The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 69 The Beggar Emperor

Chapter 69 The Beggar Emperor
The bad old man moved extremely fast, flitting backwards, he dodged Li Yuanxiu's attack with ease, stretched out his hand and said: "Wait a minute!"

It's just that Li Yuanxiu didn't care about him, the sword light was like a waterfall, instantly enveloped this bad old man.

Zhao Dongting was dumbfounded.

Because the old man dodged left and right, Li Yuanxiu's continuous sword shadow did not touch him at all.

His kung fu is probably not inferior to Li Yuanxiu.


Zhao Dongting was afraid that the two of them might make a mistake, so he came back to his senses and shouted hastily.

Li Yuanxiu was extremely obedient to his words, and immediately retreated with a look of surprise on his face.

He naturally felt it more clearly than Zhao Dongting, even if this old beggar's skill was not better than him, he was still in the same league.

"Good work."

The bad old man still laughed and said: "But it's not too late to fight after listening to me. The emperor is the emperor of this world, but I am the emperor of beggars in this world."

In fact, if you are a person from the Jianghu, you can definitely deduce who he is from hearing what he said.

However, Zhao Dongting came to the Southern Song Dynasty for the first time, and Li Yuanxiu had never left the palace before, and the two of them were still in a daze.

The bad old man didn't care, and looked at Li Yuanxiu, "The old man looks at you, it seems that you are not particularly good at swordsmanship, but if you can train your internal strength to the peak like you, there must be something outstanding in external kung fu. Take some time, How about you take out your best skills and fight the old man again?"

Seeing his arrogance, he obviously wanted to say that just now he dodged one after another, but he didn't use his real skills.

Although Li Yuanxiu is a eunuch, he also has a temper, and said with a straight neck: "If you make a move, you will make a move. Do you think the old man is afraid that you will fail?"

"You two don't want to tear down my house!"

And at this time, another person came out from the back room, with a smile in his words.

Zhao Dongting and Li Yuanxiu looked over at the same time.

This is also an old man, although he is plainly dressed, but extremely neat, his hair is combed meticulously, and his face is full of elegance.

He and the bad old man can be said to be extremely clean, and the other extremely sloppy.

"I kowtow to Dongyang to see the emperor."

Walking out of the inner room, in front of Zhao Dongting, the old man knelt down slowly on the ground.

Judging by his temperament and appearance, he is somewhat similar to those doctors and scholars who have read sage books, but Zhao Dongting did not dare to underestimate him.

The bad old man is not an ordinary person, and his kung fu is supernatural. If this old man named Xiang Dongyang can play chess with him, he will definitely not be an ordinary person.

Zhao Dongting personally stretched out his hand to help Xiang Dongyang up, saying: "You don't need to be too polite to the old man."

The bad old man who called himself the beggar emperor was smiling beside him.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Xiang Dongyang waved his hands again and again, "I'm just a teacher, I can't deserve the emperor's 'Xiang Lao'."

Immediately afterwards he pointed to the bad old man, and said: "This is my good friend, the leader of the beggar gang, Hong Wutian. He has always been idle and has no rules. He just offended the Holy One, and the old man apologized on his behalf. Don't take it seriously."

Looking at his words and deeds, they are all orderly, and they are a bit pedantic.

"The leader of the gang of beggars?"

Zhao Dongting was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words, and looked at Hong Wutian in a daze.

Hong Wutian has a sloppy beard, disheveled hair, patches all over his body, and a loose face. He is not only a beggar, but also an old-fashioned beggar.

"This is simply the prototype of Hong Qigong..."

Zhao Dongting thought to himself, couldn't help asking: "Senior Hong is nicknamed Hong Qigong?"

Hong Wutian was stunned, "What Hong Qigong?"

Xiang Dongyang was also a little strange beside him, and said: "The emperor may have mistaken the person. My old friend Jiang Hu is nicknamed Hong Jiuzhi."

As he spoke, he stroked the long beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "But there are only a few dozen people in the whole Jianghu who dare to call him this nickname."

At the end of the story, he was also somewhat proud of Hong Wutian.Obviously, Hong Wutian's status in the arena is extremely high.

Hong Jiuzhi?
Zhao Dongting pondered slightly in his heart, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

His name is not Hong Qigong, and this is not the Northern Song Dynasty, and martial arts is not as exaggerated as in Jin Yong's novels. It seems that Jin Yong has not traveled to ancient times, and those novels are all imagined.

Zhao Dongting didn't know why he breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps, if other modern people came to the Southern Song Dynasty, they would no longer have such a sense of superiority?

Or maybe it's because if someone else crosses over, it might threaten him?

Humans always want to be unique.


Seeing that Zhao Dongting was in a daze suddenly, Xiang Dongyang called out softly.

