The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 756 Miao Cheng Has Arrived

Chapter 756 Miao Cheng Has Arrived
It's just that the Shenlong Gun has its disadvantages after all.That is, it is inconvenient to change bombs, and the barrel is prone to heat.

Relying on the speed of their horses, the cavalry of Shanchan Mansion were able to rush to the front of the trench after paying a price that could not be ignored.

Rejecting horses failed to stop the herd of horses.

Some war horses were poked through, but the people behind them came over after rolling and crawling.

The Song Army's rear formation began to fall into the scene of melee fighting just like the front formation.

And the infantry who followed closely behind the cavalry rushed towards the army formation.The flames of war burned to the extreme at this moment.

The gunfire never stopped.

The sky thundered like rain.While the hot air balloons of the two armies were shooting at each other, they were constantly throwing mines down.

The Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty was far more elite than the soldiers of Dali, but after all, they were outnumbered by majors and generals. The outcome of this battle is still unpredictable at this time.

But it can be expected that both sides will suffer heavy losses.

This time Zhang Jue really would rather lose eight hundred dollars to himself than knock out two of Dali's teeth.

If the Dali Forbidden Army is completely wiped out here, it will not only be a loss of some gold and silver as Duan Qilin said.Such a loss is enough to destabilize the Dali community.

After all, Dali is not as vast as the Yuan Dynasty, and the damage of nearly [-] soldiers is definitely a traumatic injury for them.

Of course, if Zhang Jue's entire army was wiped out here, it would be absolutely traumatic for Da Song.

The current Song Dynasty is a tiger, but more precisely, it is a hungry tiger.It is far from the most powerful time.

Some of the imperial guards drew their sabers from their waists, or pulled out the long spears stuck next to them, and started fighting with the Dali imperial guards.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

But on the whole, the Song Dynasty had only more than [-] forbidden troops, but it abruptly blocked Dali's [-]-odd army.

And in terms of battle damage, it also has some advantages.

This is definitely enough to shock the world.

After the Dali war is over, regardless of victory or defeat, if the world talks about the invincible army in the future, I am afraid that it will no longer just talk about the iron cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty.And it will be the imperial army of Song Dynasty.

Compared with the time when they fought against the Yuan Dynasty army, today's Great Song Forbidden Army is no longer known how stronger it is.

Zhang Jue stayed in the army formation, sitting on the horse. Although his face was serious, there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Obviously, he still has a lot of confidence in this battle.

I don't know how long it has passed, the sun is gradually setting in the west.Seeing night is coming.

The soldiers of the two armies have already rushed up and retreated, and I don't know how many Bo soldiers have been replaced.But the fighting continued.

The Qitian Army and Feitian Army in the sky have not yet decided the winner.It's just that the two armies have stopped throwing mines down.

The Thunderbolt carried in the hanging basket had been polished long ago, and they didn't have time to land on the ground to replenish the Thunderbolt.

And the thunder they threw down caused charred or bloody corpses on the ground.

Both armies have already killed red eyes.

Up to now, the balance of victory has not completely leaned towards either side.Although the Dali Forbidden Army seemed to be in decline, they had already reached this situation, so they were naturally unwilling to retreat.

They can't afford to lose face.

But in this case, there was bad news.

Uncle Jiang Guo, who was still sitting in the Shanchan mansion because of his heavy belly, did not dare to go into battle in person. He received a report from scouts that another army from the Song Dynasty was approaching the Shanchan mansion.

Six thousand cavalry were rushing to Shanchan Mansion, and the distance from Shanchan Mansion was already very close.

This is of course the [-] troops led by Miao Cheng.

After they arrived in Deyongzhou, they pacified the surrounding villages, and then hurriedly followed Zhang Jue's army and came straight to Shanchan's mansion.Now it's finally here.

This naturally made Jiang Kui's face extremely ugly in an instant.

He hadn't expected that the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty would be able to last until this time, and they still did not show their defeat, and even had a slight upper hand.

It was also unexpected that Miao Cheng's [-] vanguard troops would rush to Shanchan Mansion so soon.

At this time, in his Shanchan mansion, almost all the soldiers that could be used had already moved to the front line.Shanchan Mansion is like an empty city.

He didn't know whether Miao Cheng's [-] vanguard troops would attack Shanchan Mansion first, or they would directly join the battle.But no matter what, they will suffer a lot.

