Chapter 851

Su Quandang and Wen Tianxiang of the Dasong Zhenbei Military Region and the Fujian Military Region had already made preparations early.

Along the border between the Song and Yuan dynasties, heavy troops were deployed in every major city.

In addition to the garrison of Jiangling Mansion, there are also Tiangang and Tianli armies led by Su Quandang and Liu Zaiyuan stationed in Jiangling Mansion.At the same time, Wen Qi also led the Changde garrison to arrive soon.

In the city of Ezhou, He Fangsong, Jin Hao, and Jiang Xiu commanded the three armies of Tianying, Tianfu, and Tianman.

In Longxing Mansion on Jiangnan West Road, there is the garrison military area of ​​Longxing Mansion, and Wen Tianxiang's Tianan, Tianyou, and Tiantian armies are stationed.

Wen Tianxiang led the three armies of Tiansu, Tianyi, and Tiansha to guard Jianning Mansion on Fujian Road.

And on the coastline not far from Jianning Mansion, there is Fuzhou, and there are more than [-] Fuzhou garrison in Fuzhou city.

It can be said that half of the troops of the Song Dynasty are gathered here. If the defenders of the cities are counted, there are more than 15 people.

It is conceivable that if there is a war, it will inevitably be an earth-shattering scene.

Only two days later, the Yuan army that had gathered in Xiangyang City went straight to Changlin County, which was the closest city in the Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty in the north of Jiangling Prefecture.

If the Yuan army wins, they will definitely go straight to Jiangling Mansion.

Their strategy is completely different from Xin Song and Dali.It can be described as menacing.

After Su Quandang learned that the Yuan army was going straight to Changlin, he called all the generals to discuss in the barracks.

If Changlin is lost, the Yuan army will stop in the Song Dynasty, and it will hit the morale of the Song Dynasty.Obviously, he was not willing to let the Yuan army capture Changlin like this.

On the same day, Su Quandang personally led the Changde garrison of Tiangang, Tianli and Wenqi to leave Jiangling Mansion and head for Changlin County.Only the Jiangling garrison was left in Jiangling Mansion.

The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty was never afraid of bloody battles.

There are countless examples of them winning more with less.

Although there were 15 Yuan troops that rushed down from Xiangyang, in Su Quandang's eyes, it was obviously not invincible.

As the top Qingrui faction in the army, his style of work is far bolder and tougher than those veterans in Miao Youli.

The [-]-strong army rushed to Changlin with food and grass.When they arrived, the Yuan army had not yet arrived.The distance from Xiangyang to Changlin is much longer than the distance from Jiangling to Changlin.

The county magistrate of Changlin was very excited when he learned that Su Quandang had arrived with his army, and hurriedly led all the officials to the gate of the city to meet him.

He was going to invite Su Quandang to have a banquet in the government office, but Su Quandang said: "At this time, the Yuan army is rushing towards Changlin. At this time, this commander should be on the top of the city."

It can be regarded as declining the kindness of Changlin county magistrate.

"Su Shuai is righteous."

The county magistrate of Changlin certainly wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity to flatter him, and all kinds of compliments immediately flowed like the water of the Yangtze River.

This is simply an essential skill for officials in this era.

Su Quandang was in a high position, so he was used to it, he just exchanged greetings and led the soldiers to the top of the city.

Catapults, grenades, etc. were carried to the top of the city.

Food and grass were transported to the military camp in the city.

Changlin County, which seemed a bit deserted at first, suddenly became lively.There are soldiers of the imperial army shuttling around.

The less than [-] defenders in the city were completely dumbfounded when they saw the equipment of the Forbidden Army.

They thought that the ratio of their weapons and armor was already very good. Only now when compared with the Imperial Army, did they feel like they were beggars.

In their army, only the generals have the standard steel armor, but everyone in the forbidden army has it. Moreover, these are only light cavalry and infantry, and the armor of the heavy cavalry in the forbidden army makes the defending generals shine. .

Armed like that, he is simply a beast in human form on the battlefield.

Just from the neat armor, the defenders seemed to be able to vaguely imagine the fighting power of the Forbidden Army.

Not long after, many people rushed out.

They helped the soldiers carry arrows, build bunkers, etc. Although there were factors called by the Changlin county magistrate, more of them were spontaneous.

This is not Kuizhou Road, which has been recovered by the Song Dynasty for a long time.Although it is close to the border of the Yuan Dynasty, many new policies of Zhao Dongting have achieved remarkable results here.

Therefore, the people here are not as blind as the people on Kuizhou Road.They have a lot of centripetal force for the Song court.

Spring rains are lingering.

The whole city was gradually shrouded in mist and rain.

On the top of the city, it was a scene of raging fire.

The people and soldiers ran back and forth.

Su Quandang didn't let the soldiers rest until all the equipment was moved to the top of the city and bunkers were built in various parts of the outer city.On this day, the food in the army was extremely rich.

