Chapter 711
Favors fail, and when the war comes, there is only one way to choose to be lure.

Xiao Zhenghao was silent for a while, and then said: "Then if the defenders of Yongzhou and other cities go to Luodian, we won't stop them?"

Zhao Bing gritted his teeth, "I won't stop it. It's just a few thousand soldiers at most, and it's nothing to the whole battle situation."


Xiao Zhenghao bowed his hands and left like this.

Zhao Bing was silent for a while in the hall, and shouted outside the hall: "Xuan Chen Yizhong, Mr. Chen, come here."

There are personal guards leading the way.

Soon, Chen Yizhong was brought into the hall.

Before he could salute Zhao Bing in the future, Zhao Bing asked, "How is the military situation in the fief now?"

There was an unconcealable look of impatience on his face.

Chen Yizhong bowed and said: "Return to Your Highness, except for the two armies of Yongzhou and Xuanhua, the rest of Wu Yuan and the left and right Jiang Dao military commanders have declared their allegiance to Your Highness."

Zhao Bing heard the words, but he was still very dissatisfied, "What I am asking you about is how the leaders of the various villages have been recruited."

Chen Yizhong showed a little embarrassment, "The old minister has already sent envoys, but there are not many responders. They..."

"You want money, don't you?"

Zhao Bing sneered, "These guys have never seen money. If you want money, give it to them."

Chen Yizhong raised his head, "Your Highness means to agree to their conditions? But if that's the case, the gold and silver hoarded in Yongzhou is probably..."

"If we can't defend Yongzhou, the gold and silver will only fall into my elder brother's defense. But if we can defeat him, we can immediately move to another palace. This amount of gold and silver is nothing."

Chen Yizhong pondered for a few seconds, "Your Highness is wise."

Zhao Bing waved his hands impatiently, "Then let's go down and make arrangements! My king estimates that when the defenders in Yongzhou really arrive at Deluo Hall, my brother should also order Zhang Jue to send troops to Yongzhou. "

Although Chen Yizhong was slightly puzzled, he didn't ask any more questions, and just retreated towards the outside of the hall.

Although I don't know why the defenders in Yongzhou went to Luo Dian, but with his connections at this time, it is not difficult to know this.

In this way, more than ten days passed.

Zhang Jue's army in the southern military region stayed quietly in the deep mountain of Luo Dian, doing nothing other than daily drills.

Xuanhua and Yongzhou defenders headed northwest along the Duni River, and finally reached the territory of Deluo Temple.

A scout from the Zhennan Military Region reported the arrival of the two armies to Zhang Jue.

At this time, Zhao Dongting was in the tent.

As soon as the scouts left, he immediately said to Zhang Jue, "Send troops immediately to attack Yongzhou!"

Up to now, even the most distant Yongzhou and Xuanhua defenders have arrived, but there is no movement on the left and right Jiangdao.Obviously, those military commanders have all voted for Zhao Bing.

This was beyond Zhao Dongting's expectation, and made him even more murderous towards Zhao Bing.

Fortunately, Zhao Bing was only asked to try to govern the land of Yongzhou at the beginning. If he was given more territory, I am afraid that the chaos he caused would be far more than that.

Over the past few days, Zhang Jue has also discussed the strategy of attacking Yongzhou with Zhao Dongting, without any hesitation, he just shouted to the outside of the tent: "Gather the generals!"

Not far away from Shuaiying, there was a rumbling drum sound like thunder.

Then there are messengers galloping out of the camp of the Chinese army.

In just 10 minutes, Zhang Hongwei, Ren Wei and other army commanders, deputy capital commanders, Du Yuhou, and logistics generals all rushed to Zhang Jue's tent.

Zhang Jue threw several command arrows one after another.

The [-] troops were divided into three groups.

The two armies of Tianji and Tianxian marched towards Temo Road along Ziqi. With Zhang Hongwei as the commander, they must crush the rebels in Ziqi and Temo Road within half a month.

The two armies of Tianwei and Tiangui led the defenders of Xuanhua and Yongzhou along the Nijiang River in the capital, crushing the rebels along the way, and after arriving in Yongzhou, they marched westward to Hengshanzhai.

The Tiangu Army and the Feilong Army, as the central army, were also the main force, led by Zhang Jue, and directly attacked Hengshan Village from Luo Dian.

Zhao Dongting wanted to put down the Chaos of Zhao Bing as quickly as possible.

Because there are still people waiting for him in the palace.He promised Zhang Ru that before Zhang Ru gave birth, he would rush back to the imperial city to be with him.

Moreover, the five-year agreement with Tan Xiang, the owner of the valley, is not far away.Zhao Dongting also kept this matter in mind all the time.

