Chapter 81
At this time, some soldiers had already started fighting on the martial arts platform.

Zhao Dongting stopped laughing and laughing with Yue Wu, and focused on the soldiers who were fighting.Among them there is indeed Mu Xiu Yulin, whose skills, even if they are not as good as Lin Chong, Wu Song and others in the Water Margin, but it is estimated that they are not too far behind the evil stars such as Li Zhong, the tiger fighter, and Tang Long, the leopard.

At least it looks like it looks like on TV.

Not long after, he was also surprised to see the two brothers Zhao Da and Zhao Hu on stage.He also didn't expect the brothers to join the army.

Zhao Dongting inevitably paid more attention to the two brothers because he had seen them before.

And the martial arts of the two Zhao Hu brothers were indeed superb. After the two took the stage, they knocked down the five challenged soldiers one after another.

The ten commanders of the bodyguards who took the school examination beside the ring saw how outstanding the two were, so they directly wrote their names on the selection book, and specially marked them with a horizontal line, waved the flag in their hands, and asked the two to step off the stage.

Those who can win five rounds in a row are definitely not ordinary people, and can be directly selected into the Feilong Army.And the one drawn with a horizontal line means that the martial arts are exceptionally outstanding.

Li Yuanxiu also watched the two Zhao brothers win, and said to Zhao Dongting: "Your Majesty, these two have very strong foundations, they must have worked hard."


Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "If the father-in-law thinks that these two people are suitable, he will focus on teaching them. In the future, I will transfer them to my side to protect me, so that the father-in-law will not need to follow me all the time."

He helped the Zhao brothers kill Wu Shunchang, and he thought the two brothers would serve him faithfully.

When Li Yuanxiu heard the words, he just said: "Protecting the Holy Majesty is what an old slave should do."

He has always abided by etiquette, even though he is highly skilled, he still regards himself as an old slave in the palace and dare not surpass him in the slightest.

Sometimes Zhao Dongting wanted to get closer to him, but Li Yuanxiu didn't dare to talk about many topics, so there was nothing he could do about it.

In this way, at noon, the martial arts meeting ended.

Except for the soldiers who had won five games in a row like Brother Xiang Zhao and were directly selected, the commanders of the various armies ordered the remaining soldiers to select the soldiers they liked into the Feilong Battalion.Because Zhao Dongting was present to watch, these commanders were also meritocracy, and they didn't have much personal relationship involved.

Afterwards, those soldiers who were not selected were taken back to their camps by the commanders of each army with their heads bowed and sighed.

The [-] soldiers of the new Flying Dragon camp stayed in the guard camp, Zhao Dongting stood up and said a few words of encouragement to them, and left with Li Yuanxiu and Yue Wu without further words.Today's Southern Song army no longer needs him to boost morale.

Feilong Battalion, directly under the command of Yue Peng, was included in the bodyguard army, but it was independent of other battalions.

After returning to the dormitory and having dinner, Zhao Dongting was going to write some modern methods of training special forces to teach Yue Peng and Li Yuanxiu, and let them focus on training the Flying Dragon Battalion. I practiced against me."

Zhao Dongting was stupefied, "Is this right practice?"

Le Wu smiled and said: "Practicing against me will also improve the emperor's martial arts!"

Because of Le Chan's relationship, love Wu and Wu, Zhao Dongting treats Le Wu almost as his own sister, and has nothing to do with her, so he can only shake his head and put down his pen, and follow her to the yard.

Then, with Yinger's charming smile and Li Yuanxiu's mouth twitching, Zhao Dongting was knocked down by Le Wu one after another.

Fortunately, before the attack, Zhao Dongting reminded Le Wu not to hurt his face, otherwise, his majestic emperor might end up with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He has only learned styles from Li Yuanxiu for a few days, so how can he be a rival for music and dance?
Although this girl is naughty, her kung fu is really not weak.Li Yuanxiu once said that those who teach music and dance kung fu are by no means ordinary warriors.

