The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 753 The Convergence of the Army

Chapter 753 The Convergence of the Army
Dali Shanchan Mansion.

After Zhang Jue personally led an army of [-] to bomb the three coalition forces with the force of the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, in just a few days, the soldiers arrived outside Shanchan's mansion.

The upper echelons of Dali already knew that the Song army had a new weapon against hot air balloons, so they did not go out of the city to meet the enemy without accident.

Because you can't beat it.

With hot air balloons and soaring cannons, the Song Army can be said to have no flaws.In a battle in the wild, unless it is several times stronger than the Song army, there is no hope of victory at all.

Dali is also clear about the power of hot air balloons.No large army can withstand the bombardment of hot air balloons.

Jiang Kui, the head of the Shanchan Mansion, came to the city in person.

Flags fluttered outside the city, and the army stretched without end.

At this time, Jiang Kui's face was undoubtedly extremely dignified.

The reinforcements went to Xiushan, but they were defeated.Now that Zhang Jue's army came to the city in person and retreated without harming the coalition army, this kind of power was enough to make him feel uneasy.

Based on the current soldiers in Shanchan Mansion alone, if the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty did not care about the cost, they would not be able to defend the city at all.

As for those tribal private soldiers, Jiang Kui doesn't have much hope now.

Just being bombed by the Flying Army this time is probably enough to frighten the courage of those tribal leaders.

Although he thought that the relationship with these tribal leaders was handled fairly well, he never believed that Jiang Kui would come here with his family and swear to protect the Shanchan mansion because of him.

Unless, he can get a little chance of victory in this battle.And this is undoubtedly impossible to rely on his Shanchan government army alone.

After staring deeply outside the city, Jiang Kui looked back to the northwest.

There is the capital of Dali.

The Weichu Mansion is lost, and the imperial guards from the capital are rushing towards the Shanchan Mansion.He only hoped that the Forbidden Army in the capital could catch up this time.

If they didn't arrive until Shanchan Mansion was destroyed, it would obviously be meaningless.

On the top of the city, there are countless cannon throwing vehicles.There are neatly piled up thunderbolts, arrows and so on.

Behind the strong crossbows on the battlements, there are soldiers waiting in full battle.

Of course, the people are also indispensable.

Even with Wei Chu Mansion as a lesson from the past, Jiang Kui has no other way. Facing the firearms of the Song Dynasty, he can only take the common people as hostages.Losing the hearts of the people is better than losing the city.

It's just that he has done more comprehensively than Xing Yuande. Before detaining these people to the city, he has more or less done some ideological work.

But what Jiang Kui didn't expect was that after the imperial army of Song Dynasty arrived outside the city, they didn't attack the city quickly.Instead, they began to set up camp outside the city.

This is real camping, not just a show.Because soon there was smoke rising from the camp.

The Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty seemed in no hurry to break through the Shanchan Mansion.

However, this did not make Jiang Kui easy.

There is a forbidden army from the capital of Dali, who is rushing to Shanchan Mansion, why doesn't the Song army have a large army rushing here?

The [-] troops led by Miao Cheng behind Zhang Jue, as well as Zhang Hongwei's and Liu Zhuwen's armies who had turned from Weichu Mansion, were all rushing towards Shanchan Mansion at this time.

Seeing that Zhang Jue was not in a hurry, Jiang Kui became even more anxious.

Because when the six imperial guards of the Song army gathered, he couldn't even imagine that even if the imperial guards from the capital arrived, they would surely be able to defeat the Song army?

The Song army's firearms are extremely powerful, but its true strength cannot be estimated by the number of people alone.

However, Jiang Kui has nothing to do now.

The Song army did not come to seize Shanchan Mansion, but only to pacify the government offices, granaries, etc. in the city.If he led the army to retreat, it would be tantamount to handing over Shanchan Mansion to Zhang Jue.

Not to mention how much money was lost this time, Dali couldn't afford to lose just this face.

Besides, Jiang Kui, if he encountered a Song army attacking the city, he would retreat without a fight.His prestige in Dali will be greatly reduced in the future, and he can't even continue to gain a foothold in the court.

Zhao Liangcai from Xiushan County has at least fought to the death. He has the bitterness card to play, so what excuse does he have?
So, Jiang Kui had no choice but to hold on in Shanchan's mansion.

So the past two days.

Another brigade of soldiers and horses arrived to be good at explaining.

It is the Tianji Army and the Tianxian Army.

Before the forbidden army from the capital of Dali arrived at Shanchan Mansion, Zhang Hongwei and Liu Zhuwen led the army to arrive first.

The soldiers who were captured in Xiushan and Weichu Mansion were all thrown in Weichu by them, and they were not detained in the army again.