And in the evening, when the city was full of fragrance and the smoke from the kitchen was curling up, the Yuan army finally rushed out of the city.

Their soldiers seem to be all over the mountains and plains, with no end in sight.The dark expanse blends with this gloomy world.

The trumpet sounded on the top of the city.

The Tiangang and Tianli soldiers stationed at the top of the city all looked out of the city intently.

And Wen Qi's Changde garrison is in the city, which can be regarded as a reserve.

"Prepare for battle!"

"Prepare for battle!"

The shouts of the generals of the Song Dynasty sounded from the top of the city.

However, the Yuan army quickly retreated outside the city.The people all over the mountains and plains gradually disappeared outside the city.

They camped about two miles away from Changlin County.

Obviously, although the Yuan army came aggressively, they did not rush to take Changlin County in a hurry.

Judging from this posture, they are afraid that they will play steadily.After all, fighting a war is actually a long-term thing.Unless it's like Yue Lijun, who just wants to fight Qiufeng like a robber.

What Kublai Khan wanted was the entire Great Song Kingdom.

At this time, in Ezhou, Longxing Mansion, Jianning Mansion and other places, the situation is similar to this Changlin.

The Yuan army on Huainan West Road went straight to the outside of Ezhou City, and also supported more than [-] troops.

The Yuan army on Jiangnan East Road bypassed Panyang Lake and went straight to Longxing Mansion from Yugan County.

The Yuan army on Liangzhe East Road also marched into the territory of Fujian Road.

Wen Tianxiang, Jin Hao and others made the same choice as Su Quandang. They all led their troops to resist, and they were determined not to let the Yuan Dynasty win any cities.

And none of these Yuan troops were in a hurry to launch an attack.

Obviously, their strategy is to play steadily.

With their strength, it seems that they can completely trap the more than [-] Song troops along the northern border.

Su Quandang, Wen Tianxiang and others each sent a letter to the city of Changsha.

Facing so many Yuan troops, they would of course ask Zhao Dongting what they should do to fight.After all, Zhao Dongting is currently in control of the overall situation.

The current Da Song family has a big business, which is different from before.Fighting can no longer be as casual as before, where you can kill wherever you want.

At this time, the country is facing enemies, whether to take the initiative to seek a decisive battle, or to passively defend and fight steadily, this is not something Su Quandang and Wen Tianxiang can decide.

Because they don't know the overall situation in the country now, all they can do is act according to Zhao Dongting's strategic policy.

Carrier pigeons landed in Changsha City one after another.

The Imperial Study Room of the Changsha Palace.

"Your Majesty, there is another urgent report on Fujian Road!"

The little eunuch Yi Shiyu ran over again.

It was dark outside by this time.


Zhao Dongting's voice came from the imperial study.

Yi Shiyu nodded to the guard at the door, and walked into the house.

Zhao Dongting and Le Chan were sitting on the dragon couch.

Yi Shiyu submitted the bulletin.


Zhao Dongting, who had read the letter, sneered a few times, "It's really menacing..."

He has received letters from Beijiang one after another, all of which say that the Yuan Dynasty army is suppressing the border.After a little calculation, the Yuan army may have more than 60 people.

"Close to the city without attacking it... Do you want to fight steadily, or do you want to move like a thunder?" Zhao Dongting murmured.Then he picked up a pen and wrote on the paper, "At present, the Song Dynasty is facing enemies on three sides. The troops of the New Song Dynasty and Dali are moving strangely in Kuizhou and Guangnan West Roads. They will not confront our army head-on. Their intentions are unpredictable. End the war. If the war in the north is also deadlocked, it will cause a huge burden on our army's food supplies. Therefore, I will wait for you to win a decisive battle with the Yuan army. Although our army is small, all of them are elite. I believe that you have such strength."

After finishing writing, he folded the letter and handed it to Yi Shiyu, "Send this letter to Fujian Luzhenghe County."

He has already replied three such letters, and the content is almost the same.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that the Yuan army is so powerful that the Song Dynasty should have dealt with it slowly, but Zhao Dongting was also worried that this would fall into the hands of Kublai Khan and Duan Qilin.Facing the new Song, Dali, and Yuan dynasties at the same time, it is indeed difficult for the Song Dynasty to last for a long time.

Therefore, the only thing we can do is to fight for a quick decision. Although this is dangerous, it is very likely to undo the power of Song Dynasty.

Yi Shiyu took the order and retreated.

Le Chan looked at Zhao Dongting's brows furrowed again, stretched out her hand to stroke his brows lightly, said nothing, but there was a look of heartache in her eyes.Zhao Dongting hasn't had a good night's sleep these days, and she sees it.

He is the man she loves the most, how can she not feel distressed?
Zhao Dongting held Le Chan's hand, tilted his head and smiled.

it is more than words.

(End of this chapter)

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