Chapter 815
Even Lu Xiufu and the others had complex expressions.

Back then, they were also the pillars of the court. Although the power of the court was controlled by Xie Daoqing and the then prime minister Jia Sidao, they were also responsible for the demise of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Dongting's words covered them all.


Xie Daoqing pointed at Zhao Dongting angrily, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Queen Dowager Quan, who looked crazy, flashed a stern look in the depths of her eyes, and said, "Zhao Shi, are you saying that the Queen Mother and all the officials are incompetent?"

She wanted to force Zhao Dongting and Xie Daoqing to be completely opposite, and also wanted to drag Lu Xiufu and others into the water.Obviously, this woman's madness is faking.

Her mind is actually still very delicate.

And her words did cause Lu Xiufu and the others to have a slight change in their eyes again.

No one wants to be called incompetent by others.

"Sister, it's him..."

Concubine Yang Shu is eager to explain to Zhao Dongting.

However, Zhao Dongting did not flinch in the slightest, and still looked at the Queen Mother coldly, and said, "I advise the Queen Mother not to play such tricks. I am afraid that Lord Lu, Lord Wen and others have repeatedly complained to the court. It is you, You first trusted the treacherous minister Jia Sidao, and then reused the treacherous minister Chen Yizhong, which led to the demise of our Great Song Dynasty. You are not incompetent and stupid, what are you?"

This "you" really included Xie Daoqing.

Xie Daoqing's cheeks were flushed, and smoke was about to come out of his head.

At this time, Zhao Dongting said again: "I know that you have always looked down on me, but I dare to say that if you still hand over the Great Song Dynasty to your management, the Great Song Dynasty will still be doomed!"

He patted his chest, "Only I can destroy Yuan Kuang Song!"

He said the last sentence firmly.There is no doubt that the strong self-confidence is evident.

Lu Xiufu and the others changed their colors again.

Although what Zhao Dongting said was extremely unpleasant, everyone present had to admit that what he said was the truth.

It was Zhao Dongting who saved Da Song from Kuanglan.

It was also him who developed the Great Song Dynasty into a powerful force capable of rivaling the Yuan Dynasty in this short period of time.

Ask yourself, if it were anyone present, no one would be able to do this.

At least, they don't have the ability to research the new firearms in the army.

Concubine Yang Shu kept tugging on Zhao Dongting's clothes, but at this moment, she quietly stopped.

In fact, she didn't know that the empress dowager and the queen dowager had the idea of ​​fighting for power with their own children, but she was thinking about the old relationship, so she didn't want Zhao Dongting to completely quarrel with them.But now, he had to consider what would happen if Xie Daoqing and others seized power again.

Not to mention that they hold great power, even if they only hold a small part of power, it will cause great constraints to Zhao Dongting, right?

And when the time comes, will this Great Song Sheji repeat the same mistakes?

Everyone has the answer in their minds.

Based on the performance of Xie Daoqing and others back then, if Da Song came to power again, I am afraid that as Zhao Dongting said, he would still be doomed.

The eyes of Lu Xiufu and others became more complicated.

They probably didn't think so far before.

This Great Song would not be possible without Zhao Dongting...

And Xie Daoqing and Queen Mother Quan were also speechless.

No matter how great the anger is, it seems so pale in front of the facts.

Zhao Dongting's eyes finally moved away from the face of Queen Dowager Quan who was trembling slightly with anger, and fell on Xie Daoqing's face next to him, his tone softened a little, and said: "Empress Dowager, I am very happy that you can return to the court. These Over the years, you have suffered for the Great Song Dynasty. I don’t want to talk about the past, but I absolutely don’t want to see the country I have worked so hard to be wiped out by the Yuan Dynasty or Dali again. So, even if You are the Empress Dowager, and I will not make any concessions. This Great Song Dynasty is the Great Song Dynasty for the people."


Zhao Dongting's voice was not loud, but his tone was extremely firm, "The Empress Dowager, please live in this Xiangqing Palace with peace of mind in the future!"

The meaning of these words is obvious, that is, you should thank Daoqing and forget about the matter of listening to politics behind the curtain.

Xie Daoqing stared blankly at Zhao Dongting with a complicated expression.

"Queen, let's go."

Zhao Dongting glanced over the faces of Lu Xiufu and the others, said something to Concubine Yang Shu and the others, and then walked out of the hall.

Le Chan, Ying Er, and Zhang Ru followed quickly.