Jiang Kui looked at the battlefield outside the city again.

At this time, there were already corpses all over the place.

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke in the air was extremely strong, and they had already drifted to the city of Shanchan Mansion.

The two armies have long been out of order.

At the back there were many soldiers laying in disorder among the piles of corpses to rest, while at the front, the fighting was still going on.

Life is dying all the time.

Although the Dali Forbidden Army firmly surrounded the Song Army, there was still no sign of being able to completely break through the Song Army's defense.

He only thought in his heart, if the troops were withdrawn at this time, wouldn't the reinforcements from the capital be at a disadvantage?
In this way, Miao Cheng's [-] vanguard troops rushed in and joined Zhang Jue.That situation will be even more unpredictable.

This is the [-] Great Song Forbidden Army.

After such a long period of observation, Jiang Kui already has a good understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Song Army.In his heart, he no longer dared not to take the six thousand imperial guards of the Song Dynasty into his heart.

The [-] Great Song Forbidden Army, their explosive combat power may be comparable to Dali's [-] Forbidden Army.

And if there were those special soldiers in the Great Song Forbidden Army among them, it would undoubtedly be even more terrifying.

Standing at the top of the city, Jiang Kui pondered for several minutes.

In the end, he just said: "Don't worry about it!"

In fact, it's not that he doesn't need to pay attention to it, but that he can't spare any troops to resist Miao Cheng's [-] vanguard troops.

They have already bet on all the chips they can bet on.In this battle, the only way to fight to the end is to die.

In Jiang Kui's heart, he was still looking forward to the fact that in this battle, the Dali Forbidden Army would be able to rely on their numerical superiority to eventually destroy the Song Army.

After all, more people means more soldiers can get rest.In terms of protracted warfare, they have an advantage.

There are only so many soldiers in the imperial army of Song Dynasty, no matter how powerful they are, they will definitely get tired sometimes.

The news that Miao Cheng's vanguard was coming soon did not change the two armies that were fighting.

The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty did gradually show its decline.

The ammunition has long been used up, and the soldiers who have not been able to get much rest are also showing signs of exhaustion.

If it weren't for the belief in their hearts that was still supporting them, perhaps they would have been unable to continue to maintain their advantage.

The war drums in the army kept beating.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Jue also noticed this, and kept encouraging the soldiers with the sound of drums.

Keren's physical strength has its limit after all.

Quietly, the original advantage of the Imperial Army of Song Dynasty showed signs of being gradually regained.The originally neat formation is also quietly moving towards the middle.

If the fight continues like this, the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty may not necessarily lose.However, it is absolutely difficult to avoid the result of losing both sides with the Dali Forbidden Army.

But when night fell, Miao Cheng's [-] vanguard troops finally arrived.

They directly bypassed the Shanchan Mansion and rushed towards the battlefield.

Miao Cheng drove the horse, took the lead and ran first.

On the left and right are An Dongnan, the commander of the Tianwei Shenlei Army, and Yang Kanglong, the commander of the Tiangui Frost Army.

Sure enough, he arrived with two special forces.

These two thousand special soldiers, plus the four thousand forbidden army, are undoubtedly a new force.

The guards of Shanchan Mansion, who had originally attacked the Song army's rear formation, finally tasted what it was like to be attacked by someone in the rear formation and be attacked by the enemy.

Some generals saw the cavalry of the Song Dynasty appearing in their field of vision, and no longer cared about letting the soldiers continue to rest, they hurriedly assembled the army and lined up to wait.

Jiang Kui could be said to be ruthless, in order not to disturb the morale of the army, even the news that Miao Cheng's army had been killed was not conveyed to these troops fighting on the front line.

In a short period of time, thousands of guards of Shanchan Mansion gathered together.It's just that, whether it's the generals or the soldiers, there is an indelible look of exhaustion on their faces.

The weapons in their hands were much heavier than those of the Great Song Imperial Army, and it took much more effort to wield them.This battle has been fought until now, and everyone's arms are already numb.

And their nerves were always tense during the previous fight.

This kind of fatigue cannot be eliminated by just a short rest.

Although thousands of soldiers lined up in formation, no matter how you look at it, they don't look too morale.


However, the cavalry of Tianwei and Tiangui armies are fierce and fierce. When they got close, Miao Cheng raised his sword and yelled loudly.The soldiers screamed and rushed directly into the phalanx of the guards in Shanchan Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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