The kung fu of music and dance is extremely exquisite, and it cannot be practiced with cheats that ordinary people can touch.The person who taught her kung fu must also be a master in the martial arts.

Zhao Dongting asked Le Wu this question, and Le Wu said that both her and her sister were taught by her father.

This made Zhao Dongting want to go to her house even more, to meet Le Chan and their father at the same time.But unfortunately, Le Wu always refused to take her there.

Zhao Dongting, who was sweating profusely and was sore from the beating, refused to practice with Le Wu no matter what, and fled back to the bedroom in extreme embarrassment, letting De Lewu stomp his feet, and Yinger couldn't stop beside him smile.

After running back to the desk and sitting down, Zhao Dongting took a few breaths and finally relaxed.

Where is this sparring?It was obvious that she was unilaterally beaten by that girl!
Li Yuanxiu glared at Le Wu angrily, and followed into the bedroom, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Zhao Dongting waved his hands and said weakly: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, I just need to rest."

In fact, being able to have the current physique already made him quite happy.This body is countless times better than the sickly one before.

After resting for a while, Zhao Dongting picked up a pen and wrote down the special forces training methods suitable for ancient times in his memory on the paper, and handed it to Li Yuanxiu, "Elder-in-law, the training of Feilong Battalion will be practiced according to the method I wrote on it. Not only must they be outstanding in martial arts, but also their physique is far superior to ordinary people. A strong country and a strong army can only be strong if the army is strong."

In the past few months, his calligraphy has improved a lot, and it is no longer the turtle crawling like before.

Li Yuanxiu took the paper cautiously, and bowed in response: "This old servant obeys the order."

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Dongting sighed slightly.

Widow, widow, he now understands somewhat why the ancient emperors would call themselves widows.Since he came to the Southern Song Dynasty, he has gained many capable ministers and generals, but he has no close friends. Even if it is music and dance, he dare not be too disrespectful in front of him.Sometimes Zhao Dongting wants to talk to someone, but he doesn't know who to talk to.

This is the tragedy of being an emperor.

The heights are unbearably cold, ranking in the top of the Southern Song Dynasty court, while sitting on the wealth of the world, it is inevitable to lose some things that are within reach of others.

Zhao Dongting didn't think about letting Li Yuanxiu get rid of these habits, shook his head, and continued to write on paper.

But what I wrote this time is the method of training agents and spies.

Now Lu Xiufu has found many orphans, and they are all gathered in the guards' camp, and they can start training them at any time.

Although Zhao Dongting can't talk about daily affairs, there are always some trivial things, and he has to study artillery and firecrackers, and because of his status, he naturally doesn't train those orphans himself.The only way is to write out those training methods and hand them over to the people below.

In his mind, Su Quandang was the most suitable for this job.Because, Su Quandang's mind is meticulous, and he is also ruthless.

Time passed, and the year was getting closer and closer.

For more than a month, Zhao Dongting still hasn't developed the cannon, but the improvement of the firecracker has made a lot of progress.

The training of Feilong Battalion has already been on the right track, and Su Quandang has already brought those orphans to the Forbidden Army camp to start training.

Those pirates seemed to be really scared of being beaten, and they didn't dare to come to land to plunder again.However, their rampage overseas still made no progress in the foreign trade transactions of Delei State.

Zhao Dongting ordered the expansion of the ferry early on, but the ferry is bigger, but there are still only so many merchants coming and going.

Xiyi performed extremely well, secured her position as the magistrate of Haikang County, and finally married He Qingyi.Zhao Dongting didn't go in person, but sent Ying Er to go, and at the same time, he also brought the imperial decree to make He Qingyi a fourth-rank master.He didn't want to go because he was afraid of being emotional. These days, he never forgot his feelings for Le Chan.

Concubine Yang Shu gradually came out of the grief of Yang Yidong's death, and was already urging Zhao Dongting to have a son.

Although Zhao Dongting is only 12 years old now, for the royal family, he can already take concubines.