Concubine Yang Shu looked at Zhao Dongting, then at Xie Daoqing, a little hesitant, but finally got up and walked out.

This can be regarded as a bad break up.

Seeing Concubine Yang Shu and others disappear from sight, the atmosphere in the hall became very awkward.

Lu Xiufu and others looked at Xie Daoqing and Queen Dowager Quan, but they didn't know what to say.

It was the Empress Dowager Quan who came to her senses first, crying to Xie Daoqing: "Empress Dowager, what we told him was about Xian'er's assassination, how dare he say that about you?"

Zhao Dongting did secretly change his concept.

It is true that Song Dynasty has no one suitable to be in power except him, but this has nothing to do with Zhao Xian's assassination.

"To shut up!"

But Xie Daoqing coldly reprimanded the Queen Mother.

This made the Queen Mother stunned immediately, and the expression on her face was completely frozen.

She didn't know why she aroused Xie Daoqing's anger.

Could it be that the little thought when he and Zhao Shi were arguing just now made the empress dowager dissatisfied?

But from her understanding of Xie Daoqing, Xie Daoqing should not give her such a face just because of this little matter.After all, Xie Daoqing was very kind to her in the past.

But at this time, Xie Daoqing said coldly: "In the future, no one can easily mention the matter of Emperor Gong. Not to mention whether he was really killed by his son, even if he was, then he is not allowed to talk about it!"

Lu Xiufu and others were moved.

The Empress Dowager Quan turned pale with shock, "The Empress Dowager..."

Xie Daoqing's eyes once again fell on her face coldly, "Everything is based on the country and society of the Song Dynasty."

The empress dowager, who was not too old, seemed to have become enlightened after Zhao Dongting's words.

She has the right to want what she wants, but this woman who has been in charge of politics for two dynasties has also worked hard for Song Dynasty.In her heart, the country and the country are the most important.

And what Zhao Dongting said was indeed true.Only in his hands can the Song Dynasty be restored.

At this moment, I am afraid that Zhao Xian is not dead.Xie Daoqing will also choose to support Zhao Dongting to continue to be the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

She deeply understood that she had underestimated this eldest grandson who was so inconspicuous at the beginning.Zhao Dongting's argument just now made her see Zhao Dongting's confidence and confidence.

Xie Daoqing felt overwhelmed in his heart.

She murmured in her heart, maybe, since she is really old, it would be nice to be a leisurely empress dowager in the future.

She thought about it, if she took the small imperial court to escape to Naozhou at the beginning, she might never be able to develop the Great Song Dynasty to the present state.

The Queen Mother was speechless.

She also understood that if she continued to talk, even the Empress Dowager would feel strongly dissatisfied with herself.

But, is Xian'er's death just like that?
Once again, an extremely sinister light flashed across the depths of the Empress Dowager Quan's eyes.

When Lu Xiufu and others heard Xie Daoqing's words, they all knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "The Empress Dowager Shengming..."

This is probably the ending they most want to see.

Xie Daoqing didn't argue, and was even willing to expose the matter of Zhao Xianzhi's death, which also allowed them to avoid the dilemma.


Focus on the country and the country.

Even Xie Daoqing didn't intend to pursue the matter of Zhao Xian's assassination any longer, and they would certainly not trouble Zhao Dongting for this.

They're not that pedantic yet.

Maybe they used to be so pedantic, but following Zhao Dongting in the past few years, their xinxing has also changed subtly.

Zhao Dongting, who had already left Xiangqing Palace, did not know about these things that happened in the palace.

Maybe he didn't care that much.

He's already had a showdown.

If Xie Daoqing and the others are stubborn, then he really won't be polite.


The imperial envoy who delivered the decree went outside the Bauhinia Villa.

The imperial envoy in a purple robe was accompanied by no more than a dozen guards behind him.

Their arrival came as a surprise to Wen Qi, Zhao Da, Zhao Hu and others.Then a large group of people flocked to the gate of Bauhinia Villa.

The imperial envoy who delivered the decree did not dismount, and said to the guard at the gate: "Qi Wulie, the owner of Bauhinia Villa, accepts the decree."

The guard was a little dazed, and then hurriedly ran into the villa.

They didn't know about Qi Wulie's secret deeds, they were already worried about being surrounded by the army, and now they knew the imperial decree arrived, so they didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

Soon, the Bauhinia Villa became lively.

(End of this chapter)

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