The beautiful woman deeply rooted in his heart has been waiting for him in Baicao Valley for five full years. Although he has not yet reached the middle stage of Shangyuan Realm, he has to go to the Heavenly Immortal Formation no matter what.

Soon, the deep mountain of Luo Dian was full of excitement.

All the stretching tents everywhere were dismantled, and then the army divided into three groups and left separately.

Before the defenders in Yongzhou and Xuanhua could see Zhang Jue, Miao Cheng, the commander of Tianwei Army, took the same way back.

This made the leading guards of the two places very suspicious, and then they learned from Miao Cheng that the emperor was going to take action against the dishonest King Guang.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened before the Song Dynasty was completely recovered.

This vassal rebellion really came too early, and it was too unexpected for them.

Going south from Chuluodian and Wuzhou to the territory of the Wangmo Buyi tribe is the territory of Yongzhou.

Follow this line to the south to Hengshan Village, among which there are more than ten villages that can be counted.Not surprisingly, the road led by Zhang Jue will be the most difficult road.

The rest of Ziqi, Hengshanzhai and Dunijiang along the river are much less populated.Thinking about it, there would never be such a big resistance.

Zhao Dongting followed in the army, just discussing the military situation with Zhang Jue day and night.

In a few days, the army arrived in Chengzhou.

This is the first village to pass through on the way to Hengshan Village.In fact, it can also be called a town. Although it is not as prosperous as the county seat, it can reach about half of the county seat.

The army suddenly marched outside the city, which naturally made the people in the city panic.

Zhang Jue sat on the horse and stood in front of the army. When he arrived at the city, he looked at the not-so-high city of Chengzhou, and shouted loudly, "Dasong Zhennan Commander-in-Chief Zhang Jue borrowed the way!"

Soon there were generals in armor going down to the city, and several people dressed as ethnic minorities walked out of the city gate.

Someone spoke very poor Chinese, bowed to Zhang Jue, and said, "Peng Haikang in Chengzhou has met Marshal Zhang."

Zhang Jue didn't get off his horse and said, "Are you the chief officer here?"

Wearing gold and silver, the rich Peng Haikang replied: "Exactly."

Zhang Jue said again: "This commander needs to go to Chengzhou, and buy food in the city, so hurry up and do it!"

Peng Haikang showed a look of embarrassment, "Reporting to the Marshal, Chengzhou is a poor place, and there is no food left in the grain depot. I just bought grain, and the Marshal is afraid..."


Zhang Jue immediately opened his eyes.

This is just after the autumn harvest, and the land of Yongzhou is rich in grain again.This Peng Haikang said that there is no food left in the grain storehouse, which is obviously nonsense to him.

"It's up to him."

But at this time, Zhao Dongting, who had turned into a personal soldier, suddenly spit out two words beside him.

Zhang Jue's anger stopped abruptly, and he said, "Okay, then this handsome man will go and buy from the people himself!"

After Peng Haikang got out of the way, he led the army directly to Chengzhou.

In a town that was only a few streets away, he wasn't worried about any ambush.Even if Peng Haikang had rebelled, he wouldn't be so stupid that this mere town could swallow his [-] troops.

Arriving in the city, Zhang Jue turned his head to look outside the city, and met Peng Haikang's eyes.Then, Peng Haikang quickly shifted his gaze away.

Zhang Jue said to Zhao Dongting in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this Peng Haikang has already been bought by the King of Guang. Even if he doesn't oppose it, he will definitely not support me."

"I see it."

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, and said: "But it's not a big problem. There is no shortage of food in our army right now, we count as much as we buy. The most important thing is to take down Hengshan Village as soon as possible."

Zhang Jue showed a slightly worried look, "But if after our army commanders drive straight to Hengshan Village, these people attack our army from behind..."

Zhao Dongting chuckled, "For the past two years, I have given priority to providing military weapons to the Zhennan Military District. Does the military plan make you think that a mere chaotic army in Yongzhou can eat up [-] troops?"

Zhang Jue was slightly startled, and then couldn't help laughing out loud, suddenly very high-spirited.

Reflective shields, new steel armor, knives and guns, as well as Shenlong blunderbuss, sky cannon, etc., all of which have a very high ratio in his army.

Moreover, in addition to this, his new special forces have such a sharp weapon as grenades.

Such an army armed to the teeth is probably the only one in the Zhennan Military Region in the whole country.Thinking about it, it's really not something that Yongzhou can eat.

He suddenly understood why the emperor didn't investigate whether Peng Haikang had rebelled, and just entered the city so easily.

In addition to the Tiangu Army, there are also countless Flying Army with hot air balloons here.This kind of strength cannot be easily defeated by relying on conspiracy and tricks.

In war, the final battle is morale, equipment, and numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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