I don't know if Concubine Yang Shu said something to Ying Er and Yue Wu. In recent days, the two women have looked at Zhao Dongting strangely.Especially sometimes in Zhao Dongting's bedroom, when they saw Zhao Dongting practicing in the room, the cheeks of the two women were even more rosy.

In the past two days, Haikang County suddenly became lively, and many talented scholars and beautiful ladies frequently appeared in the downtown area.

There are also many Gaoliang disciples from other counties who gathered in Haikang County.

Leizhou's oiran conference is coming.

The style of the Southern Song Dynasty is beautiful, and scholars have always liked to be arty. This oiran conference is really a conference where beauties compete for beauty.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, there were such oiran conferences in almost every state and government, and they were held every year, which had already become a grand event.

Those ladies who are waiting to get married, folk girls who want to find a wealthy husband, and those goddesses in the brothel, whether they are Qing girls who are performing arts but not selling themselves, or red girls who are selling arts and selling themselves, Don't want to let go of such an opportunity to make a name for yourself.If they are lucky enough to be included in the Hundred Flowers List by Bai Xiaosheng, there will be countless handsome young men who will come to pursue them like moths to a flame.

Inside Xiulin Castle.

Murong Hao has been refreshed these past two days, he has already invited several friends, planning to pick some charming women during the oiran meeting.

At this time, he was sitting in the room with those cronies, each with their arms around their heads, talking about romantic and dirty things, and laughing from time to time.

Suddenly a servant called him outside the door, "Young Castle Master, the Castle Master asked you to meet him in the study."

Murong Hao was talking happily, when he heard the words he said unhappily: "What's the matter?"

The servant just said: "The villain doesn't know."

Murong Hao was helpless, he had always been terrified of his father, so he had to let his brothers chat first, and followed his servant to Murong Chuan's study.Just as he was wondering why his father was looking for him, Murong Chuan asked, "Hao'er, I heard that you often go to Yunjin's yard these days, but you took her virginity away?"

Speaking of this, Murong Hao was a little embarrassed, "That bitch has a strong temper, and the child has not yet been captured."

These days, he tried his best to get Yunjin, but he couldn't break through Yunjin's self-mutilation with a dagger.

Of course, it would be easy for him to succeed if he used some dirty tricks.It's just that in the battle of wits and courage with Yunjin, the always proud Young Master Murong tasted something he had never tasted before. Use those tricks.

He didn't find it interesting to those maids who obeyed.

When Murong Chuan heard this, he was slightly surprised, and then he said happily: "That's fine, since she is still a virgin, let's arrange for her to attend the Oiran Conference! Now that the little emperor has reached the age to be a concubine. The beauty of that lowly servant girl, if she wins the oiran, she may have a chance to be selected into the palace, and then maybe it will create a chance for us to assassinate the little emperor. Ali Hague is already quite dissatisfied with us, as long as we have the slightest Take every opportunity.”


Murong Hao became anxious immediately, "Can't the sent women go?"

Now he can be said to regret it in his heart, if he knew this, he should have taken Yun Jin's body with his bow.

Seeing him like this, Murong Chuan said angrily, "Maybe there is a better woman than that lowly servant girl in the castle?"

The oiran meeting is not only about beauty, but also the female workers of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etc., which are all skills that women must master in order to compete for beauty.The princes and brothers in the Southern Song Dynasty had a very good taste, but they didn't just get their favor because of their good looks.If you don't know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it's hard to get along with the ladies.

Of course, in terms of beauty alone, no one in Xiulinbao can compare with Yunjin.

Murong Hao was full of reluctance, "This... this..."

Before he could decide what to say, Murong Chuan waved his hand and said, "That's it. From today onwards, you can't go to her again."

Murong Hao was like a defeated rooster, dejected, but he didn't dare to get angry at his father, and walked out sullenly.

Murong Chuan looked at his son's back, shook his head slightly, then got up and went out, and went directly to Yunjin's yard behind.

(End of this chapter)

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