Chapter 744
In order to restrain the hot air balloons of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty, people who were being escorted by soldiers could be vaguely seen on the top of the city.

It is impossible to know whether they are real people or soldiers in disguise.

But the head of the Wei Chu Mansion should have been forced to use such a method because he had no other choice.

Great Song had no reason to feel pity for the people of Dali, but in the Shanchan mansion, the Song army did not harass and abuse the people, and the signal released by this was a fluke for Chief Dewei Chu.Moreover, the emperor of the Song Dynasty valued the common people, which is already known in the world.

Without this method, they couldn't stop the grenades and hot air balloons of the Song Army.Because, the Song army still has a new type of weapon that restrains hot air balloons.

Zhang Hongwei and Liu Zhuwen stood at the foot of the city, each looking at the top of the city with binoculars.

In the faint light of the flames, they also vaguely saw those common people.

Zhang Hongwei sneered and said: "The head of the Weichu Mansion really jumped the wall, and even used the people in their city to build a city wall of flesh and blood."

Liu Zhuwen chuckled, "But we have to admit that his method is indeed very effective, isn't it?"


Zhang Hongwei sighed, "If the emperor doesn't strictly order not to harm the people, maybe just a few forbidden troops from our Zhennan Military Region will be enough to pacify Dali."

"Your majesty, this is the foresight."

Liu Zhuwen showed admiration in his eyes, "It is easy to lose the hearts of the people, but it is difficult to win the hearts of the people. If I waited to act like the Yuan army did in our Song Dynasty, perhaps after decades, I would not be able to really win the hearts of the people in Dali." The common people recognize the imperial court. In the end, there will be more support for those who are justified, but few for those who are unjust. The civilian rebels will emerge in endlessly, just like those rebels in our Song Dynasty, who will continue to rise up against the Yuan Dynasty. But we do not disturb or harm the people, but we can greatly reduce the number of people in Dali. They hate the Great Song Dynasty. After defeating the Dali army, the emperor will supplement with various appeasement policies, and Dali will truly become the territory of our Great Song Dynasty in a very short period of time. The people of Dali will also become the territory of our Great Song Dynasty. people."

Zhang Hongwei was slightly taken aback, then laughed, "It's because you scholars know a lot more."

But then he frowned again, "But if that's the case, how can we take down this Wei Chu Mansion?"

The expression on his face was actually not relaxed, on the contrary he was very dignified, "When we arrived at Weichu Mansion, even the Dali Kingdom might have received the news. There is not much time left for us."

No matter how confident he was, he would not think that he and Liu Zhuwen would be able to defeat the Dali Forbidden Army in Weichu Mansion and Dali Capital with less than [-] forbidden troops.

Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of Forbidden Army in Weichu Mansion, and the number of Forbidden Army in Dali Capital is more than one hundred thousand.

Liu Zhuwen shook his fan lightly, but turned his head and said to the messenger: "Go and release all the soldiers. Let them go to the city to make trouble."

The orderly didn't ask any more questions, and went away on his horse.

Zhang Hongwei showed deep doubts on his face, "Commander Liu, what do you mean? How can these soldiers really help us?"

It has only been a few days since they captured the soldiers of Xiushan County and Shanchan Mansion. Although they have been sending people to lobby for these few days, it is obviously impossible to really make them surrender.

After all, this is within the territory of Dali, not the territory of the Song Dynasty.Moreover, the current Dali still has a profound foundation, and there is no sign of the country being destroyed.

It is impossible for any Dali general to choose to submit to Song so easily.

Liu Zhuwen laughed lightly, "Mr. Zhang, do you think it is impossible for these soldiers to truly submit to our court, but do those people on the top of the wall think so?"

Zhang Hongwei's eyes fell to the top of the city again, and he said nothing for a long time.

Liu Zhuwen said again: "These surrendered soldiers have already surrendered, and it is impossible for them to be trusted like that again. Following our army toiled and rushed to Weichu Mansion, when our army let them go, they were full of fear. Thinking about how to cooperate with the defenders of Weichu Mansion to block us after entering the city, so as to avenge the defeat. And with this mentality, if those people at the top of the city don't let them enter the city because they don't trust them, what do you think? What would they think?"

Zhang Hongwei pondered slightly, and said, "Of course I'm very disappointed. There's even a possibility that he might actually surrender to our army."

Then he couldn't help frowning, "But what if those people in the city let them enter the city?"

"It's even better."

