now there are only a few of us left in the royal family. If you don't have any children, what face do you have for your mother to go down to meet the ancestors?"

The corners of Zhao Dongting's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile and said, "You are still so young, it's too early to see your ancestors!"

As he said that, he quickly stood up and helped Concubine Yang Shu hold her shoulders, "Mother is going to live a long life, so don't say these things again in the future."

Concubine Yang Shu saw that Zhao Dongting was so cute and close to her, her heart softened, and she sighed, "Oh, you always have to be in a hurry."

But she was no longer aggressive.

Zhao Dongting took a light breath, and said: "By the way, mother, don't blame those maids, it's just that the child doesn't have that kind of thought."

Concubine Yang Shu sighed again and nodded slightly.

It was almost time for the morning court, so Zhao Dongting left Ying Er and Le Wu to accompany Concubine Yang Shu, and took Li Yuanxiu to the Yizheng Hall.

The Yizheng Hall is the main hall of the former Zhizhou Mansion.

When Zhao Dongting arrived, all the officials were already waiting in the hall.As soon as they came in, all the officials stood up solemnly and bowed to Zhao Dongting.

They hold jade boards in their hands, also called wats, and wear official hats with cloud wings on their heads, which is somewhat interesting.

Zhao Dongting went to the hall and sat down. Li Yuanxiu said, "I have something to play."

It was Zhang Shijie who took the lead again and said: "Your Majesty, I set up a supervisory department yesterday. Many people reported that the officials of Leizhou Prefecture were corrupt and broke the law. Dozens of officials were involved. How should the emperor deal with it?"

He is also difficult.Because the officials involved involved almost all the officials in Leizhou Prefecture who were able to appear on the stage. If they were investigated to the end, the officialdom in Leizhou Prefecture would be shaken up, and there might not be a few people left.

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, but said: "Investigate carefully and investigate according to the law!"

Zhang Shijie said: "But Your Majesty, there may not be many officials left in Leizhou Mansion like this."

Zhao Dongting said: "If you can't stay, you can't stay. Let's choose talented people. Even if no one is an official, we can't let these black sheep continue to be a disaster!"

Zhang Shijie looked awe-inspiring, "I obey."

Back away slowly.

Zhao Dongting looked at Lu Xiufu again, "Lord Lu, have the government offices of all ministries and departments been prepared?"

Lu Xiufu replied: "Reporting to the emperor, all ministries and divisions are now officially in operation."


Zhao Dongting nodded slightly.

He was quite satisfied with Lu Xiufu and his team's efficiency.

Then he looked at Wen Tianxiang and Su Liuyi again, "Master Wen, Sir Su, how about military affairs?"

Although Wen Tianxiang did not have a military order, he was in charge of the Xingguo Army in his hand, and he had to go back to Jiangxi to continue to preside over the overall situation of the Anti-Yuan War, so Su Liuyi was mostly in charge here.Su Liuyi stepped forward and replied: "Your Majesty, all our armies have already stationed in the camp, and a recruiting camp has been set up. Some people came to join the army yesterday afternoon."

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly again.

Afterwards, several ministers spoke. Generally speaking, the establishment of the entire imperial court in Leizhou Prefecture is not bad.

It was indeed beyond Zhao Dongting's expectation that all departments could be properly arranged in a short period of time.The ability of these officials to handle affairs is also quite recognized.

They may not know how to fight, but they have studied since childhood and are indeed good at handling political affairs.

Otherwise, the Southern Song Dynasty could not be rated as the most prosperous dynasty in China's past dynasties in later generations.

In the past 10 minutes, the morning morning was over.Zhao Dongting thought about it, but shouted to Liu Hongyi: "General Liu, you stay here first, I still have something to say to you."

The rest of the ministers looked at Liu Hongyi with slightly doubtful eyes, and then retreated one after another.

Zhao Dongting walked to the dragon couch, went to Liu Hongyi, and asked, "General Liu, have you heard of Xiulin Castle?"