Zhao Dongting came back to his senses, smiled at Xiang Dongyang, and then looked at Hong Wutian, "I just said nonsense, senior Hong is indifferent."

Hong Wutian waved his hands indifferently, "You emperor stays in the deep palace compound all year round, so it's normal to get the old man's nickname wrong. The old man won't care about you as a child."

His thorny appearance really didn't mean to regard Zhao Dongting as the emperor.In other words, he put himself at the same height as Zhao Dongting.

Li Yuanxiu hummed angrily.

Knowing the character of his old friend, Xiang Dongyang quickly smoothed things over: "Your Majesty, father-in-law, please come in and drink tea!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, before Zhao Dongting moved, the beggar emperor Hong Wutian staggered inside.

Seeing that he dared to walk in front of Zhao Dongting, Li Yuanxiu's eyes widened even more, and she wanted to scold, but before she could scold, Zhao Dongting stopped her with her eyes.

In Zhao Dongting's view, it's not worth the loss if he insists on competing with a beggar gang leader with unfathomable martial arts just for this little courtesy.

Although, after Zhao Dongting crossed over, he had never heard of the name Beggars' Gang.

But he thought, if this Hong Wutian could be so free and easy, the strength of the Beggar Gang would not be much worse.It is estimated that Leizhou is not measurable.

As soon as he walked into the back room, Zhao Dongting saw the chessboard placed on the straw mat.

This chess game is not over yet.

Xiang Dongyang was busy making tea again, while Hong Wutian sat at the end of the chessboard.Looking at his chess, there are only three pieces left, one handsome, and two soldiers.Looking at Dongyang's black chess again, he only lost two pawns and one cannon.The level of chess strength can be seen immediately.

Li Yuanxiu moved a chair for Zhao Dongting to sit on.

Zhao Dongting said with a smile: "Just now I heard two seniors talk about state affairs outside the window, but I didn't hear it clearly. I don't know what the two seniors think about the current situation in Song Dynasty?"

Hong Wutian picked up two chess pieces and tapped them lightly, but did not answer.

While brewing tea, Xiang Dongyang replied: "Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng had just been defeated in the Yuan Dynasty. I should be safe in a short time when I go to Leizhou. The emperor suppressed the officials of Leizhou by strong means and planned to implement the system of dividing land. Leizhou is thriving. But judging from the situation of the whole country, pardon the old man, it is still like a spark, and it has not yet shown the potential to start a prairie fire..."

Zhao Dongting was amazed in his heart, he didn't expect Xiang Dongyang to stay at home and actually have some opinions on the general situation of the country.

He obviously had thoughts in his heart, otherwise, he would never have dared to say these words in front of himself, the emperor.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Dongting asked again: "Does the senior think that my land distribution system is feasible? Is there any chance that a single spark will start a prairie fire?"

He looked at Dongyang and it wasn't commonplace, and he meant something to test him.

If Xiang Dongyang was really insightful, no matter how old he was, Zhao Dongting would have to drag him into court.

The current Southern Song court is too short of talents.

Even compared to Hong Wutian, the great master of the beggar emperor, Zhao Dongting has more expectations for this teacher-like Xiang Dongyang.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Dongyang came over to make tea, but only said: "The system of dividing land is feasible, but it is difficult to implement. It is still unknown if a single spark..."

Zhao Dongting was puzzled, "What do you mean, senior?"

But Xiang Dongyang didn't answer, and sat back opposite Hong Wutian, and said: "Please drink tea with the emperor, rough tea from the countryside, there is so much negligence, don't take offense."

Hong Wutian grinned and said: "It's not good to be an emperor with thin skin and tender meat. Now our Song Dynasty still has a lot of wars. It's better to drink more rough tea from the countryside. I have rough skin like me. Thick, you can get less injuries when you go to the battlefield."

As he spoke, he picked up the tea bowl and took a big sip, smacked his mouth twice, and exhaled a burst of hot air, "Smell! It's so fragrant!"

After finishing speaking, he hastily put down the tea bowl, shook the pieces on the chessboard, and said: "Come, come, let's kill another game."

Xiang Dongyang just smiled wryly, "You stinky chess basket, you're playing a rascal again."

But he said so, but his hands were very honest to place the chess pieces.

The two quickly opened up their postures, leaving Zhao Dongting, the emperor, by the side.

Zhao Dongting thought for a while, and understood it in his heart.

Hong Wutian looks bohemian and informal, while Xiang Dongyang is polite and gentle, but in the final analysis, both of them are very arrogant people.It's just that Hong Wutian's arrogance is more exposed, while Xiang Dongyang's arrogance is relatively restrained.

He didn't want to tell Zhao Dongting why it was feasible but difficult to divide the land, because he hadn't recognized Zhao Dongting as the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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