Liu Zhuwen said: "It's impossible for them to fully believe in these surrenders. If more than ten thousand surrenders enter the city, they will inevitably be suspected in every possible way. At that time, if we will be in the way, it will be difficult to not get confused."

Zhang Hongwei lost his mind again, and then murmured with emotion, "Fortunately, Commander Liu, you are from our Great Song Dynasty."

Liu Zhuwen laughed, noncommittal.

Tens of thousands of soldiers detained in the army broke away from the army in such a dark night and ran towards the gate of Weichu Mansion.

None of them had weapons in their hands, but the armor was not taken off.

Even though there was still some distance from the city gate, someone in the army shouted: "We are Shanchan Mansion and Xiushan Army, let us enter the city quickly."

This stunned the soldiers of the Weichu Mansion who were planning to shoot arrows and throw thunder at the top of the city.

An old man in official robes stood at the top of the city, his eyes slightly fixed.

The old man looked to be in his 70s or [-]s, with a gray beard and hair, but he had a strong aura and was not angry.

Such people are often in high positions.

And this person is Xing Yuande, the head of the Weichu Mansion.

Xing Yuande is also an old minister of Dali whose roots are Zheng Miaohong. Although Dali has eight prefectures and four counties, the status of the prefecture is slightly higher than that of the prefecture.Xing Yuande's status in the Dali court was slightly better than that of Zhao Liangcai.There are only a few people in the court who can compare with him, such as Jiang Kui.

He looked down the city, and a general in silver armor came over and asked, "Sir, shall we let them approach the city?"

Xing Yuande only said: "Wait until they really get closer."

After waiting for more than ten thousand soldiers to rush to the gate of the city, he took the torch from the guard next to him and threw it down the city.

Within the range of the light of the torches, all the soldiers were unarmed and looked at the city with expectant faces.

"General Leather!"

The general next to Xing Yuande exclaimed in a low voice, "My lord, they are really soldiers of the Xiushan Army. This General Ge, the last general has met several times."

The generals who had surrendered were all standing at the front, so it was not surprising that the generals would see acquaintances.

And the General Ge he was talking about was the commander of the Xiushan Army.In the Dali Army, he can be regarded as a number one figure.

There is no doubt about his status as a descendant.

But Xing Yuande remained silent.

He does worry.

Although in a short period of time, it is unlikely that these soldiers will actually surrender to the Song Dynasty, but who can say for sure?
And if they hadn't surrendered, how could Song Jun let them into the city so easily?
Isn't this making their Weichu Mansion stronger in vain?

The general at the side cupped his hands and asked for instructions: "My lord, let's quickly let them into the city!"

"What if they have surrendered to the Song Dynasty?" Xing Yuande's voice was a little low.

The rather burly general frowned and said: "This is unlikely, the Song army is only [-]. Could it be that they don't know how to choose?"

Xing Yuande was silent again.

Someone in the city shouted again: "Why don't you let me into the city?"

After suffering a stroke, someone's expression changed slightly.Especially those generals, their eyes were even more complicated.

Why is Paoze on the top of the wall so hesitant, of course they know.At this time, the disappointment and anger in my heart were so turbulent that I couldn't suppress it.

They fought bloody battles for their country and finally had to surrender.Now he is still full of enthusiasm, but in the end, he is jealous of his own robe.

But at this time, no one thought deeply about Liu Zhuwen's deep intentions.

When Liu Zhuwen asked them to be released, he only said that they should go to the city to make trouble and cooperate with each other.At this time, these generals and soldiers were probably still laughing at Liu Zhuwen's naivety.

In the past few days, those Da Song lobbyists are just telling them how benevolent and righteous the Great Song Emperor is, and how rich the Great Song is. They haven't seen it with their own eyes, so how can they really believe it?

Furthermore, if they really believed that their home and roots were in Dali, how could they surrender so easily?
The imperial army of the Song Dynasty captured Xiushan County and abandoned it. Anyone can see that they came to fight the autumn wind.Who would be willing to go back to the territory of the Song Kingdom with the Great Song Forbidden Army?

In the shout just now, there seemed to be a little anger.

Xing Yuande finally let go, and said to the general beside him: "Open the city gate and let them enter the city!"

However, he did not forget to ask, "After they enter the city, take them to the barracks and strictly guard them. No one is allowed to leave the barracks for half a step!"


The general cupped his hands and shouted, "Open the city gate!"

Amidst the creaking sound, the east gate of Weichu Mansion gradually opened.

In the night, the suspension bridge over the moat was also lowered.Dozens of light cavalry rushed out of the corridor holding torches.

(End of this chapter)

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