Chapter 75
So the past half a month.

The land distribution system was finally implemented, and those nobles finally stopped vigorously and handed over their own land.Occasionally, people like Zhou Papi who refused to hand over the land were arrested and imprisoned, but they failed to cause any disturbance because of their weak power.

It's just that Chen Jianghan, Minister of the Finance Department, has a bitter face all day long, with a look of bitter hatred, because the court is really spending money like water these days.

All the people celebrated, and countless people in Leizhou sang the praises of the Southern Song court.

Some people even made up songs, and some children sang them in the streets all day long.

Xiulin Castle wiped out two more bands of pirates, and the righteous deeds spread across the rivers and lakes, which really attracted many sects to join the team to wipe out the pirates.

The plaque of "Dayi Zongmen" bestowed by the imperial court was also sent to Xiulin Castle by Mu Kangxun himself, and hung above the main hall of Xiulin Castle.

On that day, nearly a thousand people gathered in Xiulin Castle, and it was very lively.

Afterwards, Murong Chuan, the owner of the castle, asked Mu Kangxun to bring a message to Zhao Dongting, saying that all the staff of Xiulin Castle would do their best to assist the court in eradicating the pirates.

They really have their eyes on the pirates.

After Zhao Dongting heard the news, he pondered for a long time, and gradually dispelled his doubts about Xiulinbao.

He doesn't like Xiulinbao, but it is a fact that Xiulinbao resists pirates and benefits the people.Moreover, Liu Hongyi couldn't find out what was wrong with Xiulinbao.

This kind of sect seems to really have the style of the righteous sect.

Putting aside his personal emotions, Zhao Dongting also very much agreed with Xiulin Bao's proposal that the army and the people work together to suppress the bandits.

At the beginning of October, Liu Hongyi led an army of [-], together with more than a thousand masters from Jianghu sects such as Xiulinbao, they went out to sea again to fight against pirates.

Zhao Dongting was in charge of the imperial court. In addition to urging the weapons workshop to refine new steel weapons, he also began to focus on artillery research.

Artillery already existed in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was used during the conquest against the Kingdom of Jin.The Yuan army even used artillery to defeat the Southern Song army.

Leizhou is remote and has no artillery, but there are design drawings in the court, and Zhao Dongting wants to improve it.

The artillery at that time mostly used stone bullets, which were not powerful enough and too heavy.

But even Zhao Dongting came from modern time travel, so it is obviously not something that can be done in a short time if he wants to improve the artillery.First of all, the manufacture of the barrel requires a high level of craftsmanship, and secondly, the launch device of the artillery is also a difficult problem.There were many smelting techniques that the Southern Song Dynasty could not reach, and he needed to find a way to solve them.

In just a few days, there were frequent reports of success in Liu Hongyi's army.

He led the army and joined forces with those rivers and lakes sects to wipe out two groups of pirates one after another.In the letter, Liu Hongyi strongly praised the bravery of Jianghu sects.

They may not be able to fight in battle, but fighting these scattered pirates is extremely brave.All of them possessed unique skills and killed those pirates until they cried.

The ministers of the DPRK and China were overjoyed when they learned that Liu Hongyi's army had achieved such a result.

As long as the pirates are eliminated, overseas trade can be vigorously developed, which will greatly promote Leizhou's economy.

Zhao Dongting was also happy, but besides the joy, his mind gradually became turbulent.

Although the Jianghu sect is brave, it is a Jianghu sect after all, and it is impossible to become a minion that only obeys the orders of the Southern Song Dynasty court.And such martial arts masters are no different from special forces in modern times. Zhao Dongting naturally wants to have such an army in the court.

There were many Lianjiazi in the imperial army of the Southern Song Dynasty, but they were too scattered to do anything on the battlefield.

Zhao Dongting wanted to integrate them, and that would be a powerful force.

Just after the court was over that day, Zhao Dongting left Su Liuyi, Yue Peng, Su Quandang and other generals in the Palace of Political Affairs, and asked them: "My dear friends, I intend to hold a military meeting of the three armies to select soldiers with high martial arts skills. How do you feel about building an army alone?"

Su Liuyi, Yue Peng and the others looked at me and I looked at you, and finally Su Liuyi asked: "Why does the emperor suddenly have such an idea?"

Zhao Dongting said: "Since I came to Quzhou, I have been threatened many times by Jianghu warriors. Both I and the Queen Mother were almost killed by them, and General Yang Yidong was killed. Although I have a large army, it is difficult for me to guard against these things that ordinary people can't do." If there are capable warriors, gather the masters among the generals, and there will be ways to restrain them in the future."

