Chapter 772
At this time, the envoys of the Yuan Dynasty on the way out of the palace were not calm.

Wang Yun walked beside Luotuo and asked in a low voice: "Master, did you say that Emperor Song was really angry just now, or was he angry on purpose?"

"It's intentional."

Luo Tuo said softly: "If you are really angry, how can you really calm down because of your mere words of calming down? This Emperor Song, you should not be underestimated!"

In fact, he still had something in his heart, but he didn't say it.

Even if Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, was only shooting bows and arrows on the grassland at this age, he was far behind Zhao Dongting.

Wang Yun was slightly startled, and then sighed, "It's a pity we don't have enough confidence! If I can ride the Song Dynasty on the iron cavalry, how dare he say that?"

Luo Tuo glanced at him lightly, "If that's the case, why do the two of us need to go on an envoy?"

Wang Yun couldn't help laughing, "What the Fawang said is true."

It's just that there is some helplessness in this smile.

The development of the Song Dynasty was really too fast, and even the always iron-blooded sage could only use this trick to weaken the strength of the Song Dynasty.

After a few seconds, Wang Yun said again: "Then shall we return those royal families of the Song Dynasty?"

Luo Tuo looked up at the sky, "Otherwise what else?"

Wang Yun smiled wryly, "At first, I wanted to force Emperor Song to pay a big price, but the five million taels... I really feel unwilling."

Luo Tuo said: "Having 500 million taels of silver is already a windfall. If it weren't for the anxiety of those courtiers in the Song Dynasty, the Emperor Song would not be willing to give even a tael of silver."

Wang Yun was speechless.Although he was not reconciled, he had to admit that what His Holiness said was true.


Two more days.

The good news of the Zhennan Military Region officially spread to Changsha.

This battle can be said to have played out the prestige of the Song Dynasty, and it has made the people in the Song Dynasty even more convinced of the army.

Not only the status of the petty official has improved, but now if someone in the family is serving in the imperial army, it will be a matter of face for Bel.

Zhao Dongting rarely summoned a group of ministers to the main hall to hold a court meeting.

At the court meeting, he personally issued an order to reward the soldiers of the Zhennan Military Region.The coach Zhang Jue was supposed to be an extremely human minister, but at this time he was awarded the title of "King of Zhenxi".

This is the first king with a different surname to appear in the Song Dynasty after the emperor canceled the hereditary replacement.It can be said that the Zhang family is even more noble.

Even Wen Tianxiang, Lu Xiufu and others are only on par with Zhang Jue now.

For a moment, I don't know how many people were moved by it.

Although the title of King Zhenxi does not have any real power, it is a matter of glory.

Being an official or general in the court, how many people's ultimate dream is not to be a marquis?
Even Lu Xiufu and the others were a little jealous of Zhang Jue.It's just that in this era of war and strife, it is not as easy for civil officials to confer titles as military generals.

Unexpectedly, it was heard that Zhang Jue was crowned king.Luo Tuo, the king of Yuan Dynasty, suddenly asked to see Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting was still discussing matters with the officials in the main hall, when a eunuch rushed in outside the door and said, "Your Majesty, the King of the Yuan Dynasty is asking to see you."

"Falun King?"

Zhao Dongting showed surprise, then thought for a while, and said, "Xuan."

He only thought that Luo Tuo was talking about Zhao Xian and others returning to China.

Could it be that Zhang Jue's victory over the crown made the Yuan Dynasty feel more pressure?

Luo Tuo followed the eunuch slowly into the palace.Apart from him, there was no one accompanying the messenger group.

Zhao Dongting seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness of two days ago, and said with a smile: "His Majesty saw me, but what happened that day has already been concluded?"

He was not worried at all that Yuan Chao would not release Zhao Xian and others.For him, it would be easier to not let go.

Empress Dowager Xie and the others used to hold imperial power and were used to being strong. When they really returned to the court, Zhao Dongting did not believe that they would be honest.I really let myself, a concubine, continue to sit on the throne.

And when the time comes, it's no good not to kill, and it's no good to kill, it's a dilemma.

Luo Tuo bowed to Zhao Dongting, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Exactly, I am willing to let the royal family back."

All the ministers in the hall showed joy.

Although the vast majority of them did not participate in the meeting two days ago, they have naturally heard the news in these two days.

There are too many veterans here, all of whom have served as officials under the Empress Dowager Xie and Zhao Xian.In their hearts, they really hoped that the Empress Dowager Xie and the others would return to the palace.

An old house where a treasure.

