Chapter 791
He, Zhao Bing, and Zhao Shi are both sons of Song Duzong Zhao Yu.

Song Duzong Zhao Yu is said to have a flawed innate IQ.

This man was originally born to King Rong Zhao Yurui and his wife Li's dowry maid Huang Shi. Huang Shi secretly took abortion pills because she was worried that her status would be low and the son she gave birth to would be worthless, but it didn't work.After all, Zhao Xuan was born, but it may be due to the influence of drugs, which made him not learn to speak until he was seven years old.

Perhaps, Zhao Xuan was truly ordered by heaven.

Not only did the abortion pill fail to prevent him from coming into this world, but he was also adopted as an adopted son by the childless Song Lizong.

Although his IQ was flawed, he still couldn't stop him from becoming King Jian'an first, then King Yongjia, then King Zhong, and finally he was made the crown prince.

In a few years, Song Lizong passed away, and he was able to become a great treasure, and changed his year to Xianchun.

The Song Dynasty had a mentally handicapped emperor, and was later destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty, which seemed to be a logical real power.

Zhao Yuji trusts the courtier Jia Sidao, which makes the mountains and rivers drift.Xiangyang was lost in his hands.

After a while, he walked away.Only the three sons Zhao Shi, Zhao Xian and Zhao Bing remained.

Among them, Zhao Shi, who is now Zhao Dongting, is the oldest, born to Concubine Yang Shu.

Zhao Xian wants to root Zheng Miao Hong, who was born of Zhao Yu's Queen Quan.

Zhao Bing was born by Yu Xiurong, and in terms of age, he was the youngest.In terms of birth, even Zhao Shi is inferior.Grooming is nothing but the lowest level of imperial concubines.

Originally, there was still some controversy among the ministers of the Song Dynasty over who should be the heir to the throne.Later, it was Empress Dowager Xie who said that according to the patriarchal system of first concubine and then concubine, first elder and then young, and with the support of Jia Sidao, Zhao Xian became the emperor of the Song Dynasty.After all, the first son and then the concubine come first, and the elders come first and then the young.

Although Zhao Xian was younger than Zhao Shi, becoming an emperor seemed reasonable.

After he ascended the throne, Empress Dowager Xie took charge of the government behind the curtain.

At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty was actually in danger.

In this case, it was Wen Tianxiang who left two sparks for the Southern Song Dynasty, namely Zhao Shi and Zhao Bing.

He asked Empress Dowager Xie to appoint Zhao Shi and Zhao Bing as King Ji and King Xin respectively to guard Fuzhou and Guangzhou.

Empress Dowager Xie agreed, and made Zhao the king of Yi, who served as the general judge of Fuzhou.Zhao Bing was the king of Guang and served as the general judge of Quanzhou.

The reason why she agreed was probably because Zhao Bing and Zhao Shi were not pleasing to the eye.Especially Zhao Shi, he still has veterans who support him as emperor.

Unexpectedly, within two years of Zhao Xian's ascension to the throne, Lin'an was defeated by the Yuan army's coach Boyan.Empress Dowager Xie, Emperor Zhao Xian, Empress Dowager Quan and others were all taken captive to the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhao Shi still became emperor.

Then, there will be wandering overseas, and Zhao Dongting will be reborn on Naozhou Island, and then lay a vast territory for the Great Song Dynasty.

This is what Zhao Shi experienced before Zhao Dongting possessed him.

At this moment, Empress Dowager Xie undoubtedly felt a little complicated.

In her mind, since Zhao Shi was able to lead the Song Dynasty to prosperity again when he was dying, he must be a very talented person.And such a person, won't he remember her resentment at the beginning when she was established as a descendant but not a grown-up?
What does Concubine Yang Shu, who is now the queen mother, think in her heart?
It's not just Zhao Dongting, Lu Xiufu and others who feel that Zhao Xian and others will be embarrassed when they return to the court, people like the Empress Dowager Xie actually feel the same way in their hearts.

It is impossible for a country to have two emperors.

Empress Dowager Xie looked deeply at Zhao Xian, her most beloved grandson.

In my heart, I was hesitating.

She was thinking whether to accept her fate and let Zhao continue to be the emperor, or to win over old ministers and force Zhao Shi to abdicate after returning to the court, and then let her favorite grandson be the emperor.

Zhao Xian is weak-tempered, she knows it.If he becomes emperor, she can still listen to the government behind the curtain.

And Zhao Shi continued to be the emperor, and I'm afraid it would not be her turn to dictate.