Le Wu said that Le Chan's fiancé was the young master of Xiulin Castle, and Zhao Dongting didn't want to give up Le Chan, so naturally he wanted to check this Xiulin Castle.If there is any problem with Xiulin Castle, he also has reasons to suppress Xiulin Castle, and even imprison the young master of Xiulin Castle, and Le Chan's marriage will naturally come to an end.

Zhao Dongting also knew that what he did was disgraceful, but he was even more reluctant to give up Le Chan.

Furthermore, if there is a real problem with Xiulinbao, then the imperial court should deal with them.

"Your Majesty also knows about Xiulin Castle?"

But what Zhao Dongting didn't expect was that Liu Hongyi smiled when he heard this, "Speaking of Xiulin Fort, it's the Taishan Beidou of our martial arts in Leizhou Prefecture."

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, "Then what is the reputation of Xiulin Castle?"

Liu Hongyi praised: "Xiu Lin Castle has a very good reputation in our Leizhou. The owner of the castle, Murong Chuan, is kind and generous. He is righteous and helpful to the people in the Jianghu. There are many heroes gathered in the castle. People in the Jianghu call it 'Leizhou Timely Rain' It is said that Murong Hao, the Lord of the Young Castle, is also a hero among men. Over the years, he has driven out robbers and pirates for the people, and has a high reputation in Leizhou Prefecture."


When Liu Hongyi said this, he suddenly raised his eyelids, "Your Majesty, at dusk yesterday, there were still two hundred righteous men from Xiulin Castle who came to join the army!"

Zhao Dongting just nodded dully.After hearing Liu Hongyi's words, his heart was really complicated.

Xiulin Castle has such a good reputation, do I really want to pick a bone and deal with them?
But if he doesn't deal with Xiu Linbao, what will Le Chan do?
After pondering for a long while, he sighed, "You help me to check on Xiulin Castle and see if they have any dirty things?"

"Dirty thing?"

Liu Hongyi was puzzled, "Your Majesty, could it be that you have heard some rumors? Xiulin Castle has a great reputation, so there shouldn't be any dirty things."

Zhao Dongting said: "Just help me to find out."

Liu Hongyi didn't dare to say any more, cupped his hands and said, "The last general takes orders."

Zhao Dongting couldn't help but sighed again, "Well, then you should step back first!"

Liu Hongyi exited the hall, Zhao Dongting sat on the floor and stared blankly.He struggled violently between his conscience and his selfish desires.

He is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme of the Great Song Dynasty, and there are tens of thousands of troops stationed in Leizhou Mansion. Even if Xiulinbao is really beautiful in the forest and enjoys great prestige in the Jianghu of Leizhou, if he wants to deal with Xiulinbao, It's not difficult either.But the bad thing is that Xiulin Castle is a well-known and good sect, and they sent righteous soldiers to join the army. Zhao Dongting wanted to deal with them with trumped-up charges, and he couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Even though he has seen too many intrigues in his previous life, he still adheres to the principle that no intention of harming others can exist.

He comes from a poor family and knows what is more important than wealth and power.He didn't allow himself to do those careless things, if that was the case, how could he face Le Chan?What face do you have to continue to lead the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty?

It took a long time before Zhao Dongting quietly left the Yizheng Hall.

In this way, more than ten days passed.

The work of the Southern Song court in Leizhou Prefecture was carried out in an orderly manner. The Supervisory Department enforced the law impartially and performed the supervision duties. These days, it led the soldiers to arrest many officials who were corrupt and perverted the law in Leizhou Prefecture. House repairs and house repairs, the Customs Department tried its best to promote trade with overseas countries, and Liu Hongyi led the army to suppress the bandit Luba. The people in Delei Prefecture generally applauded the Southern Song Dynasty court, and even more and more righteous soldiers came to join the army.

Although that boy Xiyi is young, according to Zhao Dongting's understanding, he handles the government affairs of Haikang County in a very orderly manner.

It's just that the court of the Southern Song Dynasty was thriving, but Zhao Dongting's mood was still not happy.

Every night, he would sit on the roof in a daze.

His admiration for Le Chan even made him feel like he was dying.And this kind of lovesickness, but even the master doctor An couldn't cure it.

Lovesickness is not a disease, it's really terrible to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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