At this moment, the Tianji and Tianxian armies still have about [-] soldiers.

Although this has already made the two of them very distressed, from an objective point of view, the destruction of two counties by the two armies is almost equivalent to taking down half of Dali's territory. Naturally, this kind of battle damage can be regarded as minimal.What's more, at this time, their army still carried countless gold, silver and jewelry that originally belonged to Dali.

The morale of the army is high, and it still has the arrogance of winning streak, which can be described as shining.

They entered Shanchan Mansion directly from Weichu Mansion, walked around from the west gate of Shanchan Mansion to the east gate to join Zhang Jue's army, but the soldiers in Shanchan Mansion did not dare to stop them.

Outside the barracks, Zhang Jue greeted him out of the barracks in person.

The tens of thousands of imperial troops in the Song Dynasty did not seem to pay too much attention to the guards at the top of the city.

Zhang Hongwei and Liu Zhuwen got off their horses and knelt down on one knee, "Marshal!"

Zhang Jue hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the two of them, and said with a smile, "You two army commanders have worked hard. In this battle of Dali, you, as the vanguard, have contributed a lot."

Both of them shook their heads humbly.

Zhang Hongwei said: "It's all thanks to Commander Liu, I just waved the flag for Commander Liu behind the scenes."

At his level, there is no need to try every means to win military merit.Because even if they fight again, it is impossible to be promoted to the marshal level in a short time.

"Mr. Zhang is polite."

Liu Zhuwen said: "Liu does not dare to claim credit. In the two cities of Xiushan and Weichu, we lost nearly [-] soldiers, and it is really not worth the credit."

Zhang Jue sighed softly, "There is no one who will not die in a war. But for the sake of the world, they deserve to die."

The treatment of soldiers in the Song Dynasty is the best, but at the same time, because of the need to take care of the people, it is unavoidable to lose many people in vain.

This point, Zhao Dongting has already said in the army.

Soldiers must have dedication.

Zhang Jue pointed to the camp, "Come on, let's go to the camp first."

Zhang Hongwei and Liu Zhuwen nodded to the lieutenant general, and followed Zhang Jue to the camp.

The deputy generals in the army arranged for the soldiers to set up camp.

The barracks outside the city grew rapidly.I am afraid that the white tents will soon appear all over the mountains and plains.

The two followed Zhang Jue to the handsome tent and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Liu Zhuwen asked, "Marshal, when shall we attack Shanchan Mansion?"

Zhang Jue smiled lightly and said, "When will we attack Shanchan Mansion, it depends on when the forbidden army from the capital of Dali will arrive."

These words made Liu Zhuwen and Zhang Hongwei both look surprised and puzzled.

Gao Xing and Ren Wei showed faint smiles at the corners of their mouths.Obviously, they all already knew Zhang Jue's plan.

Zhang Jue said again: "We have come all the way to Dali, and countless soldiers have lost their halberds. Is it true that we just looted some gold, silver and jewels, and we are going back?"

Liu Zhuwen understood Zhang Jue's meaning in an instant, and said in shock, "Is the marshal planning to destroy the forbidden army in the capital of Dali here?"


Zhang Jue snorted softly and said, "Jiang Kui is waiting for reinforcements from the capital of Dali. This commander wants to see. When the forbidden army from their capital arrives, will they dare to go out of the city to fight? Dali has been militaristic and has recruited countless soldiers over the years, but it refuses. An Fen, has an irreversible relationship with Shuzhong. They are already a serious problem in the western border of our Great Song Dynasty, this time, we must knock out a few of their teeth."

Liu Zhuwen nodded slightly, "When the forbidden army from the capital of Dali arrives, shall we go to war immediately?"


Zhang Jue nodded, "When Miao Cheng leads the army to arrive, we will have close to [-] elite soldiers. With such a large force, we still can't keep up with the forbidden army in the capital of Dali? Unless they dare to mobilize all of them."

As he spoke, he chuckled again, "Even if we are the only ones with less than [-] elite soldiers, this commander is sure to fight against Dali's [-] soldiers."

He is obviously full of confidence in the Forbidden Army under his command.

That's right, Zhang Hongwei and Liu Zhuwen's [-] troops can even break through the two cities of Xiushan County and Weichu Mansion, and beat the entire Dali to no avail. How could they not have confidence in such a subordinate?

"it is good."

Rao Liu Zhuwen was also a little excited at this time, and suddenly put the fan on the desk, "Then let's wait for the most elite imperial guards from Dali to arrive."

Today, there was no tension in the barracks at all.

Compared with the Song Dynasty military camp, the atmosphere in Shanchan Mansion is much more tense.

(End of this chapter)

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