When Su Liuyi heard this, his face was slightly happy, and he said: "Your Majesty, I feel that this method is feasible."

Generals such as Yue Peng and Su Quandang also nodded.They have all seen the power of those Jianghu warriors on the south wall of the palace on Quzhou Island.

If the army of the Southern Song Dynasty spread out their formations, they would naturally not be afraid of them, but if they fought in small groups, they would only be slaughtered.

"it is good!"

Zhao Dongting clapped his hands and said: "Then go back and prepare. When General Liu returns triumphantly, all the armies will meet. We have specially set up the Flying Dragon Battalion, and the top 800 selected from each army will gather in the guards' army academy for the martial arts , and then select [-] of the most elite people to enter the Feilong Battalion, and I will let Eunuch Li teach them personally, and they will definitely be trained to become sharp swords of our army!"

"I'm waiting for orders!"

Su Liuyi and the others all bowed their hands and left.

Zhao Dongting stayed in the Palace of Political Affairs, stunned for a while, and said to Li Yuanxiu next to him, "Eunuch Li, go and invite Mr. Lu, the Minister of State."

Lu Xiufu had only left for a short time at this time. Hearing this, Lu Xiufu hurried out of the hall and let the eunuchs chase after him.

Not long after, Lu Xiufu came back with a little sweat on his forehead.

Zhao Dongting said: "Lord Lu, I want you to arrange people to bring all the homeless orphans in Leizhou Prefecture to my court. In addition, the children of those corrupt officials who have been imprisoned for crimes will also be brought back. For the time being, arrange Go to live in the guard camp."

Lu Xiufu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, "Your Majesty, this old minister is so bold, what is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

At that time, the boys who were implicated were slaves for life, and the girls were used as official prostitutes. Basically, they would never have a bright future.

Zhao Dongting narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I want to train them into special soldiers of our army."


This is also the idea that Zhao Dongting suddenly popped up after thinking of special forces.

During the modern world wars, all countries trained agents and spies.The role those people played in the war cannot be ignored.At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Yuan Dynasty were still staring at each other. In terms of military strength alone, the Southern Song Dynasty was many times weaker. In a head-on confrontation, Zhao Dongting did not have much chance of winning, but if he trained agents and spies, it might be of great use in the future. .

Zhao Dongting remembered the book he had read before, that the Soviet Union had specially trained female agents to seduce and obtain information, and thus obtained a lot of secrets from the enemy.

Moreover, only spies can use methods such as instigating rebellion and insiders more conveniently.

Although it is inhumane to train children, there is no way to do it.Zhao Dongting knew very well that if he wanted to fight a war, he would have to give up a lot of things.

As long as these children are trained, it may be possible to reduce the great damage to the army and the people in the future.

Seeing Zhao Dongting's expression, Lu Xiufu was still puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, and took the order to leave.

However, within a few days, Liu Hongyi led the army back in triumph.Compared with the embarrassment last time, this time he was obviously in high spirits.

Seeing Zhao Dongting outside the bedroom, he said with a smile: "Your Majesty, our army has wiped out more than [-] pirates in this great victory. The rest of the pirates have fled to the open sea, and they will never dare to invade Leizhou again in a short time."

Zhao Dongting was also happy, and said: "General Liu fought hard, I will definitely reward you."

Liu Hongyi blushed and scratched his head, "In fact, most of my army is just doing some things to encircle and suppress. The search for pirates' hiding places is all thanks to the help of Xiulinbao and other Jianghu sects. They have repeatedly made military exploits in the process of hunting down thieves. Xiulin The castle is even more of the vanguard, the young castle master Murong Hao beheaded and killed the first five bandits, his power is unstoppable."

As he said that, he knelt down on the ground, "At the end of the day, I will ask for credit from Xiulinbao and other Jianghu sects!"

He is straightforward and says what is on his mind.This time Xiulinbao helped the court a lot, and he really had a good impression of Xiulinbao.

When Zhao Dongting heard the name Murong Hao, he sighed slightly, his interest sank, and said: "Then I will reward them some other day."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Liu Hongyi stood up happily.

Zhao Dongting thought of Le Chan's voice and smile, and thought of her going to marry Murong Hao, but his heart was full of complexities.

He waved his hand and asked Liu Hongyi to go back first, and he went back to the bedroom in a daze.

His lovesickness was beyond hopeless.

Ying'er and Le Wu watched helplessly.These days, they often saw Zhao Dongting like this, but there was nothing they could do.

What no one knew was that this night, a few men in black with hasty expressions and extremely mysterious faces came to Xiulin Castle.

The owner of the castle, Murong Chuan, personally greeted them at the gate, and invited these men in black to the village with a very humble attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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