Empress Dowager Xie is the emperor's grandmother.

And Emperor Gong, although he is the elder brother of the emperor, is also the direct descendant of the Queen Mother.

Thinking of this, many of the courtiers looked at Zhao Dongting with complicated eyes.

They are naturally willing to support Zhao Dongting, but what if Empress Dowager Xie and Emperor Gong want to take back the throne on the grounds that they are descendants of concubines?

It wasn't just Zhao Dongting who felt embarrassed about this matter.These courtiers also felt embarrassed.

At this time, Luo Tuo said again: "The poor monk heard that there are many masters in the Wuding Hall of your country, and he wants to ask for advice and prove each other's martial arts. I wonder if Emperor Song can let the poor monk fulfill his wish?"

Zhao Dongting and the courtiers were all stunned.

Even though most of the people here are civil servants, they all know Luotuo's name on the list of masters in the Jianghu.

Where does Da Song have any masters who can compete with him now?
Is this a slap in the face on purpose?
Zhao Dongting looked a little ugly, and said: "Martial arts in my Song Dynasty are nothing more than the art of cultivating life and nature, there is nothing to prove it!"


Luo Tuo saluted, and said: "Since it's just a technique of cultivating life and nature, what's the problem with mutual verification? Does the emperor care about winning or losing?"

Zhao Dongting secretly scolded himself for being an idiot.

Damn, the old monk took advantage of the loophole when he spoke without thinking.

Right now, he really doesn't know what reason to reject Luo Tuo.However, if it is accepted, Wu Dingtang will inevitably lose.

This matter can be said to be a small novel, but it can be said to be a big one.Especially at such a juncture, it is particularly sensitive.

The Great Song Dynasty paid money to redeem Emperor Gong and others to return to the court, but lost to the Yuan Dynasty mage in the martial arts competition.If it spreads out, will the common people feel that the Song Dynasty is not as good as the Yuan Dynasty?

It's just that if he refuses, Da Song can't afford to lose face.Isn't it a joke that there is not even one person who dares to fight against the king of the Yuan Dynasty in the great Song Dynasty?
Even if you lose, it's better than not daring to compare.

After hesitating, Zhao Dongting finally said: "Since that's the case, let's discuss each other!"

He has no way out now.

A slight smile appeared on Luo Tuo's face, and he nodded slightly.

In fact, just competing in martial arts didn't have much impact, he might just want to vent his anger.After all, he hadn't been able to get the Fujian Road or the craftsmanship before, no matter how broad-minded the Dharma king is, he still felt a little aggrieved.

Zhao Dongting said again: "Then when is the right time for the Fawang?"

Luo Tuo hesitated for a while, and said: "Now that the New Year's Eve is approaching, why not win a lottery and set it on the New Year's Eve, how about it?"

Zhao Dongting pouted secretly.

Damn it, this old monk actually planned to celebrate the New Year in Changsha.

He really didn't want this old monk to stay in Changsha for too long, because with this old monk's force, he was really a ticking time bomb.He is in Changsha, and he has to find someone to watch him all the time.

But it was impossible to drive people back, so Zhao Dongting could only nod his head and said, "Alright then, it will be the New Year's Eve."


Luo Tuo saluted Zhao Dongting again, and then walked towards the outside of the hall.

In the hall, the faces of all the ministers were not very good-looking.The priests in the Wuding Hall, no accident, can't beat the Yuan Dynasty Dharma King, and the rankings are too far apart.

What they didn't know was that at the Jiange in Shuzhong, a group of people were rushing down the Jiange at a high speed.

These are the few remaining sword slaves in Konglangzi and Jiange.

They are all extremely fast.

After they left the pavilion, they headed eastward.In the evening of this day, I arrived in Qianzhou City on Kuizhou Road.

After entering the city, they went directly to a "Laifu Inn" in the city.

And outside this inn, there is an old turtle.

The old tortoise is very spiritual and lazy, just lying on the spot, but still attracts many people to watch and wonder.

In the inn, there is an old monk and a little girl.

The two ate very lightly, just ordering some vegetarian dishes casually, but no one showed any contempt.

The status of monks is very high in this year, that is to say, these common people don't know Wude monks, otherwise, they are afraid to worship at this time.

The Wude monk and the Yuewu girl ignored the others and just ate on their own.

Konglangzi obviously knew that the two were inside, so he walked straight into the inn with Jian Nu.

Monk Wude seemed to have sensed it, turned his head to look at the door, and saw Konglangzi with a little surprise on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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