The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 713 Famous Flowers Have Owners

Chapter 713 Famous Flowers Have Owners
To the south of Wulong Prefecture, there is only Fengyi Prefecture between Hengshanzhai and until now, the defenders in Yongzhou have not seen any movement, which is obviously extremely abnormal.

Zhang Jue led a large army to Wulong, and the guards in Wulong Prefecture had already received the news.

In fact, it is said that he is a general, but in terms of the whole Song Dynasty, he is just a miscellaneous general who cannot be ranked.

Most of these ethnic minorities scattered throughout the Song Dynasty are still in the stage of self-government, and they only belong to the Song Dynasty on the surface.They don't pay taxes, don't give food, and the court has no reason to arrange high officials and generous salaries for them.Furthermore, with the structure of small towns such as Chengcheng and Wulong, if you die, you will be appointed as a ninth-rank military officer. I am afraid that these ethnic leaders will not look down on them.

An army of [-] is standing outside the north gate of Wulong Prefecture.

At the gate of the city, the situation in Wulong Prefecture is similar to that of the previous towns.

The leaders of the ethnic minorities in the town didn't intend to fight against Zhang Jue's army.

Except for the generals in armor, it was not surprising that there were a few luxuriously dressed leaders waiting at the gate of the village.

They looked at the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty who came with the billowing yellow dust, and their eyes were a little dark.

Money can make them go to Zhao Bing, but it may not be able to strengthen their courage.In the eyes of these ethnic minority leaders, the [-] forbidden army is definitely considered a military force like a cloud.

In small towns such as Chengzhou and Wulongzhou, the number of private soldiers they raise is no more than a thousand at most.

Just when Zhang Jue led the army to reach the gate of the city tens of meters away, an elderly leader shouted, "Welcome Marshal Zhang to enter the city!"

Immediately, the leader who shouted really bowed down, showing great respect for Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue's war horse entered the city step by step. He said softly to Zhao Dongting next to him, "Your Majesty, these guys are probably planning to attack us in groups after we get to Hengshan Village. Fortunately, they still have to show such a warm and hospitable appearance." , and it’s really embarrassing for them.”

Zhao Dongting was wearing ordinary bodyguard armor, which was not very conspicuous.The brim of the hat gently pressed down on the forehead, revealing only the eyes below.

At this moment, there was a little complicated meaning in those eyes.

Zhao Dongting murmured in a low voice, "With more than ten villages along the way, none of the villages has a majestic layout that can resist our army. Guarding the Hengshan village, all sides support each other, and it should be Zhao Bing who put up such a fascinating formation." Shadow. My younger brother is actually very talented, if he is willing to study hard, he will be of great use in the future, that is, he will be an emperor... It is a pity that he made such a choice, and he really wasted his good plan."

As he said that, he looked up at the plaque on the top of the city of Wulongzhou, "How can a cage for catching rabbits trap a lion?"

Zhang Jue, Jun Tianfang and others beside him were silent at first, then laughed and remained silent.

If the emperor said such words, it must be that the victory is already in his hands.

Zhang Jue exchanged cold greetings with some leaders of Wulong Prefecture at the gate of the city, and then led his army into the city.

Then in this Wulong Prefecture, we encountered the same situation as those in the previous states.Just after the autumn harvest, there was no reason for the lack of food in the city, but the army couldn't buy food even with money.

Zhang Jue said to Zhao Dongting: "Your Majesty, if we don't sell food to us in Yongzhou, then we are really in danger of running out of food."

Zhao Dongting asked: "How long can the food supply last?"

Zhang Jue replied: "When we set off from Luo Dian, we brought two months' grain. There has never been a reduction in the grain. Up to now, we still have one month's grain left."

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "One month's food is enough."

On this day, the army passed through Wulong Prefecture, and finally set up a camp at the junction of Wulong Prefecture and Fengyi Prefecture.


Stream seeking.

Monkey City, Xilai Inn.

It was only since August last year that the idle men who peeked at the proprietress of the Xilai Inn drinking on the roof have quietly disappeared.

It's not that she's dead, but the proprietress no longer has the habit of drinking on the roof of the inn.

This disappointed the idle men in the city.

A monkey city is missing a beautiful scenery.