After taking a deep look at Zhao Xian, the Empress Dowager Xie looked at the Empress Dowager Quan who was supporting her without any trace in her eyes.

Queen Mother Quan is slightly younger than Concubine Yang Shu, and she is also a beauty.It's just eating and sleeping in the open, so it's inevitable to lose some color at this time.

She definitely wanted her child to continue to be emperor.

After Empress Dowager Xie withdrew her gaze, her eyes narrowed slightly.There seems to be a conclusion in mind.

I have really tried to listen to the government behind the curtain, and the feeling of being in power is unforgettable.

This woman who was in power at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty decided to play risky moves after all.She felt that with her prestige in the court, as long as she wins over the old ministers, there should still be great hope.

Not to mention other officials, Wen Tianxiang and Lu Xiufu, who are now in charge of civil and military power in Song Dynasty, which one did not obey her?
Thinking of this, Empress Dowager Xie felt a little more confident in her heart.I am looking forward to arriving in Changsha even more.

Everyone followed the Yuan army and continued to move forward on the mountain road.

Empress Dowager Xie seemed to have a little more strength, and she no longer let Empress Dowager Quan help her, and walked away in high spirits.

Dusk till.

They finally reached a town.

Although the army has dry rations, it is rare to encounter such a town, and the army must spend the night here.Continue to rush to Xinyang tomorrow.

After the commander led by the soldiers of the Yuan army led the people into the town, he immediately made the town jump like crazy.

Robbing civilian girls and setting fire to houses have become commonplace for them.

Although the two countries are now negotiating peace, they don't have the guts to slaughter the town, but robbing a few women to vent their anger will not cause the two countries to go to war, right?

This general is the general in Nanjing Road, knowing that this place actually belongs to the two-way zone.

In the town, there was a woman's screams.

The soldiers of the Yuan army were sitting sprawled on the street, gnawing dry food, but they only laughed more happily when they heard these voices.

Empress Dowager Xie and dozens of members of the Song royal family curled up in a corner, also gnawing dry food, not daring to speak.

Empress Dowager Quan looked at Empress Dowager Xie several times, but she hesitated to speak.

Zhao Xian is her child, of course she wants Zhao Xian to continue to be emperor.However, this must be supported by the Empress Dowager, she alone does not have such energy.

Empress Dowager Xie was very shrewd, seemed to sense her gaze, and said softly: "Don't worry, Xian'er is the emperor who obeys the destiny."

After hearing this, Queen Mother Quan breathed a sigh of relief, she was really relieved.The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a little smile.

But at this moment, from the depths of the town, there were two people walking slowly.

Both of them were wearing gray robes, the one in front had a cold face and mottled temples, and the one behind was a young man with a cynical smile.

And the hilts of the swords exposed behind the two were enough to reveal their identities as swordsmen.

This made the soldiers of the Deyuan Army feel a little apprehensive, and many of them quietly held the weapons next to them and stood up.

But they didn't seem to be taken seriously by the two gray-robed men.

The man with the cold face is still cold.The cynical man still had an annoying smile on his face.

Until it was only a few meters away from the soldiers of the Yuan army.

Just when the Yuan army general was about to stop, the two stopped.

The person in front was Takiyu, he looked at the royal family huddled in the corner, and said coldly, "Come to welcome Emperor Gong back to court."

Yuan Jiang frowned, speaking in not fluent Chinese, "Who are you? This is not a good meeting place."

But Long Yu only said: "Don't worry about it, just hand over Emperor Gong to me."

This naturally made General Deyuan furious.

The order he received was handed over to the Song Army at Huangfengling, tens of miles north of Xinyang City.

These two people were probably here to hijack the royal family of the Song Dynasty.

Immediately, he drew out the scimitar from his waist and shouted: "Brothers, kill!"

Long Yu's Yingying sword suddenly came out of its sheath, he snorted coldly, and afterimages appeared behind him, he killed Yuan's army in the blink of an eye.

The sword passed without a trace.

The chaotic scene of wanton fighting did not occur as expected.

Long Yu's figure was moving like a rabbit, his sword light flashed and appeared, and in the blink of an eye, he flew to the depths of the Yuan army group, and flew straight towards the Empress Dowager Xie and the others.

The general still held his scimitar and opened and closed his mouth, but he was unable to speak again.

There were bloodstains on his neck.

Just at this moment, Taki Yu had already cut his throat with the Yingying sword.This also means that he can no longer live.

And there are more than ten Yuan soldiers like him.

Not forming an army, none of them ordinary soldiers could stop Long Yu's pace.

(End of this chapter)

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