The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 847 Qinzhou Great Victory

Chapter 847 Qinzhou Great Victory ([-])

Qinzhou territory.

There is still a damp smell in the air.

All the Yueli soldiers who passed through the [-] mountains looked a little wet, and they really went straight to Anyuan County.

They set up a suspension bridge on the Ruhong River, and the army crossed the river in an orderly manner.

The side of the river is like Hongzhai. There were originally two hundred Song troops in the village.At this time, all of them had already withdrawn to Anyuan County early.

It is impossible for the two hundred defenders of Yue Li to be able to resist the army of Yue Li.

Fortunately, after Ran Anguo brought the army to Anyuan County, the governor of Anyuan County thought of Ruhong Village in this area.Otherwise, the [-] soldiers in this stronghold could not escape and ascend to heaven.

The river is surging.

After Chen Guojun led the army across the river, he actually destroyed the suspension bridge, and then went towards Anyuan County without resting.

He was obviously guarding against the Song army in Yongzhou city rushing to Qinzhou for support.

But he obviously didn't expect that Ran Anguo's [-] Qiongzhou County was already waiting for him outside Anyuan County.

The [-] Qiongzhou troops were mobilized directly by Zhao Dongting, and they went directly to Lianzhou along the coastal road.Don't say that they surpassed the Li army, even in the Song army, few people knew the news.

At least, even the governor of Lianzhou didn't know about it before.

Arriving outside De'anyuan County, looking at the looming city from a distance, Chen Guojun finally saw hope after a series of setbacks.

He immediately stood on the hillside, pointing his arms forward, with a smile on his face, and berated Fang Qiu, "Brother Zishi, as soon as we take down Anyuan County, we can gain a foothold in the Song Dynasty. The monarch will continue to send us food and grass At that time, we can go north, drive straight in, and even go straight to Huanglong, and maybe sit on the dragon chair of the Great Song Emperor."

Mazishi chuckled, but felt that this was not practical, but it didn't hurt Chen Guojun's "elegant spirit", so he nodded slightly.

He knew that Chen Guojun had been very aggrieved in the past two days.


Chen Guojun patted his horse forward.

He probably knew that the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty were all in the major military regions, and now he also vaguely guessed that the Song Army in Yongzhou City was the garrison military region of Jingjiang Mansion.So I just think that there is no army in Anyuan County.

The four major military regions are like the four gate gods of the Great Song Dynasty. As long as they don't meet them or those garrison troops, his army is invincible.

The defenders of Anyuan County are only a few thousand at most, how can it block his [-] army?
The Yue Li cavalry followed Chen Guojun and galloped forward.

The momentum is raging.

Even though it was still a few miles away from Anyuan County, some people in the army were faintly excited.

The coach said that they must win this city.Because there are not many Song troops stationed in this city.

Now they undoubtedly need to vent fiercely.And those girls from the Great Song Dynasty in the city will be the targets of their venting.

Now I am afraid that some soldiers are already fantasizing about how to show their bravery on those juicy Song girls after they break the city.


But when these Yueli soldiers gradually accelerated their pace, there was a sudden sound of horns in the mountains not far to the side.

It is the charge number of Song Dynasty.

This was the sound of the trumpet that once shocked them.

Beacon smoke ignited on several hillsides and forests outside Anyuan County, and in an instant the smoke billowed up into the sky.

Lieutenant Generals of the Yue Li Army couldn't help but change their expressions. No one knows how many Song troops there are, but just looking at the formation, the Song Army seems to be ambushing thousands of troops.

"Brother Guojun!"

Mask Shi's complexion suddenly became serious, "Song Jun has an ambush!"

Chen Guojun narrowed his eyes slightly, scanned the beacon fires around, and said: "There are not many Song troops in the city, this must be their trick, and they want me to wait for the wind to be heard!"

He doubtless believed in his own judgment.

A mere Qiongzhou was not in his consideration at all.

Having said this, Chen Guojun's eyes flashed a little cold and stern, and he shouted: "This is just a trick of the Song army! Continue to ban the army in Anyuan County!"

The handsome flag waved.

Such cries spread throughout the army.

Yue Li Jun's army calmed down a little.

The army continued eastward.

However, it was not far.But they saw the real Song army rushing towards them.

Although these Song soldiers were nothing but pawns, many of them were holding the powerful Shenlong Gun.

More than ten cannons fired, kicking off the prelude to this battle.