Some people secretly speculated that the proprietress suddenly stopped drinking on the roof, fearing that she was captured by the strong young man who worked as a welcome and cook at the inn.

If not, why is that young man so hardworking?So hardworking?
How could the proprietress suddenly become a woman from a good family and stop showing her face like that?
However, as time went by, this incident was naturally gradually forgotten by the people in Ahou City.

Xiami Li Ahsi's craftsmanship is very good, although the dishes he makes may not be considered elegant, but in terms of taste, they are not inferior to many gorgeous palace dishes.

Since he became a cook, and with Xuanxue's fame, the business of Xilai Inn has been booming day by day.

Customers often complain that the food is served too slowly and ask the proprietress to recruit more servants.However, the proprietress has no such plan for a long time.

At this time, it was almost night time.

The guests at the Xilai Inn had just left.

Li Ahsi, who was so busy, was finally able to take a breather, but looking at Xuanxue who was embroidering red lips with lowered eyebrows at the counter, she smiled again, and then went to sweep the floor by herself.

Xuanxue suddenly revealed a pair of pretty phoenix eyes from behind the mirror, and said, "Don't you know how to rest?"

The voice was hoarse but soft, full of strange allure.

One is an honest and capable man with a little shrewdness, and the other is a stunning beauty with a variety of styles and hidden depths.This combination can be called weird.

But ever since Li Ahsi settled down in the Xilai Inn, the two of them got along very harmoniously.

What should come naturally has already come naturally at this time.

The two did not hold a wedding, and Xuanxue did not say that she would give birth to a child for Li Asi.When they get along, they seem to be the proprietress and the servant, but both of them seem very satisfied.

Li Ahsi was able to marry such a beautiful wife in this life, because he believed that there was smoke from the ancestral grave.

And Xuanxue is also satisfied to have such a man to accompany her.She just wanted to live an ordinary life.

Li Ahsi was not the kind of man who could drink with her and get drunk, but he was the man who could make her put down the jug in her hand.

Hearing his wife's words, Li Ahsi grinned, "It's okay, I'm not tired. After we earn some more money, we can buy a big house in the city and take over my parents. When they see You must have a lot of fun."

He didn't know how many times he had said similar words.

The corner of Xuanxue's mouth hooked slightly, "Okay, okay, then you can continue to do it! By the way, you told me to quit drinking, isn't it to save money to buy a house?"

Li Ahsi scratched his head, "It's impossible, it's just that drinking too much is bad for your body. Hehe, if you want to drink, just drink less."

Xuanxue just shook her head lightly, the corner of her mouth smiled even wider, "I won't drink it, I won't drink it again."

Li Ah Si may not be a great hero who stands up to the sky and gallops through thousands of armies, but with his responsibility at home, who can say that he is not a big man?
A drop of water can wear through a stone.

Xuanxue has seen Li Ah Si's hard work these days, and it is no accident that she has really opened her heart to Li Ah Si.

In this life, I am lucky to meet such a man who makes me willingly put down the flagon. If I drink again, I feel sorry for Yue, wouldn't I be stupid?

Li Ahsi laughed, but he didn't understand the deep meaning of Xuanxue's words, but he just felt happy.

And at this moment, a few guests came straight into the inn from outside the door.

Xuanxue looked up, but didn't speak.

The man with the knife in the front among the guests smiled at Li Asi who was sweeping the floor, "Xiami! Sweeping the floor!"

Li Ahsi turned his head, showing surprise, "Old Wu, why are you here?"

Then he greeted the people behind Old Wu head again and again.

These were all his brothers when he was on the boat, but he hadn't seen them since the last time he parted ways on the Liuqiu Sea.

Old Wutou looked at Xuanxue with dark eyes, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled and said: "No wonder you don't want to go back to Leizhou."

Li Ahsi scratched his head and smiled, "I plan to save some more money to buy a house, so I'll go back and pick up my parents, and I'll also go to see you and the boss, old Wu."


Old Wutou said with a smile: "Your boy can be regarded as promising now."

Some of the people behind him were also joking, and at the same time, they couldn't help showing envy in their eyes.

It's no secret that Li Ahsi stayed in Liuqiu in the Hailong gang.It's just that they never thought that he not only married such a beautiful woman, but also saved a lot of money.

This is the life that thugs like them dream of, but also dream of.

This guy Li Ah Si is really lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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