Some soldiers had already set up grenades on the hillside not far away.

These were all specially assigned by Zhao Dongting to the Qiongzhou army before, so that they could use them to deal with the Qiongzhou rioters.Although there were not many of them, the booming sound was enough to deter Yue Li Jun's heart.

When they attacked Yongzhou City before, they had seen the power of this guy.

The [-] Qiongzhou Army formed six torrents, rushing out from everywhere.Just like a big river entering the sea, it launched an impact on the Yue Li army.




Suddenly, such a shout sounded in Yue Li's army.

Without waiting for Deshuaiqi to give instructions, the generals of the various armies hurriedly led their troops to resist the Qiongzhou army.

But after all, they fought in a hurry, facing the imposing Qiongzhou Army, they would undoubtedly suffer a big loss.

Although the number of Shenlong guns in the Qiongzhou Army is very small, the ordnance equipment is not even as good as a garrison military area.However, they are all old soldiers who have fought on the battlefield.

The cunning and fierceness of those rioters may not be under the Yue Li army.

There are dozens of hot air in the sky rising from the mountains not far away, and it is not far from the sky above Yue Li Jun at this time.

Each of the six torrents was commanded by a military flag, and after rushing out, they quickly rushed into the Yueli army formation.

The cavalry of the Yueli Army didn't even have time to charge, and they didn't play a role at all.

The charge of the Qiongzhou infantry is far less powerful than that of the cavalry, but their combat effectiveness is definitely not low.

The panicked Yue Li Jun was instantly torn six gaps open.

The originally long ranks were divided into sections.

Chen Guojun, Mao Zishi and others were surrounded by personal guards. At this moment, seeing the sudden chaos of the army, they suddenly felt at a loss.

Chen Guojun's face was no longer full of vigor, and his face was ashen. "How can there be so many Song soldiers can there be so many Song soldiers..."

Thinking of the bold words he said before, he felt a burning pain on his face.

Looking at his expression, the mask knew that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly shouted: "Commander! Hurry up and retreat!"

Chen Guojun smiled bitterly, "Withdraw...where to withdraw..."

In this short period of time, his army was already in chaos.Now, I am afraid that not many people can still take care of his handsome flag.


The mask sighed angrily, "If we don't withdraw, we will all die here."

As he said that, he didn't bother to ask Chen Guojun what he meant, and shouted loudly: "All the soldiers obey the order and protect the commander to break through to the west!"

They come from the west.As long as they can escape to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, they can follow the Hundred Thousand Mountains back to the territory of the Yue Li Dynasty.

Now, Mao Zishi no longer thinks about attacking Song at all.

Song Guo is too damn strong, and it is not something they can attack by surpassing Li Jun.

After arriving in the Great Song Dynasty, he simply wondered whether he and Chen Guojun had some IQ problems, and they were led by the nose everywhere by Song Jun.

But now that Chen Guojun has lost his mind, he can only preside over the overall situation.Isn't that the duty of the deputy commander?
In terms of character, the mask is actually a little more calm than Chen Guojun.

Following his yell, the warriors holding the big banner at the side rushed towards the west immediately.The surrounding soldiers of Yue Li watched the wind and moved.

But the number of people is probably only a few thousand.

Fighting is everywhere, chaos is everywhere.It is not bad to have so many soldiers still looking at the handsome flag.

In the sky, dozens of hot air balloons finally arrived.

They were pressed extremely low, probably no more than a hundred meters above the ground.Then spread out, looking for a place where Yue Li's soldiers were densely packed, and threw thunderbolts down.

One after another, thunderbolts fell to the ground and exploded.

This made De Yue Li Jun even more flustered.

Although they had [-] soldiers, at this time, more people were in a panic, running around like headless chickens.

There are not many people who are really fighting with the Qiongzhou Army.And these people obviously couldn't stop the Qiongzhou Army, which was like a torrent.

Under the guidance of the general flag, the Qiongzhou soldiers rushed back and forth on this land like an indestructible sharp blade.

Ran Anguo obviously had already arranged his tactics, and these six torrents had hidden secrets in their charge, just like eating snakes.

Although some generals in Yue Li's army wanted to prevent an effective blockade, their actions could not be hidden from the hot air balloon like an eagle in the sky.

Often the more Li Jun formed a formation, they would be blown to pieces.

The [-] army is useless.

The Qiongzhou army had the upper hand in this intentional and unintentional ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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